Horse foot in a child: horse foot - causes, treatment and prevention of the disease

There are many pathological disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and various variations are especially often observed among the younger generation. Horse's foot in a child is one of them. This somewhat literary name is based on the visual perception of symptoms. In scientific terminology it is called the equinus form. Why is it similar in appearance? It’s just that when someone is upset, it’s as if a person stands up on tiptoe and cannot touch the floor surface with his heel. Physiologically, a deformed plantar part of the foot simply does not bend at the correct angle. The axis shifts, the fingers and joints act as support. From the outside it really looks like an imitation of horse tread.

But if the animal is so comfortable in principle, then the person experiences great discomfort from this. Structurally, our body is not designed for such an action, so chronic disease causes a lot of complications. The patient's situation worsens literally with every step. Therefore, medical intervention is recommended. In particularly advanced cases, surgical actions are not excluded. The pathogenesis of this disorder is very extensive. In this review, we will use it and its symptoms, diagnosis, form and treatment methods in different options.

Equine foot in children, causes

This pathology can be either congenital or acquired. What is noteworthy is that the lion's share consists of acquired cases. The influence of genetics and heredity is a rarity, bordering on exceptions to the rule.

Most often, pathogenesis can be traced to the presence of paresis factors. That is, partial paralysis, atrophy of muscle tissue in some areas. This may be due to damage to the sciatic nerve. But if we talk about paralysis, then there is simply no muscle tone. A person is not able to control his muscles or give them commands. And if paresis is present, then the balance of tissue activation shifts. The hyperactive part completely suppresses impulses in the more passive zone. As a result, part of the ankle does not seem to move. And the inclination of the sole changes, the toe tends down and the heel goes up.

But, despite the fact that partial paralysis is the most obvious cause, there are many other sources.

The symptom of cauda equina can develop due to:

  • Injuries to muscle tissue. Including tendon rupture. Often during the recovery process the position of the foot is incorrect. And the body just gets used to it. Due to this harmful adaptation, a habit develops that is very difficult to break. Also, injuries can, in principle, paralyze part of the muscle area, which is the direct source of the disorder.
  • Bone damage. It is not they themselves that lead to pathology. After all, until the bone heals, the leg will, in principle, have no mobility. But if it grows together incorrectly, then the outcome is a foregone conclusion. In fact, this is no longer a feature of the body and not the blind eye of fate, but a banal medical mistake. After all, plaster casts, like fixing bandages, are often applied by nurses, who may be inexperienced college graduates. And mistakes among such personnel are not uncommon.
  • Inflammatory process in soft tissues. There may be several reasons. From ordinary trauma to severe infectious disease. Do not forget that after some common disorders of the central nervous system, a fixed increased muscle tone may also occur. That is, the calf muscle will always be tense, which provokes deformation.
  • Tumors. We are, of course, talking about benign oncological formation. But it can also cause harm in the same way. One of the options for temporary restriction of mobility, which changes gait.
  • Compensation. And here we come to the varieties of sources of an innate nature. In this case, it is implied that one limb is, in principle, shorter than the other. And the horse's foot/leg develops because the limb is simply trying to adapt to its longer counterpart. This happens unconsciously, automatically. Hour by hour a person will accustom himself to such an action. And eventually, the body gives up.
  • Consequences of cerebral palsy.

What is foot paresis

Foot paresis is severe weakness in the leg muscles.
Due to the defect, the foot does not rise up and slaps when walking. Other names for this condition are “drop foot” or “horse foot”, “foot paralysis”. The disease often begins with sharp pain in the back, then it goes down below the knee. Soon after this, the pain goes away, and the foot stops moving and hangs down when walking. A person has to raise his leg high so that it does not drag on the floor. The leg may turn outward or inward, making it more difficult for the patient to walk and there is a risk of falling. A person with foot paresis cannot stand or walk on his heels.

Causes of deformation

The main changes are in two directions. The first is the physical inability to control muscles. As you could note, a significant part of the list above are problems that block muscle tone. And besides, the incorrect location of the bone tissue. That is, the physiological function is simply disrupted. Even if you really want to, the leg won’t start moving.

