Plano-valgus foot deformity in children: what is it, treatment and prevention

Flat feet is a very unpleasant and quite common disease that can cause quite a lot of discomfort and serious complications if the problem is not diagnosed and treated in time. The issue of musculoskeletal health is especially acute when it comes to children. In the article we will look at methods of treating planovalgus foot deformity in children, what kind of disease it is and how to cope with it.

What is hallux valgus

Children's legs are formed from birth and gradually reach the correct proportions over time. However, very often you can notice that during this period the leg may be bent, and the gait may be awkward and deviate from the required anatomical indicator.

Planovalgus pathology is a disease that interferes with walking, causing discomfort, heaviness and even pain. The structure of the foot is designed to provide excellent functionality regardless of movement. For this purpose, the bones are firmly connected, and the device itself has mobility and good resistance to stress, acting as a shock absorber, becoming more active during walking, running or jumping. Therefore, distortion of the shape of the foot or its individual components directly affects the entire structure, causing a lot of trouble for an adult and especially for children.

As a result, the lower limbs weaken, lose strength, muscle tone and support, resulting in deformation. Congenital, it occurs quite rarely and is immediately detected in the maternity hospital. Most often, the problem develops as an acquired one, and is better manifested after the start of walking and is considered a very common disease, especially when the arch drops, which leads to displacement of the metatarsal bone and tibia.

That is why it is important for all parents to monitor the development of their children, visit an orthopedist and surgeon in a timely manner, and wear proven and high-quality products from. The catalog on the website presents a good range of products of the highest quality at very reasonable prices for everyone.

Plano-valgus pathology, as a type of shape change

This disease is classified as orthopedic, being a curvature of the legs with predominant support on the side of the foot located on the inside, and the toes turn to the outside. Many parents notice planovalgus foot deformity in a child at the age of 1 year; what should be done during the treatment process at the initial stage? Experts recommend starting with the use of specialized shoes.

In general, the problem is very often diagnosed after four years, when the body is already better formed and the incorrect formation of the arch can be clearly seen. This pathology is a rare disease, and if you do not start treatment, by the age of six you can get flat feet and a lot of other troubles that will appear in connection with this.

As the disease progresses, you may notice curvature of the heel and toes, and the middle part of the foot will be bent to the inside. It is very easy to notice valgus in a child - you can put the legs side by side and if the appearance resembles the letter X or a value close to that, then negative changes occur.

Hallux valgus or alignment?

If parents notice that their child’s legs resemble the letter X in a standing position, then they immediately go to the Internet and, after browsing several sites, choose a diagnosis – hallux valgus. Is this always true? No not always. Moreover, it is very rare.

The fact is that in medicine there are two concepts: hallux valgus and hallux valgus or foot placement. The second option is also called installation or staged valgus. What are the differences?

Hallux valgus is a pathology that affects bones, joints, large tendons, and arches of the foot. It requires correction and comprehensive treatment.

Valgus alignment is a physiological phenomenon caused by weakness of muscles and ligaments that cannot yet hold the bones in the correct position. Most children under 4 years of age have more or less pronounced valgus alignment. But this is not a disease, these are physiological features. With age, as muscles and ligaments develop and strengthen, and bone strength increases due to changes in the mineral composition, they often go away on their own. Valgus alignment of the feet rarely leads to the formation of hallux valgus. This can happen against the background of infections, diseases, or weakening of the body. To prevent this from happening, we need preventive measures that will be aimed at strengthening muscle tissue and improving the trophism of the ligamentous and skeletal system.

To figure out whether your child has hallux valgus or a deformity, you need to evaluate the position of the feet not only under load, namely in a standing position, but also at rest or in a lying position. During deformation, changes will be visible both under load and at rest. When installed at rest, the legs will be almost straight, and will only take on an X-shape when standing. In practice, hallux valgus rather than deformity is more common in children.

Checking what exactly your child has is quite simple. In a lying position, bring the baby's straightened legs together so that they are pressed against each other at the knees. If the heels and ankles touch, then we are talking about valgus alignment of the legs. If the distance between the ankles is at least 4 - 5 cm, then this is a deformity. Another indicator is the position of the Achilles tendon. If at rest in a lying position it is straight, then there is most likely no deformation. And if it has the shape of an arc, then hallux valgus deformity can be suspected. In any case, to clarify the diagnosis, a consultation with an orthopedist or orthopedic traumatologist will be necessary.

