Numbness of the legs - cause, diagnosis, treatment

Numbness in the legs is an unpleasant sensation associated with loss of sensitivity and flexibility of the lower extremities. This feeling of numbness in the limbs is often accompanied by tingling, burning and a feeling of cold. Numbness in the legs occurs when there is a disturbance in the transmission of impulses from the nerve receptor to the brain. Faced with such a problem, people often ask themselves the question: “Do I need professional medical help?” Mandatory consultation with a neurologist
is necessary in the following cases:

  • Symptoms of numbness in the legs often occur for no apparent reason.
  • Numbness of the extremities of the legs is accompanied by impaired coordination of movement.
  • Numbness and pain in the extremities makes physical activity difficult.
  • Sensitivity to various temperature conditions is significantly reduced. A person ceases to distinguish between cold and warm.
  • Simultaneously with the numbness of the legs, the person begins to feel weak and dizzy.

If you feel numbness in your legs, do not put off visiting a doctor. This symptom can be a harbinger of many diseases. The doctor will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

The main reasons for the development of numbness in the legs

Numbness in the legs, the treatment of which requires a professional approach, can be caused by a variety of reasons:

  • Spinal diseases are the most common cause of numbness in the legs, the treatment of which is not recommended to be delayed. This is, as a rule, a pronounced sign of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region. Numbness of the legs, the cause and treatment of which require an individual approach, in this case is pronounced. Compression of the nerve roots leads to tissue compression at the reflex level. Feeling numbness and pain in the extremities, the patient may complain of symptoms such as coldness and “wooliness.” Numbness and pins and needles on the leg are often observed. If there is numbness in the toes, the causes and treatment of which are determined by the doctor, the problem may lie in the lumbar spine.
  • The presence of systemic formations - tumors, diabetes, etc.
  • Tunnel syndrome. In this case, numbness and burning in the leg occurs in people who are primarily engaged in monotonous activities due to their profession.
  • Destruction of neuron membranes (multiple sclerosis).
  • Impaired blood flow (Raynaud's disease). Paroxysmal numbness of the leg is accompanied by severe pain.
  • Arthritis. Deformation of the joints leads to compression of the nerve fibers, which causes a feeling of numbness in the limbs.
  • Pregnancy. Numbness of the legs, the treatment of which is carried out under the supervision of professionals, often occurs during pregnancy. This condition is closely related to the changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother. Numbness in the legs during pregnancy can occur due to a large amount of fluid in the body. If this condition occurs infrequently, then treatment for numbness of the limbs is not required.

Thus, it becomes clear that the causes of numbness in the legs can be very diverse. A definitive diagnosis can only be made when a thorough diagnosis is carried out. If you experience numbness in your legs, which may have a variety of causes, make an appointment with your doctor. At the appointment, the doctor will ask you to describe in detail the sensations associated with numbness in the legs, the causes of which are many, will prescribe the necessary diagnostic procedures and provide effective treatment.

Causes of the pathological condition

Pain and numbness in the leg are alarming symptoms that rarely appear without a good reason. They may indicate the presence of other, more serious diseases that require urgent treatment.

Arthrosis and arthritis

Arthritis and arthrosis are two different diseases that have a detrimental effect on the joints. Osteoarthritis affects only the joints, while arthritis leads to inflammation throughout the body. In the absence of timely treatment, the disease progresses to the chronic stage.

As a result of damage to the joints, the limbs lose sensitivity, and constant fighting sensations are observed, which only intensify with movement. Similar symptoms include numbness in both legs. Symptoms can appear at the most unexpected moment, interfering with a person’s normal life.

Atherosclerosis of blood arteries

Numb pain in the leg can be a direct sign of atherosclerosis. This is a serious disease that occurs as a result of cholesterol deposits that turn into plaques. As a result, complete blockage of blood vessels may occur and, as a result, loss of their sensitivity.

Numbness and frequent pain in the limbs are accompanied by chronic fatigue. The disease is most common in older and older people, but is often observed in young patients.

Early atherosclerosis is caused by a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and other factors.

Intervertebral hernia

If the leg is numb and painful, the cause of this phenomenon may be an intervertebral hernia. It occurs in patients at any age and for various reasons. The disease is accompanied by pain, numbness, and even complete loss of sensitivity.

The cause of a hernia is displacement of the disc nucleus. As a result, the integrity of the fibrous ring is disrupted, which leads to complete or partial numbness.

