Magnetic laser therapy: safety and unlimited possibilities.

Laser therapy, or low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is the use of low-energy optical radiation of a certain range. In medicine, for therapeutic purposes, red (wavelength 635 nm) and infrared (wavelength 904 nm) types of radiation from artificial radiation sources (semiconductor or laser diodes) are most often used.

The depth of penetration of laser radiation depends on the wavelength (infrared laser has greater penetrating ability - up to 40-70 mm), the degree of tissue compression (increases by 3 times), when combined with PMP (increases by 2 times).

What is laser therapy?

Laser therapy is one of the most effective procedures of classical physiotherapy, successfully used in inpatient settings. In simple terms, this is a method of influencing the human body using directed streams of light. This is a relatively young method, but its effectiveness is beyond doubt and has been proven by scientific research. Laser therapy works great both alone and in combination with other techniques. In the latter option, even the most complex cases can be treated.

Indications and contraindications for magnetic laser therapy

The procedure is indicated for pneumonia, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, hypertension, coronary heart disease, VSD, varicose veins, angina pectoris, thrombophlebitis, arthritis, myositis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, impaired blood circulation in the brain, neuritis of facial nerve endings, herpes, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema.

It is advisable to carry out MLT if the patient has gastritis, hepatitis, colitis, ulcers, pancreatitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, pulpitis, alveolitis, glossalgia, periodontal disease, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, long-term pyelonephritis.

Doctors insist on magnetic laser therapy for various fractures, liver and kidney damage, adhesions, infertility, menopausal syndrome, urolithiasis, fallopian tube obstruction, trophic ulcers, purulent and inflammatory processes in the body.

Biliary dyskinesia, joint diseases, thyroid dysfunction, burns, frostbite, diabetic retinopathy, endocrinopathy, reparative processes are diseases and ailments that need to be treated with MLT therapy and, in some cases, the use of medications.

Contraindications to magnetic laser therapy include:

  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • anemia;
  • severe disruption of the heart and blood vessels;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • photoophthalmopathy;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • pulmonary failure.

In case of endocrine pathological changes, porphyrin disease, photodermatosis, fever, thyrotoxicosis, magnetic laser therapy is prohibited.

The procedure is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. It is also not recommended to prescribe manipulation to a patient with mental disorders.

Benefits of laser therapy

The list of positive effects from laser therapy is quite impressive. Moreover, not only the site of laser exposure responds, but also the entire body as a whole. We can say that after such treatment, special processes are launched that renew the body and soul. Among the main advantages of this method are the following:

  • Tissues are filled with life-giving oxygen and nutrients;
  • Cells get rid of toxins, which, in turn, are actively eliminated by the lymphatic system;
  • The elasticity and permeability of blood vessels improves, new capillaries are restored and formed;
  • Due to the activation of the enzyme system, digestion improves and metabolism accelerates;
  • Your immune system becomes stronger, your mood and overall well-being improve.

As a result, after a course of laser therapy - and reviews confirm this - a person feels younger, fresher and more energetic. It is important that the procedures, their type, duration and frequency, are prescribed by the attending physician after examining and interviewing the patient.

Magnetic laser therapy: safety and unlimited possibilities.

The global clinical practice of laser therapy has been around for several decades. Its use is officially recognized by most countries as an effective method of treating various diseases. Experimental and clinical studies have clearly proven that the combined use of low-intensity laser radiation in the infrared (IR) spectrum and a constant magnetic field significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy.

Beneficial effects of magnetic laser therapy

Laser beams penetrate deeply into cells and tissues, normalize blood circulation, metabolism, stimulate the immune system, and have a positive effect on the production of hormones . Infrared laser beams affect various reflex zones, regulate the autonomic and central nervous system, and help reduce inflammation. The magnetic field activates metabolic processes, regeneration and restoration of cells. Thanks to the magnetic effect, the nutrition of tissues and cells is enhanced in the body. The simultaneous action of natural laser radiation and a magnetic field leads to the appearance of the photomagnetoelectric effect. These developments of Russian scientists allowed NPO Space Instrumentation to create a series of devices “ MILTA ” (Magnetic-Infrared Laser Therapeutic Apparatus) combining a low-intensity pulsed laser, a magnetic field generator and constant IR radiation from LEDs. The ability to combine treatment methods and a wide range of light-guide attachments (gynecological, ENT, cosmetic, etc.) allows the effective use of MILTA devices by medical specialists, not only as an auxiliary method of rehabilitation and treatment of patients, but also as monotherapy, practically in all areas of medicine: dentistry, neurology, surgery, traumatology and orthopedics, gastroenterology, dermatology and cosmetology, otorhinolaryngology, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, pulmonology, urology, phthisiology, cardiology, and many others. Thanks to the built-in biophotometer, IR testing is carried out simultaneously with therapy, allowing you to select individual treatment parameters for each patient, taking into account his physical, age parameters and susceptibility to IR radiation.