Prerequisites for deformation

The main and most common reasons for the appearance of hallux valgus are considered to be forced attempts by parents to put the child on his feet and the relatively early start of walking - at 8-10 months. Children themselves must want and be ready to walk, overcome fear and feel the strength to do this. Forcing him to make early attempts puts unnecessary pressure on a fragile body, which subsequently leads to undesirable consequences.

In addition, you can also identify other symptoms, factors and causes leading to the occurrence of:

  • complications after rickets;
  • postpartum injuries affecting mainly the hip joint;
  • increased body weight, contributing to serious stress on the lower limbs;
  • damage to the musculoskeletal system and leg injuries;
  • polio;
  • poor muscle development.

A very important condition is the choice of the right, comfortable orthopedic shoes, which will help ensure softness and comfort when moving. Flat soles should be avoided, and it is important for the heel to have a special deflection. A huge range of quality products is presented, where in addition to a good selection, you will also be pleased with the affordable prices for the products.

Signs of flat-valgus foot

During the formation of the body, getting on their feet and during further walking, children are clumsy and are just learning to do everything, so this pathology is very difficult to notice in the early stages. The problem becomes more noticeable starting from 1.5-2 years, and the signs of incorrect setting are the following:

  • legs may swell after prolonged exercise and long periods of active activity;
  • pain in the lower legs;
  • walking too unsteadily and unsteadily when trying to walk straight;
  • The lower limbs get tired very quickly, which leads to a reluctance to play, run and even walk.

In addition, the thickening of the foot is too clearly noticeable, and the child significantly deviates from the correct gait, leaning more on the inside.

A set of exercises for the prevention of hallux valgus

Specially selected exercises (provided they are performed regularly and completely) will “work” simultaneously in two directions: gradually eliminate the deformity and ensure the prevention of valgus.

  • Starting position: lying on the floor. Exercise – “bicycle” (imitation of riding, try to keep your legs parallel to the floor).
  • Starting position: sitting on the floor, emphasis on arms outstretched, legs straightened, gradual flexion at the ankle.
  • Spread the toes as far apart as possible. Next, open and close them as quickly and as forcefully as possible.
  • Starting position: sitting on a chair, move your feet only with your fingers, spreading your legs.
  • Insert and hold a pen between your thumb and index finger (it can be a stick, pencil, etc.). With a clamped object, make circular movements, draw numbers or letters.
  • Starting position: standing. Walk several circles, alternating steps on your toes, heels, and the outer and inner ribs of your feet. The arms are raised vertically, straightened.
  • Starting position: sitting on a chair, collect a ribbon, rope or piece of fabric with your toes. Also sort through small items.

Adults will have to perform the complex in the mornings and evenings (repeating each movement 5-7 times) according to the scheme: course from 2 weeks to a month - a month break. Your doctor will help you choose exercises, as well as additional therapy.


The extent to which deformation of the feet in children can develop and be expressed can be seen by dividing them into degrees of deviation from the norm in degrees:

  • light – 10-150°;
  • average – 160-300°;
  • heavy – more than 300°.

In addition to this indicator, the following types can be distinguished:

  • static – poor posture;
  • structural – congenital pathology in which the talus bone is located in a vertical position;
  • paralytic - a complication after diseases such as encephalitis and polio;
  • rachitic – corresponds to the name and is a consequence of rickets, and can also develop along with the disease;
  • traumatic – observed after fractures and ligament ruptures.

Correction of moderate severity is very difficult, and severe correction is not always possible due to serious curvatures. Therefore, you should visit an orthopedist or surgeon on time to prevent problems and even disability in the future.


Usually, the first signs of changes in the condition of children's feet are discovered by parents or a pediatrician during a preventive examination. However, to accurately confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment, you should consult an orthopedist. The doctor will conduct an examination, during which he will pay attention to the deviation of the toes and heels to the outside, the smoothing of the natural arches of the foot, and the displacement of the inner part inward. These data are usually sufficient to diagnose a child with a planovalgus foot. But in order to determine the degree of deformation and develop the most effective treatment tactics for a particular child, a comprehensive examination of the feet should be carried out, which may include:

  • radiography of the feet, performed in 3 projections, which allows you to evaluate changes in the position of the feet relative to each other;
  • computer plantography is a modern method for diagnosing deviations from the norm in the condition of the feet, which allows you to accurately calculate various morphological parameters, on the basis of which you can then create individual orthopedic insoles;
  • podometry is a diagnostic method that makes it possible to accurately assess the nature of the load distribution on different parts of the foot and even detect pathological changes that have not yet manifested themselves externally;
  • Ultrasound of the joints is a simple and accessible method, thanks to which you can assess the condition of the joints of the lower extremities and detect changes in them caused by foot deformation that require correction.