A person feels unpleasant symptoms as a result of pinched nerves. If left untreated, the consequences can be disastrous.

Multiple sclerosis

If your toes are numb and painful, you should pay attention to this sign. It can be a symptom of a serious disease such as multiple sclerosis. Experts note that numbness is one of the body's earliest warnings of an impending failure.

A timely visit to a doctor can stop the process and prevent its rapid development. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to such an alarming symptom as numbness of the limbs.


Many patients do not know why their leg hurts and goes numb. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. It is almost impossible to determine the clinical picture of your own case. Only an experienced doctor can do this. However, osteochondrosis is also a common catalyst for the onset of the disease.

As a result of the appearance and development of the disease, there is a loss of sensitivity and, as a result, numbness. A person loses sensitivity due to irreversible changes occurring in the spinal region.

The main causes of the disease include a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of proper treatment can lead to a chronic form of the disease.

Heel spur

Often the limbs become numb due to the occurrence of heel spurs. It can develop in people with flat feet, with frequent physical activity, hereditary predisposition, etc. A heel spur causes discomfort, including difficulty walking.

The pain intensifies when trying to “step” on the affected area. However, unlike other conditions, heel spurs are easily treatable and can be completely removed, resulting in long-awaited relief.

Only a specialist can diagnose a heel spur and prescribe appropriate treatment.


If your legs are numb and painful, the cause may lie in a disease such as diabetes. This is a life-threatening disease that affects the functioning of internal organs, blood circulation and the functioning of the body as a whole.

The cause of numbness is neuropathy, which is a direct consequence of diabetes.

If you suspect or know that you have this disease, any warning sign should be taken very seriously. Timely consultation with a doctor will help avoid negative consequences.


When your leg hurts badly and your limbs go numb, you should pay attention to the color of the skin. With a disease such as thrombophlebitis, swelling and severe redness are observed.

The cause of the disease is a large number of blood clots in the veins, which impairs blood circulation and can lead to blockage of blood vessels.

In advanced cases, the situation can end disastrously. In this case, the patient feels severe, prolonged numbness and cannot move the limb.


Constant numbness of the limbs, swelling and pain may be signs of endarteritis. This is a serious disease that occurs only in a chronic form.

Pathology can lead to disastrous consequences, including gangrene and limb amputation. In this case, the person feels constant pain and heaviness in the legs. Symptoms worsen with walking or physical activity.

It is impossible to cure the disease completely. But appropriate treatment helps stop the progression of the disease and minimize the harmful effects on blood vessels.

Why does this happen - my legs go numb?

Sensitivity of the lower extremities is provided based on the presence of certain factors. So, if you feel numbness in your right or left leg, then most likely the tissues have stopped receiving the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen. Blood circulation is impaired and tingling develops. The numbness of the left leg, like the right one, is associated with compression of the vessel, which leads to impaired blood flow. That is, numbness in the left or right leg leads to the person beginning to have difficulty moving. After the cessation of exposure, the unpleasant sensation passes and the person returns to normal activity. There are substances that are very important for the normal functioning of the body. So, if a person lacks vitamin B12, then there is numbness in the right leg or left. When the deficiency of this vitamin is replenished, this symptom disappears. Often, a feeling of numbness in the legs above the knee is a problem with the nervous system. Nerve damage can be due to infection, metabolic disorders and many other factors. A large number of nerves pass along the trunk of the spine; if they are pinched, numbness of the legs develops, the causes of which are identified using modern diagnostic methods. What to do if there is numbness in the lower extremities? Of course, you need to seek help from a doctor.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

It is a mistake to think that loss of sensation is not a serious symptom. Sometimes it serves as a signal of acute cerebrovascular accident.

  • If the left leg goes numb, the hemorrhage has occurred in the right hemisphere sector, which is responsible for the innervation of the limbs.
  • If the right leg goes numb, it’s exactly the opposite – a right-hemisphere stroke.

Pathology is indicated by accompanying symptoms.

  • confusion of speech, consciousness;
  • facial distortion;
  • "stun";
  • acute headache;
  • dizziness.

These are indications for emergency hospitalization. In other cases, medical care is received as planned.

Numbness of the right and left legs - how to deal with it?

