Equinovarus deformity and foot alignment: treatment of clubfoot

Orthopedic doctors pay close attention to the proper functioning of all parts of the child’s body immediately after birth. After all, it is known that the earlier the disease is detected, the earlier the active fight against it begins, the greater the chance of subsequent full recovery. Most often, children's disorders relate to problems with the musculoskeletal system. In this review, we will analyze the pressing problem of many modern parents, find out what equinovarus foot deformity is, treatment with classical methods, and the effectiveness of surgical intervention. We will also take a detailed look at the pathogenesis and species diversity.

It is worth remembering that modern medicine allows us to diagnose and effectively combat many problems at an early stage. If earlier, clubfoot was considered a congenital syndrome, from which it would not be possible to completely get rid of it, only to alleviate the symptoms, now a solution exists. But the main thing is to take care of this in time. In the later stages of pathology, even surgery cannot guarantee a reliable result. Moreover, this disease can also be acquired.

Equinovarus foot placement

This is a pathological position of the foot. It is characterized by the fact that the inner edge rises upward and bends slightly. While the external one, on the contrary, tends downward. As a result, the person seems to stand on the edge of the surface, the position of the leg looks extremely unnatural. Not to be confused with the equinus setting. If it is present, the patient moves as if on tiptoes, resting on the front of the surface.

But the catch is that the degree directly determines how strong a given deviation will be. And if in serious cases it is easy to determine the deviation, even without being a doctor or an expert in the field, just by taking a quick glance, then in less advanced stages, it is visually difficult to identify the deformation.

Moreover, this pathology tends to develop. And this despite the original source. Which is often caused by spastic forms of cerebral palsy. Accordingly, if emergency measures are not started in time, the current condition may worsen and a more severe disease may develop. And the struggle in the future will be more difficult.

This disorder belongs to the valgus type and has a colloquial name – clubfoot.

Equino varus feet, features of the disease

The main distinguishing feature is the fact that as the deformity develops, the natural position of the leg is disrupted. Accordingly, this leads to a lot of logically expected consequences:

  • Incorrect load. This impairs the correct development of the legs, the musculoskeletal system and the entire body as a whole.
  • Muscle tone is impaired. And some of them are in constant tension, which should not happen, while the other part, on the contrary, atrophies. After all, they are not fully utilized.
  • Constant pressure on bone tissue. Due to the load, which is essentially not planned by nature. And as a result, the bone itself also begins to deform.


Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of pathology include:

  • Maintaining an active, mobile lifestyle for a child. Initiate regular walks and exercises.
  • Proper, complete and balanced nutrition. As we have already clarified, calcium deficiency, for example, may well become the basis of pathogenesis.
  • Choosing the right shoes for your child, as we have already discussed above.
  • Fighting excess weight. After all, obesity can be a compelling reason for the development of ballerina syndrome. Increased load on the ankle provokes a change in the position of the leg, incorrect positioning.

Exercises for patients

And now a few examples of how you can do exercises at home to combat the disorder:

  • Spread your toes in different directions and sit completely on the floor. And fixate in this position for an average of 5 to 15 minutes. You can entertain your baby with some kind of game at this time.
  • While sitting on a chair, move the rubber ball along the floor, applying increased pressure to the entire plane using your legs.
  • Manipulate small objects by lifting and lowering them with your toes, and not, as the child is used to, with your hands.

If foot equinus is suspected, these small techniques can be effective in promoting recovery.


It is worth considering that, despite the pathogenesis, the outcome of advanced cases always leads to similar adverse consequences. The most dangerous thing is possible paralysis of the anterior muscle groups of the lower leg. As a result, a person will not be able to move normally. Which will lead to a serious degree of disability.

The reasons for the appearance of such a disease may be the following:

  • Any, even minor, damage to the sciatic nerve. And it should be noted that this is one of the most common sources of deviation. Various types of injuries to the sciatic nerve can lead to minor manifestations of valgus disorders.
  • Encephalitis. The reason becomes even more relevant when we consider that there are more and more outbreaks of encephalitis in the Russian Federation. And ticks, carriers of infection, which previously completely lost activity by mid-summer, now pose a danger even at the end of August and beginning of September.
  • Polio. This infectious disease primarily affects the human nervous system. This is how the discussed attitude can be provoked.
  • Also, equinovarus deformity of both feet often occurs due to the presence of Little's disease.
  • Muscular dystonia. The result is especially pronounced if the flexor muscles of the limbs are damaged. And usually both legs are affected.
  • Dislocations, sprains, ligament tears. The more complex the form, the longer it took to recover, the more likely adverse consequences will occur.
  • Fractures of the leg. Again, not every fracture in this part can lead to the expected clubfoot. But with strong fractures, especially if they are open, the chance is quite serious. In many ways, it also depends on the competence of doctors. And especially the nurses who apply the cast.
  • Nerve damage. Specifically referring to the peroneal nerves. Most often, this type of injury occurs after receiving cut wounds. And everyone knows how noisy kids love to run around with active players in not the safest areas, construction sites, for example. Where you can easily get a cut wound if you fall.
  • Purulent destruction. If an inflammatory process begins on the foot after a wound or other damage, pus appears, and timely medical intervention is not followed, then this may well become a source of pathology.
  • Circulatory disorders. Such consequences rarely occur, especially since they must be persistent and permanent problems. But still, medical practice knows many cases of this type.
  • Spastic forms of cerebral palsy. We have already mentioned this, this is the most likely reason.