But the second is the restructuring of the body to meet the given requirements. Restraining bandages, plaster cast, shortened Achilles tendon, loose leg when walking on crutches, and so on. It turns out that equine foot syndrome occurs due to our initiation. We force our body to accept new changes.

Be that as it may, as soon as the pathology is diagnosed, it is necessary to urgently begin to fight it. Otherwise, a deformation that is not too disturbing at an early stage can over time almost completely deprive the limb of mobility. And even more than that, it can cause a lot of serious consequences and other diseases. And lead to a serious stage of disability.

Moreover, with a congenital syndrome, there are not many options to anticipate the problem at an early stage. The only option left is surgery. But with softer sources, you can always do prevention. We also described how equine foot manifests itself in cases of damage to the ankle, central nervous system, sciatic nerve, and so on. But they did not specify that the reason could be a much more banal thing. Uncomfortable shoes. Especially for a child who has soft bone tissue that easily changes under constant external mechanical pressure.


As the disease progresses, the symptoms intensify and cause complications. The patient's muscle strength in the legs decreases.

Without treatment of complications, cauda equina can lead to foot deformity. At first it is easy to return the foot to the correct position, but over time without fixation it will become more and more difficult. To prevent foot deformity, it is necessary to determine the cause of the defect as quickly as possible: it could be diseases of the spine or the consequences of a muscle injury.

In severe cases, the patient experiences paralysis of the foot and cannot walk independently. With the paralytic form of the disease, it is important to fix the foot in the correct position in time so as not to spoil the shape of the leg. For this purpose, orthopedic shoes and other devices are used.

If you consult a doctor in time and begin treatment for foot drop, the patient will be able to move freely again.

Characteristic symptoms

It seems that describing the symptoms is stupid, to say the least. Is it possible not to visually notice a disorder in a child? After all, it is clearly visible whether he constantly walks on tiptoes with an unnaturally turned foot or not. In fact, in the initial stages this disorder does not manifest itself at all so clearly. And it’s better to notice it early. To quickly get to the attending physician, who can make a specific diagnosis. After all, the sooner you start a course of treatment, the greater the chances of a full recovery.

To notice a deviation at a stage that is possible for preventive methods, you need to be attentive to your own child. At a later stage, it is immediately clear whether a person has a horse’s foot; photographs will confirm the clarity. But if there are no obvious signs, note the following factors:

  • Increased fatigue specifically in the legs during activity. In particular, this refers to walking. If the baby gets tired very quickly, although he seems to be full of energy, but refuses to walk, this is an alarm bell.
  • Pain syndrome. The location of the outbreak is closer to the foot. Pain in the lower part of the ankle may also be a signal. Be careful if your child complains of periodic pain in this part of the body.
  • The child reports that all his shoes are uncomfortable. This may be due to the fact that his own sole of the foot begins to bend. And familiar models become uncomfortable. In this case, it is recommended to purchase orthopedic shoes. Our project, OrthoPanda, specializes in shoes that can not only alleviate the disorder, but also treat it. That is, wearing is a common therapy prescribed by doctors.
  • Loss of sensation. Moreover, it is possible simultaneously with pain syndrome. Just in different parts. And this, by the way, is already an indicator that the equine foot has almost developed and treatment is needed immediately.
  • Change of gait. And even to a small extent. Many parents attribute these deformities to maturation and body growth. But sometimes it pays to be a little more careful.

Arch of the foot

To understand how foot deformities arise and cause harm, you need to understand how it is structured. The human foot consists of bones, joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles. All these “components” form a kind of frame. Thanks to this device, the foot can be very flexible, all the bones move well apart when moving and spring, so the feet play the role of a shock absorber when moving. If the legs are constantly exposed to various negative factors, they can become deformed, for example, become flatter, or, on the contrary, bend upward; in the latter case, they speak of a hollow and cauda foot. Such diseases are accompanied by a number of unpleasant sensations, including pain. The arches of the foot can be longitudinal or transverse; it is they that provide the necessary shock absorption. To feel the arch of your foot, you can look at your foot from the side, the inner and outer edges of it will be the longitudinal arch, and if you take your foot in your hand and squeeze it, a tubercle will appear, which is the transverse arch. When the disease occurs, the arches shift, and the leg becomes severely deformed in appearance.


