Normal posture and pathological posture. What determines poor posture in a child?

Posture is the usual posture of a casually standing person, depending on the condition of the skeleton, musculo-ligamentous apparatus, general well-being, as well as living and working conditions. Each person has a certain, unique posture. By their posture they recognize a friend from afar, and by their posture they determine correct and incorrect statics.

Human posture is changeable: it changes throughout the day for the same person under the influence of various factors. The formation of posture is influenced by both internal factors and the external environment. The reasons for changes in statics must be sought not only in changes in the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system, but also in other organ systems.

A child beginning to walk stands on legs wide apart, bent at the knees and hip joints, his torso is straightened and tilted slightly forward. This posture manifests a lack of training in the neuromuscular system and high tension in the muscles of the anti-gravity group. This tension is the main factor that forms the physiological curvature of the spine: lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis and cervical lordosis.

Changes in posture during growth are associated with the development of the nervous system, the movement apparatus, as well as with periods of intensive growth, of which two are mainly important: the period of early childhood and the period of puberty. These periods are characterized mainly by increased growth of the limbs (especially the lower ones), while the spine grows more evenly; to some extent, accelerated growth is observed during puberty.

The child’s posture begins to be determined from the moment he tries to stand independently. By this time, cervical lordosis has already formed and kyphosis is clearly visible, spreading to the thoracic and lumbar spine, resulting in a characteristic roundness of the back. Further changes in posture depend mainly on the formation of lumbar lordosis and at the same time on reducing the size of the excessive bulge of the abdomen. Lumbar lordosis finally develops only at the 7th–8th year of life. From this moment we can talk about the child’s normal posture, which is due to sufficient muscle tone. Changes in posture, characterized by laxity of the corresponding muscles (as well as an increase in the convexity of the abdomen and rounding of the back), are again observed during puberty (at the age of 13–14 years). Changes in posture and figure in general, depending on neurohormonal factors, cease with the end of puberty. Normal posture is restored, characterized by normal muscle tone. During this period, the final formation of lumbar lordosis occurs and at the same time the abdominal wall flattens.

This condition, at best, lasts up to 30 years (some researchers believe up to 25 years), after which a serious change in posture occurs due to gradually developing weakening of the muscles (mainly the abdominal muscles and extensor muscles of the trunk), an increase in body weight and the onset of degenerative process (in particular, dehydration) in the intervertebral discs. All together, this leads to increased curvature of the spine, loss of compensatory tension in the abdominal muscles and decreased growth.

Naturally, deviations from the norm in the skeleton and muscles can lead to various pathological curvatures and different types of posture, predisposing to the development of pathological curvatures of the spine. The normal, or basic, type of posture according to Stoffel is characterized by the most pronounced elastic properties of the spine, which counteract the occurrence of pathological curvatures.

Normal posture has 5 clinical signs:

  1. The location of the spinous processes of the vertebrae along the plumb line (vertical).
  2. The location of the shoulder girdles is at the same level.
  3. The angles of both blades are located at the same level.
  4. Equal triangles of the waist (right and left), formed by the torso and freely lowered arms.
  5. Correct curves of the spine in the sagittal plane (up to 5 cm deep in the lumbar region and up to 2 cm in the cervical region).
  6. With good statics, individual parts of the body behave normally, i.e. are in interaction, ensuring smooth movements and stability of support with the least amount of energy.

Correct posture - what is it, and how to determine poor posture?

  • With correct posture, the body position is balanced , and the loads fall on the entire spinal column, distributed evenly.
  • With correct posture, muscles create a reliable corset around the spinal column, supporting it and the internal organs in the correct position.
  • With correct posture, a person looks forward , the shoulders are at the same level, symmetrically relative to the spine, the shoulder blades are at the same level, the waist triangles are symmetrical, the back has no pathological bends, and the abdominal muscles are in good shape.

Correct posture does not mean that the spine is strictly straight - this simply cannot be. The spinal column has a straight axis in the frontal plane and physiological bends in the sagittal plane , which give it greater resistance to loads, shock-absorbing and dynamic properties.

How is the spine formed in newborns?

  • The child is born with an absolutely straight spine
  • When the baby begins to hold his head, he develops lordosis in the cervical spine .
  • By the time the child begins to sit and walk, the load on the spine increases significantly, and thoracic kyphosis with lumbar lordosis .

From now on, with correct posture, the side view of the spinal column resembles the shape of the letter “s” , with lordosis in the cervical and lumbar regions and kyphosis in the thoracic and sacral regions. In the anteroposterior direction, the spine should have a strictly straight line .

Emotional background

Posture also affects mood and, conversely, mood can affect posture.

Please note - when you feel good, you feel happy, when you are overwhelmed with joyful emotions, your back is usually straightened, your posture is open, you want to breathe with your chest fully open, you feel on the rise.

In contrast, people who are depressed and experience chronic pain often sit hunched or stand slouched. Their very posture and the whole body speaks about what is happening inside a person at the level of emotions or physical sensations.

You can try experimenting with these sensations. The next time you feel depressed or anxious about something, try changing your posture, standing up straight and breathing deeply.

