Chinese method of treating the spine and joints. Healing points

Why do we feel lethargic and apathetic in the heat?

This is how the human body protects itself from overheating: our body seems to go into an “energy-saving mode”, aimed at making a person relax and move less. After all, any movement is associated with additional heat release, and in the summer heat this is not necessary. Therefore, many people do not have the strength or desire to train. “It’s really very difficult to practice in the heat, this is due to physiology,” notes Alexander Gunko , teacher of hatha yoga, yoga therapy, yoga researcher, blogger . — It’s difficult to force yourself to move actively, but you shouldn’t give up practice completely. In Shaolin, for example, they do not pay attention to the heat at all and practice martial arts for several hours a day. But since we are not Shaolin monks, we should adhere to gentle practice and follow special rules of practice.”

Rules for training on hot days

The main thing here is to avoid overheating at all costs. To do this, experts advise the following.

  • Avoid exercising during peak temperatures. “When exercising outdoors, it is advisable to plan your workouts in the morning (before 10:00) or evening (after 19:00), when the air temperature is more comfortable,” says Alesya Reznikova, fitness trainer at the SportMedica sports medicine clinic. — If even at this time the temperature is above 25°C, it is better to move the lesson to an air-conditioned room.
  • Choose the right clothes ,
    this will make your workout comfortable and safe. “For outdoor activities, clothing is suitable that wicks sweat away from the body and protects the skin from burns, while being light and thin. And be sure to wear a hat! - recommends Alesya Reznikova. “For the hall, choose clothes that will protect the body from drafts and local cooling.”
  • Watch your drinking regime . “Drink more water to avoid dehydration, since in the heat the body loses more moisture through breathing and sweat,” says Alesya Reznikova. “Take a few sips of room temperature water every 10 minutes before, during and after your workout.”
  • Measure the load . “Regardless of the sport, in hot weather it is better to reduce the pace and intensity of the load. Shorten your training program and exercise more often. Increase rest time between sets. Habitual jogging can be replaced by swimming, cycling or roller skating,” sums up Alesya Reznikova.

One of the options for lightweight but effective physical activity is health qigong exercises , a special Chinese gymnastics.

Chronic diseases

Chronic diseases are a sign of an unresolved problem, sometimes an unidentified diagnosis. Often such pathologies are evidence of a person’s internal conflict, a reflection of psychological difficulties. It’s not for nothing that the term “psychosomatic illnesses” exists.

Sometimes chronic processes progress due to the fact that a person cannot bring himself to purposefully take care of his health. This is the disadvantage of traditional medicine. All her measures are aimed at obtaining quick results, but she rarely teaches patients to fight for long-term results. This is especially clearly seen in the example of chronic spinal diseases.

Spinal diseases

What diseases most often affect the spine? These are degenerative-dystrophic processes. Initially, they are a reflection of an incorrect lifestyle:

  1. Poor nutrition. Diets low in calcium lead to premature bone damage. Obesity increases the weight load on the spine, which adversely affects its condition.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle. The lack of basic physical education in the modern person’s regime leads to weakness of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus of the back. This means that the supporting function of the spinal column deteriorates.
  3. Harmful working conditions. Monotonous physical activity in the same position, constant work standing or sitting contribute to spinal degeneration.
  4. Pathological motor stereotypes. They lead to poor posture and the development of increased kyphosis, hyperlordosis, and scoliosis.

What can cure a person with the development of degenerative processes in the spine? Are there alternative therapies for these diseases?

Health Qigong: what is the essence?

“Qigong is the oldest eastern system for maintaining physical and spiritual health, based on methods of working with energy (Qi),” says Ksenia Vivat, instructor of qigong, hatha yoga, qigong for pregnant women , founder of the ProPraktiki .

By regularly performing qigong exercises , after a couple of months you can notice the first results. “Such activities strengthen the immune and nervous systems, help get rid of fatigue, lose weight and even get rid of chronic diseases,” adds Ksenia Vivat.