Thus, diagnosing feet for suspected planovalgus deformity in children does not require any painful or unsafe procedures and can be performed in the shortest possible time.

In order to exclude pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system, children are advised to consult a neurologist.

Treatment of planovalgus foot deformity in children

Therapy for this disease requires a special approach and individual solutions, studying all the structural features of the foot, as well as its shape and the load on the surface, which can be seen thanks to computer plantography and podometry. In general, the correction should be carried out in a full complex, which involves the following methods:

  • massage treatments;
  • physiotherapy;
  • swimming;
  • special exercises and physical therapy.

Especially advanced cases require surgical intervention. Conservative treatment may take years, but if you change your lifestyle and do everything right, the disease will go away over time.

Exercises and physical therapy

Most professional orthopedists have proven the excellent effectiveness of physical education and have created a set of exercises that are selected separately, taking into account the child’s age, body characteristics and the severity of the pathology. There are no particular difficulties in conducting the classes, and they are great in a playful way at home or in the gym.

An example of a comprehensive selection of training exercises:

  • alternating movements on the inside and outside of the foot;
  • grasping small objects with the fingers of the lower extremities;
  • massage walking on various safe ledges;
  • lifting your toes up.

The number of sessions and how many days are needed for quality recovery are decided by the attending physician, who is based on the severity of the disease. The main thing is to carry out the exercises gradually and without additional loads, with a feeling of freer actions.


In addition to exercises, the complex of excellent therapeutic procedures includes physiotherapy, which can be divided into three main options: electrophoresis, amplipulse and magnetic therapy. The first type is exposure to direct current, as well as additional administration of drugs. The second is carried out on a specialized device of the same name, which uses modulated current for treatment and demonstrates excellent effectiveness. With the help of the latter, good results are achieved due to the influence of a magnetic field.


It is considered the most essential and proven method, which largely depends on the professionalism of a specialist who performs special techniques to strengthen muscles and ligaments, normalizing the blood supply to the legs. The main options can be considered the following:

  • slight stroking, kneading and tapping;
  • vibration impact;
  • massaging the toes, heel and ankle, as well as other parts of the musculoskeletal system.

The course should be carried out for 10 days or more, depending on the characteristics of the body. To improve the effect and speed up recovery, the procedure should be repeated. Also, do not forget about the orthopedic applicator and mat, which are important to discuss with your doctor.

Fixing devices

Planovalgus therapy only in exceptional cases involves the prescription of medications, the main ones of which are painkillers, in case of severe pain.

In medical practice, corrective plaster bandages are excellently used to fix the foot in the desired position. Recovery is also accompanied by high-quality orthopedic shoes and insoles, which can be purchased at the Ortopanda store.

Go to the orthopedic shoes section

For a better effect, you should combine fixing bandages with simple exercises:

  • warm-up with transferring body weight to one side and the other, sitting on a special massage mat;
  • stand on one leg, with the other relaxed;
  • lifting and lowering from toes to heels.

If deformation of the knee joints occurs, a specialized boot can help, which fixes the lower limbs in the correct position and is usually worn at night.


In case of neglect and severity of the pathology, it is possible to perform an operation that helps to make positive changes in the field of plastic surgery of the metatarsal bones with the obligatory strengthening of the tendons.

In practice, the following effective methods are noted:

  • arthrodesis;
  • implantation of implants to help ensure the correct position of the foot;
  • Dobbs and Grice methods, where in the first case it is possible to apply a special insert, and the second requires the application of plaster and fixation with knitting needles.

After surgery, a plaster cast is applied, after which doctors strongly recommend walking in high-quality orthopedic shoes. It is easy to purchase on the website - it provides an excellent selection of sandals, sneakers and boots for children at affordable prices.