During the initial examination, the doctor is, in principle, unable to make a diagnosis of this kind. But he can easily indicate his suspicions. To do this, he visually examines the position of the feet in normal condition. Examines gait and deviations. He also conducts specific tests, checking the mobility of joints, the possibility of bending at one angle or another.

After collecting information, the patient's medical history is thoroughly checked. The doctor will look for all factors that could theoretically be the cause. As we have already said, there are many of them. Injuries, fractures, torn tendons, dislocations, infectious diseases, tumors and much more.

Next comes research. Still, horse foot/leg is a disease that requires careful diagnosis. Therefore, radiography is prescribed. Depending on the situation, the patient may be referred for an ultrasound examination or even a magnetic resonance imaging scan. All prescriptions remain on the doctor’s conscience.

Don't forget about the usual tests. You will have to take a general blood and urine test.

The doctor will also ask certain questions about the child’s pastime and diet. If there are problems with calcium and vitamins in the daily diet, and there is little mobility in life, then the conclusion is obvious.

Diagnosis of equine foot in Israel in 3 days

At the Top Ichilov clinic, the most modern equipment is used to diagnose equine foot and the causes of its occurrence.
The experience of the diagnostician also plays a significant role in the correct assessment of the clinical picture. Often, orthopedists at the clinic have to deal with the fact that their less qualified colleagues give patients incorrect diagnoses. Such cases, according to Top Ichilov doctors, are about 30-40%. That is why there is such demand for revision of the diagnosis and treatment method made in the homeland. The clinic’s doctors perform it remotely; the patient does not need to come to Israel. Doctors communicate with patients via Skype call. An experienced orthopedic doctor analyzes the diagnostic data that the patient underwent in his homeland, refutes or confirms the diagnosis. He also recommends a treatment regimen that he believes will have the greatest effect. The doctor can tell the patient what Israeli medicine has to offer for his treatment. Regardless of whether the patient was examined at home, upon arrival in Top Ikhilov he needs to undergo diagnostics at the clinic’s research center. This will enable the attending physician to make an accurate diagnosis. The examination time is up to three days.

First day: initial examination

Consultation with the attending orthopedic surgeon, examination, medical history. For those who have used this consultation is free.

Day two: diagnostics

The clinic has the most modern equipment to perform the necessary studies:

  • MRI
  • CT
  • X-ray of the foot or ultrasound of the foot (for infants)
  • Electromyography

Third day: consultation

A special consultation, which is attended by orthopedists, surgeons, physiotherapists and other specialized specialists, after reviewing the diagnostic data, draws up a treatment plan.


If you look at what a horse’s foot is in a person, you can sometimes find contradictory and dissimilar photos. The thing is that there are not only different stages of this disorder. But also different forms of occurrence in principle.

They are partly based on the sources of the disease. There is, for example, a compensatory and traumatic form. That is, it becomes clear that in one case the development occurred due to unequal length of the limbs, and in the second due to a fracture or rupture of ligaments.

The term spastic form is also used. It differs only in that it appears only after the influence of cerebral palsy. However, due to damage to the sciatic nerve, which also leads to paralysis, a sagging form of pathology is formed.

Other possible symptoms of foot drop:

  • tingling, numbness and mild pain in the foot due to damage to the sciatic nerve;
  • disturbances in the flexion of the foot and its toes;
  • difficulty climbing stairs;
  • loss of sensitivity on the sole and in the area of ​​the outer edge of the foot;
  • atrophy of the leg muscles due to intervertebral hernia or spinal cord injury.

Foot paresis requires immediate treatment. Otherwise, the person will lose the ability to move independently and an irreversible foot deformity will develop.

