Diseases in the direction of Hallux valgus deformity of the first toe

One of the most vulnerable places in the human body is the hands. With the help of our fingers, we perform many manipulations every day, and most professions are in one way or another connected with manual labor. In some types of activities, there is a large load on the hands, due to which chronic diseases develop, and the risk of injury is very high.

When treating various ailments and injuries, a person is often limited in what he can do, especially if it is necessary to fix the damaged area with a splint or plaster cast. Often it is difficult for the patient to even tie his shoelaces. Therefore, in many cases, rehabilitation therapists and traumatologists resort to kinesio taping, since the technique has already proven its effectiveness over more than forty years of experience.

Taping fingers

Elastic tapes were developed by doctor Kenzo Kase specifically for athletes. Such patches are similar in elasticity to the skin, allow air to pass through well, and when applied according to certain patterns have several positive effects:

· partially relieve the load on the joints;

· duplicate the work of muscles;

Improve blood and lymph flow;

· launch natural recovery processes based on physiological effects;

· normalize muscle tone;

· reduce pain;

· work 24/7 without the help of medications.

When should you see a doctor?

The main symptom is pain in the foot after static exercise or long walking.
It may be accompanied by discomfort in the calf muscles. In severe cases, the pain becomes constant. It is worth seeking a consultation if you notice the following symptoms:

  • enlargement of the “bone”,
  • soreness and redness;
  • deformation of toes;
  • pain in the joints of the foot;
  • feeling tired after light exertion;
  • difficulties with choosing shoes.

How is hallux valgus diagnosed?
Our leading orthopedic traumatologist Anton Andreevich Akulaev can already at the first appointment identify a set of typical disorders, make a clinical diagnosis and prescribe additional examinations to confirm it. Additional methods that allow differential diagnosis and clarification of the diagnosis:

  • plantography;
  • radiography;
  • podometry.

Is it possible to cure this pathology?

Yes, you can. It all depends on the severity of the disease. At the initial stages of deformation, treatment must begin with conservative methods.

Conservative therapy includes:

  • wearing comfortable shoes,
  • orthopedic insoles,
  • use of corrective bandages on the thumb,
  • physiotherapy,
  • massage.

Surgical intervention is necessary if conservative measures are ineffective, and severe pain is present. The goal of the surgery is to eliminate pain and create a functional foot. “Beautiful legs” become just a pleasant addition. The issue of surgical treatment should be decided only if all conservative measures taken are ineffective, especially when it comes to elderly patients.

Surgical treatment of hallux valgus deformity

Recommended if conservative measures are ineffective and there is severe pain. The presence of only a cosmetic defect is not an indication for surgery. The goal of the surgery is to eliminate pain and create a functional foot. “Beautiful legs” become just a pleasant addition. Treatment of hallux valgus (valgus deformity of the first toe, “bone” on the foot). With minor deformation, movement in the metatarsophalangeal joint is full and painless. At this stage of the disease, improvement is facilitated by changing shoes to more comfortable ones and using orthopedic insoles. Surgical treatment is indicated only in the presence of pain.

Simple removal of the “bone” during surgical treatment is usually not sufficient. It is necessary to perform a corrective osteotomy of the metatarsal bone in cases of moderate and severe deformity.

Correction of the deformity is carried out by resection of the protruding bone tissue, as well as correction of the angle between the metatarsal bones by positioning the first metatarsal bone. The result of the operation is to restore the function of the joint. For the treatment of the “bone” of the foot in the Clinic of High Medical Technologies named after. N.I. Pirogov uses a low-traumatic method. Surgical manipulation mainly affects soft tissue and is performed on tendons. This shortens the recovery period after surgery. For surgical correction, two incisions are sufficient: one on the inner surface of the foot, and the other in the space between the toes. For pain relief, anesthesia is used, the type of which is determined by the anesthesiologist, taking into account the general condition of the patient and concomitant diseases.

Preparing for surgery

The patient undergoes general training: consultation with various specialists, rehabilitation and elimination of possible contraindications.

Contraindications to surgery are:

  • inflammatory and infectious processes of the skin and soft tissues of the foot;
  • pathology of the vascular system of the lower extremities;
  • disorders of the blood clotting system;
  • decompensation of body systems and severe impairment of their functions.

The doctor monitors general tests and vital signs, which determine the patient's readiness for surgical treatment. After the operation, the patient is given a tight elastic bandage that limits movement. A rehabilitation program is gradually developed, during which the range of motion is restored and the patient returns to normal activity. The attending physician recommends during what period you can put weight on your leg again. It is also recommended to wear special shoes and arch supports.

