Article 64. Arthropathy of infectious and inflammatory origin, systemic lesions of connective tissue

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Updated: November 24, 2021
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Diseases of joints and cartilage are a problem that is becoming more widespread every year. Unfortunately, such rheumatic disorders are increasingly being diagnosed in young people. During a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, many young men are diagnosed with chronic diseases associated with damage to connective tissue. If a young man is confirmed to have joint problems, his service in the armed forces is called into question. The topic is relevant for many conscripts, so in this article we will figure out whether people with arthritis are accepted into the army and how to get a deferment in 2021.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and the Army

Arthritis is a serious disease that affects joints and cartilage. It affects men at any age and often causes the development of concomitant pathologies. Arthritis manifests itself in different forms, one of which is rheumatoid. This type of disorder is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process directly in the connective tissue and numerous lesions of small joints.

The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are:

  • severe or moderate pain in the joints;
  • pain and swelling in the affected area;
  • restriction of movement in the joint;
  • increased body temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

The presence of one of the symptoms is a reason to consult a doctor. If a young person is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, he may receive a deferment from military service. The decision of the medical commission will depend on the degree of the disease. If the disease has been in remission for more than 5 years and does not bother the young person, it will not be possible to obtain release.

But any stress or malfunction of the immune system can provoke an exacerbation of the disease right in the military unit - in this case, the man is urgently sent to the hospital for treatment, and then discharged.

Rheumatoid arthritis is grounds for exemption from military service if a young man is diagnosed with complications such as joint deformity, severe pain, and limitations in the movement of arms or legs. In this case, the conscript is assigned fitness category “D” or “B”.

A diagnosis of “arthrosis” or “arthritis” is your real chance to get a deferment from the army if there is a high probability of developing pathological changes and other systemic disorders.

The main reasons for the development of infectious diseases in connective tissue are as follows:

  • injuries received during professional sports - fractures, dislocations, sprains, etc.;
  • complications after other inflammatory diseases;
  • congenital dysplasia of cartilage or articular tissue.

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What the official documents say

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue in chronic and severe forms are included in the Schedule of Diseases - a document defining a list of pathologies in which a man cannot join the ranks of soldiers in the Russian army due to the upcoming increased physical activity.

Chapter 13 of the document describes the degree of impairment of functionality sufficient to classify a conscript as fit or unfit for military service. Arthritis and other joint diseases are discussed in article No. 64 of the Schedule.

In particular, it is indicated that arthritis and arthropathy of autoimmune and infectious origin give the right to classify a conscript as category “D” (the conscript receives a military ID and does not join the army), when:

  • Due to pathology, persistent and well-defined changes are observed in the joint, seriously limiting its functionality;
  • If disorders in the joint can be classified as moderate, but the disease progresses and gives frequent exacerbations (this must be confirmed by the results of examinations during the course of treatment).

Reactive arthritis and military service

Reactive arthritis is an autoimmune disease, the development of which occurs against the background of previous infections. The procedure for exemption from military service with such a diagnosis is no different from other forms of arthritis. The only thing a conscript can be guaranteed to count on is not being assigned fitness category “A” by the commission. In the absence of exacerbations and dysfunction of the joints, reactive arthritis will not interfere with military service.

Foot deformities

A young man who has severe foot deformities may not be accepted for military service. Which ones exactly are described in article No. 68 Schedules of illnesses. We are talking about flat feet, which led to significant impairment of the functionality of the joints and foot.

Category “D” will be assigned if the deformation of the feet as a result of a disease or injury to the leg is so severe that the conscript will not be able to wear special military-style shoes.

This happens when the foot:

  • Flat-valgus;
  • equinovarus;
  • Horse;
  • Heel;
  • Varus;
  • Hollow.

Category “B” is assigned to the following pathologies of bones and joints:

  1. Flat feet (third degree longitudinal, third and fourth degree transverse), accompanied by persistent pain, contracture of the fingers and in the presence of arthrosis of the joints of the midfoot;
  2. If, as a result of injury, all toes or an entire part of the foot are missing;
  3. There are contractures on the toes of both feet;
  4. As a result of a serious injury, the heel bones are deformed, the patient suffers from constant pain, and is also diagnosed with arthrosis of the subtalar joint (at the second or more stages).