Kinesio taping

In addition to classical and proven techniques, kinesio taping also stands out for its good performance - applying elastic bands to certain parts of the legs or joints. This method allows you to redistribute loads, perfectly correcting the horizontal arch, and is used for all known types of flat feet.

The method does not limit freedom of movement in any way, providing pain relief and support for muscle tissue and tendons.


They resort to it when it is not possible to get rid of the problem by carrying out other procedures or if they give only negative results instead of improvement. The main methods for surgical intervention are: strengthening of tendons and plastic surgery of the metatarsal bone, and arthroeresis is considered the most effective.

When installing implants, the problem is also solved quite well, after which it is removed, and the correct position of the foot remains correct.

Formation of a child's foot - an orthopedist answers questions

Number of views: 92,085

Questions regarding the proper development of a child’s foot are answered by an orthopedic traumatologist of the highest category of orthopedic, candidate of medical sciences Sergei Serdyuchenko.

Orthopedic provides a full range of consultative and diagnostic services in the field of traumatology and orthopedics at a high professional level. Here you can undergo an examination by a pediatric orthopedist, an adult orthopedic traumatologist, order computer diagnostics of the foot, ultrasound, and the production of individual orthopedic insoles. The center also has specially equipped rooms for applying immobilizing bandages and intra-articular administration of medications.

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Question: Until what age does a child’s foot develop? What should parents pay attention to? What preventive measures are needed? What are the rules for choosing winter/demi-season/summer shoes for kids? Is there a difference? Is it necessary to buy shoes marked “ORTO” for your baby?

Answer: The main formation of the foot occurs until approximately 12 years of age. This is the period when you can try to actively influence the development of the foot. The child should be examined by an orthopedist at least once a year and adjustments to the regimen should be made if necessary. The word “orthopedic” does not guarantee that these will be good quality boots. Shoes should always be chosen according to size, not for height.

Question: The child is two years old. When he walks in shoes, it is noticeable that one leg is a little clubbed. Everything seems fine at home. I don't notice anything like that. Should we sound the alarm? We did an ultrasound of the hip joints at half a year. Everything was fine.

Answer: The child needs to be examined by an orthopedist. There is a diagnosis of congenital clubfoot - this is a pathology of the foot: it requires serious orthopedic treatment and plaster casting, in your case this is clearly not it. What mothers call clubfoot is no such medical term: there is no Russian-language definition. There is an excessive rotation of the upper thigh in front, in this case the child artificially twists the leg inward. You can’t sit in a W shape, you need herringbone walking exercises and dancing. With growth, such a turn can worsen if sitting incorrectly.

Ultrasound of the hip joints cannot give a 100% picture of all variations in the formation of a child’s leg; it assesses the degree of development of the acetabulum. There is also the orientation of the upper thigh; as the child grows, it may not change for the better; nothing may appear right away; then children walk with their toes inward, sitting in a W shape. If something bothers you, it is better to see an orthopedist and look at the baby’s legs.

Question: My daughter is now 1 year and 2 months old. I myself have flat feet and hip dysplasia. At 4 months old, the child had an ultrasound of the hip joints and was told that everything was normal, there were ossification nuclei. She began to walk without assistance at 10 months. The question is: Does she need shoes at home or can she wear socks?

Answer: At home, shoes are desirable. You don’t have to wear it 24 hours a day, you can take it off and walk barefoot, on carpets, orthopedic rugs, etc. and don’t forget about muscle training.

Question: The child is 1.4. She has been walking independently since she was 11 months old. One leg bends inward. Especially noticeable in shoes on the street. At home, when without shoes, he walks on his toes, more often when he runs. When he is not in a hurry, he places his foot correctly, is this normal? Do I need to wear shoes at home? At what age can you walk on orthopedic mats and for how long and is it even necessary?

Answer: The child needs to be examined; sometimes it is necessary to conduct additional studies regarding the hip joints.

Question: Interested in when you should buy your child shoes for going outside (boots, boots)? When did you just switch to a stroller? Or when he starts walking on his own and walks next to the stroller, and before that, booties will suffice? Please tell me what the nose should be like in the first shoe? How to choose a size? And what is the maximum size reserve you can take in baby shoes? At what approximate speed does the leg grow in children of the first and second year?

Answer: Shoes are needed from the moment the child begins to stand up on his own. It is worth taking shoes by size, the margin is 5-7 mm, which toe of the shoe is not very important, pay attention to the heel, instep and sole.