Thumb taping

The thumbs are most often injured. For example, with sudden movements, impacts, or falls, a large load is placed on the ligaments of the thumb. Therefore, sprains and bruises often occur in sports (especially in ball games) and in everyday life.

Here is a simple and effective scheme that is recommended if a finger is “knocked out”:

· Prepare a tape that extends from the nail plate to the base of the thumb. Make it Y-shaped.

· The anchor must be fixed at the nail plate, and the tails must be drawn through the painful area towards the wrist.

Another option is to relieve pain and maintain the correct position relative to the wrist (for chronic pathologies, gamer’s finger syndrome, etc.). To do this, use a strip that extends from the top knuckle of your thumb to a point just above your wrist.

Before applying the application, you need to stretch the skin by tilting the brush down and pressing your thumb against your palm. Anchor at the top joint and move towards the wrist without stretching the tape. Apply the second standard patch perpendicular to the first strip to the outer edge of the palm.

Unloading taping of the proximal interphalangeal joint[edit | edit code]

Unloading taping of the proximal interphalangeal joint
This bandage provides stabilization of the collateral ligaments (medial and lateral) and limits finger extension.


  • sprains, bruises, reaction to increased stress;
  • damage or insufficiency of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus of the proximal interphalangeal joint.

The tape runs spirally across the dorsum of the finger: from the ulnar side of the proximal anchor to the distal anchor. To stabilize the radial side, tape is applied to the palmar surface of the finger (Eder, Mommsen, 2007).

Applying tape


  1. Applying proximal and distal anchors, leaving the nail free
  2. From the proximal to the distal anchor there is one tour along the radial side, and the other along the ulnar side of the finger
  3. The first round goes spirally from the radial side of the proximal anchor along the inner side of the finger to the radial side of the distal anchor
  4. The second round also goes spirally along the back of the finger.
  5. Tours are fixed with circular stripes

Taping the middle finger

To prevent blisters, overexertion during exercise or during intense grasping movements, taping of the middle and ring fingers is usually done with a grip of the palm and wrist. For this scheme, prepare a patch and make two small holes in it.

Insert your middle and ring fingers into them all the way to the base with your palm facing up. After this, bend your wrist, pointing your fingers down. Secure the patch without tension or folds. After this, turn your hand and bend your wrist again only in the other direction to secure the tape on the reverse side.

After this, wrap another tape around your wrist, overlapping the ends without stretching.

How to choose an elastic bandage for bandaging your thumb

Medical elastic bandage "Intex" is a woven tensile tape made of latex, cotton and polyester fiber. To bandage the hand and wrist, it is convenient to use an elastic bandage 1-1.5 m long and 8 cm wide.

If you need to fix the finger immediately after reversing the dislocation , use a low-stretch Intex compression bandage that can stretch 50% of its length at rest.

If you need to reduce swelling and hematoma after removing a splint or plaster , use a high-tensile Intex compression bandage that can stretch 150% of its length at rest.

Taping fingers for arthrosis

Under the influence of various factors, many people develop arthrosis, which affects the joints of the limbs and cartilage tissue. This process is always accompanied by pain, limited mobility of the fingers, and in the final stages the hands completely lose their functions.

Taping of fingers for arthrosis is used only as an auxiliary therapy. With its help, you can restore tissue trophism and blood circulation, reduce pain, relieve swelling and stress from problem joints.

How to determine whether the tape has been applied correctly?

You can talk about the correct application of finger tape when:

  • Taping the thumb joint did not lead to irritation and rapid peeling of the bandage. It can come off when the skin is poorly degreased.
  • The application was applied to the finger one day before training. It can be considered a mistake to apply tape immediately before training. Tapes should be applied in advance so that the glue penetrates well into the pores of the skin. If the application is applied shortly before training, the glue will not have time to absorb into the skin. Sweating that occurs during exercise will also prevent the glue from penetrating into the pores of the skin.
  • Taping of the fingers was performed in a position where the muscles were in the maximum stretched position.
  • When applying tape to tape, each application was attached specifically to the skin (this point is important, since a mistake is often made when tape is applied to tape).
  • The finger tape was applied to fat-free skin, the cover of which was not damaged (if the patch is applied to a damaged area of ​​skin, it will cause discomfort to the person and will quickly come off).

The described technique is effective when the above requirements are met.

