The leg in a cast swells. Reasons what to do

If a person does not have health concerns, he does not think about how to behave in case of certain diseases or injuries. Unfortunately, the human body is constantly at risk of injury to the lower extremities of the body. Fractures and bruises of the legs occur especially often in winter, when ice appears. Leg injuries are also associated with professional activities, this often happens to athletes.

Most often, plaster is used for leg fractures. There is a violation of the integrity of the bone under the influence of external factors. Fractures occur from injuries and pathologies. Traumatic fractures explain their name. Pathological bone fractures occur due to diseases: osteomyelitis, osteodystrophy, benign and malignant tumors.

There are open and closed fractures. Open injuries are accompanied by rupture of soft tissues, closed ones - without violating the integrity of the skin.

Leg in plaster

Signs of a broken leg include:

  • soreness;
  • inability to use the injured limb;
  • pathological mobility;
  • limited leg mobility;
  • unusual leg position;
  • the unmistakable sound at the moment of injury.

Open fractures occur, in which the bone is visible. Fractures are complicated by infection, shock, and injury to other organs. The leg bone can be broken completely or partially; with a complete fracture, bone displacement can occur.

Complex cases are considered when a part or a cluster of parts is separated from the bone, one part of the bone enters another, and the limb is flattened. The fragments formed during the injury significantly complicate the course of treatment and subsequent rehabilitation. The type of fracture is determined by a traumatologist using an x-ray examination.

The main task of doctors when healing a fractured limb is to save the patient’s life, restore bone integrity and maintain joint mobility. Plaster casts are made.

Fresh plaster

Modern rehabilitation techniques

Modern treatment methods will help quickly restore the joint of the lower limb:

  • Manual therapy
    . Allows you to relax muscles and activate the peripheral nervous system.
  • Kinesio taping
    . By applying tapes, it helps relieve swelling and improve lymph flow
  • Kinesiotherapy
    . It consists of selecting certain movements that improve the recovery process after injury.
  • Electromyostimulation
    . Due to the impact of current, it allows you to speed up the process of bone fusion.
  • Medical fitness
    . Includes yoga and pilates. Thanks to them, it is possible to increase the mobility of the joint.
  • IASTM therapy
    . Allows you to restore the functional purpose of tissues. It is carried out using special tools.
  • NEURAC Method
    . Allows you to activate unused muscles after injury and evenly distribute the load.

How exactly to restore the ankle after a fracture is determined by the doctor based on the complexity of the injury and the general health of the patient.

Tissue compression syndrome

One of the most dangerous complications of immobilization is tissue compression syndrome (divided into acute and chronic). This is a condition in which increased pressure in a confined space impairs blood circulation and tissue function. Tissue compression syndrome can cause partial or complete loss of limb function and even death.

Tissue compression syndrome

Acute tissue compression syndrome of the lower extremities occurs in 2–9% of patients with tibial fractures. Symptoms of nerve damage, such as paresthesia and tingling, appear as early as 30 minutes after the onset of ischemia, and irreversible damage can develop as early as 12 hours.

Diagnosing tissue compartment syndrome is difficult. The most common symptoms of acute compartment syndrome are pain, paresis, pallor, paralysis, high intracompartmental pressure and early signs such as numbness, tingling and paresthesia. Tissue compartment syndrome can also cause ischemic Volkmann's contracture. Consideration should be given to patients with tibial or other fractures who complain of disproportionate pain.

Tissue compression syndrome is a critical increase in pressure in a specific immobilized or compressed part of the body, which leads to a decrease in tissue perfusion pressure. The syndrome can develop with increased interstitial pressure in the osteofascial region.

Tissue perfusion is proportional to the difference between capillary perfusion pressure (KPS) and interstitial fluid pressure. When KPS is exceeded, capillary destruction and ischemia of muscles and nerves occur. A similar decrease in CPS occurs when the size of the compartment decreases, for example, due to external pressure.

Disadvantages of plaster casts

However, plaster casts have disadvantages. A leg in a cast may swell. The material is difficult to fix on protruding parts. When compressed with a plaster bandage, the flow of lymph and blood in the limb is disrupted.

Swelling occurs as a result of fluid accumulation at the site of injury. The process occurs due to compression of the veins in the casted limb. To relieve swelling of a casted leg, the limb is suspended on springs to the bed frame. The method is extremely effective. The toes of the injured leg are not cast, so that the patient can, by moving them, train the muscles of the limb, improving blood flow. A small part of the reasons for leg swelling in a cast is given.

Swelling also appears after removing the plaster cast; this occurs due to a disorder in the muscle tissue. As a result of a broken leg, nerves and joints are often damaged, leading to swelling. Doctors consider the problem of swelling after leg injuries to be mainly lymphatic, hence the name lymphostasis. Due to lymphostasis, complications arise: elephantiasis, skin thickening, ulcers. If swelling of the leg appears, regardless of the presence or absence of plaster, you should urgently consult a doctor. Unpleasant pleasant complications are likely.