Benefits of magnetic laser therapy

  • Safety. The use of magnetic laser therapy devices under the supervision of a medical specialist has no absolute contraindications . All methods of influence used are natural for humans.
  • The effectiveness of therapy for certain diseases reaches 98%. The recovery and rehabilitation time is almost doubled.
  • Drug-free. Magnetic laser therapy greatly enhances and prolongs the effect of medications and cosmetics, which can significantly reduce their consumption.

Indications for using the MILTA device

Surgery: Indications: burns and frostbite, wounds in various stages of healing, bone fractures, boils and carbuncles, diseases of the vascular system, trophic ulcers and other diseases of the group. Results: When treating burns and frostbite, after just a few procedures, swelling, pain, and redness are eliminated, and the duration of all phases of the wound process is reduced. The progress of rehabilitation after surgery is accelerated. In case of fractures, callus forms faster, swelling and pain disappear, and microcirculation is normalized. In case of dislocations and bruises, recovery time is significantly reduced. When treating diseases that cause malnutrition of the skin, healing of ulcers occurs faster. There is a normalization of temperature and improvement in blood flow to the extremities.

Cardiology: Indications: coronary heart disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction), hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Results: Treatment involves a gradual reduction in the dosage of medications, and sometimes their complete abolition in parallel with the introduction of laser therapy. The effect of the device, having anti-ischemic and antiarrhythmic effects, leads to an increase in the electrical stability of the myocardium, stabilization of blood circulation and heart activity, and, as a result, resistance to physical stress. The use of the MILTA laser device improves microcirculation and oxygen transport in the blood, and helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Implanted pacemakers, artificial valves and pacemakers are contraindications for the use of the device.

Neurology, arthrology: Indications: diseases of the joints and spine - osteochondrosis, radiculitis and neuritis, arthritis and arthrosis, neuralgia and other diseases of the central nervous system. Results: With intervertebral hernias, the progression of the process is stopped, and thus surgery can be avoided. As a rule, after several procedures a pronounced analgesic effect is observed. Blood flow improves, swelling is relieved, and functional mobility of joints improves. Treatment of osteochondrosis gives a more sustainable effect when combining laser therapy with massage and physiotherapy.

Pulmonology: Diseases: bronchial asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. Results: The use of the MILTA laser therapy device is promising in the treatment of patients with lung diseases due to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial and a number of other effects. When using the MILTA laser device in the treatment of bronchitis, after just a few procedures, the vast majority of patients experience an improvement in their overall well-being. Body temperature normalizes, airway patency improves, cough and the amount of sputum produced decreases, and the inflammatory reaction of the bronchi decreases. After completing a course of treatment, children who are often ill do not get sick for 5-6 months. In case of bronchial asthma, the use of the MILTA device leads to a general improvement in the condition of patients, abundant mucus discharge, and a decrease in symptoms requiring inhalation.

Urology: Indications: nephritis and pyelonephritis, prostatitis, adenoma, urethritis and others. Results: The use of the MILTA device in combination with traditional methods of treatment helps reduce inflammation, normalize the function of the prostate gland, weaken the symptoms of diseases, helps to significantly reduce the amount of medications consumed, and significantly speeds up the treatment process. Regular preventive measures using the device will help to avoid exacerbations of chronic forms of diseases.

Gynecology: Diseases: menopausal syndrome, inflammation of the appendages, endometritis, mastitis, childbirth and postpartum complications, adhesions in the pelvis, infertility. Results: Most often, the MILTA laser device is used to treat acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the female genital organs. A significant effect is achieved in subacute and chronic salningoophoritis, as well as in adhesions with pain.

Proctology: Indications: paraproctitis, hemorrhoids, anal itching and fissures. Results: the use of the MILTA laser device at an early stage of the disease often makes it possible to prevent surgical intervention. The device can also be used to improve the results of postoperative treatment of benign diseases of the anorectal region. Laser radiation activates many processes in the body, increases energy and plastic metabolism, enhances microcirculation, stimulates regeneration processes, normalizes cellular metabolism, which ensures a smooth course of the postoperative period.

Dermatology: Indications: dermatitis and dermatoses, neurodermatitis, eczema, herpes, acne. Results: For eczema, the use of the MILTA device leads to the elimination of skin manifestations and long-term remission. In case of herpes, the use of the device during the early manifestations of the disease interrupts the development of the process, and in advanced cases, the device promotes reverse development.

