Hallux valgus ("bumps" on the feet, "Hallux valgus") - what is it?

  • Longitudinal flatfoot, hallux valgus
  • Transverse flatfoot, hallux valgus
  • Foot surgeries
  • Hammertoe deformity
  • Morton's neuroma
  • Taylor deformity

Bunions, bunions, and deformities in the feet often appear with age. Not only do they not look aesthetically pleasing, but they can also cause discomfort and even pain. Therefore, you should get rid of them, and preferably in the early stages, when the deformations have not yet caused much harm.

Causes of bumps on legs

Bunions and bumps on the feet can appear for various reasons. Mainly:

  • wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes for many years;
  • constant walking in high heels;
  • various joint diseases;
  • foot injuries;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • longitudinal flatfoot and foot valgus.

In most cases, the cause of bunions is longitudinal flat feet and valgus of the feet, as well as shoes that are too tight: there is excessive pressure on the toes and forefoot, pinching them, and deformation of the position of the bones. Very often, such a deformity as longitudinal-transverse flatfoot is caused by a hereditary predisposition.

What is hygroma?

If the tendon joints or joints of the foot are injured, under no circumstances should it be left unattended. In places where there is a tear, serious pathological changes often begin, connective tissue cells degenerate, and a tendon cyst is formed, which is called a “hygroma.”

Although the hygroma seems quite rigid to the touch, it is actually hollow inside. The shell is a cartilaginous capsule containing a thick yellowish mass. Hygroma cells divide, which explains its gradual increase in size.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Most often, patients independently discover various deformities, after which they turn to an orthopedic traumatologist.

Depending on the stage, the patient experiences:

  • formations in the form of cones, corns, calluses in the joint area;
  • protrusion of the bone from the inner edge of the foot;
  • swelling in the foot;
  • redness of the skin, swelling on the foot;
  • discomfort when walking;
  • pain when walking and at rest (at different stages).

Regardless of the location of the pain or the detection of a swelling or lump, you should not delay your visit to the doctor. In the early stages, it is possible to correct the situation with minimal intervention. Therefore, I recommend seeking help as soon as you notice even minor changes in the structure of your feet. If there are visible changes (corns, calluses, growths), then there is already deformation and dysfunction in the foot.

Before prescribing treatment, a diagnosis is carried out. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully determine the location of the disease, its nature and stage.

Diagnosis is carried out by the method of initial examination, collection of anamnesis (symptoms and complaints), ultrasound examination, radiography (necessary to determine the position of the deformity and exclude circulatory disorders).

Types of formations

The localization, structure and clinical manifestations of neoplasms on the instep of the foot are different and depend on the causes that caused them. Several types of pathological changes in the upper part of the foot have been described:

  1. A hygroma is a cyst on a tendon that can grow in the middle of the bend of the foot.
  2. Exostosis is a single or multiple benign growth on the surface of the bone. It can develop and grow from cartilage tissue, which ossifies over time. Often appears on the ankle. Passed on by inheritance.
  3. Lipoma is a wen.
  4. Fibroma is a neoplasm of connective tissue.
  5. Thrombophlebitis is inflammation of the wall of a venous vessel.
  6. Keratoderma (diffuse or focal) is a violation of keratinization of the skin, predominantly the growth of the epidermis occurs on the sole.
  7. Phlegmon is an acute purulent-inflammatory phenomenon in soft tissues.
  8. A wart is a disease caused by the human papillomavirus.
  9. A callus is a keratinized area of ​​skin that is the result of prolonged friction or pressure from shoes on the foot.
  10. Keller's disease is a growth on the bend of the foot that occurs due to progressive degenerative processes in bone tissue. Complicated by aseptic necrosis.


Thrombophlebitis is inflammation of the vein walls followed by the formation of a blood clot. It is characterized by compaction and hyperemia along the venous vessels with the development of dark blue nodules. When pressure is applied, pain occurs, followed by swelling and a local increase in temperature.

Thrombophlebitis is a common pathology and is one of the complications of varicose veins. After a stroke or major surgery, when the patient does not get out of bed for a long time, the pathology develops over several days. A lump on the rise is a characteristic symptom of thrombophlebitis. In addition to the tumor developing as a result of inflammation of the vein, other clinical signs appear:

  • hyperemia or cyanosis of the skin;
  • pain when pressed;
  • pigmentation associated with impaired blood circulation at the site of the affected vein.

Such symptoms are characteristic of inflammation and the development of a blood clot in the superficial veins.

Deep vein thrombophlebitis develops acutely and requires emergency hospitalization. The pathology is treated using therapeutic methods, but in some cases surgical intervention is necessary.

Indications for surgery are:

  • ascending inflammation that spreads along the veins;
  • high probability of developing PE (pulmonary embolism);
  • a history of severe attacks of acute thrombophlebitis;
  • detachment of a blood clot with the likelihood of it reaching the site of reunification of the superficial veins with the deep ones.

The operation is contraindicated if:

  • severe vascular or cardiac pathology;
  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • infectious skin inflammation (erysipelas, eczema);
  • varicose veins in the later stages.


Hygroma is a benign formation filled with transparent contents of a jelly-like consistency (mucus or fibrin). It is a cyst associated with a tendon or joint capsule. Bounded by its own strong connective tissue membrane. It looks like a dense lump, rising in the middle of the ankle, ranging in size from 3 mm to 7 cm. It is formed under the influence of various factors, including heredity. Frequent causes are constant physical activity (in athletes), traumatic joint damage.

