Why do the heels on my feet go numb and how to treat numbness?

  • Signs and associated symptoms
  • What to do and how to treat heel numbness
      General recommendations
  • ethnoscience
  • Prevention
  • Video
  • If a person has a numb heel, the reasons can be both physiological and pathological. Numbness often occurs when a person hits their foot. However, if numbness in the heel and other parts of the leg occurs frequently and for no apparent reason, this may indicate a particular disease. In this case, you should seek medical help and begin treatment.

    Heel numbness is often caused by wearing shoes that are too tight.

    It is impossible to determine the disease by the symptoms alone. To make a diagnosis, a collection of complaints and anamnesis, an objective examination, instrumental and laboratory examination are carried out. The results obtained are assessed by a doctor. Consultations with a surgeon, orthopedist, neurologist, oncologist, and rheumatologist may be required.

    Numb heel: reasons


    The main cause is foot injuries (often due to impact, the heel can also become numb when a splinter gets into the leg, if a person steps on a small object, etc.), while numbness can occur at the time of injury or after some time.

    In addition, numbness of the heel (as well as the foot and toes) is most often observed with the following pathologies:

    • osteocondritis of the spine;
    • inflammatory processes in the joints;
    • fasciitis;
    • lumbar intervertebral hernia;
    • gout;
    • spinal tuberculosis;
    • inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
    • diabetic neuropathy.

    Numbness is often caused by poor circulation:

    • thrombosis;
    • atherosclerotic vascular lesions;
    • phlebeurysm;
    • compression of blood vessels and nerve endings, as well as temperature effects on them (for example, frostbite of the lower extremities);
    • stroke - in this case, the patient has numbness in the heel of his right or left foot, as well as other parts of the body on one side opposite to the one on which the area of ​​the brain was affected.

    Numbness combined with pain occurs when:

    • fracture of the talus or calcaneus;
    • foot paresis;
    • brain tumors;
    • traumatic brain injuries;
    • migraine;
    • encephalitis;
    • mental disorders;
    • multiple sclerosis;
    • Morton's neuroma.


    Foot numbness is often caused by wearing tight shoes that do not fit the length and/or width of the foot. Such shoes compress nerve endings and blood vessels, which leads to unpleasant sensations. Risk factors include the presence of flat feet, constant stress on the feet (including when playing sports, especially cycling, having a job where you have to stand or sit for a long time, etc.).

    The list of reasons why heel numbness and swelling in women may occur includes pregnancy. In this case, only one leg may be affected. Depending on which blood vessels are pinched by the growing uterus, the patient’s left or right heel goes numb. Pregnant women with reduced immunity, anemia, and fatigue often come to the doctor with complaints of numbness in their heels.

    Risk factors

    The following can contribute to the development of the pathological condition:

    • emotional stress, frequent stressful situations;
    • excessive physical activity;
    • bad habits (abuse of alcohol and smoking lead to the development of changes in the blood vessels, which can also cause numbness);
    • lack of vitamins in the body;
    • overweight;
    • poor nutrition.


    Now let's talk in more detail about what to do if the heels of your feet go numb. First of all, you need to make an appointment with a therapist, who, based on your complaints, will refer you to one of the following specialists:

    • Neurologist,
    • Orthopedist,
    • Surgeon,
    • Phlebologist.

    In most cases, a visit to a neurologist will be required, since numbness most often occurs due to nerve damage. After an external examination, a mandatory medical examination is prescribed. It includes:

    • X-ray stop,
    • CT (computed tomography) of this area, as well as the spine,
    • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or ultrasound of the back and lower extremities.

    Signs and associated symptoms

    Numbness can develop while walking, when a person is sitting or in a horizontal position. The patient may also experience a feeling of itching, burning, crawling, discomfort, aching pain, swelling, coldness of the extremities, cramps, and the heel area may become less sensitive.

    With the development of numbness in the leg against the background of a particular disease with the progression of the pathological process and in the absence of adequate treatment, the symptoms usually become more pronounced. It may become difficult for a person to walk in high-heeled shoes, run, or ride a bicycle.

    Cause Associated symptoms
    Stroke There may be disturbances in speech, vision, movements, consciousness, sharp and intense headache, paralysis on one side of the body.
    Metabolic disorders caused by vitamin and/or mineral deficiency In addition to numbness in various parts of the body, convulsions may occur.
    Diabetic neuropathy There may be numbness not only in the heel, but also in other parts of the leg, as well as in the upper extremities.
    Morton's neuroma It is a thickening of the lower limb (the growth of fibrous tissue in the area of ​​the plantar nerve of the foot), which is often observed in the area of ​​the third intermetatarsal space (the base area between the third and fourth fingers of the lower limb). Most often, a unilateral form of pathology develops; bilateral nerve damage is much less common.

