Posture corrector for children and adults - how to choose and wear?

A sedentary lifestyle, constant sitting at the computer, lack of sports leads to the fact that the posture of a modern person leaves much to be desired. Violation of the correct position of the back is observed in adolescents already at school, and such a problem cannot be ignored. Doctors fight it with the help of special posture corsets. By supporting the back and fixing it in the desired position, they gradually teach a person to walk straight, train the muscle corset, fix the vertebrae and relieve the load from them.

What is a corset?

Correct back position is important not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for maintaining the health of the entire body. A bent spine leads to weakening of the abdominal muscles, displacement of internal organs and their dysfunction. But walking with a straight back all the time can be difficult if you don’t have the habit. Specially created corsets will help correct the situation. These are preventive and therapeutic orthopedic devices that fix the spine in a natural position.

Manufacturers offer users bandages with varying degrees of rigidity and shape. Each model has its own purpose and allows you to correct one or another deviation. The main advantages of corsets are relieving the load from the back, straightening the stoop, and strengthening the muscle frame.

You should not wear the product on your own without the advice of a specialist, since the wrong choice or violation of the duration and rules of wearing can lead to the opposite result and a more serious deterioration in the general condition. Even if you purchase a preventative device, you should first consult a doctor.

Monta 5 in 1

The medical corrector Monta for the upper thoracic region is ideal for women and men, thanks to its anatomical cut and comfortable, adjustable straps. This model is also recommended for children aged 9-11 years. The absence of rigid inserts allows the corrector to fit tightly to the body and does not hinder movement. The simple design of the corrective top allows you to develop ideal posture. The corset’s especially high effectiveness is noticeable if it is worn regularly for a long time - 1-2 months.


  • country of origin : Russia
  • rating — 4.3 (21 reviews)
  • price - from 1578 rub.
  • material - neoprene
  • gender - unisex
  • spine - upper thoracic

Advantages of the corrector:

  • one size to fit any figure;
  • can significantly improve posture in just a month of use;
  • There are no hard inserts that cause discomfort while wearing.

Disadvantages of the model:

  • Available only in black;
  • high price.

There are a lot of positive reviews about this model of chest reclinator. Here is one of them:

I started having problems with my back, the doctor advised me to buy a posture corrector. I chose the Monta model. It is easy to use, and performs its function perfectly - after a month of constant wearing, my back pain disappeared. I have never regretted the purchase I made.

What is it for?

A corset for correcting posture is a universal item that is used for the treatment of scoliosis, its prevention, and correction of incorrect back position in the early stages. It not only works on the spine muscles, but also develops the habit of walking with a straight back. It is prescribed by specialists to obtain the following result:

Spinal bandages

  • correction of vertical body position;
  • supporting the back during the rehabilitation period;
  • correction of congenital pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • prevention of the development of osteochondrosis;
  • reducing the manifestation of pain in the back;
  • posture correction.

A corset for correcting posture is not the only way to influence the correct position of the ridge; usually wearing it is included in a comprehensive approach to combating the problem. The duration of the back fixation and the features of the design used are selected by the doctor individually based on the patient’s existing problem, his age, and the severity of the pathology. In some cases, the bandage is a preventive measure, in others it slows down the process of vertebral displacement or stops it completely.

Causes of curvature

Spinal problems appear in many children already in adolescence. The main prerequisites are a sedentary lifestyle and prolonged stay at the table in an uncomfortable position. In addition, in many cases, birth defects are noted, as well as the following causes of curvature:

  • heavy briefcase and thin straps with improper distribution of load on the spine;
  • failures of metabolic processes in the body, excessive release of certain hormones;
  • acute deficiency of calcium or other beneficial vitamins and microelements;
  • history of rheumatism, poliomyelitis or rickets;
  • hereditary predisposition.

A posture corrector for children is an excellent preventative or therapeutic tool that stops or completely corrects scoliosis. An orthopedic device keeps the vertebrae in the anatomically correct position and reduces the load on the muscles. For different types of violations, specific devices with a special design and type of rigidity are used. They are prescribed exclusively by a doctor; choosing a product on your own can only complicate the problem.