For rehabilitation after a fracture of the ankle, after a fracture of the ankle, exercise therapy includes a number of exercises, and in this section we will present several examples - it is from them that an individual program is compiled for patients in accordance with age and other factors. Examples:

  • circular rotations of the foot in a lying position, slow flexion and extension of the fingers - the same procedures are recommended to be carried out with the healthy leg too;
  • The patient, lying on his back, brings his socks together and spreads them apart. It is important to make turns not with the feet themselves, but together with the hips;
  • straight legs carefully rise up, forming a right angle with the body and lower (do not “throw” the legs!) - this exercise is often done with the support of a health worker;
  • swing your legs left and right, up and down, here too without sudden movements;
  • Lying on his back, the patient performs movements with his legs that resemble pedal rotation. This exercise is called “bicycle”, it is also useful for healthy people;
  • rolling from heel to toe, walking on toes and heels. Such movements are allowed already at the final stage of rehabilitation.

Here is an example using a physioball, a special ball:

  1. Stand with your back to the wall, press the ball to your lower back.
  2. In this position, press yourself against the wall (the ball is between you and the wall). The feet and torso need to be bent forward.
  3. Begin to squat smoothly so that your knees bend at a right angle.

Platform (for stabilizer muscles):

  1. We stand on an unstable surface and bend our healthy leg at the knee.
  2. Learn to balance, to keep your balance in this position.
  3. Have you mastered it? Take the ball. Standing like this, throw the ball at the wall and catch it.

Another simple and useful exercise for our case:

  1. Place a bottle and a stick on the floor. Any cylindrical object.
  2. Leaning on your healthy leg, place the injured limb forward, pressing this object with your foot.
  3. In this position, roll it forward and backward on the floor.

There are many exercises for rehabilitation after an ankle fracture, both before and after the cast is removed, all of which should be performed under direct supervision or on the advice of a doctor.

Working with gait

Along with the listed exercises, you need to add a complex for quick gait restoration and rehabilitation. Here are some effective options:

  • Use your toes to grab and hold a small object;
  • Roll a ball with the foot of the sore limb;
  • Standing on your toes, on your heels;
  • Walking sideways and backwards.

If possible, you can exercise on exercise bikes. The listed exercises and prescribed treatment after an injury cannot be neglected. Physical education during rehabilitation quickly restores and heals the body from the day the cast is removed.

Recovery after a fracture should continue until the body is completely restored. You can stop exercising after you have regained mobility, swelling has subsided, and there is no pain. The success of rehabilitation depends not only on the will of the patient and the treatment program.

Sequence of applying a plaster cast

For fractures of the limbs, plaster casts are made without lining; in orthopedics, bandages are lined with cotton wool and gauze. When applying a bandage, the patient assumes a position in which the muscles are relaxed. To prevent bedsores, protruding parts of the bone should be covered with cotton pads. The plaster bandage is applied without tension, in a spiral manner, smoothing sections of the bandage with your hands, preventing folds.

Activity with plaster

At the flexion points, the bandage becomes thicker, the thickness reaches 6-10 layers. By removing the folds that lead to the appearance of bedsores, the leg remains motionless during the application of the plaster. To prevent the formation of compression in the cast, the limb should be supported by the surface of the palm while applying the bandage. The toes remain open; blood circulation and other disorders are judged by their appearance. If the fingers are cold, blue, and swollen, the doctor immediately removes the bandage, eliminating the causes of the symptoms. The bandage dries completely on day 3. The doctor makes recommendations to the patient on how to avoid deformation of the bandage, and what symptoms require immediate medical attention.

It is important to know the nuances of applying a plaster cast and to carefully monitor the implementation. A minor mistake can lead to serious or irreversible consequences. Properly applied plaster helps the injury heal quickly. Do not hesitate to point out to the doctor an error in the work; your health depends on correct execution.

How to prevent leg swelling

To prevent swelling, you need to keep the limb in a horizontal position, preferably at a slight elevation relative to the body, and place minimal stress on the sore leg. It is forbidden to remove the plaster yourself. The bandage should be worn for as long as recommended by your doctor.

After removing the plaster cast, it is recommended to wear an elastic bandage to support the injured area. Lubricate the injured area of ​​the leg with nutrients to help restore the injured area. Leg recovery is a long process; after complete recovery, use less physical activity. The doctor will prescribe a specially designed set of exercises for the speedy recovery of the limb.

It is important to monitor your diet, fluid and salt intake. When an injury occurs, motor activity is severely limited and energy consumption is minimal. Excess weight is possible, which will spoil the figure and put additional stress on the injured leg. Salt entering the body promotes fluid retention, which will increase the likelihood of edema. Avoid drinking alcohol; ethanol slows down the recovery process of the limb.

When you receive an injury, competent doctor recommendations and common sense are important in treatment. The set of therapeutic measures is agreed upon with the doctor; self-medication is prohibited! The process of recovery of the lower extremities after injuries is slow. Rehabilitation activities take a longer period of time than treatment. It will take a lot of time and effort to completely restore your leg and return to your normal lifestyle.

Take care of your health. Be careful when performing physical exercises and on ice, watch your health, its condition affects the strength of the body. The consequences of injury can be severe, even fatal. In any case, a simple injury and being on sick leave will not bring pleasure.

Application of plaster casts

Plaster casts were first used to treat bone fractures in 1851 and are still considered the main method. The plaster bandage fits well to the body, hardens easily, holds the assembled fragments well, and is easily removed.

Plaster is used to immobilize the leg. The method is used for:

  • extensive wounds (to prevent tissue displacement);
  • congenital dislocations;
  • congenital clubfoot (for the correct formation of the limbs);
  • bone cracks;
  • joint bruises.
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