    Prevention is the main condition for eliminating discomfort

    After successful treatment, the issue of preventing relapse of the disease should be addressed. To prevent numbness in the heels from reoccurring, it is recommended to carry out the following preventive measures:

    • If you sit in one position for a long time, change your legs, avoiding the feeling of “cottoniness” on your toes and heels,
    • Create a daily routine - alternate sedentary work with walks, sports,
    • Follow a diet and try to be less nervous,
    • Take care of your feet - use special moisturizing creams, perform personal hygiene,
    • Visit your doctor regularly.

    Following these recommendations will prevent situations from reoccurring in which your heels begin to go numb and your “wobbly” legs cause noticeable discomfort.

    In most cases, numbness in the heels is caused by pathological reasons, which are characterized by damage to the nervous tissue, blood vessels or musculoskeletal system. To eliminate the disease, diet, medications and a number of strengthening procedures are used.

    What to do and how to treat heel numbness

    If the unpleasant sensations are short-term, then in most cases no special treatment is required; understanding the cause and eliminating the negative impact on the body is sufficient.

    In other cases, therapy is selected by the doctor depending on the pathology that caused the symptom:

    1. For intervertebral hernia - drug therapy (corticosteroids, muscle relaxants, etc.), physical therapy.
    2. In diabetes mellitus , the patient’s condition improves when blood glucose levels normalize.
    3. In case of circulatory problems , phlebotonic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, and vitamin-mineral complexes can be prescribed. Foot massage is effective; acupressure, acupuncture, and physiotherapeutic procedures (laser, ultrasound, magnetic therapy, hydrotherapy, the use of therapeutic mud or paraffin) can also be used.

    You should be aware that the lack of timely treatment for serious pathology, for example, diabetic neuropathy (diabetic foot), can lead to the need for surgical intervention, to the point where amputation of the affected limb is sometimes required.

    Foot massage can help with numb heels

    General recommendations

    To prevent the development of pathology and improve the patient's condition in the presence of numbness, self-massage can be performed using a hard sponge while taking a shower or bath. When the skin of the heel becomes rough, scrubs are recommended that stimulate blood circulation and have an exfoliating effect.

    If the sensitivity disorder is associated with metabolic disorders, it may be necessary to limit the use of table salt. It is recommended to include foods rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus in your diet.

    The table shows some foods that may be helpful for numbness in a person's heels.

    Minerals Food
    Potassium Carrots, potatoes, garlic, pumpkin, grapes, bananas, apricots, apples, melon, prunes, nuts, legumes, cocoa, meat
    Calcium Milk and dairy products, spinach, fish
    Magnesium Nuts, legumes, seafood, rose hips, poppy seeds
    Phosphorus Sunflower and pumpkin seeds, cashews, peanuts, almonds, yolk, fish, caviar


    In some cases (if we are not talking about a serious illness), traditional medicine methods can help:

    1. Foot baths with solutions of medicinal herbs, milk, honey.
    2. Rubbing with products containing garlic, onion, black or hot pepper.
    3. Boiled pumpkin compresses Mash the boiled pumpkin into a puree and apply to the feet in the heel area. The pumpkin should be warm, the compress should be kept for 30 minutes.


    Let's look at how to treat heel numbness. If problems with the well-being of your legs occur due to physiological abnormalities, it is enough to follow preventive measures, which we will talk about later. But when diagnosing pathologies, complex therapy will be required to eliminate its manifestations.

    Diet and lifestyle

    Proper nutrition is the foundation for the health of your feet. If your heels start to go numb, you should think about what you eat. A properly selected diet will provide the body with the most necessary things and will give strength to resist the disease.

    Basic rules of the daily menu:

    • The diet should contain vitamins and minerals in balanced quantities,
    • If numbness develops due to diseases of the bones and joints, include calcium and gelatin in the table,
    • Reduce your intake of fats and salt,
    • Drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. Avoid soda, alcohol and strong coffee.

    It is also recommended to lead an active lifestyle and play sports. An exercise bike, swimming, and walking short distances are shown.


    Orthopedists strongly advise wearing special shoes, using insoles and heel pads to reduce the load and distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the foot. When wearing insoles, the heels begin to go numb less often, and sensitivity is gradually restored.

    Medicines against numbness in the legs

    Medicines are indicated to relieve symptoms and treat the underlying disease. The main groups of drugs are as follows:

    • Painkillers (Nise, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen) are prescribed in most cases and are the “gold standard” for the treatment of numbness in the legs. They also eliminate inflammation, improve blood flow, and relieve swelling. The most popular are tablets and ointments,
    • In the presence of varicose veins, thrombosis, and other blood and vascular diseases, blood thinning agents (Heparin and its forms) administered intravenously are indicated,
    • Chondroprotectors (Arthra, Teraflex) - prescribed for arthritis to restore cartilage tissue.

    In addition to the medications listed, the doctor may prescribe vitamins and active supplements to eliminate deficiency conditions, infusion of saline solutions, and local use of special patches.