Question: At 3 months old, the child was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. The folds were not symmetrical. They prescribed massage and paraffin. We completed the course. Further residual dysplasia at 1 year. We are now 2 years old. What are our actions? Should I take another photo and ultrasound? How can you see dysplasia yourself and what can be the risk of untreated dysplasia?

Answer: Dysplasia must be observed. As a rule, residual dysplasia does not threaten anything; everything will develop with growth. But in order to understand in which direction the process is going dynamically, you need to take pictures and compare them with earlier ones.

Question: Is it normal for a baby not to kneel at 6 months of age? Thank you in advance!

Answer: What a child begins to do is largely individual. I think it’s not scary that he doesn’t kneel.

Question: How do you know when your child is ready to sit up and learn to walk?

Answer: Do not put your child in a walker yourself. Your task is to work with his muscular system. When the muscles gain sufficient strength, the child will sit, crawl and walk.

Question: Please tell me, if at the three-month appointment with the orthopedist there were no questions, when is the next appointment. And is there any schedule for visiting this specialist?

Answer: During the first year of life it is worth showing up 2-3 times. If you were at 3 months, the next examination is at 6 months, and then at the discretion of the orthopedist.

Question: The child is almost 8 months old, sits unsteadily, and tries to crawl. He sits down over his hip, leaving one leg bent behind him and aligning the other, adjusting it all the time. Is such a landing scary? Another concern is the position of the feet: the toes are constantly stretched out and the feet are turned out, looking at each other (like a ballerina), and when in a vertical position, touching the plane, the feet are also on the toes, and the toes on one foot are turned. I saw a neurologist and an orthopedist two months ago, there were no questions. But I’m worried about what to do under such circumstances, should I worry?

Answer: Judging by the way you describe the situation, there is still hypertonicity and muscle imbalance. You need to work with a massage therapist to bring the muscles back to normal. Also sign up for a swimming pool with your child, this is very useful for his development.

Question: My daughter had a congenital dislocation of one hip joint and dysplasia of the second! We wore the Orlette splint for up to 9 months, then for another 3 months we wore a splint with rings! In a year everything was removed, the orthopedist said everything was fine. Now my daughter is 8 years old and sometimes complains of pain in her joints. What do we need to do, are there any residual problems?

Answer: Congenital dislocation is a fairly serious condition. As the child grows, it is necessary to monitor and monitor how the joints develop. First, you should see an orthopedist.

Question: My 2.5-year-old daughter began to roll her foot inward. We wear orthopedic shoes. What else can you do?

Answer: You need to look at it individually; if the valgus is severe, shoes may not be enough, then you need to raise the question of orthotics (orthopedic insoles). And train the inner calf muscle group.

Question: Please tell me, the child is already 1.10 and his right leg is clubbed. Is this possible and how can I fix it? (maybe massage or procedures) my husband is also clubbing, apparently it was inherited.

Answer: First, the child must be examined by an orthopedist and decide on the need for additional diagnostics. In addition, when he grows up, give him lessons in choreography, dancing, etc. to form the correct walking stereotype.

Question: A baby (7 months old) twists his leg when walking. Places it on the outside of the foot. We put on shoes when we want to stomp. Doesn't wear on a rug. He stomps around the house for maybe 5 minutes. Then a break. Then stomp again. Maybe the shoes need to be worn longer? Or is that enough?

Answer: There may be hypertonicity of the internal muscle group. A consultation with a neurologist, massage, and exercise therapy for the feet are required.

Question: at what age can a child sleep on a pillow, of course not a huge one, but a tiny one?

Answer: After a year you can use it.

Question: During childbirth, the child had a fractured collarbone. The orthopedist looked at it for a month and said it was normal. Is it worth observing and being interested in every orthopedic appointment?

Answer: A child’s collarbone grows together in a week without consequences, forget it.

Question: Your opinion on the first shoes for babies as soon as they stand on their feet and take steps along the support: it is necessary/not necessary. There are a lot of opinions. Also about ortho mats? If you need shoes, what brands? The choice now is from Nemansky to minimen)

Answer: In my opinion, in apartment conditions it is necessary. Ortho mats are needed, they make the muscles work. From the preventive: Whoopi, Miniman, Toto, Bartek, they are about the same class. But each manufacturer may have worse and better models. So you need to look at the specific manufacturer.