Scheme: how to glue tape on a finger

Each application scheme has its own nuances regarding the direction of the tapes, the percentage of tension in different areas and the wearing time. But there are several general rules for applying tape to your finger:

· Skin should be dry, clean and free of oil. If necessary, remove hair.

· After applying the application, you need to gently rub the tapes to activate the adhesive layer.

If in doubt, it is better to consult a specialist. Especially if correction of joints is needed in case of chronic diseases and during recovery from injuries.

Indications for taping

Most often, kinesiotyping of the thumb is performed by volleyball and basketball players to prevent injuries. After all, it is he who bears the powerful load when throwing the ball into the hoop or hitting it. The procedure is also recommended if:

  • there are bruised fingers, muscle damage, sprains;
  • muscle pain manifests itself;
  • dislocations, convulsions, arthrosis occur;
  • de Quervain's disease occurs (which is manifested by inflammation of the tendon on the thumb);
  • a person has been diagnosed with diseases requiring joint treatment;
  • There is a postoperative period that requires fixation of the joint after the plaster has been removed.

Taping for hallux valgus

Very often, a hallux valgus deformity occurs in the area of ​​the first toe. This is the so-called “bone” or “bump”, which protrudes from the side, and the thumb itself gradually deviates towards the little finger and extends onto the second. Moreover, there are several reasons for this pathology:

  • wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes,
  • excessive physical activity,
  • heredity,
  • inflammation in the joints,
  • consequences of ligament injuries and fractures.

And if at first it is only a cosmetic defect, then pain gradually increases, motor ability is impaired, and it is difficult for a person to choose shoes. Over time, against the background of foot deformation, other changes occur in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

It is important to correct the pathology in the early stages to prevent critical joint displacement and reduce pain. But you need to understand that taping a hallux valgus deformity takes a long time. Typically, a specialist selects a course of treatment depending on the degree of deformation - at least 1-2 months with breaks for several years.

Taping in this case is done exactly the same as in the previous scheme. Only additionally apply 3 short ribbons in the form of an asterisk, the center of which passes through the protruding bump.

Types of tapes

The taping procedure (also called kinesio taping) is based on the use of special tapes that firmly adhere to the surface of the body and, as a result, have a soft massage effect. Thanks to this, blood supply improves and tissues are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients.

For this purpose, tapes made of natural and artificial materials are used, which are classified according to different criteria:

  • hard ones do not stretch, they fit snugly to the body;
  • elastic ones , on the contrary, stretch well, so their degree of rigidity can be adjusted, depending on the specific case;
  • standard and durable - the latter are used by professional athletes who experience significant stress on the thumb;
  • adhesive glues directly to the surface of the skin;
  • cohesive ones are fixed only on themselves, so to stick them you need to initially wrap the tape tightly around your hand, and then glue the next layer.

Taping tapes are also divided depending on the manufacturer, by color (there are classic white, black and colored models) and other characteristics.

Modern tape models and their costs

Products for taping the thumb can be purchased in specialized sports stores or on online portals. They are usually produced in rolls 1 meter long, the cost varies from 100 to 700 rubles per piece.

Table 1. Overview of tapes with prices and characteristics

ModelDescriptionprice, rub.
BBTAPE beige100% cotton, acrylic adhesive, width 2.5 cm, length 1 m99
BBTAPE beige100% natural cotton material, hypoallergenic adhesive, width 5 cm, length 1 m169
BBTAPE blackCotton tape with hypoallergenic glue, 5 cm wide, 1 m long169
BBTAPE 5 m beigeNarrow tape 2.5 cm wide, 5 m long325
BBTAPE 5 m beigeA product for the prevention of sprains, as well as for relieving joint pain and muscle spasms, width 5 cm, length 5 m650

Taping of fingers can be done independently, since the technique of applying a bandage is quite simple and does not require special skills. Thanks to the constant use of the tape, you can feel the first results within a few days: the joint will become less tired, and if the thumb has been injured in the past, recovery will be much faster.

What can you do to prevent injuries in volleyball?

To do this, you need to secure the “risk zones” with the following means of your choice:

  • kinesio tapes with reinforced glue (so that they do not come off during play);
  • hand protection in the form of rubber rings;
  • finger patch;
  • thumb lock.

Modern kinesio tapes BBTape (Bio Balance Tape) do not restrict movements, reduce stress on muscles, and in the event of an impact or deformation, protect the ligaments from negative consequences, leveling the force of the impact.

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