Numbness of the left leg, as well as the right, is a fairly common occurrence. With the help of certain preventive measures you can prevent this condition:

  • If you regularly exercise, you can prevent numbness in your right and left legs. The fact is that sports activities increase blood circulation in the limbs and contribute to the development of the spine. It is recommended to engage in sports such as cycling, swimming, jumping in place and many others.
  • Stop drinking drinks with a high caffeine content (tea, coffee) and try to get rid of bad habits. Strong drinks and nicotine lead to spasm of blood vessels and the development of numbness in the legs, the causes of which can be different.
  • Eat more foods containing vitamin B12 and iron.
  • Take contrast baths in the morning and evening. Such baths help relieve the condition.
  • Dress according to the weather, avoiding hypothermia.

If numbness and pain in your limbs constantly bother you and interfere with normal work and rest, then you definitely need to make an appointment with a doctor. Do not delay your visit to the doctor, as it is fraught with numerous complications.


The specific treatment option will depend on the nature of the underlying disease. Possible specialists for consultation:

  • neurologist;
  • traumatologist;
  • vascular surgeon;
  • general surgeon;
  • oncologist;
  • endocrinologist

Numbness can have different localizations: foot, calf, thigh, buttock. The flexibility of the symptom does not allow you to immediately determine what caused it and prescribe the appropriate therapy. Therefore, diagnosis may take some time. At this time, a general treatment regimen is prescribed (including non-drug therapy):

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • exercise therapy;
  • massage.

Each separate group of diseases has its own approaches to treatment and the probable outcome (favorable, conditionally favorable, unfavorable) depends on them. Below are treatment options for the most common causes of left leg numbness.

Treatment of numbness in osteochondrosis

The scheme includes several methods:

Drug therapy is a classic treatment option for this disease:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen) – relieve inflammation and restore metabolic processes in tissues;
  • chondroprotectors (Chonroitin sulfate) – prevent further destruction of the joint;
  • bisphosphonates - normalize the nutrition of bone and surrounding tissue.

Physiotherapy is an effective local action using physical methods:

  • electrophoresis - exposure to electric current (usually done once every 4 days);
  • phonopharesis with a drug – simultaneous action of mechanical irritation and medications (gels, ointments);
  • magnetotherapy – a strong magnetic field ensures the normalization of metabolic processes by stabilizing cell membranes.

Exercise therapy . The set of exercises ensures increased blood flow and return of muscle tone (eliminates ischemia). This means that it has a general strengthening function, which is why it is used in the treatment regimen.

Surgical intervention . An extreme option that can be indicated in cases where the limb is completely taken away (total loss of sensation). Intervention options:

  • arthroscopy;
  • puncture;
  • osteotomy;
  • endoprosthetics.

After the full course of treatment, patients stop complaining of numbness.

Features of diagnosing numbness in the legs

It is advisable to try to eliminate the pathology in the shortest possible time. This is due to the fact that many diseases associated with blood vessels, the spine and the nervous system progress rapidly. If you do not go to the clinic in time, you may encounter problems such as thrombosis and others.

Diagnosis of problems associated with numbness of the legs, the causes of which are different, is carried out based on the use of modern techniques:

  • X-ray of the spinal column.
  • Magnetic resonance and computed tomography.
  • Electromyography.
  • Computer.
  • Ultrasound.

Also, at the initial appointment, the doctor will conduct a conversation with the patient in order to identify what the patient feels when there is numbness in the legs, when it occurs, how often, etc. General blood tests are prescribed. Blood is drawn to determine the overall blood composition, sugar level, and biochemical composition. If arthritis is suspected, a urine test may be ordered. The condition of blood vessels in a disease such as numbness of the legs, the causes of which are different, is determined using angiography and duplex scanning. Using such techniques, the following causes of numbness in the legs can be identified: venous and chronic arterial insufficiency, atherosclerosis. All indicators are recorded in the form of a curve, the nature of the change in which symbolizes the existing changes in the vessels. Thus, the causes of numbness in the foot or any other part can be easily determined if you contact highly qualified clinic specialists. Seek help promptly. This will help get rid of many problems in the future.

Causes of numbness in arms and legs during sleep

If loss of sensation in the arms and legs occurs occasionally, only at night, most likely, there is no talk of a disease. Unpleasant sensations in this case arise due to impaired blood flow. In addition, due to minimal mobility, nerves and tendons can be pinched. Some patients manage to say goodbye to paresthesia without the help of a doctor. To do this, they get rid of negative factors:

  • incorrect postures: during a night's rest, it is advisable not to tuck your legs, not to hide your hands under the pillow, or to put them behind your head. Incorrect position disrupts blood flow and causes discomfort;
  • Tight clothes: If clothes that are too tight are used as pajamas, problems with blood flow may occur. Unpleasant sensations also appear in those who do not remove jewelry (bracelets, rings) at night. By eliminating tight clothing and jewelry during the night's rest, you can effectively prevent numbness;
  • uncomfortable pillow: using too soft or, on the contrary, hard sleeping material, the cervical spine may bend. As a result, blood will flow poorly to the limbs, which is why the legs and arms will begin to numb.

