Why do your fingers go numb during pregnancy - how to deal with it

  • What to do if your fingers go numb during pregnancy
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  • Numbness of body parts is an alarming sign for any woman, especially during pregnancy. If your hands go numb during pregnancy, it is often due to fluid retention in the body. But the cause can also be serious diseases that affect the health of the expectant mother and baby. Women do not always associate numbness in their arms and legs with illness, which is why they do not consult a doctor. However, if your hands often go numb, it is better to play it safe and make sure there is no pathology.

    If a pregnant woman’s hands go numb often, for a long time and for no apparent reason, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    Description of the pathology

    If, in addition to numbness in the hand and tingling of the fingers, there are other unpleasant symptoms, you need to consult a doctor.
    If your fingers go numb during pregnancy, this may turn out to be a harmless symptom that does not require medical intervention. But there are situations in which you need to undergo examination.

    Sensations in the hands that may bother you:

    • tingling in the hands;
    • pain in fingertips;
    • the whole arm hurts;
    • hands swell;
    • presence of accompanying symptoms.

    If the sensations are not strong and do not cause serious problems for the woman, an emergency visit to the doctor is not required.

    Treatment of numbness

    The first doctor an expectant mother should go to should be a gynecologist. But then, to find out the reasons that caused the numbness, you will have to go to a therapist and a neurologist. Most likely, the deviation will have to be treated comprehensively.

    If the examination does not reveal serious disorders, then therapy usually involves:

    • Taking vitamin-mineral complexes.
    • Sedatives.
    • Medicines that relieve pain.
    • Using ointments and creams to rub a numb limb to improve blood circulation.

    Physiotherapy can help:

    • electrophoresis;
    • acupuncture;
    • microcurrents;
    • physiotherapy.

    Such an integrated approach will eliminate the causes of numbness and improve the woman’s sleep condition.

    Folk remedies against numbness of hands

    During pregnancy, you can get rid of numbness and tingling in your hands at night using traditional medicine recipes. A woman can be helped by:

    • Baths with contrasting water.
    • Compresses on hands from porridge prepared using pumpkin.
    • A mixture of parsley, celery, lemon juices with the addition of honey.
    • A healing hand bath made from salt, milk and honey.

    A pregnant woman should coordinate the use of any folk remedies with her doctor.

    Associated symptoms

    If your hands go numb during pregnancy, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. During gestation, diseases sometimes develop that were not bothersome before.

    You should carefully monitor your feelings in order to notice warning signs in time:

    • headache;
    • strong thirst;
    • increased urination;
    • muscle paresis;
    • high blood pressure;
    • digestive problems;
    • symptoms of intoxication.

    If only the right hand or only the left is numb, this is also a reason to visit a doctor.

    Dressing correctly

    Sometimes the cause of numbness in the arms during sleep is pajamas that have become too tight for a woman who has grown fat during pregnancy. The stretched tissue pinches various parts of the body and disrupts normal blood circulation. It is not surprising that after a night out your hands become swollen and numb.

    Clothes for pregnant women should be loose and without tight internal seams - the body now more than ever needs a good night's sleep.

    If you managed to independently find out and eliminate the reason why your hands go numb during sleep during pregnancy, great. Nothing bad happens if the numbness goes away a few minutes after waking up, and a light massage and simple exercises are enough to eliminate it. But if the problem worsens, your hands begin to hurt after sleep, or their sensitivity is not fully restored, immediately go to the doctor.

    Author: Anna Alexandrova

    Numbness of the hands in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester

    The growing uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels, causing numbness in the extremities.
    It is customary to consider symptoms in pregnant women by trimester. In the first three months, the body is rebuilt in a new way so that the growing fetus is provided with everything it needs. This period of time is characterized by:

    • headaches, migraines;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • weakness;
    • lack of appetite;
    • dizziness.

    Dizziness sometimes begins with numbness in the arms and legs. This cause is not considered dangerous in pregnant women and does not require special treatment.

