X-ray method in the diagnosis of joint diseases

Services: X-ray of one large joint and long tubular bones (humerus / hip / elbow / knee / ankle / wrist joints; shoulder / forearm / thigh / tibia) - from 1926 rubles; X-ray of small joints, small tubular and spongy bones (hands / feet / sternum / scapula / collarbone / ribs) - from 2033 rubles; X-ray of bones and joints (intraoperative examination) - from 1,766 rubles; X-ray of the hands with inclusion of the wrist joints (determination of bone age) - from 2200 rubles; X-ray of one large joint and long tubular bones (humerus/hip/elbow/knee/ankle/wrist joints; shoulder/forearm/thigh/shin), 1 zone (for PPMO) - from 2790 rubles; X-ray of the hands with inclusion of the wrist joints (determination of bone age) (for PPMO) - from 2140 rubles; X-ray of the temporomandibular joint - from 2033 rubles; X-ray of the feet with functional load - from 2920 rubles;

About the service

At MEDSI clinics in Moscow you can get x-rays of your joints. The examination is carried out to identify even hidden pathologies. Diagnostics is one of the fastest and most informative. It is relevant for inflammatory and degenerative diseases, as well as after traumatic injuries. The resulting images help the doctor not only make an accurate diagnosis, but also select the optimal treatment, and subsequently monitor it to ensure maximum effectiveness.

In our clinics, joint x-rays are performed using modern digital equipment by experienced specialists. This ensures high diagnostic accuracy and convenience for all patients.

What contrast is used

A contrast agent is a drug that is injected into an organ cavity or bloodstream. It improves the quality and contrast of pictures. Therefore, the results of radiological examination are more informative.

For arthrography, two types of contrast are used:

  • positive;
  • negative.

Positive contrast is an iodine-containing drug. It is used for ligament rupture or damage to the joint capsule. Negative contrast is a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. It is used for pathologies of cartilage tissue and meniscal tears. Since the oxygen-nitrogen mixture is safe, it can be used without risks during the examination of children.

When is the procedure necessary?

MEDSI doctors recommend taking a paid x-ray of the joints if:

  • pain syndrome
  • reduction in range of motion
  • swelling and redness of tissues
  • clicks during movements

The method allows you to evaluate congenital and acquired pathologies, damage, determine their volume, nature and other features. The examination is recommended for certain infectious diseases, benign and malignant neoplasms, and a history of certain disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Diagnostics are carried out before and after a number of surgical interventions.

X-rays may be performed:

  • Stop. The image is taken in several projections in order to identify heel spurs, flat feet and other deformities, synovitis, etc.
  • The ankle joint is subject to significant and constant loads. Diagnostics allows us to identify inflammatory diseases and injuries. Usually the picture is taken in three projections
  • Knee joint. Typically, such an examination is required after injury (meniscus tears, condyle fractures, dislocations). Diagnostics are also prescribed for suspected arthrosis and arthritis, hemorrhages in the joints
  • Elbow joint. Diagnosis is relevant for suspected fractures of the radius and ulna, shoulder, forearm dislocations, bursitis
  • Hip joint. The examination is performed to identify arthritis, neck fractures, tumors, necrosis, changes in tissue structures, etc.
  • Shoulder joint. X-rays may be required if tumors, fractures and dislocations, degenerative and inflammatory processes are suspected. The images clearly visualize the scapula and collarbone
  • Temporomandibular joint. This diagnosis is relevant in maxillofacial surgery and dental practice. Thanks to it, it is possible to detect both injuries and numerous diseases. The photographs also show the causes of malocclusion. Often referred for such an examination when planning orthopedic treatment (including implantation)

A pediatrician and therapist, traumatologist, surgeon, neurologist, dentist and other doctors can recommend diagnostics.

Why are x-rays prescribed?

  • As you know, MRI is the most optimal method for diagnosing pathologies of the knee joint, but MRI alone does not always allow the doctor to get a complete picture of some knee pathologies.
  • Many knee problems are best diagnosed with x-rays, and x-rays are often warranted as a first diagnostic step.
  • X-rays of the knee joint provide much more useful information about the alignment in the knee, allow you to evaluate the structure of the bone tissue and determine the degree of degenerative changes in the knee joint.
  • Sometimes the doctor may order x-rays of both knees and, as a rule, this is necessary to compare changes in the joints associated with arthrosis.

How is a joint x-ray performed?

During the examination, the patient is in a lying, sitting or standing position. The procedure protocol is largely determined by which area is being examined.

Typically the diagnosis takes a few minutes. At the same time, it is well tolerated by the patient, as it does not cause any unpleasant sensations.

Important! The patient should remain completely still while the images are being taken.

Immediately after the examination, the result is issued. It is deciphered by a specialist. The X-ray standards of the joints are compared with the obtained images. This allows you to quickly identify existing damage and pathologies (both congenital and acquired).

What can be determined with an x-ray?

Your doctor may look for the following in X-rays of your knee:

  • Soft tissue changes: X-rays are better at visualizing bone tissue, but x-rays can also show soft tissue changes, such as soft tissue swelling and excess fluid in the knee.
  • Bone quality: X-rays cannot assess bone density, but they can detect various abnormalities, such as thinning bones.
  • Alignment: X-rays taken in a standing position show the alignment of the knee joint and the presence of bone alignment abnormalities. Poor alignment can place excess stress on parts of the joint and accelerate the development of arthrosis.
  • Joint spaces: The space between the bones that form a joint is virtually completely filled with cartilage. Narrowing of the joint space, determined on x-ray, is an obvious sign of the degree of development of arthrosis.
  • Early signs of osteoarthritis: X-rays can reveal early signs of arthritis, including osteophytes.
  • Trauma/Fracture: X-rays provide objective evidence of damage to the integrity of the bony structures of the knee joint.