Question: The child is three months old. Is it possible to walk with my daughter for a short time in an ergo backpack? Or is it still impossible?

Answer: You can carry it in an ergo backpack for a short time: several times a day, up to 2-3 hours a day. Shouldn't be worn all day. Of all the carriers, a sling is the best.

Question: Walkers and jumpers - can a child wear them and for how long, from what age?

Answer: Jumpers and walkers are not recommended at all. Jumpers put stress on the spine, while walkers put stress on the feet and back. The child has not yet started doing something himself, which means his muscular system is not yet ready, there is no need to force things. If the baby is already walking and pushing a wheelbarrow or stroller in front of him, this is possible.

Question: The child is 1.10, has x-shaped legs. Can this be fixed? What shoes are better to wear, what toys are preferable (bicycle, balance bike, etc.)?

Answer: There is no need to correct anything yet; the final shape of the legs will be formed later. See orthopedists and do general strengthening exercises. Let him ride.

Question: Does the hardness and surface of an Ortho mat matter? What advice would you give your baby for his first steps? Are they useful for a 7-month-old baby who doesn’t walk yet, but just stands at a support?

Answer: Ortho mats with different surfaces, needles, pebbles, etc. then different muscle groups are worked out.

Massage mats are separate modules that are connected to each other like a puzzle. Due to the different texture and hardness of the surface, during classes on ORTO PUZZLE mats, all the necessary receptors in the child’s foot are stimulated, contributing to the formation of its physiological arches.

Question: Is it possible to use ortho mats of different hardness for babies under one year old? Is there any benefit/harm if the baby just stands and doesn’t walk?

Answer: Accustom it gradually. If you just started walking on shoes, just roll them with a jagged ball on the sole. When he grows up, you will move to the mat.

Question: The child is 11 years old. One leg is slightly clubbed when walking. At birth, no pathologies were detected; during routine examinations, the orthopedist did not find any abnormalities. In the “heels together, toes apart” position, the toes are spread almost 180 degrees. Is it possible to somehow correct it with exercises and wearing orthopedic shoes? Not only I notice, but also those around me.

Answer: This is most likely a gait stereotype - a habit. Of course, you need an orthopedist to take a look, and if there are no problems, you need to teach the child to walk, change the gait pattern: choreography, dancing.

Question: What is the probability of a child having dysplasia if the mother had dysplasia in childhood (plaster was applied). And in general, is there a hereditary connection with dysplasia? (The orthopedist at the first visit at 1 month did not reveal any abnormalities in the child, but I did not know that I had dysplasia). Is a repeat examination necessary taking this fact into account and should an ultrasound be done now?

Answer: Heredity plays an important role in dysplasia, but the presence of dysplasia in the mother in childhood does not necessarily entail the development of dysplasia in the child. The child should be observed, and if questions arise, immediately contact an orthopedist. The child should be examined by an orthopedist at least once a year, if there are questions - once every six months. At 3 months, an ultrasound must be done, even though visually everything is fine.

Question: How long does surgery take for polydectyly of the lower extremities?

Answer: Up to 2 hours, it all depends on the form of the pathology and the scope of the operation.

Question: We are 9 months old, trying to stand on our feet, but mostly on our toes, not on our entire foot. Do I need to wear shoes now and what kind? Or only when the child starts? What should be present?

Answer: First of all, you need to be examined by a neurologist; most often the problem is hypertonicity of the posterior muscle group. Need to work with massage therapists. If the baby continues to walk on his toes, you need to add a higher heel to the usual criteria for proper shoes to firmly fix the ankle so that the habit of walking this way does not form.

Question: Should a child under three months have professional treatment? massage (relaxing and toning)?

Answer: Massage is recommended from 2 months, according to older indications. The mother has her own set of exercises, and the massage therapist works with the muscles; 2-3 courses of massage per year, even for a healthy child, allow the baby to develop better.

Question: Please tell me, when the child had an ultrasound of the hip joint at two and a half months, the ossification nuclei were not formed. Do I need to do a repeat ultrasound? If yes, then when? And in general it’s not very scary, is it?