This really helps you relax, concentrate, and you will really notice how you feel better. Many eastern practices, such as yoga, tai chi, qigong and others, pay special attention to working on posture and breathing.

Test to determine posture disorders

To evaluate your posture and understand whether it is correct, you can do a simple test:

  • Stand with your back to the wall , touching it with your shoulder blades and heels.
  • If your posture is correct , the walls will also touch the back of your head, buttocks, and calves.
  • If it is incorrect , you need to work on yourself to correct your posture before irreparable harm to your health is caused.

Note: This same test can be used as an exercise to correct posture:

Stand against the wall so that the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels touch it. Place a book on your head and stand there for a while. Then walk around the room, trying not to change the position of your body and head . In the future, your body will remember this position in space well and will be able to take the correct posture automatically, without a wall or a book.

Poor posture is often the cause of many spinal diseases and greatly complicates a person’s life over time, becoming increasingly difficult to correct.

In everyday life

1. Do not stay in the same sitting position for more than 20 minutes, change positions, stand up, walk.

2. Use swivel chairs , they allow you to turn without twisting your spine.

3. Wear comfortable shoes. Heels or ill-fitting shoes affect the distribution of weight across the foot, making it unnatural, and subsequently worsen your posture.

4. Make friends with your posture , use special gadgets or applications on your smartphone to remind you to maintain the correct body position in space. Ask friends to tell you when you slouch.

5. Regularly engage in physical exercises that strengthen your core muscles, abdominal muscles and deep back muscles. This will make it easier to maintain the correct position of the spine.

Author: Olga Rebrova, certified Pilates trainer, senior specialist in the training department #Sekta

Literature: 1. J. Paterson, Pilates system of physical exercises for postural defects and the consequences of diseases and injuries / Transl. from English – M.: Publishing house BINOM. 2015. – 480 pp., ill. 2. Calais-Germain, B., Healing movements for the spine/Trans. from fr. A.V. Apatovskaya. – M.: AST: Astrel: Poligrafizdat, 2010. – 302, [2] p.: ill. 3. Thoracic Kyphosis: Solutions for Clients 4. Justin Price, MA, “Excessive Thoracic Kyphosis: More Than Just Bad Posture.” 5. Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 87, April 2006., Fang Lin, DSc, Sriranjani Parthasarathy, BS, Susan J. Taylor, OT/L, Deborah Pucci, MPT, Ronald W. Hendrix, MD, Mohsen Makhsous, PhD. "Effect of Different Sitting Postures on Lung Capacity, Expiratory Flow, and Lumbar Lordosis" 6. Eur J Clin Pharmacol (2009), Christian Queckenberg & Uwe Fuhr. "Influence of posture on pharmacokinetics". 7. “Why Good Posture Matters” 8. Carol Murphy, “Tricks of the Trade” 9. “Why good posture matters”, Harvard Health Publications, Originally published: June 2015, Updated: April 22, 2021. 10. CHRISTIAN GABARDA, MS, “4 exercises to help your posture,” UPMC MyHealth Matters, MAY 20, 2014. 11. “Good Posture…just how important is it?”, MMVI Kansas Chiropractic Foundation – Improving Kansas Health 12. Cedric X. Bryant, PhD , FACSM, “The Biomechanics of Obesity,” IDEA Fitness Journal 13. Justin Price, MA “Excessive Thoracic Kyphosis: Much More Than Just Bad Posture” 14. “The Concept of Neutral Posture: Techniques for Monitoring, Correction, and Self-Correction” 15. Cody Lawyer, ISSA CPT, “THE IMPORTANCE OF GOOD POSTURE”

Poor posture can lead to...

  • The occurrence of intervertebral hernias.
  • Deformities of the spine and chest.
  • Pathological changes in the hip joints.
  • Chronic back pain.
  • Frequent and severe headaches.
  • Chronic fatigue, weakness.
  • Disorders of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus of the foot.

social and psychological problems are added to the development of pathologies of organs and systems due to poor posture

  • People who have incorrect posture, due to their noticeable physical deviation, are often very complex ; it is difficult for them to find a mate.
  • People with poor posture most often experience self-doubt and a tendency to depression.

Network of dental clinics KANO and physical therapy clinic KANO

The human body is an inexpressibly complex system. Everything is closely intertwined in it, even if the relationship does not seem obvious at first glance. Therefore, qualified treatment and recovery require an integrated approach from thinking doctors of different specialties. Such a unique concept can be found in Minsk in the KANO network of dental clinics and the KANO physical rehabilitation clinic.

Dentists of the KANO clinic network will provide comprehensive treatment for dental problems of any complexity: from professional oral hygiene to high-tech digital prosthetics and Zygoma zygomatic implantation.