Types of devices

Corsets to relieve back slouching are used not only for treatment, but also for preventive purposes, to support the spine during the rehabilitation period after falls, injuries, and mechanical displacements. All products available on the market differ in the degree of elasticity, rigidity, design features, and material. Options for adults and children differ not only in size, but also in the type of fixation. All products are divided into the following categories:

  • Bandage. It is an elastic belt that is installed in the chest and lower back area. Used to relieve stress from the back, reduce pain intensity, and improve blood circulation in soft tissues. Their use is usually prescribed after operations, as well as for people doing heavy physical work or playing professional sports. There may be built-in metal plates or a semi-rigid frame inside. It is often used in orthopedics, and for some time now also in gynecology to support a woman while bearing a child.
  • Reclinator. This is a special device for correcting any curvature of the spine. With their help, a strong habit of keeping your back straight is developed. Thanks to the belts, the degree of tension can be adjusted, and thus individual parameters can be set. The main indications for its use are spinal instability, scoliosis, kyphosis or lordosis. Reclinators are divided into several types, depending on their purpose. The device is used only under the supervision of an orthopedic surgeon.
  • Breast corrector. It is a fastener with straps that is installed in the torso area. Different manufacturers have their own fastener systems; soft buckles are considered the ideal option. With its help, the problem in the area from 4 to 10 vertebrae is corrected. They are prescribed for scoliotic changes in posture, if the displacement of the position of the shoulder blades is pronounced.
  • Thoracolumbar corset. It is a cut covering the area from the chest to the lower back. The lower part is fixed on the belt due to special fastenings. Their characteristic feature is the presence of metal plates that hold the back in the correct position. Their rigidity is determined by the degree of development of scoliosis.

Corsets are used to straighten the spine, but they can simply support the spine during periods of excessive physical activity in order to prevent injury to the ligaments or displacement of the vertebrae. In addition, the positive effect is the elimination of pain, as well as strengthening of muscles.

Best models

Back posture correctors are designed to correct stoop and relieve a person from pain in the neck and lower back. Manufacturers, competing with each other, offer options made of different materials with varying degrees of rigidity. But not all brands and models are trustworthy. When choosing which medical equipment to choose, you should pay attention to the following brands:

  • OttoBock,
  • Orliman,
  • Trives,
  • Tisa.

These companies have been operating on the market for a long time and offer guaranteed quality products for posture correction. The products are maximally adapted to the anatomical characteristics of a person, allow the skin to breathe, and therefore are suitable even for prolonged wear. Let's look at the main popular models of devices.

A classic version of a corrective corset to support posture

Reclinator OttoBock RB 1068

The corrector is of medium hardness, has elastic inserts and is conveniently fastened with Velcro. It can be easily worn under clothes thanks to its perfect fit to the back. During the manufacturing process, a material was used that has a good ability to allow air to pass through and also repel moisture. Wearing it is beneficial for the spine, in case of scoliosis, severe stoop, or weakened muscles. The main positive aspects are:

  • Can be worn in both winter and summer,
  • the holder qualitatively forms correct posture,
  • normalizes muscle tone,
  • reduces the load and restores the normal position of the vertebrae,
  • relieves pain syndrome,
  • differs in almost insignificant weight.

The manufacturer offers to choose the appropriate size from the presented line. But the product also has its disadvantages. For example, it can rub in the armpit area and the reclinator belongs to an expensive price category.

Corset for the chest and lower back with fixation at the waist

Corrector KOR-M3 brand "Tisa"

It is recommended by many orthopedists to combat stooping and correct shoulder position. It is easy to put on and allows you to securely fix the vertebrae in the chest and lumbar region. Thanks to its thoughtful design, it normalizes muscle tone, improves well-being, and corrects asymmetry in the initial stages. The main indications for use are:

  • muscle spasms,
  • intercostal neuralgia,
  • rachiocampsis,
  • lumbago.

A distinctive feature of the device is a stable load on the fixed part, the formation of correct posture, the development of the habit of keeping your back straight, and improved muscle tone. As many users note in reviews, the device reduces pain in the spinal region and gives a pronounced effect in a short time. Its use is contraindicated for scoliosis and kyphosis in the final stages.