An ultrasound is needed at about 5-6 months of age. At 2.5 months - if only the ossification nuclei, then this may be a variant of the norm. The assessment is carried out in a complex manner: not only the ossification nuclei, but also the alpha and beta angles and other criteria. Based on the combination of several parameters, a conclusion is made about the maturity of the joints. You are now recommended to use wide swaddling, work with a massage therapist, exercises: bicycle (circular movements in the hip joints)

Question: Hello. A child 1.7 on one leg has one toe “hiding” behind the ones next to it. Why is this and is it dangerous? And he also has a clubfoot on his right leg. Should we sound the alarm? (I myself have also had the right leg since childhood)

Answer: If it does not interfere with the child’s wearing of shoes or does not rub them, there is no need to do anything. Such congenital features of the foot occur. With age, everything is modeled. Regarding clubfoot, you should consult an orthopedist; you need to understand this individually: there are different variants of clubfoot and different correction methods.

There is a diagnosis of congenital clubfoot - this is a pathology of the foot: it requires serious orthopedic treatment and plaster casting, but in your case this is clearly not the case. What mothers call clubfoot is no such medical term: there is no Russian-language definition. There is an excessive rotation of the upper thigh in front, in this case the child artificially twists the leg inward.

Question: How to correct x-shaped legs in a girl? Return 2.3 years.

Answer: Just watch for now. For a child of this age, this is the norm. The final shape of the legs is formed by 7-8 years. Monitor your child's weight; excess weight has a very bad effect on the shape of your legs in the future. General physical training is recommended: swimming, cycling.

Question: What is your opinion about orthopedic shoes: treatment or marketing?

Answer: If a child has a specific problem, a severe foot deformity, then it is impossible to correct the situation without orthopedic shoes. If the child is healthy and the foot is formed correctly, you can select preventive shoes. If the child is not specifically trained and the foot muscles are not trained, then there is little chance that a healthy foot will form without the right shoes.

Question: The child has mild valgus. Is it possible to jump on a trampoline?

Answer: Yes! Jump for fun.

Question: Both parents have flat feet. My father's is small, my mother's is more serious. Is it hereditary? How to avoid it? Is it true that simple flat feet cause scoliosis?

Answer: Heredity is one of the risk factors for flat feet; there is a hereditary predisposition. Avoid is not quite the right word. It is necessary to create conditions for the normal development of the foot: exercises, shoes, and, if necessary, an insole correctly selected by an orthopedic doctor. Training your muscles is even more important than just shoes. Not all children with scoliosis have problems with their feet and vice versa, there is no direct correlation, sometimes it happens at the same time, but not always

Question: When should you put on your first shoes? What are the requirements for it?

Answer: After the child begins to stand on his feet. Requirements for the first shoe: a tight heel, an instep support, a closed midsection and a flexible sole. A closed nose, by the way, is not a mandatory criterion.

Question: Is ultrasound of the hip joints a month required?

Answer: Per month, according to the orthopedist: movement restrictions, asymmetry. At 3 and 6 months, it is recommended to do an ultrasound for all children, since it is not always possible to determine all types of pathology with your hands.

Question: Wearing orthopedic shoes at home for the purpose of prevention. Your opinion?

Answer: It is advisable to wear proper shoes. There is NO need to chase the word orthopedic; the manufacturer can register the shoes in any way they want. The right shoes: a tight heel, arch support, a closed midsection and a flexible sole. Orthopedic insoles - according to indications. If there are carpets - less relevant. Part of the time in shoes, part of the time barefoot. It’s good to train the foot and develop muscles: walk on your toes, on your heels, on the outer edge, pick up small objects with your toes, lay a towel and rake with your toes. Massage mats have proven themselves well.

Question: Is it likely that valgus positioning of the legs (no flat feet) will be corrected after 6 years? There is no hereditary factor.

Answer: There is a possibility. But you need to put in a lot of effort: the main thing is muscle training, insoles according to indications depending on the motor activity and the child’s regime. If a child plays sports, insoles are a must.

Question: The baby is 1.5 months old. The birth was natural, without complications, the fetus was positioned in the head. We went to see an orthopedist. According to the preliminary result of the examination, hip dysplasia was indicated, but naturally an ultrasound was prescribed at 3 months. Is it necessary to wait 3 months, or can an ultrasound be done a little earlier, so that if something is wrong, then treatment can be started earlier? While we are doing a light massage of the legs, “frog”, “bicycle”, “figure eight” on the foot.

