Base of stability or fulcrum (Features of the foot)

The human foot consists of 26 bones and 33 joints. The height of the instep, the arch of the foot, and the shape and size of the toes vary greatly from person to person. For this reason, the foot is deservedly considered the most complex anatomical zone and has earned a separate orthopedic specialty.

“Foot hurts” - this is the complaint most patients come to me with. “Your foot is big, so show me exactly where it hurts” is one of my standard answers.

The foot provides transportation of your body in space. As long as your foot is fine, you won't pay much attention to it. However, when pain appears, you immediately want to get rid of it. In order to receive the correct treatment, you must know where the problem is located.

To accurately localize pain, the foot can be divided into several sections:

Calluses: causes and methods of removal

A callus is formed by compaction of dead skin cells. They are distinguished by strictly defined and clearly visible boundaries, and can be dry or wet.

The main reasons for the formation of calluses:

  • wearing uncomfortable and tight shoes;
  • hard backs of shoes;
  • wearing shoes without socks;
  • irregular foot skin care;
  • foot deformity;
  • lack of care procedures.

Most calluses cause pain, discomfort, and are a source of infection.

Core calluses cannot be eliminated at home; a visit to a podiatrist is necessary. The pathology forms in the area of ​​the fingers or foot and has a deep, pinpoint root canal. These calluses are often affected by fungus.

Effective elimination is only possible with an understanding of the cause of the formation. Dry calluses are removed by a pedicurist, who pre-soaks the skin and removes the growth with a nail file. Wet calluses require an exclusively individual approach.

What is hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is increased sweating, which leads to the formation of skin pathologies. An area with constant high humidity and a temperature comfortable for the growth of bacteria is created in the foot area. This causes an unpleasant odor and peeling of the skin in large areas.

The main reasons for the development of hyperhidrosis:

  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes with poor ventilation;
  • the use of low-quality creams based on synthetic bases that form an airtight film on the surface of the skin.

The main problem with hyperhidrosis is thick and swollen skin. It is difficult to process using hardware methods. To relieve the main symptoms, it is recommended to sprinkle the damaged areas with baby powder or talcum powder.

To treat hyperhidrosis, alcohol-based antiseptic formulations are used. The treatment can be done in a beauty salon. After hygienic treatment, the feet are wiped and treated with talcum powder. Prepared feet are processed using hardware methods using cutters with a hardness of 100-280 grit. After completing the procedure, the master will definitely give recommendations.

General recommendations:

  • use a deodorant recommended by a specialist;
  • wear shoes and clothes made from natural materials;
  • take good care of your shoes;
  • Perform regular foot hygiene procedures at least twice a day.
  • Pay special attention to the condition of the insoles.

Hyperkeratosis, dryness and flaking

Hyperkeratosis is a thickening of the stratum corneum. A layer of 1 to 10 mm is formed on the feet. The thickening is aggravated by the appearance of cracks, chronic formation of calluses and corns.

Excess weight, poor hygiene and the use of shoes made of synthetic materials are the main triggers of hyperkeratosis, among other reasons:

  • genetic factor;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • fungal infection;
  • improper care of the skin of the feet;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

You can remove the effects of hyperkeratosis in a beauty salon. The pedicurist uses a combined technique, which includes the use of softeners and hardware treatment.

The maximum effect when removing rough skin is achieved when using cutters with an abrasiveness of 100-280 grit. The master gradually reduces the abrasiveness using different attachments.


  • using comfortable shoes;
  • regular foot care with moisturizing creams;
  • use of socks and shoes made from natural materials;
  • regular visits to the podiatrist.

To combat dryness and flaking of the skin, urea-based products are used. The beauty parlors offer a procedure called cold paraffin therapy. A good effect is achieved by using wax applications and nourishing masks.

It is important not only to eliminate a cosmetic defect, but also to identify the causes of its occurrence and ensure proper prevention. If necessary, the podiatrist will give recommendations and refer you for consultations to specialized specialists to identify the cause of the defect.


Due to the large number and heterogeneity of diseases that cause pain, there is no single treatment regimen. Pathologies such as arthritis and arthrosis are treated conservatively, prescribing painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that restore cartilage tissue. To get rid of gout, in addition to medications, a specific diet is of no small importance.

Injuries require fixation of the limb and gentle motor mode.

Infectious pathologies require a course of antibiotics.

Deformities can be treated over a long period of time. As a rule, doctors try to make do with therapeutic methods, orthopedic devices, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises. In extreme cases, surgery has to be performed.

If your feet hurt on the top, sides or soles, there are a huge number of reasons. Self-treatment is unacceptable, because many ailments have similar symptoms, and it is very easy for a non-specialist to make a mistake with the diagnosis. An incorrect diagnosis can cause disability.

