Are all diseases caused by nerves? What to do when your fingers go numb or your lower back hurts

Numbness in the back is an unpleasant symptom that occurs as a result of pinching of nerve endings and stagnation of blood in one of the zones. The sources of the problem can be different: curvature of the spine, injuries, joint diseases, diseases of the internal organs. But no matter what the reason, the pathology causes great discomfort and, if the symptoms are ignored, can result in serious health problems. Why there is a feeling of numbness in the back, what other symptoms indicate a serious pathology, what methods can be used to eliminate the problem at home - you will learn from the article.

  • Physiotherapy
  • Magnetotherapy
  • Phonophoresis
  • Paraffin therapy
  • Acupuncture and biopuncture
  • Laser therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Massage
  • Prevention
  • Drevmass simulator
  • Causes of back numbness

    The source of the problem is poor circulation in any part of the back or pinched nerves. When blood circulation is impaired, tissues lose their source of nutrition, which leads to loss of sensitivity. If a nerve is pinched, signal transmission from the isolated area is disrupted, and the person experiences an unpleasant feeling of numbness. There can be many reasons for such pathologies.

    Causes of numbness in the thoracic region:

    • kyphosis, scoliosis. These are types of postural disorders. With kyphosis, a deflection is formed in the thoracic spine from the front to the back, with scoliosis - to the side. Violation of the structure leads to displacement of the vertebrae, compression of the intervertebral discs and, as a result, pinching of blood vessels and nerves;
    • injuries. Any damage to the scapulohumeral area, inflammation, tumors in this area can lead to a disruption of the nervous reaction.

    Causes of numbness in the lumbar region:

    • kidney disease;
    • gynecological diseases in women;
    • prostatitis in men;
    • During pregnancy, women may feel numbness, which is associated with a shift in the center of gravity caused by an enlarged abdomen;
    • neoplasms that, as they grow, cause blockage of nerve endings.

    From the video below you will learn why there is a feeling of numbness in the back muscles, what diseases this symptom indicates and how to eliminate the unpleasant sensation:

    One of the most common causes of numbness and back pain are degenerative disorders in the structure of the spine. They arise as a result of injuries and curvature of the spinal column.

    Due to prolonged sitting in an incorrect position, congenital curvature of the spine, destabilization of its structures occurs. The pressure on the intervertebral discs is uneven, which leads to their protrusion and gradual destruction. When the discs are destroyed, the vertebrae begin to touch, and in response to this, growths begin to form on the vertebrae, which are a protective reaction of the body - this is how it tries to limit the mobility of the vertebrae in order to avoid pinching neighboring tissues. The resulting herniated intervertebral discs and osteophytes lead to pinching of blood vessels, nerves and compression of the spinal cord. This causes loss of sensitivity and a feeling of numbness.

    Also, when the spine is curved, the load on the muscles is distributed unevenly. As a result, muscle tissue is in constant tension. This leads to the development of stagnation, which, if symptoms are ignored for a long time, can cause numbness.

    Problem #8: Shaky hands for no apparent reason

    The root cause of changes
    The cause of trembling in the hands can be diseases of the nervous system, such as essential tremor, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, damage to the cerebellum (the part of the brain responsible for balance. - Author's note.

    ), acquired dementia (dementia), alcoholism, consequences of tick-borne encephalitis, peripheral nerve injury and some others. This condition can also be observed with pathology of the endocrine system (thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus), poisoning with toxic substances, excessive coffee consumption, lack of vitamin B12, stress, excessive physical strain.

    The degree of manifestation is within normal limits

    It can be considered normal if tremor occurs during anxiety (if this does not interfere with a person’s professional and personal life) or after excessive physical exertion.

    Addiction to the problem

    We must not forget that tremor can occur in people who abuse alcohol. The tendency to essential tremor is inherited.


    Find out the cause, if possible eliminate the provoking factor, take medications prescribed by your doctor.

    Where to go?

    If you are concerned about this problem, consult a neurologist. Sometimes a therapist can deal with the problem if the cause is not a pathology of the nervous system.