    To enhance the effect of the treatment, a visit to a physiotherapist is recommended. This therapy is not the main one, but significantly increases the effectiveness of the healing program.

    For numb heels, it is recommended:

    • Electrophoresis with medicinal substances,
    • Magnetotherapy,
    • Laser treatment,
    • Shock wave therapy,
    • Warming procedures.

    The area of ​​treatment depends on the type of disease due to which the legs began to go numb - it could be the back, lower back or foot area. Here the diagnosis plays a decisive role.

    Exercise therapy

    In the absence of contraindications, therapeutic exercises are prescribed. Moderate physical exercise is aimed at stabilizing blood flow in the legs, improving cell nutrition and toning the blood vessels of the lower extremities. For this you can use:

    • Exercise bike,
    • Aerobics,
    • Special exercises in the gym using medical methods.

    It is better to train 2-3 times a week and wear special orthopedic shoes. Exercises should not put stress on your heels.

    On a note!

    Jumping ropes and long running are strictly prohibited.

    Physiological factors

    Overload, stressful situations, nervous tension, which results in fatigue, overwork, spasms and vascular reactions, problems with natural immunity.

    • Impact of external factors on the right or left foot, feeling of discomfort, leg injury, uncomfortable working posture.
    • Pregnancy, age-related changes in the body.
    • Poor lifestyle, alcohol abuse, tobacco, other psychotropic substances.

    Numbness in the heels, provoked by physiological factors, does not fall under the definition of an independent disease. When the limb of the right leg loses sensitivity because people sit on it and squeeze the blood vessels, you can simply stretch, get up from your workplace, and walk around to get rid of the discomfort.

    Possible pathologies

    Symptoms of numbness due to problems with blood supply, loss of elasticity, loss of blood vessels and deformation of nerve tissue.

    These symptoms may be due to the appearance of diseases:

    • Pathologies of individual areas of the central nervous system, similar to neuralgia or neuropathy. Discomfort in the legs is considered a complication of neurological disorders. This fact can only be confirmed by a specialist prescribing therapy.
    • The appearance of an intervertebral hernia.
    • Painful transformations of blood vessels caused by problems with blood supply, blood clots, an increase in the internal lumen of arteries and veins, and other complications.
    • Diabetes mellitus, malignant neoplasms, other chronic disorders.
    • Fasciitis, which manifests itself as pain in the heels.
    • A specialist can show you numbness in your feet. Therefore, there is no need to self-medicate; it is better to consult a doctor. This helps eliminate feelings of discomfort and possible negative consequences.

    Raynaud's disease

    Raynaud's disease also causes problems with circulation in the legs. With this pathology, patients develop a feeling of freezing. Often damaged limbs turn blue, especially in stressful situations. It is necessary to take into account possible numbness of the hands and heels.

    Sensitivity in the feet worsens if uncomfortable shoes are used. The size may be too small, squeezing your feet. Therefore, when choosing, you need to consider what size a person is.

    If you experience numbness in your arms, legs or head, be sure to consult a doctor for advice. Perhaps numbness is a symptom of illness.

    Numbness often occurs with prolonged exercise. This can occur when driving a car for a long time or while riding a bicycle. In such a situation, you need to stop the vehicle and try to stretch your feet. Therefore, when choosing shoes, you need to focus on your own size and feeling of comfort.

    How numbness can be dangerous

    Heel numbness is not always dangerous, but the pathological processes that cause this condition require serious attention. Deterioration of sensitivity leads to the following consequences:

    • Damage to the tissues of the foot occurs because pain is not felt or is felt weaker, whether the calculation of the impact force is allowed when jumping, running or sharp objects.
    • Changes in gait are expressed in difficulty bending the foot or raising it to an appropriate height.

    • Inflammation that spreads to other tissues, death of muscles or skin. Such an environment is a suitable place for the proliferation of pathogenic microbes.
    • Untreated pathologies that cause heel numbness can pose a danger:
    • Damage to nerve fibers and their compression between vertebrae can cause disability. This is due to the nature of the nerve fibers affected.
    • When the feet suffer, coordination of movements worsens, severe pain appears, aggravating the life of patients if painkillers are not used.
    • Suppuration can be fraught with the spread of infection throughout the body. This weakens the immune system and makes you feel worse. The body cannot resist mild pathological processes that cause a person to die. When the inflammation is severe enough to threaten life, the limb is amputated.
    • Spur, fibromatosis, brucitis cause a lot of pain, aggravate tissue irritation and possible consequences.

    • Damage to the circulatory system worsens blood flow in the body. There is tension with the work of the heart. When blood vessels are damaged or blocked, a heart attack or stroke occurs, body mobility deteriorates, problems with speech, coma, psychological abnormalities, and death appear.
    • Neoplasms can be completely eliminated in the first stages. When patients ignore the signs of the disease, they often do not live longer than a year.
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