    In the second trimester, problems become more numerous as the fetus grows and the weight of the uterus and amniotic fluid increases. Internal organs are displaced downwards and to the sides, which creates the preconditions for squeezing the arteries. Because of this, some organs may not receive enough oxygen.

    In the third trimester, a woman’s belly grows strongly and it becomes uncomfortable to lie down, as the baby inside puts pressure on the arteries located on the back wall of the uterus. Because of this, blood flows poorly to the upper torso and upper extremities, which can cause tingling and numbness in the fingers.

    First aid

    During an attack of convulsions, you should not make sudden movements. You should slowly and carefully (without unnecessary effort) pull your toes towards you to allow the calf muscles to stretch. Then slowly return the fingers to the starting position. Repeat several times.

    After the intensity of the cramp has subsided, the muscles are warmed up with a massage or a heating pad. It is advisable to walk barefoot, resting on the heel to restore blood circulation. Then you can lie down for a while with your legs elevated (put a blanket or pillow under them).

    If cramps begin at night, it is recommended to change the position of the body - roll over to the other side.

    Causes of hand numbness during pregnancy and methods of treatment

    During gestation, symptoms of osteochondrosis often appear.
    During pregnancy, symptoms of osteochondrosis sometimes begin to appear, because most of the nutrients are directed to the formation of the fetal skeleton. The bone and cartilage tissue of a woman’s spine lacks minerals - calcium, silicon, phosphorus, magnesium.

    It is recommended to additionally take special vitamin supplements for pregnant women, which contain all the necessary minerals in an easily digestible form. This will keep your teeth and bones intact.

    Osteochondrosis can be a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle. It is recommended to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck, since it is the cervical roots that are responsible for the innervation of the arms. If any nerve is pinched, your fingers will go numb or periodically lose sensitivity.

    One of the most common problems in pregnant women is swelling . You can try reducing the amount of salt. If this does not help, you need to remove pickled preserves, smoked fish and meat from your diet. You should not eat chips, crackers and similar products with unknown additives.

    Salt in small quantities is necessary for the body. It is impossible to abandon it completely.

    You can help your kidneys by removing sweets and starchy foods from the menu. Digesting white sugar requires a lot of energy and water, so the body retains it inside so that it has something to neutralize the excess sugar.

    To speed up the exchange of fluids in the body, it is recommended to take daily walks whenever possible. An active lifestyle helps eliminate swelling of the hands and feet.

    Carpal tunnel syndrome

    If the reason that caused numbness in a pregnant woman’s hands is not systemic, only one hand may become numb. Nowadays, many people work at the computer for a long time, so there is a high probability of developing carpal tunnel syndrome . This is carpal tunnel syndrome, in which the median nerve is compressed by surrounding tissues due to constant stress. May cause numbness in the hand that holds the computer mouse. Doctors recommend stretching your arm with a rubber ring to strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation.

    If the left arm goes numb, this symptom is usually associated with a lack of heart function . During pregnancy, this is an alarming signal, so you need to do an electrocardiogram. Perhaps, due to excess weight, it is difficult for a woman to move; the heart muscle cannot cope with the load.

    Sometimes during gestation the amount of hemoglobin increases, the blood becomes thicker, so there is a greater load on the heart. Plus, it is necessary to pump blood in the child’s body. A woman’s body needs help in the form of a special diet.

    If your fingers go numb at night during pregnancy, especially in the later stages, this indicates too slow blood circulation. In this case, you can try raising the pillow higher and sleeping in a semi-sitting position. After the birth of the child, these symptoms will pass and it will become easier. You may want to try sleeping on a specific side with a folded blanket between your thighs to improve blood circulation in the abdomen.

    Pregnant women often have low hemoglobin , especially if it was not high before pregnancy. The child lacks microelements - the woman gives them from her body. To solve this problem, you need to do a blood test and take an iron-containing drug, which one the doctor will decide. In addition, you need to eat apples and greens, which contain a lot of iron.