There are no age or weight restrictions for practicing qigong. It is also suitable for older people . “Qigong is accessible to absolutely everyone. My students' ages range from 6 to 80. The level of training also does not play a special role. You don’t need to twist yourself into a pretzel and stand on your head, so the risk of physical injury tends to zero,” says Ksenia Vivat. “But you need to understand that qigong is, first of all, an energy practice, so I never tire of repeating in classes to beginners: “We work with the neck - attention in the neck, with the hand - in the hand.” I ask you to monitor your condition very carefully, especially during your first classes. And if the body resists some movements, skip them.”

Qigong gymnastics does not involve any sudden movements - twisting, squats, jumping, etc. On the contrary, its goal is to move as smoothly as possible. “From the outside it seems that we are doing very simple exercises, but in fact we are accelerating the circulation of energy in the body, increasing the flow,” adds Ksenia Vivat. “People get so used to their illnesses over the course of a lifetime that they sometimes stop noticing them. And then an avalanche of new energy washes away all the blocks, and what you have been hiding for years appears. The main thing here is not to be afraid. This is an exacerbation before cure. Calmly continue to exercise, carefully and with love for your body. And after a few lessons you will feel reborn.”

Breathing exercises occupy a special place in qigong , which helps to improve the functioning of the lungs, improve well-being, and makes it possible to independently improve your condition - to cheer up or relax.

Advantages of endoscopic removal of cervical disc herniation

Why, when faced with a choice, is it better to undergo endoscopic surgery to remove a hernia in the cervical spine?

  • There is no need to additionally install a fixing interbody cage or implant.
  • The mobility of the operated segment of the spine will be completely preserved.
  • The integrity of the intervertebral disc itself is preserved (no need to perform a disectomy).
  • The development of adjacent segment syndrome is excluded.
  • There is no risk of damage to nerve endings, blood vessels and muscle fibers.
  • High controllability.
  • Good cosmetic effect (no noticeable scars, which can be especially important for patients with an individual tendency to keloid and hypertrophic skin scars).

Contraindications to qigong training

Restrictions for activities are minimal. “Contraindications to them are some acute conditions. We never do joint exercises if the joint is inflamed, or stretch your back if you have an attack of sciatica. But at the same time, we also study the technique of self-massage on points, which helps with headaches. There are special exercises for problems with the gastrointestinal tract,” explains Ksenia Vivat.

As in any other practice, when practicing qigong gymnastics, it is important to monitor your well-being and direct attention to the area that you are currently working on.

Is it possible to practice qigong on hot days? In general, yes. “It is best, of course, to practice qigong either early in the morning, when it is not yet very hot, or in the evening, when the heat subsides. I recommend a quiet practice. It’s also worth placing a bottle of cool water nearby so that you can monitor your drinking regime during practice,” says Alexander Gunko.

Alternative medicine

In modern alternative medicine, there are many effective methods for improving physical health. Some of them are used as a therapeutic method, but many also have a preventive effect. Most alternative methods involve not only the body, but also the spirit, using the internal reserve capabilities of the body to improve health.

To heal the spine, it is not necessary to resort to grueling training or build up a significant muscle corset in the chest and back. Alternative medicine allows you to achieve good results without exhausting training.

The most well-known alternative methods of treating the spine are represented by the following practices:

  • kinesiotherapy;
  • yoga;
  • qigong gymnastics.

And if kinesiotherapy and yoga are widely known and popular methods, then qigong gymnastics in modern realities is a relatively young practical direction in the treatment of spinal diseases. What is she?

Does qigong help you cheer up?

Certainly! Health qigong exercises are aimed at improving the movement of energy (qi) in the body. “The main “side” of classes is a surge of strength. People often say that for several days after qigong they slept less than usual and redid a bunch of things,” shares Ksenia Vivat. “That’s why we practice special relaxing techniques before going to bed, and energy techniques in the morning and at those moments when you need to cheer yourself up or tune in to an important event.”