We specialize in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, even in severe stages of disease. We have been helping thousands of patients avoid surgery for 10 years!

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This is the strongest team of experts who teach at the RUDN Department. We are the clinical base of leading universities, where the best doctors in Moscow, unique specialists from Russia and abroad are trained.

How to treat?

If the foot is swollen and painful, treatment is required. Which method of therapy will be performed depends on the specific pathology.


When fighting diseases that cause pain in the foot, the following types of drugs are used:

  • Painkillers that relieve severe pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications that suppress inflammation, relieve swelling, and reduce pain.
  • Chondroprotectors that restore damaged cartilage tissue of joints.
  • Antibiotics that destroy pathogenic microflora.

Doctors also recommend taking vitamin and mineral complexes to improve the functioning of the immune system and strengthen the body.


As an auxiliary therapy, it is allowed to use alternative medicine methods that eliminate leg pain. Before using them, you should consult your doctor.

If the upper part of your foot hurts, you can try the following remedy: pour a liter of cold water over a crushed head of garlic and lemon pulp. Let it brew for 2 days. Then soak a cotton napkin in the resulting infusion and apply to the affected area. Hold until the fabric becomes warm.

To eliminate pain, foot baths are performed. Chestnut broth helps well with this. Pour 500 g of chopped chestnuts into 3 liters of boiling water, put on fire for half an hour, then leave for the same time. Keep your feet in the broth for at least 15 minutes.


Usually a person not only has pain on the top or bottom of his foot, but also exhibits additional symptoms. The list of symptoms depends on the specific disease. The following symptoms may accompany pain:

  1. Heaviness in the legs.
  2. Rapid fatigue of the limbs.
  3. Swelling.
  4. Redness of the skin.
  5. Formation of wounds and bruises.
  6. Numbness of the cover.
  7. Limited movement.

If pain occurs frequently and other symptoms appear, you should definitely visit a doctor and find out the cause of the disease, and not try to get rid of the pain with analgesics.

Diagnostic measures

To determine the cause of the pain, the doctor prescribes a series of tests. First of all, the doctor examines the foot. Already by external signs one can suspect the presence of certain diseases or injuries of the metatarsus and other parts of the foot. The doctor then sends the patient for an examination, which may include the following:

  1. Radiography.
  2. Ultrasonography.
  3. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging.
  4. Angiography of blood vessels.
  5. Laboratory analysis of blood and urine.

Based on the diagnostic results obtained, the doctor selects treatment tactics.


To avoid pain on the top of the foot, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes that fit properly and do not restrict your feet.
  2. Give your limbs more rest, especially if the work involves standing for a long time.
  3. Eat properly.
  4. Monitor your body weight.
  5. Don't overload your legs.
  6. Exercise.
  7. Strengthen the immune system.
  8. Take walks daily.

Foot pain that occurs regularly and is accompanied by additional symptoms is a serious reason to visit a doctor. After all, the cause of the symptom may be a dangerous pathology that can lead to disability.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome.

Tarsal tunnel (medial malleolus) syndrome

is a disease that often affects athletes.
This is the result of irritation of the tibial nerve. Many factors contribute to its formation, including: abnormal foot alignment (for example, flat feet or varicose veins of the heel),
varicose veins of the lower extremities, or traumatic scars.
The main symptom of the disease is severe burning pain, reminiscent of an electrical discharge. Treatment consists of painkillers
, physical therapy, manual therapy, or steroid injections. Sometimes surgery is also very effective.

Treatment of cracks during pedicure

Hardware dry and combined pedicures work well with cracks. To eliminate pathologies, it is not recommended to carry out intensive softening by wetting. With deep tears, it is difficult to work with skin that has collected water.

Deep cracks are removed in 3-7 sessions. The procedure necessarily ends with treatment with nutritional compositions and healing agents. The client is given recommendations for care and, if necessary, demonstrated care procedures.

Main stages

treatment of cracks during combined pedicure:

  1. Treatment with antiseptic compounds.
  2. Treatment with keratolics, which contain enzymes and urea.
  3. The treated area is covered with a napkin for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Hardware processing with cutters of different hardness. Recommended tips are 100, 150 and 280 grit.
  5. Processing with a diamond cutter - the master forms a truncated cone in the direction of the crack. This helps open the crack and remove dry edges.
  6. Removing dust from feet using antiseptic compounds.
  7. Application of urea or wax based compounds that promote rapid healing.

During a pedicure, the area of ​​skin affected by hyperkeratosis is usually removed.

At home, to increase the rate of acceleration, cracks are treated overnight with wax-based products. During the day, feet are regularly moisturized with nourishing creams. If wax-based products are not available, you can use Vaseline. To improve effectiveness, after treatment overnight, the cracks are covered with polyethylene and a cotton sock is put on.

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