    Anemia is dangerous for the fetus. According to WHO, up to 80% of women suffer from it during pregnancy, so it is better to check your indicators at the beginning of gestation.

    If a woman has any systemic disease associated with impaired digestive function or red blood cell synthesis, the planned pregnancy should be discussed with the doctor - how the child will receive iron for its needs.

    The following complications are possible with iron deficiency anemia:

    • abortion;
    • gestosis;
    • premature placental abruption;
    • delayed fetal development;
    • giving birth ahead of schedule.

    With iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women, childbirth is often complicated by bleeding. With low hemoglobin in the postpartum period, there are inflammatory processes and purulent abscesses in the uterus.

    With a lack of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman, unexplained phenomena can occur, including a deterioration in mental state (déjà vu effect). To ensure that the body does not lack calcium and does not overdo it with calcium-containing preparations, it is recommended to eat poppy seeds and sesame seeds.

    Natural products, unlike pharmaceutical ones, are not deposited in tissues and do not lead to urolithiasis. If too much is taken in, the body simply eliminates the excess through urine and feces.

    Calcium helps eliminate cramps and regulate fluid. A woman's hands will become less swollen and numb.

    Causes and symptoms

    Symptoms of hand numbness manifest differently for everyone. Women describe them as decreased sensitivity, numbness, subcutaneous goosebumps, burning, mild itching, etc. Numbness is often accompanied by swelling of the hands and fingers. Often the slightest movement of the fingers causes pain.
    A similar sensation occurs if you rest your hands at night. This is what pregnant women most often attribute to the unpleasant symptoms that appear in their hands at night. But in the second half of pregnancy, a woman may experience these symptoms even during the day. And then they understand that numbness in the hands is still directly related to pregnancy.

    Doctors name several reasons that provoke unpleasant symptoms:

    1. Tunnel syndrome. It is considered an occupational disease for computer scientists who spend most of the day working with a mouse. The muscles and tendons of the wrist become overloaded, and by the end of the day the right hand goes numb. But if these sensations are not too noticeable during the day and evening, then at rest, especially during pregnancy, sensitivity increases, and women notice one-sided numbness of the arm.
    2. Severe swelling. Appears during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters. This is an unpleasant symptom that should not be ignored, as it may indicate unstable kidney function and other health problems. Swelling is most pronounced on the face and limbs, which swell in the morning. Excess fluid compresses the capillaries and disrupts normal blood circulation. Therefore, in the morning it seems that the hand has gone numb in its sleep.
    3. Osteochondrosis. It becomes the cause of numbness in the hands during sleep during pregnancy quite often. During this period, all chronic diseases worsen. When the nerve roots are pinched by intervertebral discs, their sensitivity decreases, which gives the impression that the hand has become numb in sleep.
    4. Arthritis and arthrosis. They are also chronic diseases that definitely make themselves felt during pregnancy. During this period, the load on the joints increases significantly, which means they get tired faster during the day. Pain and numbness occur mainly in the evening or during sleep.
    5. Diabetes. Pregnant women with this diagnosis must be under medical supervision. Numbness of the hands during sleep occurs due to metabolic disorders, which is one of the main symptoms of this disease.
    6. Lack of minerals. The developing fetus receives all the substances necessary for life from the mother’s body. Moreover, if there is a shortage of them, the mother’s body primarily provides for the baby. Minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Their deficiency can cause symptoms such as irritability, insomnia and numbness of the limbs during sleep.
    7. Low physical activity. During physical activity, blood circulation is activated, and the capillaries are abundantly supplied with blood. But, for fear of harming the baby, some pregnant women sharply limit their physical activity and begin to spend most of their time sitting or lying down. The blood supply to the extremities deteriorates, the hands begin to freeze, and numbness and numbness of the extremities appears.