When people with arthritis are not accepted into the army

The procedure for granting a deferment for conscripts with a confirmed diagnosis of arthritis is determined by Article 64 of the Schedule of Diseases.

The military commissariat must exempt from conscription young people who have at least one of the functional disorders:

  • joint deformity;
  • limited mobility;
  • swelling;
  • destruction of cartilage or bone;
  • severe pain.

In this case, the stage of the disease does not matter. Young men with a confirmed diagnosis and the presence of characteristic complications can apply for a non-conscription category of fitness, regardless of what kind of ailment it is - arthritis of the knee joint or rheumatoid arthrosis:

Symptoms and characteristic appearances of arthritisAssigned category
Changes in articular and cartilage tissue are persistent and pronounced, and symptoms remain even after antirheumatic therapy“D” means that the young man is not subject to service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation even in wartime and is removed from the military register
Moderate symptoms of arthritis or arthrosis with frequent manifestations"D"
Minor disorders in joint and cartilage tissue and rare manifestations of symptoms“B” - the conscript remains on the military register, but at the same time is exempt from military service in peacetime

The report should include information about relapses of arthritis and the nature of the disease. If x-rays do not reveal overgrowth of articular tissues and bone deformations, the conscript will be assigned category “B” and will be accepted into the army. You can only get exemption with the help of your attending physician. To do this, the conscript will need to provide a report from a therapist or surgeon. It would not be a bad idea to obtain documents from a rheumatologist.

About arthrosis

Arthrosis is the destruction of the cartilage tissue of the joint. In the later stages, the periarticular bursa, capsule, ligaments and muscles are deformed. Unprotected bones come into contact, movements become limited, and pain appears. Over time, the joint becomes immobile. Medicines, procedures, physical therapy significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. The cause of the disease is considered to be prolonged stress, injury or congenital characteristics. In case of chronic arthrosis, excessive physical activity, which is part of military life, is contraindicated.

Arthrosis and the army

The draft commission is guided by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 565 “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination” dated July 4, 2013. The decision to draft young men with joint diseases is made in accordance with Article 65 of the schedule of diseases. The indicator of the volume of joint mobility is determined in degrees and is also assessed according to table No.4.

  • “B” - young men who have a slight defect in the articular surface are considered fit with restrictions.
  • “B” - they will be sent to the reserve with a diagnosis of deforming arthrosis with pain syndrome (joint space width 2–4 mm).
  • “D” - unconditionally released from service with deforming arthrosis,
  • which is accompanied by exacerbations (at least 2 times a year), with deformation of the limb axis of 6 degrees or more and destroyed articular cartilage (the width of the joint space is not more than 2 mm).

Documents for the draft commission

It is better to prepare a package of documents in advance. You can contact a public medical institution or a private licensed clinic. The doctor will prescribe examinations: x-rays, ultrasound of the joint, MRI, arthroscopy, general blood test. The results of the research, an extract from the medical history with a confirmed diagnosis, as well as an outpatient card with recorded relapses of the disease must be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office.

If during a medical examination doctors ignore complaints or indicate a higher category, the conscript has the right to appeal to higher authorities or to court (Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, paragraph 7, Article 28). It is important to fill out the application correctly, prepare the relevant documents or copies thereof (decision of the draft commission). The appeal is suspended from the moment the appeal is made to the court until a new decision is made. Without knowing all the nuances of the process, it is difficult to win a case. A lawyer can represent the interests of the plaintiff. To do this, you need to conclude an agreement. You can sign up for a free consultation with specialized lawyers in Perm by calling: +7(342)-234-19-18

Types of illnesses with getting rid of the army

Rheumatoid arthritis. This chronic disease mainly destroys small joints. The risk of the disease is high if there is a certain heredity or impaired immunity. It first appears in the articular membrane, and specific substances are produced to which the internal organs react.