We asked Ksenia to compose and show us a set of qigong exercises for beginners . “My complex includes qigong movements, which act like caffeine, only without damage to the nervous system and stomach, they can be performed daily,” comments Ksenia Vivat.

Features of removal of a hernia of the cervical spine

Cervical hernias are less common than lumbar hernias and are more difficult to remove. Firstly, this part of the spine is highly mobile. Secondly, the aesthetic consequences of surgery are more difficult to hide. Thirdly, the architecture of the cervical spine is penetrated by a network of fine nerve plexuses and vessels that supply the spinal cord and brain, and the vertebrae themselves are smaller than in the thoracic or lumbosacral segment. The cost of error or inaccuracy when performing such an operation is high. In this regard, preference is given to endoscopic spinal surgery to remove a hernia. However, such an operation is unfortunately not always possible. For example, in the presence of osteophytes in the cervical spine, significant canal stenosis, which are detected by CT (computed tomography) results, there is a risk of destabilization of the spinal segment in the future. Therefore, in this case, a microsurgical operation with the installation of an implant or a fixing interbody cage may be more appropriate. The choice of one or another method for removing a hernia of the cervical spine is also influenced by the localization of the pathology and the type of surgical approach that is possible in this case, as well as the size and specificity of the hernial formation.

A set of qigong exercises for beginners (video)

To perform these exercises you do not need a special warm-up - you can start the exercise in bed or lying on the mat. Follow Ksenia Vivat's instructions and perform the exercises in the specified amount. No equipment other than a mat is required.

Rubbing the tailbone

Lie on your back, bend your knees, lift your pelvis up. Rest your feet, shoulders and back of your head on the floor. Place your palms on your sacrum and tailbone, pointing your fingers down. In this position, begin to vigorously rub the area of ​​the sacrum and coccyx from top to bottom until you feel warmth in this area. Perform the exercise for 30-40 seconds .

"Energy wash"

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, vigorously rub your palm against your palm until you feel a strong sensation of warmth in the area. Then place your palms on your face (on the sides of your nose) and actively, as you exhale, move them upward, touching your forehead, crown and “go down” over your ears. Then place your palms on your face again. Perform this movement at a fast pace throughout the exhalation. This is one repetition. Perform 4-6 such repetitions .

Thymus massage

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Make a fist with your right hand (place your thumb on top of the rest) and begin tapping the center of your chest with it at approximately the level of the 3rd-4th rib (location of the thymus gland, thymus gland). Breathe slowly, calmly. After 20-30 seconds , add a similar movement with your left hand (that is, you now hit the chest with both palms). After 10 seconds, add to this an energetic exhalation with the sound “Ha”. Continue in this mode for another 30 seconds . Perform 3-4 such repetitions .

Qigong claps

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Straighten your fingers, bend your elbows, place your palms facing each other. Perform clapping, trying to connect the entire surface of your palms and fingers. After 30-40 seconds, add sweeping steps in place to this movement: alternately bend your knees, raising them as high as possible, and vigorously step from place to place. Breathe calmly, slowly and evenly. Move like this for a minute.

Patting massage

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands behind your back, place your hands at the level of your lower back and kidneys, and vigorously tap this area with your palms. Exhale with the sound “M”. Repeat the movements for 30-40 seconds . Then move your hands to the front surface of the body and similarly tap the abdominal area, moving clockwise. After 30 seconds , move your palms to chest level and tap this area.

Then gently lean to the left, moving your right hand up and to the left, and tap the ribs on the right with your left palm. After 20-30 seconds, repeat the same with the ribs on the left. Then, using the same technique, “pat” the legs: the front, back and side surfaces of each leg. Spend 30 seconds on each area. Complete the movement in the groin area: tap your palms on this area on the right and left, also for 30 seconds .

Dynamic standing backbends

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms to the sides, bend your knees slightly. As you inhale, move your shoulders back and lean your chest forward. As you exhale, round your back, lean your shoulders forward, and lower your arms. Perform 20-30 such inhalations and exhalations.

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