Treatment methods

Depending on the stage, severity, course and age of the patient, different treatment methods are prescribed. But all instructions are given only by the attending physician. Therefore, there is no point in developing vigorous amateur activity, guided by some recipes from the field of traditional medicine found on the global network. After all, worried parents often storm the Internet, trying to find out what a horse’s foot is, a photo of which plunges them into even greater panic. This way you can only make the situation worse. But promptly following the doctor’s instructions is exactly the right decision.

So, treatment can be conservative, which is used in the early and middle stages, when the process is, in principle, still reversible. And in the most difficult cases, surgical intervention is already recommended.

Advantages of treatment at the Top Ichilov Clinic

  1. High professionalism of orthopedists.
    The doctors who receive foreign citizens at Top Ichilov are highly qualified professionals whose experience and qualifications allow them to cope even with severe cases of equine foot.
  2. Individual approach.
    The treatment regimen is developed for each patient separately, taking into account the characteristics of his clinical picture and concomitant diseases. The basic principle of Israeli doctors is “do no harm.” Therefore, before prescribing therapy, both its effectiveness and its safety for the patient are carefully weighed.
  3. Gentle methods of surgical treatment.
    During operations, only modern techniques are used, which are the least traumatic today.
  4. Reasonable price.
    The quality of treatment is combined with its moderate cost.
  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2
  5. 1

(5 votes, average: 3.6 out of 5)

Conservative therapy

Special plaster casts demonstrate high efficiency. Their main task is to fix the foot in the correct position. These fasteners will have to be changed at regular intervals, which is about once a week. The process becomes troublesome, given that the duration of such therapy is very long. It drags on for months. But the method is supported by the productivity, and what is equally important, the painlessness of the procedure. And if we remember that we are talking about a child, then it is extremely difficult to explain to him the need for treatment if it is accompanied by pain. Over a long period of time in a strictly controlled position, the body's habit changes significantly. The adaptation process is taking place again, but in the right direction.

Massage is also appreciated. Moreover, at an early age, massage procedures accompany the child everywhere. In addition to the positive effect as a therapeutic therapy, this technique also has a lot of additional advantages. Improves blood flow, stabilizes muscle tone, kneads and strengthens soft tissues. It also has a positive effect on the skin.

Physiotherapy has also found its response, electrophoresis is especially often prescribed.

Another method, which is prescribed in almost all cases, is the treatment of equine foot by wearing orthopedic shoes. This is the most gentle method that gradually promotes recovery. In fact, special shoes, coupled with fixing brackets and insoles, keep the foot in a strictly required position. And again a physiological habit is developed.

Go to the orthopedic shoes section

You can find these products in the widest range here, in the OrthoPanda company catalog. We carefully monitor the quality of our products and have the necessary licenses for our activities. All products are tested by leading medical communities and regulatory authorities. And many different product lines allow you to choose a product for any age group for each diagnosis. And strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician. A nice addition is the balanced price parameter. We perfectly understand the current situation in the country and the purchasing power of citizens, so we set a price that is an order of magnitude lower than the market average. This is a savings of around 20% on every purchase. And for regular customers we have special, even more advantageous offers and special discount and bonus programs.


The pathology requires serious therapy, especially the advanced form. In the future, it is fraught with dysfunction of the knee or hip joint, and deformation of the spinal column. Sometimes deviations in internal organs are possible. Depending on the degree of damage to the foot, the doctor will suggest conservative or surgical treatment. The first option is more preferable, and the operation requires a long recovery.


To relieve unpleasant symptoms, the following medications are prescribed:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain and inflammation - Nimesulide, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen;
  • medications that improve nerve conduction - Proserin, Neuromidin;
  • drugs that stimulate blood circulation of the peroneal nerve - Trental, Cavinton;
  • antioxidants – vitamin complexes.

The duration of the course of taking the medication is set individually, and is used until the symptoms completely disappear.


Physiotherapeutic activities are an effective therapeutic method that helps improve a person’s well-being. Therapeutic gymnastics and massages are widely practiced. The technique is based on normalizing blood flow in the affected area, relieving tension in the foot muscles and the boot, and restoring lost flexibility.