Answer: If the orthopedist did not immediately identify gross pathology, then you can wait up to 3 months, since up to 3 months the joint may be immature, this is normal. 3 months is the limit, after this age the joint must mature. At this age you need to do an ultrasound and determine

Question: What are the restrictions on sports for valgus placement?

Answer: Valgus: running, jumping, contact sports with caution. If the child likes it and nothing bothers him, he can be placed on insoles and he can study. It is important to select the correct load and combine it with orthopedic components: the right sports shoes; for an athlete, it is better to have individual insoles made specifically for him, taking into account the peculiarities of the formation of the foot.

Question: I often hear the opinion that a child who has learned to walk should wear shoes at home to properly form the arch of the foot. Is it so? And what kind of shoes can be considered “correct”?

Answer: It is advisable to wear shoes at home, and the correct ones. Don’t bother with the word orthopedic; the manufacturer can register the shoes any way they want. The right shoes: a tight heel, arch support, a closed midsection and a flexible sole. Orthopedic insoles - according to indications. If there are carpets - less relevant. Part of the time in shoes, part of the time barefoot. It’s good to train the foot and develop muscles: walk on your toes, on your heels, on the outer edge, pick up small objects with your toes, lay a towel and rake with your toes. Massage mats have proven themselves well.

Question: My baby is 4 months old and the folds on his legs at the back are not symmetrical. At 3 months we went to the orthopedist and had an ultrasound, everything was fine, they were the same. Could this be due to the fact that he is chubby?

Answer: If everything is fine on ultrasound and clinically everything is normal when examined by an orthopedist, then everything is fine. Folds are not the most important diagnostic sign, it happens sometimes, it has nothing to do with weight, it’s just individual characteristics

Question: Is it necessary to show the child to an orthopedist at 1 year of age (as a medical examination) if there were no pathologies at 1 month?

Answer: Definitely. At least once a year, the child should be examined by an orthopedist-traumatologist; the situation may change with growth

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How to choose shoes and insoles

Leading, professional and experienced orthopedists recommend paying attention to the website, where there is an excellent assortment of quality products for every taste. Experts also highlight the following aspects when choosing:

  • purchase strictly according to size - you should not leave a reserve for growth, in this case there will be no positive result;
  • boots must fit perfectly not only in size, but also in width and length;
  • give preference to natural materials that do not harm the skin and provide air circulation.

It is better to sew insoles to order or buy them in a trusted place, such as the Ortopanda store.


The formation of the foot occurs before the age of 12, so by this time it is possible to correct it, getting rid of problems. The sooner the disease is noticed and treatment begins, massage and other procedures are carried out, the greater the likelihood that the defect can be eliminated and troubles avoided.

With late detection and the beginning of correction, the risks of complications are much greater, and prognoses in moderate or severe condition are not always comforting and often end in surgical intervention.


Of course, you can avoid the onset of development of flat valgus foot by taking preventive measures from the very birth of the baby. There is no need to put a lot of stress on a small body, trying to stand out and start walking at an early age - this will cause temporary joy, which is fraught with complications. More often you can be allowed to walk barefoot, especially on special mats and massage tapes, while doing physical exercises and gymnastics.

Active sports are also great for children, and from the beginning of life, massage is considered a prerequisite.

What are the benefits of therapeutic exercises for hallux valgus?

Specially designed physical exercises for valgus feet are an integral element of complex therapy aimed at combating this disease.

Physical therapy is especially effective in the treatment of hallux valgus in young patients. This is due to the fact that the child’s bone, cartilage and joint tissues are soft, elastic and very amenable to correction. Note that positive results can be achieved with a regular and systematic approach to classes.

Of course, the younger the patient, the easier it will be to correct the existing deformity.

A therapeutic course of physical and gymnastic exercises for hallux valgus allows you to achieve the following therapeutic results:

  • elimination of pain;
  • relieving the feeling of heaviness and discomfort localized in the lower extremities;
  • gait correction;
  • prevention of further progression of the pathological process;
  • prevention of the development of flat feet and other complications characteristic of valgus;
  • strengthening ligaments and muscle groups;
  • correcting the shape of the foot and giving it anatomical correctness;
  • normalization of blood circulation processes in muscle tissue structures;
  • elimination of swelling.

For maximum effect, experts recommend that parents visit the physical therapy room with their child at least twice a week, and work with their child at home every day. In this case, the positive results of gymnastics will not take long to arrive and will be stable.

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