Physical Therapy Clinic KANO

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General recommendations

Curvature of the spine can be cured with the help of special exercises. Have you decided to go this route? Then remember a number of rules:

  1. Do gymnastics either in the morning or 1-2 hours after eating.
  2. Before classes, do a light warm-up to warm up your muscles and joints.
  3. Increase the number of approaches gradually.
  4. Watch your diet! It should contain sufficient amounts of protein, calcium and phosphorus.
  5. Buy an orthopedic pillow and mattress. Your bed shouldn't be too soft.
  6. Train regularly!
  7. Add time on the roller to your exercises. Lie on it for 5 minutes a day and you will quickly notice the result. The pain will go away, the spine will become straighter, and your mood will improve. We recommend the miracle roller made from buckwheat husks from Beauty 365.

  8. Swimming will also be a good addition to your core exercises. In water, our body relaxes as much as possible and it becomes possible to perform more complex exercises. By the way, such activities have practically no contraindications.

Set of exercises

How to quickly restore your posture at home? Start doing a set of exercises! It is not difficult and will not take much time, but the condition of the spine will improve.

Before each workout, do a short warm-up:

  1. Rotate your head forward, backward, sideways, clockwise and counterclockwise.
  2. Bend to the sides, forward and backward.
  3. Make circular movements with your hands (forward and backward). This will allow you to stretch your stiff shoulders.
  4. Roll from your toes to your heels and back.
  5. Rotate your foot in different directions.

Make all movements slowly, listen to the sensations of your own body.

Then you can move on to the main workout.


The plank strengthens almost all muscles. Its essence is to stand in the desired position for as long as possible.

Place your toes and elbows on the floor. You can also stand in a plank position with your arms outstretched. Mentally draw a straight line from head to toe - this is what your pose should look like.

Beginners usually cannot hold a plank position for more than a minute. Start with 30 seconds and gradually increase the time.

Gluteal bridge

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Lift your pelvis up, transferring your body weight to your shoulders. The buttocks should be tense and the torso straight. Hold the position for a few seconds and then lower your pelvis to the floor. The exercise should be repeated at least 10 times, 2 approaches.

Exercise strengthens the muscles of the hips and lower back.

Complicated bridge

You also lie on your back with your knees bent. By lifting your pelvis, you transfer your body weight not to your shoulders, but to the back of your head. Don't forget to tense your neck. Start with 2-3 repetitions per set.


Lie on your stomach. Raise your arms and legs at the same time. Hold the position for a couple of seconds and lower your limbs to the floor. Repeat 10-15 times.

With this exercise, you will strengthen your muscle corset (which just leads to beautiful posture) and put your umbilical ring in place (if you often carry weights, it has most likely shifted). It also stimulates blood circulation.


Lie on your stomach and clasp your ankles with your hands, lift your legs up. Roll from chest to knees and back.

This training improves blood circulation and the functioning of the nervous system, which will allow it to transmit the right impulses to the body. Many people who have tried this exercise note that their digestive system began to work better.


Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body. Throw your legs over your head. Try to touch the floor behind your head with your fingertips. Feel your muscles stretch.


Lie on your back, stretch your legs straight up. Support your pelvis with your hands, resting your elbows on the floor. Maintain your balance as long as possible. Come out of the stance using a tuck - press your knees to your chest, wrap your arms around them and do a few rolls on your back.

With this exercise you will develop balance and stretch your spine.


Get on all fours (that is, place your knees and palms on the floor). First, round your back (like an angry cat) and lower your head down, then bend at the waist (remember what a cat does when you pet it), and lift your head up. Do 10-15 reps. Stretch your back as much as possible.

This exercise relieves pain and makes the spine more flexible.


Lie on your back. Place your heels closer to your buttocks and your hands to your ears. Straighten your arms and feet, arching your back and sticking your stomach out. It is better to leave the stance at first with the help of another person to protect yourself.

During classes, do not make sudden movements. If you feel pain, stop. It should not be. Just a pleasant tension or stretching of the muscles. Take breaks if you get very tired. At the beginning, don’t get carried away - increase the number of approaches gradually. The most important thing is your comfort. You should feel your muscles becoming stronger and your spine straighter.

The “SmeloNET” marathon offers even more great exercises to improve your posture and strengthen your back muscles. Everything in our body depends on the spine. If you are concerned about a drooping eyelid, a double chin, a swollen oval of the face and sagging breasts, then you need to start by working on your back. Marathon participants notice changes throughout the body after a block of spinal exercises.

Finally take care of your health - sign up for a marathon.

Using gadgets

When you type messages on the small screen of your smartphone or PDA while standing or sitting, maintain the correct position of your back, without arching or excessive deflection . Keep your head above your shoulders, with only your eyes looking down. You can also reduce the load by placing a small pillow under your forearms, rather than holding them up.

When you look at your computer monitor, it should be at a comfortable distance from your eyes, and its top should be just below your eye level. If you feel yourself straining while looking at a screen, you may need to change the font size on your computer or have your eyes checked by a professional.

When using the mouse, keep your wrist in a neutral position, and your entire arm should move with the movement of the mouse . The touch of the fingers is light, without tension.

When you type on the keyboard, make sure that it is at a comfortable distance from you, and that your elbows are supported, the angle at the elbow joint is 90° or slightly more. Hands should move freely. Type with your fingers bent freely, you should not reach your fingers towards the keyboard, straightening them.

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