How to prepare for diagnosis?

The examination can be carried out on a routine or urgent basis. During preparation for joint x-rays, the patient will not have to follow a diet, stop taking medications, or experience other inconveniences. All you need to do is sign up for an examination at the clinic.

Before diagnosis, the patient exposes the area to be examined and removes jewelry and accessories. Then it is positioned in front of the device. To protect the body, a special apron with lead inserts is worn.

Who doesn't use X-rays?

  • First of all, radiography is contraindicated during pregnancy, since X-rays can cause unwanted mutations in the cells of the embryo. The degree of risk depends on the stage of pregnancy. Sometimes doctors still make an exception and prescribe a test for a pregnant woman.
  • X-rays are not performed in patients who are in serious condition, if there is serious bleeding or damage to the chest with depressurization of the pleural cavity.
  • The solutions used for X-ray contrast studies contain iodine. It causes allergic reactions in some people. If the patient is allergic to iodine, contrast should not be administered.
  • X-ray contrast studies are contraindicated in certain diseases of the thyroid gland, severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver, active tuberculosis, and decompensated diabetes mellitus.

Sign up for an x-ray at the medical office. To make an appointment, call +7 (495) 120-08-07 . If you are scheduled for an X-ray of the lumbosacral region, read about preparing for the study.


X-rays of joints are not prescribed during pregnancy.

They also take an individual approach to the issue of conducting examinations for mental disorders. Patients under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not allowed to undergo the procedure.

If an urgent examination is required, it can be performed even if there are contraindications, since they are all relative.

Important! The doctor may find other contraindications to undergoing the examination.

Contraindications to the procedure

Arthrography is associated with radiation exposure to the body. Therefore, it is not recommended for severely ill patients, women in the first trimester of pregnancy and children under 14 years of age. The procedure should be postponed if the level of radiation over the past year has reached the upper limit of normal.

Contraindications associated with the use of contrast:

  • pregnancy/lactation period;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • individual intolerance to iodine preparations;
  • renal and/or liver failure.

Contraindications also include bacterial lesions of the joints. The procedure cannot be performed for arthritis of any etiology at the acute stage.

Advantages of contacting MEDSI

  • Modern diagnostic equipment.
    Radiography does not take much time and allows you to obtain clear and contrasting images in which even small changes are visualized
  • Safety of diagnostics for health.
    It is provided with a minimal dose of radiation exposure
  • Transcription of the study by experienced doctors.
    Our specialists not only conduct an examination, but can also quickly make an accurate diagnosis.
  • Delivery of results in the shortest possible time.
    We have the capabilities to perform urgent examinations. This diagnosis is especially relevant for traumatic injuries. It can be completed (together with decryption) in a few minutes
  • Comfort of visiting the clinic.
    You can undergo radiography at a convenient time and without queues
  • Availability of examination results in the SmartMed application
  • Wide range of studies.
    If necessary, other diagnostics are carried out. This allows you to reduce the time from the patient’s first contact to the appointment of treatment
  • Opportunities for treating identified pathologies.
    Our doctors are ready to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapy immediately after the examination.

To find out the cost of x-rays of joints, the price of a doctor’s consultation, or to make an appointment, just call +7 (495) 7-800-500. Our specialist will answer all questions. Recording is also possible through the SmartMed application.

Types of X-ray

The first photograph of the hand bones, taken by Wilhelm Roentgen, became a real sensation. For the first time, doctors were able to see what was inside the human body without resorting to an autopsy. Over time, radiography has undergone great changes, its capabilities have grown greatly. Modern clinics use different types of X-ray diagnostics.

During X-ray contrast studies, a solution of a special substance is injected into the organ, which gives a bright shadow in the images and thereby contours its walls. The contrast solution can be drunk, used as an enema, or introduced through special catheters into the bronchi, bladder, ureters and renal pelvis, bile ducts and pancreatic ducts, and other organs. A separate type of X-ray contrast studies is angiography, during which a contrast solution is injected into the vessels.

Radiography can be combined with fluoroscopy, a test during which the doctor observes the operation of an organ on a screen in real time. Certain types of radiography are used for screening - early diagnosis of cancer and other diseases. For example, fluorography helps to detect pathological formations in the chest in time, mammography - in the mammary gland.

If during the examination you move the radiation source and the film in a special way, you can obtain an image with a “slice” of the part of the body being examined at different levels. This type of research is called tomography. A CT scan also uses x-rays.


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Clinical diagnostic center MEDSI on Solyanka

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Preparing for a hip x-ray

The study area is near the intestines, so preparation for the study is recommended to reduce gas formation in it. For this it is recommended:

  • Adjust the diet - exclude from it foods that contribute to flatulence: legumes, cabbage, black bread, dairy products.
  • Take activated carbon or other adsorbents the day before.
  • Cleanse the intestines before the procedure (naturally, with an enema or laxative).

With X-rays with contrast, testing can be done in advance to rule out allergies. When prescribing the procedure, the doctor will tell you about the preparation rules in detail.

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