  1. Gymnastics is carried out according to standard physical therapy techniques, starting with changing the position of the body on the orthopedic table while fixing it with a belt. During the activities, non-functional muscles and joints are developed and stretched.
  2. Further, orthostatic gymnastics is complemented by more intense exercises with a ball and other objects. They also resort to activities to improve fine motor skills of the feet, where they need to grasp small objects with their toes by bending them.
  3. In addition to physical therapy, corrective splints are used to create pressure or tension in a specific area of ​​the foot and ankle.

The required treatment does not take place without orthopedic shoes, which are individually selected by the doctor. In more severe situations, plaster structures or a distraction-compression device are used.


When there are changes in the muscles, joints, bone and joint tissues, the feet have become heavy, surgery is indicated. Surgical resolution is carried out using the following methods:

  • lengthening of the Achilles joint;
  • muscle-tendon plasticity;
  • fixation of the foot and ankle with plaster for 4-6 to 10-12 weeks, if bones/joints were affected during the operation;
  • after the period of immobilization is completed, physiotherapy, massages, gymnastics and hydrokinesitherapy are indicated.

Attention! It is necessary to prepare for the fact that surgical manipulation can worsen the condition of the lower extremities if the hollow foot occurs due to shortening of its length. Then you will have to wear orthopedic shoes. In addition to one-time surgical resolution, the technique of transosseous osteosynthesis with the Ilizarov apparatus is practiced. The technique helps to correct the deformed position of the foot.

Postoperative rehabilitation

After surgery, preventive rules should be followed for six months.

  1. Walk alternately on your toes and heels, the outer and inner surface of the foot.
  2. In a sitting position, roll balls and rolling pins with your feet.
  3. Jump on both legs in turn, trying to stand on the surface with your entire foot.
  4. Standing on your knees, bend your back, maintaining your balance.
  5. Work out on an exercise bike.

Doctors recommend skiing after recovery. This is an excellent prevention of relapses and complications.

Folk remedies

Unconventional methods are used to enhance the effect of conservative treatment. They help reduce inflammation and pain.

  1. Herbal baths. Chamomile is widely used to provide anti-inflammatory and calming effects. Warm baths are prepared by adding 3-4 tablespoons of herbs to 3 cups of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, strain. Pour the mixture into the bath. Place sore feet in it for 15 minutes, then wipe and massage with cream. As a result, blood circulation will improve and muscles will relax.
  2. Baths with sea salt. To prepare, pour 2-3 tablespoons of salt into a bowl of warm water and stir. Keep your feet in the bath for 20 minutes, then wipe off.
  3. Compresses with wormwood. They are effective in relieving pain and inflammation in tissues. Pour boiling water over the leaves, leave for 1 minute, apply warm to the affected feet. You can secure them on top with a bandage and leave them overnight.
  4. To relieve pain, you can use iodine nets. Do them 2 times a day.

Folk remedies include contraindications. They should not be used by persons with damaged skin. Also, the components can cause an allergic reaction.

Surgical intervention

The last stage, when other options are simply unable to qualitatively change the situation, remains surgery. To do this, surgeons open the skin, soft tissues and make cavities in the ankle bone itself. And then they attach a supporting apparatus to it.

Wearing this frame after surgery is expected to be quite long. When the disorder is severe, up to a year. And recovery after the procedure is not the most pleasant either.

Intervention on soft tissues.

The formation of a cavus foot is associated with weakness of the tibialis anterior and peroneus brevis muscles, shortening of the plantar aponeurosis and Achilles tendon.

Thus, surgical correction of deformity always requires soft tissue intervention to restore tendon-muscular balance.

The plantar fascia (plantar aponeurosis) is released.

Transposition of the tibialis posterior tendon onto the dorsum of the foot to strengthen the tibialis anterior. Transposition of the peroneus longus tendon to the insertion of the peroneus brevis or their tenodesis is also performed to enhance foot eversion.

The Achilles tendon is lengthened, which can be performed minimally invasively using skin punctures.


Doctors recommend increasing a child’s mobility as a preventative measure. Constant use of massage, no long downtime without activity. There are also a lot of exercises that are aimed at developing joint flexibility.