    Numbness may manifest itself as a complete loss of sensation, tingling, or a “pins and needles” feeling. All this becomes signs of circulatory problems. If you also feel back pain of different localization, this indicates pinched nerve endings. Additional symptoms can help identify the source of the pathology.

    If the disorder is caused by degenerative-dystrophic processes in the tissues of the spine, the patient feels the following symptoms:

    • acute back pain that can radiate to the heart, stomach or kidneys;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • dizziness, headache, difficulty concentrating;
    • visual impairment;
    • impaired mobility of the limbs or complete loss of sensation;
    • shooting pain along the entire length of the spine;
    • feeling of “petrification” of the lower back during a long stay in a sitting position;
    • pain in the lower back, radiating to the leg.

    If problems in the thoracic or lumbar regions are a consequence of diseases of the internal organs, the patient is also concerned about other symptoms. Numbness of the lower back, caused by gynecological problems in women, is accompanied by cycle disorders and vaginal discharge. If the back begins to go numb under the influence of prostatitis in men, unpleasant feelings in the lower back are accompanied by erectile dysfunction, increased body temperature, and severe pain during tension in the pelvic area. A numb back in the thoracic region, which bothers you along with indigestion, nausea, and heartburn, indicates that the cause of the negative symptoms is a stomach disease.

    In any case, loss of sensitivity or a feeling of “pins and needles” indicates complex disorders, therefore, in order to start treatment on time, you should consult a doctor.

    Problem No. 9. “Stars” or colored dots appearing before the eyes for no apparent reason

    Root cause of change

    This may be glaucoma and other eye diseases, increased or decreased blood pressure, atherosclerosis of the vessels that feed the retina and neck vessels, cerebrovascular accident (stroke), poisoning with certain medications, lack of microelements (for example, iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid with the development of anemia). As well as sudden standing up from a lying or sitting position.

    The degree of manifestation is within normal limits

    If this condition occurs with a sudden change in position and there are no other symptoms that bother the person, it does not require treatment. In other cases, it is necessary to look for and eliminate the cause.

    Addiction to the problem

    This condition may occur due to eye fatigue due to prolonged use of the computer.


    The most important thing is to organize your workplace correctly, relax your eyes - look out the window during breaks, and not at your phone. If it doesn’t help, we run to the doctor.

    Where to go?

    Oculist, neurologist.


    Since the source of the problem can be various pathologies, ranging from disorders in the structure of the spine to diseases of the internal organs, to make a diagnosis it is worth starting with a visit to a therapist. The doctor will conduct a survey and examination, prescribe additional tests and examinations: blood and urine tests, ultrasound or X-ray of the spine, CT, MRI of the back and internal organs, Doppler sonography.

    Then, depending on the test results, the therapist can refer the patient to another, specialized specialist: orthopedist, neurologist, traumatologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist or urologist, cardiologist, infectious disease specialist.

    Diagnostic measures

    The condition of bones and soft tissues is best seen on a CT or MRI
    . To prescribe adequate treatment, the doctor conducts a comprehensive diagnosis, based on the results of which he identifies the cause of the symptom. It includes the following activities:

    • CT scan;
    • Magnetic resonance imaging;
    • ultrasonic analysis;
    • X-ray examination.

    The main diagnostic measures are computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Ultrasound and X-ray diagnostics are auxiliary methods.

    In the absence of symptoms and clinical manifestations of spinal column disease, the first step is ultrasound diagnostics and laboratory tests, the results of which reveal signs of an inflammatory process.

    After excluding serious pathologies of the spine and nearby internal organs, we can talk about numbness due to muscle spasms, sprains, other injuries, a sedentary lifestyle, or increased physical activity the day before.


    If the unpleasant symptoms were caused by diseases of the internal organs, appropriate treatment is prescribed for the source of the problem, with the elimination of which loss of sensitivity occurs. Numbness caused by structural abnormalities in the spine is treated with a range of measures, many of which can be done at home. To treat back diseases and relieve negative symptoms, traditional medicine, physiotherapy, laser treatment, massage, and physical therapy are used.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    For diagnosis, you are guaranteed to need an MRI (in some cases, it will be enough to limit yourself to radiography - a specialist will determine this). As you can see, almost all diseases are associated with the musculoskeletal system, so it’s definitely impossible to do without imaging methods.