If an uncomfortable pillow and tight clothing are eliminated, but numbness in the arms and legs does not go away during sleep, this indicates health problems. It is noteworthy that sensitivity can disappear not only in the arm, leg, but also in the fingers. In most cases, discomfort is caused by blood flow disturbances of various origins. Numbness can also occur due to diseases of the spine, which are associated with problematic transmission of nerve impulses.

How is numbness of the lower extremities treated?

You feel numbness in your legs during sleep or during the day; this phenomenon appears periodically. Then you should definitely consult a doctor. Numbness of the extremities, the causes and treatment of which do not require delay, requires the development of an individual treatment program. The symptoms of the disease, the anatomical features of the person, and his lifestyle are taken into account. Heaviness and numbness in the legs can be treated with a variety of methods depending on the cause of the disease. There is a group of procedures that helps alleviate the patient’s condition when experiencing numbness in the limbs:

  • Drug therapy.
  • Therapeutic massage and gymnastics.
  • Manual therapy, exercise therapy.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.

Drug treatment is based on the use of effective and time-tested anti-inflammatory drugs that help reduce the symptoms of numbness of the extremities. Manual therapy involves restoring joint mobility and eliminating the causes that contribute to compression of blood vessels and nerve endings. The exercise therapy method is the most proven method of rehabilitation. With its help, you can restore blood circulation in a short time, getting rid of numbness and burning in the leg. Such effective physiotherapeutic measures as phonophoresis, ultrasound and many others help speed up the process of tissue regeneration and quickly get rid of the consequences of prolonged hypoxia due to numbness of part of the leg. In addition, there are a large number of alternative medicine methods - acupuncture, hirudotherapy and many others. If numbness in your toes or other parts occurs frequently, then do not self-medicate, but make an appointment with a professional. This symptom can be the cause of many diseases.

Numb and sore toes

Toes can go numb for various reasons, and if such a symptom occurs, you should not assume that you have a serious illness. Numbness can occur after intense physical activity or a hard day.

Triggered by simple fatigue, it goes away after proper rest or a relaxing massage. Toes may also become sore and numb after wearing uncomfortable shoes.

If you have been in an uncomfortable position for a long time, then you should not be surprised by such a symptom as numbness.

Treatment of numbness of the lower extremities by qualified specialists of our clinic

With complaints about such a common symptom as numbness in the legs, you can walk through numerous offices for a long time without receiving an answer. Our clinic takes a comprehensive approach to the problem of numbness in the legs, the causes of which are not always obvious. In most cases, numbness of the lower extremities develops due to osteochondrosis and circulatory disorders. Most often clients contact us with the following complaints:

  • Numbness of the toes, the causes of which vary, gradually disappears.
  • An attack of severe back pain, accompanied by numbness in the left leg or right from the knee to the foot.
  • Numbness of the toes with a feeling of coldness and heaviness in the extremities.
  • Numbness of the feet.

Doctors at our clinic with extensive experience will diagnose your body in order to identify the causes of the ailment. Most diseases associated with such a symptom as numbness of the leg, the causes of which are different, can be successfully treated. We use only the most proven and modern treatment methods. People who are faced with an attack of numbness and tingling in their legs doubt what to do in such a situation - immediately consult a specialist or wait a little. If attacks of numbness in the legs, the causes and treatment of which require high-quality diagnosis, then you should definitely consult a doctor. It is important to detect the cause of this condition as early as possible. Such a harmless, at first glance, feeling of numbness in the legs can be a signal of serious illness.

Factors influencing the manifestation of symptoms

The nature of pain and the factors causing unpleasant symptoms may vary. For example, if pain occurs due to problems in the spinal region, a person will suffer not only from numbness of the limbs, but also back pain. With multiple sclerosis, coordination and orientation in space are impaired.

A person feels an unpleasant tingling and pain throughout the body. In patients with chronic numbness, unpleasant sensations occur when there is a sudden change in weather, an uncomfortable position, or even stressful shocks.

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