When a cyst appears, there are complaints about an unaesthetic appearance and discomfort in the leg. If the hygroma reaches enormous sizes, it compresses small blood vessels and nerve endings.

Due to progressive tissue compression, inflammation of the tendon and joint capsule, the following occurs:

  • pain in and around the lump when pressing or walking;
  • stiffness of movement (prevents you from climbing stairs and bending your foot when walking calmly);
  • hyperthermia (temperature rise to 40°C) with developing purulent inflammation.

Hygroma develops as a result of an inflammatory lesion:

  • synovial membrane of muscle tendons (tenosynovitis);
  • mucous membrane of the periarticular bursa (bursitis).

Due to frequent injuries and disruption of the integrity of these membranes, the epithelium, consisting of secretory cells, is replaced by fibrous tissue. A scar is formed: it fills the resulting defect, but cannot withstand high pressure, heavy loads and spreads beyond the capsule. Gradually, a hygroma forms - an additional cavity. In the structure of its walls there are 2 types of pathological cells:

  • fusiform - form a hygroma capsule;
  • spherical - secrete fluid that fills the cyst.

Treatment of bunions and bumps on the feet

Any deformities on the foot can be treated. Its complexity depends on the stage and nature of the disease.

Conservative treatment

There is an opinion that bunions and other foot deformities can be removed using conservative methods. However, this is not quite true. This type of treatment can eliminate inflammation, reduce swelling and pain, and relieve redness.

However, it is almost impossible to eliminate the problem itself with this approach. Even if there is relief, it will be temporary. Therefore, I recommend to my patients not to waste time and money, but to immediately move on to the most effective methods.

Surgical treatment

Changes in the foot area can be effectively and permanently eliminated only by surgical methods. Bones, lumps, and various other deformities are associated with changes in the position of bones, ligaments and joints. And this can only be corrected through surgery.

I want to reassure you - they are quite simple and do not pose any danger to the patient. The complexity depends on the nature of the disease, and the recovery period is 3-4 weeks. After this time, you will be able to return to normal life, and foot deformities will never bother you again! You will be able to walk normally: without crutches, a cane, or orthopedic shoes. The only limitation is a decrease in the load on the forefoot in the first weeks after surgery to remove a bunion on the foot.

I can answer any questions regarding diseases in this section. To do this, just call +7 (905) 640-64-27 or send a message using the feedback form in the Contacts .


The patient must do the following:

  1. Change your shoes to soft, low-heeled ones. In this case, it is advisable to place a soft liner where the lump comes into contact with the leather of the shoe.
  2. If there is a heavy load on the legs due to work, it is necessary to adhere to the “work-rest” regime.
  3. With a sedentary lifestyle, it is necessary to perform exercises that strengthen muscles and ligaments to avoid injuries.
  4. Using orthopedic shoes helps reduce stress. When walking in such shoes, the foot is securely secured with the help of rigid fixing inserts.
  5. It is recommended to take relaxing foot baths with herbs, such as chamomile, and salt before bed, which will help relieve muscle tension.
  6. Walk barefoot more. You can use special massage mats in winter. In summer it is useful to wander on sand or round small pebbles. This stimulates blood circulation in the legs well.
  7. It is mandatory to take a vitamin complex with a high percentage of calcium, vitamin D and B vitamins.
  8. The diet should be healthy and consist mostly of vegetables and fruits. Fish is healthy because it contains unique substances that are beneficial for joint function.
  9. Do not neglect medical recommendations. It is necessary to examine the body for possible negative deviations in the functioning of organs and systems.

Some doctors are inclined to believe that the cause of many diseases is the presence of parasites in the body.
Feeding on the substances necessary for cell renewal, they secrete toxic products of their vital activity. This contributes to the development of deficiency of many vitamins and minerals and disruption of organ function. Share:

Expert advice

  • Attempts to open or pierce a hygroma on your own, in the hope that the contents will come out and it will resolve, are strictly prohibited. This will not happen, you will only harm your health and make the situation worse.
  • On the injured area of ​​the foot, use special soft inserts when wearing shoes. If the hygroma causes severe inconvenience, you can try special orthopedic shoes.
  • Folk remedies should be used only in addition to the main one. And do not forget about the need to consult a specialist. Don't self-medicate!

We diagnose correctly

In order for the diagnosis to be made correctly and treatment to be prescribed in a timely manner, it is necessary to accurately determine the nature of the origin of the lump on the instep of the leg. For this, the following medical diagnostic methods are used:

  • Ultrasound. Using this method, you can determine where the tumor is located and what size it is.
  • X-ray. Allows you to accurately determine the location of the lump and prescribe further treatment. Intraosseous damage or joint injuries are clearly visible on x-rays.
  • Magnetic resonance or computed tomography. Used in particularly serious cases where internal damage cannot be seen using the two previous methods.
  • Diagnostic puncture. The most accurate way to determine the nature of a neoplasm. To do this, the internal contents of the cone are taken for examination with a special needle. Using a puncture, the benign quality of the lump is determined.

Only a doctor can prescribe one or another diagnostic method for you, based on the results of an external examination.

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