    Of course, there is no universal treatment for all these pathologies and there cannot be. There are common features: this is the unconditional use of manual therapy, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment and physical therapy. Of course, all this is with active pharmacological support.

    Sign up at the MART medical center in St. Petersburg (see map) by phone, or leave a request on the website.


    There is a wide list of folk remedies that can relieve negative symptoms without addiction or side effects.

    Cold and hot shower

    When you take a shower, first direct a stream of hot and then cold water onto the numb area. Alternate temperatures several times. After taking a shower, apply a warming ointment to your back and wrap it with a warm scarf.

    Camphor ointment

    Take camphor ointment and add a couple of drops of eucalyptus to it. For 3 days before going to bed, apply the ointment to the affected area.

    Pepper tincture

    The use of this remedy stimulates blood circulation and relieves negative symptoms. To prepare the tincture, take a few red pepper pods and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Place the container with the tincture in a dark place for a week. Rub the resulting mixture onto your numb back.

    Useful tips

    The well-known saying “forewarned is forearmed” does not lose its relevance in this case. It is better to prevent complications than to deal with their consequences later. Moreover, doing this will not be a hassle.

    The set of rules is simple and concise:

    • Relax on the right mattress and pillow. It is recommended to buy the latter with a bolster for fixing the cervical spine.
    • Do not overeat before bed, avoid drinking alcohol. Don’t forget about proper nutrition: filling your diet with fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean fish and meat. Reduce consumption of salty and fatty foods, sweets and fast food.
    • Taking a warm bath or contrast shower before bed will help the body relax and relieve the burden of the working day.
    • Regular morning exercises, which will not take much time, but will tone the body, help you wake up faster and provide a boost of energy for the whole day.
    • If you have regular back pain, avoid hypothermia and drafts, and avoid heavy physical activity.
    • Proper organization of the workplace.
    • Control of posture and even distribution of weight (especially important when you have to carry heavy bags or work out in the gym).
    • For chronic back diseases, periodically visit your doctor to monitor your health.

    Thus, back pain in the morning is a common phenomenon that can affect even a healthy person. There are many reasons for this: from banal hypothermia to spinal diseases. Even if painkillers help at first, you should not bring the situation to a state where it becomes impossible to move. Timely medical care is the key to good health, which should not be risked under any circumstances.


    This is a branch of medicine in which natural factors are used for treatment: electric current, magnetic radiation, acoustic waves.


    The procedure involves the effect of microcurrents on tissue. This stimulates muscle contraction, accelerates blood circulation and metabolic processes.


    Under the influence of two magnets, a deep tissue massage occurs that cannot be achieved by other means.


    Micromassage procedure using acoustic vibrations. This technique allows you to work on tissue at a depth of up to 6 cm. As a result, pain goes away, tissue restoration accelerates, and swelling is relieved.

    Paraffin therapy

    The procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood circulation, relieves spasms and restores the conduction of nerve signals. Liquid paraffin has the ability to retain heat for a long time, which is used for deep heating of tissues.

    Acupuncture and biopuncture

    Acupuncture or acupuncture involves influencing active centers on the body using needles. Biopuncture also includes the additional administration of homeopathic medicines. Both methods are primarily aimed at activating the body’s own defenses, and therefore do not cause side effects or addiction.

    Reasons why your lumbar back hurts after sleep

    The reasons why the lower back hurts in the morning after sleep are very diverse and ambiguous - from the most frivolous and easily eliminated to intractable pathologies. But sometimes it is enough to take a closer look at the external circumstances that provoke this painful symptom every morning.