Corset Orliman LT-330 “LUMBITRON”

The model is designed to provide rigid fixation of the thoracic and lumbar spine. Its distinctive feature is a clear repetition of the anatomical shape of the body, as well as support for the ridge under load. It is prescribed for use in lumbago, for rehabilitation after injuries, in order to strengthen the muscle corset in the lower back and sacrum.

The main positive aspects of the device are:

  • ease of use (you can put it on even without outside help);
  • excellent strengthening of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • uniform distribution of the load on the back;
  • removable metal inserts;
  • easy to wash and still retain its functionality;
  • comfortable to use;
  • large size range.

Not suitable for use by children. It can rub in the armpits and hinder movement, as it is characterized by increased rigidity. Such a straightener can only be used in correction if prescribed by a doctor.

Children's corsets are more like a vest and differ in the way they are fastened

OPPO Medical 4075

The Oppo orthopedic corset is designed for recovery after a collarbone fracture or posture correction. It also helps during training of the muscular section of the chest. Made from polyester, nylon and viscose. Has a medium or firm degree of fixation. The duration of use depends on the recommendations of the attending physician. Suitable for persons of any gender. A large number of sizes will allow you to choose a corset in accordance with your figure.


  • country of origin : Russia
  • rating - 4.5 (4 reviews)
  • price - from 1790 rub.
  • material - textile
  • gender - unisex
  • intended for use on the upper thoracic region


  • several sizes;
  • soft material does not rub or cause discomfort while wearing;
  • adequate cost;
  • efficiency from use.


  • not detected.

Judging by customer reviews, this posture corrector effectively performs its functions. It perfectly corrects posture. The absence of rigid inserts allows you to wear the corset without feeling any discomfort.

Children's correctors. How to choose?

A children's corset to correct posture is selected exclusively by an orthopedic doctor. Even if a parent has a desire to add this element to the preventive complex, they cannot purchase it on their own. If your child has become stooped, sits at the computer for a long time, or complains of headaches or neck discomfort, it’s time to consult a specialist. He will conduct an examination, determine the cause and help you choose the appropriate corset. It comes in several types:

  • Easy. Used to prevent curvature and support the vertebrae in the early stages of stooping.
  • Semi-rigid. Sewn-in springs allow the child to keep his back straight and relieve pain. Often prescribed for injuries, as well as correction of pathologies.
  • Hard. It is used to treat back problems, and not just for alignment. It relieves the spine from stress, treats intervertebral hernia and osteochondrosis.

The medical device is selected depending on the age of the child. How best to wear it and how much you need to wear it during the day is worth checking with your doctor. Recommendations will be individual for each patient.

Rules for using a corset

It is extremely important to know how to wear the chosen posture correction device correctly. This will eliminate its negative impact on bone tissue and increase the effectiveness of treatment. It is worth reading the instructions especially carefully in the case of a hyperextension corset.

Basic recommendations:

  • The product should not be worn on a naked body; it is better to choose a light cotton T-shirt underneath.
  • The belts must not be loose or pinched.
  • The bandage should not be worn for more than 6 hours.
  • As a preventive measure, the corrector is worn for no longer than half an hour a day.
  • It is strictly forbidden to sleep in a corset, since at night the soft tissues must be completely free.

When you first wear socks, you feel tired, but there’s nothing wrong with that. But pain or severe discomfort should alert you; such symptoms are grounds for contacting a specialist.

A correctly selected corset to correct your posture will help you get rid of stooping, pain and drooping shoulders. Therefore, it is better to plan your purchase after consultation with a specialist; this makes it possible to eliminate the possibility of complications or worsening the problem.

Orto KGK 110

The Orto anti-stoop corset is made of hypoallergenic material that is highly breathable. It is able to form the correct line of the spine and strengthen the muscular corset of the back. The corrector is able to return the spine to its anatomically correct position. When worn for a long time, posture problems disappear and the back straightens.


  • manufacturer - Russia
  • rating — 4.5 (11 reviews)
  • price - from 3900 thousand rubles
  • material - metal, textile
  • gender - unisex;
  • purpose : thoracolumbar region

Product advantages:

  • reliable fixation;
  • does not rub the skin;
  • Fast shipping;
  • wide size range.


  • difficulties with choosing a size;
  • stretches quickly
  • high price.

Customer Feedback:

The Orto therapeutic corset restored flexibility to my spine and straightened my posture.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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