    Sometimes such symptoms occur due to infectious or other diseases that only a doctor can diagnose. Therefore, you shouldn’t ignore them, but you shouldn’t panic at the first signs of numbness either.

    Dangerous situations during pregnancy

    In addition to harmless causes that cause numbness or tingling in the fingers and hands, serious and even very dangerous conditions can occur during pregnancy.

    High blood pressure in pregnant women - preeclampsia - is usually observed after the twentieth week and poses a threat to the life of mother and child. During preeclampsia, oxygen supply to the fetus is cut off and it may die, so the woman is constantly under the supervision of doctors and takes antihypertensive drugs.

    In arterial hypertension, the symptom of numbness in the hands is common. It is necessary to undergo examination and exclude the risk of preeclampsia.


    The disease is accompanied by narrowing of arterioles. The result is poor blood circulation in the extremities. Diabetes mellitus can begin to develop during pregnancy, so you need to carefully monitor your blood sugar levels and follow your doctor's instructions.

    Gestational diabetes usually goes away after childbirth, so there should be no further problems with numbness in the limbs. The increase in sugar is associated with the work of hormones and temporary suppression of insulin synthesis.

    It is not recommended to eat a lot of sweet foods and starchy foods. White sugar should be completely excluded from the diet, replacing it with fruits and sweet vegetables.

    Thrombosis of the upper extremities

    A dangerous disease in which a blood clot forms in the deep veins, blocking blood access to the extremities. A symptom of thrombosis is severe pain and redness of the skin. The disease may be asymptomatic or may lead to pulmonary embolism.

    The first symptom of trouble may be numbness in the fingers. Risk factors for thrombosis in pregnant women are:

    • taking oral contraceptives;
    • blood clotting pathologies;
    • pregnancy over 35 years of age;
    • the presence of a cancerous tumor in a pregnant woman;
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • heart failure;
    • phlebeurysm.

    If there are risk factors, the doctor may prescribe medications to the woman to improve blood counts, in particular to reduce viscosity.

    Thrombosis is the main cause of death among women in labor – almost 13% of the total number of deaths.

    Systemic and autoimmune diseases

    Numbness of the hands is possible with polyneuropathy. This is damage to the nerve plexuses in the hand and fingers of an organic nature. It may give a slight tingling sensation, similar to numbness. A woman may not perceive temperature or pain correctly due to disruption of the peripheral nervous system.

    Cramps at night are also characteristic of polyneuropathy, but they may be absent during the day.

    Guillain-Barre syndrome

    An autoimmune disease in which the nerves become inflamed, a woman may lose some functions - motor and tactile. Numbness in the hands and fingers is one of the earliest symptoms.

    Some autoimmune diseases begin to appear during pregnancy.


    In most cases, numbness of the fingers during gestation is physiological and does not require treatment. If, in addition, a woman is bothered by headaches or dizziness, it is recommended to walk more often, visit the gym or swimming pool for pregnant women.

    Nutrition and water are important factors. If a woman becomes dehydrated, her and her baby's brains are the first to suffer. In the summer heat, it is recommended to always carry a bottle of still water with you, so as not to provoke an increase in blood viscosity and the formation of blood clots.

    You can monitor the condition yourself by periodically taking tests in the laboratory. Some women do this to be on the safe side and know more about their health and the condition of the child.

    Prevention of numbness

    It is impossible to completely insure yourself against the occurrence of such sensations, but some preventive measures will help reduce their likelihood:

    • to avoid swelling, reduce salt intake;
    • drink enough fluids;
    • do exercises;
    • wear loose clothing;
    • choose a comfortable sleeping position;
    • use a maternity bandage;
    • add more vegetables and fruits to your diet;
    • review the load on the joints and muscles of the hands;
    • do not overcool;
    • eliminate stress.

    By following simple recommendations, you can survive this difficult period for a woman with minimal difficulties. The main thing is to listen to your body and regularly visit a gynecologist.

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