Cosmetology: Indications: Cellulite, smoothing wrinkles, removing swelling and preserving youthful skin. Results: The MILTA device is effective in the treatment of cellulite, especially in combination with other treatment methods (for example, vacuum massage, balneotherapy, physical therapy, etc.). The development of the disease stops, biochemical and physiological processes are normalized, and the structure of the affected tissues is restored. The use of the MILTA laser therapy device promotes the resorption of puffiness under the eyes and, with regular use, promotes the production of collagen when age-related changes appear. Magnetic laser therapy enhances and prolongs the effect of using cosmetics.

Otorhinolaryngology: Indications: Tonsillitis, otitis media and rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and all types of lesions of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Results: For diseases such as chronic tonsillitis, enlarged adenoids, etc. in most cases, surgery can be avoided. The use of the MILTA laser device after surgery on the ENT organs leads to rapid pain relief, relieves swelling, and prevents the occurrence of complications. For sinusitis, the use of the MILTA device can reduce treatment time by 25-30% compared to traditional therapy. With otitis media, after 3-4 procedures, patients experience pain, itching stops, and lasting improvement occurs.

Gastroenterology: Indications: gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, other gastrointestinal diseases, cholecystitis and pancreatitis, hepatitis. Results: For chronic cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia, the use of the MILTA laser therapy device reduces the process of inflammation in the liver and gallbladder, normalizes their functions, eliminates spasms of the sphincters of the extrahepatic biliary tract, reduces the surface tension and viscosity of bile. The effect of the device stimulates the process of liver regeneration. This increases local immunity. In case of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, duodenitis, after several procedures there is a decrease in pain and an improvement in general condition. According to endoscopy, a decrease in the inflammatory reaction is observed, microcirculation improves, and rapid healing of the ulcer occurs.

Dentistry: Indications: Damage and ulcers of the oral mucosa, pulpitis, periodontal disease, swelling and trauma to the oral cavity. Results: For periodontal disease and other diseases of the mucous membrane, after the 2nd session the pain syndrome is significantly reduced, after 3-5 sessions the elimination of inflammatory phenomena is observed. In all cases, the healing process of the mucous membrane is accelerated by 1.5-2 times. The use of the MILTA device reduces the solubility of the surface layer of tooth enamel and promotes the disappearance of lesions with reduced mineralization.

Sports injuries: Indications: Injuries, bruises, sprains and dislocations, acceleration of recovery after extreme loads. Results: Magnetic laser therapy effectively stimulates metabolic and physiological processes in the body. On average, it reduces the healing time of injuries and bruises by almost 2 times. The MILTA device has shown itself to be an important part of maintaining the athletic shape of athletes in preparation for competitions.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the indications and contraindications for a given patient . The device affects a certain area of ​​the body for no more than 20 minutes, so it does not have a negative effect. The course of treatment varies from 10 to 15 sessions. The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician.

The procedure is performed by nurses in the MedLab treatment room in Ozerki

The article was checked by a doctor, candidate of medical sciences Elena Georgievna Gnatovskaya

Features of the procedure

Laser therapy can be either non-invasive (external) or intra-organ (invasive). In the first case, the laser, like a pointer or pen, is directed at a certain area of ​​the body at a certain distance. In the second, a flexible probe with a device at the end is placed inside the cavity. The duration of laser exposure can be short (several seconds) or relatively long (up to 30 minutes). A standard course of laser therapy consists of 14 procedures. Treatment can be carried out once a quarter as prescribed by a doctor.

Conducting MLT

The patient does not need to prepare in advance for the procedure. The patient takes off his clothes and sits down on the couch.

A person should relax as much as possible and not worry. If the therapy will be carried out to treat dermatological diseases, ulcers, burns or frostbite, then it is necessary to expose the area that will be affected by the device.

The specialist fixes special plates on the patient’s body and turns on the device. During the manipulation, the patient should not feel discomfort or pain.

After 10-15 minutes, the doctor turns off the device and removes the plates. The patient should quickly get dressed to warm the affected area of ​​the body.

After physiotherapeutic manipulation, the area affected by laser radiation and magnetic field should be insulated. You can use a warm scarf or a wide elastic bandage. The specialist uses only modern equipment during manipulation. The best devices for MLT are:

  • "Milta";
  • "Loomis";
  • "Transcranio";
  • "Vector" and "Ant".

All these devices work on the same principle and are widely used by doctors in private and public clinics.

Advantages of the technique

The most significant advantages of this treatment method include the following:

  • safe penetration of radiation into tissues and cells of the body;
  • activation of protective forces;
  • no serious side effects or complications after the procedure.

Thanks to magnetic laser therapy, it is possible to get rid of a large number of pathologies. In addition, the advantages of the procedure include the possibility of getting rid of inflammatory processes, swelling, and allergic reactions.

Magnetic laser therapy, affecting the patient’s body, restores it. As a result, tissue energy metabolism improves, metabolism is stimulated, and collagen production is observed. This method of therapy is distinguished by the presence of immunomodulatory and desensitizing effects.

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