    Hard surface, awkward position

    Too hard or, on the contrary, soft bed forces you to take an unhealthy and uncomfortable position in your sleep. As a result, the muscles that should rest at night are unable to relax - and after sleep, the back hurts in the lumbar region. Moreover, even owners of orthopedic mattresses often suffer from this problem. A properly organized place will not relieve painful inconvenience in the morning if a person sleeps in the wrong position. It is recommended to sleep in such a way that the muscles do not have to stretch or strain; one of the proven options is on your back with your legs elevated.


    Overstrain of the back muscles occurs in those who engage in heavy physical labor or, on the contrary, sit in one position for a long time. During sleep, the muscles do not have time to rest, which is why the lower back hurts after sleep. This condition is temporary and goes away without the intervention of a doctor, but for its further prevention it is recommended to do physical exercise.


    Exercise therapy is one of the most effective therapeutic methods. When performed correctly, there is a natural reduction in the size of hernias and protrusions, the correct muscle tone is restored, the degree of curvature of the spine is reduced, compression is removed from the intervertebral discs, and pain is reduced. All exercises should be performed regularly for 10-15 minutes a day. During exercise, you should not feel pain or severe tension, but it is important to gradually increase the load: the number of approaches and training time.


    1. Lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides and place your palms down, bend your knees. Move your knees bent to the right so that your right leg touches the floor and your left leg rests on top of it. The upper part of the body should be pressed to the floor. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Perform in the other direction.
    2. Turn onto your stomach, arms along your body, legs straight. Raise your body 45 degrees, lock in this position, feel how your muscles tense. Relax, then repeat a few more times.
    3. Stand straight at the support, grab it with your hands and begin to sit down slowly, without letting go of your hands. In this case, the legs bend, and the torso and arms form a straight line. This is a traction exercise that allows you to increase the space for the intervertebral discs.
    4. Get on all fours, hands and feet shoulder-width apart, arch your back and lower your head down, then bend over and raise your head, perform several times.

    During the exercises, do not make sudden movements. You should not feel pain or severe tension. Exercise therapy is contraindicated at elevated temperatures, acute pain, inflammation, and exacerbation of infectious diseases.

    Problem No. 10. Dizziness when rising from a chair

    Root cause of change

    This occurs with orthostatic hypotension - redistribution of blood from the head to the lower extremities.

    The degree of manifestation is within normal limits

    This can be normal or pathological. The norm is if a person was sitting and suddenly jumped up; tall and thin people are especially prone to this condition. In diseases of the endocrine system, as well as in the elderly, this is an additional factor in falls and requires treatment. This condition can be caused by medications.

    Addiction to the problem

    This problem more often occurs in older people, as well as tall and thin people (due to the fact that the blood does not quickly have time to be redistributed among the vessels).


    The doctor recommends controlling your actions and trying not to get up suddenly. If you still feel dizzy, then take a comfortable position - sit back or lie down and raise your legs at an angle of 45 degrees.

    Where to go?

    If the problem occurs frequently, then your specialist is a cardiologist; if necessary, and if cardiac pathology is excluded, he will redirect you to a neurologist.


    Taking a course of massage will help you quickly cope with any back problems. Immediately after the session, the feeling of numbness goes away, movements become freer, and serious pathologies of the spine gradually disappear. During the massage, the volume of hernias decreases, muscle spasms are relieved, blood circulation is activated, and tension on nerve endings is removed. Performing massage is recommended in courses both for treatment purposes and in the future for the prevention of spinal diseases.

    Massage technique:

    1. Using stroking movements, work the entire lumbar region, chest and neck. In this case, you should not act on the skin above the vertebrae, only around them.
    2. Apply light pinches over the entire surface of the numb area.
    3. Place your palms on the edge, perform sawing movements, gradually moving from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom.
    4. Place your knuckles next to your spine and, with light pressure, move them towards your sides.
    5. Place your palms on one part of your back, move one up, the other down, shifting the skin.
    6. If the lumbar region becomes numb, it is also worth performing a massage in the buttocks and thighs. To do this, place your knuckles in the area of ​​the processes of the femurs and move them several times with light pressure.
    7. Feel the outermost process of the coccyx in the buttock area, place your thumb on it and perform light vibrating movements.
    8. Finish the massage with stroking movements.