The second aspect that is worth paying attention to is a balanced diet. A child needs a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, microelements, and what is most important in the context of the topic of this review is calcium. Accordingly, you should never forget about the proven benefits of dairy products for babies.

Also, as a preventive measure, if there is a suspicion of the formation of a deviation, you should use orthopedic shoes (for example, orthopedic sandals). Some models are widely used without medical prescription.

Cauda equina in humans is a serious disorder. And it is always better to anticipate it than to later arrange a protracted struggle with varying success.

Prevention and prognosis

Prevention of equine foot involves general strengthening of the body.
It is also necessary to be attentive to your health and do not neglect going to the doctor if any signs of illness appear. It is very important to detect the disease in time and treat it in order to restore normal function of the foot. To avoid foot problems, you need to eat right, exercise regularly and give up bad habits. A healthy lifestyle will help strengthen muscles, joints and bones, thereby significantly reducing the risk of paralysis and other disorders in the body's tissues. Share:

Treatment of varus deformity of the lower extremities

Table of contents

  • What are varus deformities?
  • Types and degrees of deformation
  • Causes and symptoms of deformities
  • Diagnostics
  • How is varus deformity of the lower extremities treated?
  • Advantages of contacting MEDSI

Varus deformity of the lower extremities is a rather dangerous pathology.
Most often it occurs in preschool children and requires mandatory treatment. Otherwise, not only the altered foot will be damaged, but also the lower leg and thigh.

Today there are effective methods for treating varus deformity in children and adults. You just need to contact experienced specialists in a timely manner. They will select the necessary equipment to carry out therapy at various stages of defect development.

What are varus deformities?

This pathology of the musculoskeletal system is characterized by curvature of the arches of the foot and its axis.

The foot turns inward. This leads to uneven distribution of the load when walking and in a static body position. Unlike congenital clubfoot, the defect can occur both in the first years of a child’s life and in adults under the influence of various aggressive factors.

Treatment of varus deformity of the lower extremities should be carried out as early as possible. Otherwise, the shins will also change, they will take on an O-shape. The knee joints also suffer from this pathology. They develop unevenly in relation to each other. Thus, the defect introduces changes into the entire cartilaginous and bone structure of the lower extremities.

Treatment of varus deformity of the foot and leg in children and adults is especially important due to such possible consequences as:

  • severe swelling of the limbs
  • development of muscular dystrophy
  • blood stagnation in the legs
  • phlebeurysm
  • frequent sprains
  • pinched nerve endings

With pathology, a person’s heel is constantly positioned incorrectly, which can provoke gait disturbances. In some cases, osteoarthritis develops against the background of the disorder, a disease that leads to the gradual destruction of cartilage and bones.

Against the background of congenital or acquired deformities in the first years of life, delays in mental and mental development may occur. This is due to the fact that biologically active points on the foot do not receive the required load. Children may face difficulties communicating with peers, as they are deprived of opportunities for outdoor games. All this leads to serious consequences!

Types and degrees of deformation

Before starting treatment for varus deformity of the foot, its type and degree must be determined.

Depending on the cause of the pathology, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Static.
    This type usually occurs when posture is abnormal, when the load is distributed incorrectly
  2. Structural.
    This defect is the result of malposition of the talus (which forms the lower part of the ankle joint)
  3. Rachitic.
    This deformity occurs due to rickets
  4. Compensatory.
    The foot is bent due to congenital abnormalities in the ankle joint, deformation of the tibia or shortening of the Achilles tendon
  5. Paralytic.
    Pathology is a consequence of such serious diseases as polio or encephalitis
  6. Spastic.
    The disease develops as a consequence of muscle spasms and causes not only curvature of the foot, but also shortening of the limb
  7. Traumatic.
    The defect is a consequence of ligament ruptures, dislocations and other injuries.
  8. Hypercorrectional.
    Deformity occurs due to improper treatment of other foot diseases

There are several degrees of pathology:

  1. Easy.
    At this stage, the deformity is almost invisible, since the angle of the heel does not exceed 15 degrees and is not visualized. This pathology cannot be detected even by very attentive mothers of children. That is why you should be regularly examined by an orthopedic surgeon. He will immediately suspect a violation and order an x-ray examination to clarify the diagnosis.
  2. Average.
    At this stage, it is already possible to notice disturbances, since the foot is becoming more and more deformed, pathological changes develop slowly, so it is still difficult to notice them (especially in children). However, a child, like an adult, begins to experience unpleasant symptoms, for example, pain when standing for long periods of time. Deviations when walking become visually noticeable. If you look at the sole of the patient's shoes, you will notice increased abrasion on the outside
  3. Heavy.
    With such deformation, all changes are already noticeable. The legs become crooked, and often the knees simply cannot be brought together, as a space forms between them. Patients complain of severe pain

Causes and symptoms of deformities

The main causes of pathology include:

  1. Hereditary factor
  2. Congenital changes
  3. Birth injuries
  4. Endocrine diseases
  5. Overweight child
  6. Lower limb injuries at an early age
  7. Weakened immunity
  8. Rickets due to vitamin D deficiency
  9. Wrong selection of shoes

Important! Until 2 years of age, the diagnosis of “Varus deformity of the foot” is not made and treatment is not carried out. This is due to the fact that small deviations in children are considered normal. As joints and bones form, they are naturally eliminated. Therapy is prescribed after diagnosis at 2 years of age and beyond. In order not to miss the moment when the norm has turned into a pathology, you need to carefully monitor the child.

Disorders in children are usually indicated by:

  • unsteadiness of gait and awkward jumps
  • constant falls
  • Difficulty running and active games
  • inability to fully straighten knees

Adults may experience problems related to:

  • unequal position of the knee joints on different legs
  • shifting the hip to the side
  • visually noticeable deviations outward of the middle part of the shin
  • uneven gait
  • clubfoot
  • rapid abrasion of shoes from the outer edge


Detection of pathology always begins with a simple examination. An experienced orthopedist is able to identify changes in the early stages.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the following are prescribed:

  1. X-ray examination. Such diagnostics allows you to obtain photographs of the feet in 3 projections and draw conclusions about the presence of pathology, its type and stage. The doctor will also be able to determine the degree of involvement of the surrounding soft tissues in the defect.
  2. CT and MRI. These studies are even more informative. Thanks to the images obtained, the doctor can draw conclusions about the degree of deviation of all joints and bones from the norm. Specialists also have access to information about the condition of ligaments, joints and muscles. The examination can confirm or exclude a number of foot diseases

How is varus deformity of the lower extremities treated?

The technique is selected individually. When selecting optimal methods and regimens of therapy, the following are taken into account:

  • degree of disease
  • patient age
  • general state
  • accompanying illnesses

In some cases, they are limited to preventive measures.

They imply:

  • foot massage
  • wearing orthopedic shoes
  • physiotherapy
  • exercise therapy classes

In advanced cases, surgical intervention is often unavoidable.

The deformity is corrected using osteotomy. With this intervention, incisions are made in the bones and an Ilizarov apparatus is installed, which is selected individually for the patient. The treatment process for tibia varus in children and adults is quite lengthy.

Advantages of contacting MEDSI

  • Availability of modern diagnostic equipment.
    Thanks to it, a comprehensive examination is carried out in the shortest possible time and allows you to obtain accurate data on the condition of the joint
  • Experienced doctors.
    Our orthopedists have all the necessary knowledge and skills, constantly improving them, introducing new methods for correcting various pathologies
  • Individual selection of treatment methods for varus deformity of the foot and knee joint
  • No queues.
    Thanks to this, you will not have to wait long and waste time
  • Modern operating rooms and hospital.
    They are equipped with everything you need. The operating rooms have expert class equipment. Doctors use specialized instruments. The wards have the necessary furniture and equipment to ensure the comfort of patients. Patients are surrounded by round-the-clock attention from staff
  • Opportunity for comprehensive rehabilitation.
    Recovery is provided using modern methods and programs

If you are planning treatment of varus curvature of the foot and leg in a child or adult, and would like to find out the cost and other features of the therapy, call +7 (495) 7-800-500.

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