Symptoms are manifested by pain, which disappears in the absence of physical activity, patient fatigue, loss of body weight, and profuse sweating. Appetite worsens. In the morning, a person may feel difficulty moving, and the sore spot swells. If the disease is already very active, then the muscles lose their strength, the skin becomes dry, and nails break easily.

Gouty form. In this case, metabolic processes are disrupted, and excess uric acid appears in the blood. Salts are deposited in the joints, since the kidneys cannot cope with all harmful substances on their own. The joints of the lower extremities are most often affected, but damage to the upper extremities is also possible. Do people with arthritis like this take them into the army?

It belongs to the category of inflammatory processes in the body, since gout is inflammation. With such a diagnosis, a person is not accepted into the ranks of the military. The disease progresses due to hereditary characteristics; the likelihood is higher in men than in women. If you eat improperly, gout makes itself felt.

Polyarthritis nodosa. This arthritis is considered to be the reason for a person's release from service. In this case, several joints are affected, and peculiar nodules form on the arterial walls. Young people have a much higher risk of getting sick than the fairer sex. The main symptoms are weight loss, joint and muscle pain, and fever. Complications can affect the heart, lungs, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. Gangrene often develops as a result of the death of skin cells.

Seronegative spondyloarthritis. In this case, the sacroiliac joints and spine are affected. The disease can occur due to hereditary characteristics, the presence of genitourinary or intestinal infections. Can people with seronegative arthritis be drafted into the army? The answer is negative, because if the disease is not treated, it can cause disability.

Whether people with arthritis are accepted into the army is a question that concerns many mothers of young men. You can read their anxious doubts on the forums. Dispelling them is the task of professional doctors. Do not hesitate to contact them at the first signs, because the army needs healthy and strong men.

Spondyloarthritis with loss of movement

A terrible form of joint arthritis is spondyloarthritis. It can cause an infection aimed at damaging the genitourinary and intestinal systems and is caused by heredity. People with spondyloarthritis are not accepted into the army, because forgetting about treatment and leaving everything as is means becoming disabled and forever losing the ability to move.

Going into the army aware of the disease is more dangerous than being a target for the so-called “grandfathers”. Cases of hazing in the Russian army have decreased, and the number of conscripts who do not want to do military service is increasing. The reasons are different, a serious one is the presence of diseases. Check with your doctor for any of the above conditions, especially if symptoms occur.

It is necessary to take care of yourself and your health, no matter whether the call is near or not. Arthritis, not diagnosed in time, leads to more serious problems than refusal to serve in the army; it is necessary to undergo regular examination by a doctor, without waiting for a check.

Gouty form

Gout affects mainly middle-aged men, but young people of military age are also at risk of the disease. If arthritis is caused by gout, then military service cannot be performed. Gout is an inflammatory disease, which is the reason why patients are not recruited into the army.

Diagnosing gout is difficult, since there are no external manifestations; you can take a urine test and find out for sure. Later, the disease manifests itself internally and on the body: the legs swell at the affected joint, the skin turns blue due to a lack of substances in the body.

The cause of gout is a metabolic disorder that causes problems with the supply of nutrients necessary for the functioning of the body to individual joints. Salts are deposited in the joints, interfering with their healthy functioning.

The cause of gout is a metabolic disorder that causes problems with the supply of nutrients necessary for the functioning of the body to individual joints. Salts are deposited in the joints, interfering with their healthy functioning.

Forms of arthritis that fall under "unsuitability"

Arthritis is a disease that has a large number of underlying causes and forms. Among the types of this disease listed in the “Schedule of Diseases” are:

  • rheumatoid. A form, the main factor in the appearance of which is a failure of the young person’s immune system or heredity. Rheumatoid arthritis often affects the knee joints, which is why it is often also called knee arthritis;
  • polyarteritis nodosa. This form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of nodules on the walls of the arteries of the affected joints, which interfere with the normal functioning of the limb;
  • psoriatic arthropathy (psoriatic arthritis). A form that occurs as a complication of psoriasis;
  • infectious. Doctors call the main reason for the appearance of this subtype of disease microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi), which cause inflammatory processes inside the joint;
  • reactive. It is a complication of an infectious disease of the genitourinary and intestinal systems.
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