    It is important to perform massage during the absence of acute pain; also contraindications are elevated body temperature, inflammation at the site of exposure, and exacerbation of infectious diseases.

    Numbness of the cervical spine

    Approximately 95% of patients who complain of numbness of the cervical spine are subsequently diagnosed with a severe form of osteochondrosis with secondary posterior vertebral artery syndrome. Numbness of the neck and collar area can also be a clinical sign of glenohumeral periarthritis or deforming osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint.

    When diagnosing numbness in the neck area, it is important to exclude assimilation of the atlas by the occipital bone, its subluxation, and rotational displacement. Not only the spinal canal and large cerebral blood vessels pass through the area of ​​the foramen ovale of the skull. Pairs of so-called cranial nerves emerge from there. Some of them are responsible for the innervation of the skin of the scalp, shoulders and collar area, and the back of the neck. If the position of the body of the first vertebra is disturbed, there is often a constant feeling of numbness in the collar area, shoulders and neck. This symptom is an indication for an MRI examination of the base of the skull and cervical spine.


    For back health and general well-being, it is enough to follow a few simple rules:

    • eliminate bad habits;
    • the diet should be balanced, rich in foods high in vitamin B;
    • Get a massage regularly;
    • perform exercises to strengthen the paravertebral muscles;
    • normalize your weight;
    • if you have a sedentary job, take short breaks to exercise, buy a chair with a special orthopedic design;
    • the sleeping place must be correct: the mattress is of medium hardness and the pillow is of low height;
    • watch the position in which you are sitting: your back should be straight without bending inwards in the thoracic region and without unnecessary bending in the lumbar region. With proper seating, the load on the spine is distributed evenly, which avoids pinching of nerves and blood vessels;
    • Avoid hypothermia.

    Following these simple recommendations will help you never experience back problems that can cause you to feel numb.

    How to treat numbness

    At first, it is recommended to remove the load as much as possible and perform light movements for the back.
    Treatment of tingling and impaired sensitivity of the skin near the shoulder blades is prescribed in accordance with the cause of this condition. The following measures can be taken at home:

    1. Maximum unloading of the spinal region in the area of ​​symptom manifestation. If there is a suspicion of a muscle strain or the clinical picture is the result of sedentary work, you need to give your back a rest: periodically lie down for 10-15 minutes or lean on a comfortable back (you can put a pillow).
    2. The use of local agents with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. However, medications that eliminate pain symptoms do not eliminate the cause of discomfort. Therefore, you should consult a doctor to receive treatment recommendations.
    3. Elimination of drafts and hypothermia. Such factors increase the severity of unpleasant sensations. You can wrap the sore area with a warm scarf or handkerchief.

    If, in addition to numbness, your back begins to hurt, or there is a feeling of pressure in the chest area, you need to urgently call a doctor. This is especially true for women during pregnancy, for whom self-medication can be dangerous. Medicines will only temporarily alleviate the condition, but this is not a solution to the problem, since as the underlying pathology develops, the condition will worsen.

    An immediate call to an ambulance is required in the following cases:

    • increasing pain and numbness;
    • the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
    • severe dizziness;
    • significant increase in temperature;
    • chest pressure.

    The cause may be so serious that surgical intervention is required - in case of a pinched nerve, the presence of a tumor-like neoplasm, etc.

    How to relieve pain

    Since the causes of lower back pain after sleep can be different, it is strictly not recommended to independently diagnose yourself and relieve the pain. Some external problems do not require a doctor's attention, while serious internal problems require proper treatment. Relieving pain on your own is an important symptom that will allow the doctor to determine the source of the problem - it is not recommended until examined by a specialist. Only your doctor can tell you how to relieve an attack of back pain in the lumbar region after sleep. Drug therapy may be prescribed to treat pain. You need to know that pain is a symptom, but not the cause of the problem. Often, lower back pain goes away after proper organization of the sleeping area, adjustment of the diet, correction of posture and two to three weeks of physical therapy.

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