For those looking for more information, the general ICD10 code for foot deformity equinovarus Q66 can be searched.

Main symptoms

Symptoms are not as varied as they might seem. By checking, by external signs, even on your own, it is quite possible to determine not only the nature, but even the degree of the disease. But to make a correct diagnosis, you will still have to contact a medical specialist.

The main symptoms are:

  • Lack of proportional movement. That is, the patient cannot move his legs one distance relative to the central axis. One leg will lag at least to some extent behind its fellow.
  • Incorrect bending of the contact surface. We have already clarified that the inner side rises up, a person moves only on the outer side. This is easily determined visually, just look closely. Of course, the degree may vary; with small deviations, the bend is not too great. But still noticeable.
  • Feet do not bend completely. For example, equinovarus deformity of the right foot is characterized by the fact that this particular foot cannot bend completely. And this mostly manifests itself while driving.
  • Definite lameness. This cannot be said to be an accurate symptom for making a diagnosis. But it often complements other obvious and unambiguous manifestations.


Foot equinovarus is a condition that needs to be corrected. If you notice symptoms, you should consult an orthopedist.

  1. The doctor takes into account heredity (family history), the clinical picture and specificity of the curvature, the patient’s age and the condition of the body.
  2. An X-ray is performed.
  3. Plantography.
  4. Densitometry – determination of bone density.
  5. The cause of the disease is determined by prescribing hormonal blood tests, biochemistry, and blood plasma tests for total vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Species diversity

Basically classifies two main areas of the disease. The first is a typical clubfoot. It manifests itself in connection with dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system. Most often associated with improper development or recovery after injury to muscles and tendons. But there is also an atypical form. It depends on the same injuries or diseases, but associated with the tibia, which also initiates the pathology.

It is also customary to distinguish between congenital and idiopathic forms. And let us clarify that in the vast majority of cases this is exactly the situation with which babies are born. This is how equinovarus foot deformity usually manifests itself in children. But for exceptions, let us explain how the idiopathic form manifests itself.

It can be diagnosed by the following signs:

  • The talus bone is critically reduced. There is also an incorrect position, which is especially clearly manifested in the part of the neck of the bone.
  • Shortening of the calf muscle. This is visually assessed as a factor in reducing the length of the leg as a whole.
  • The front of the mating surface is not positioned correctly.

Possible complications and their consequences

It all depends on the severity of the disease, treatment time, and individual characteristics of the body. Affection on one side can easily lead to chronic lameness. And if both sides were affected, the result is often a high level of disability.

Osteochondrosis, arthritis, and scoliosis can also be caused. Increased fatigue, disruption of the normal metabolic balance. The circulatory system can also be affected, which can have its own negative consequences in the future.

Treatment methods

This is a whole complex of procedures that have a cumulative effect. Treatment is a long process that can take years. And no modern methods can qualitatively speed up the result.

Therefore, we clarified that it is so important to diagnose the pathology as early as possible. After all, considering how much time you will have to spend on treatment, it is better to start in advance. And every day, while the child does not use his musculoskeletal system correctly, the situation worsens. The diagnosis must be made by an orthopedic surgeon. And for subsequent procedures and appointments, it is important to choose the most professional specialist. People make mistakes, and the cost of making mistakes in this industry is too high. Therefore, this is exactly the case when it is better to spend resources on choosing the best performer.

Focus on the immediate results only by five years. Previously, qualitative changes will not be noticeable. After all, the musculoskeletal system itself fully develops just in time for this period. And it is then that we can draw conclusions about whether the treatment is successful.

Remember that traditional medicine methods are strictly excluded. In principle, they cannot be considered effective. In some areas, doctors look at the use of traditional medicine carelessly. Like, what’s wrong if you use grandma’s broth to treat a runny nose? But from this perspective, traditional medicine can bring the most unfavorable consequences.

If clubfoot equinovarus is treated with traditional methods, they may well completely block the symptoms for some period of time. And also reduce the possible pain effect. As a result, the patient will not complain, the problem will begin to be ignored. But incorrect load, abnormal position of the foot, deformation of bone tissue, decreased muscle tone - all this will remain. And the problem will grow and worsen day by day. And the moment will come when it will no longer be possible to ignore it, but then modern classical medicine will hardly be able to demonstrate impressive results. The case will be too neglected.

After diagnosis, the first thing you will have to deal with is the referral for tests and examinations. This:

  • Radiography.
  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • In some cases, magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed.

Next, a set of medical procedures is prescribed, which show effectiveness only when used together. Therefore, you should not exclude any of the procedures because of inconvenience or because the child does not like them. Think about his future health. So, the assignments could be as follows:

  • Physiotherapy. Various techniques have been successfully used in this area. Laser therapies, thermal, and magnetic are reflected. But in this case, they are still of an auxiliary nature rather than being the main one for treatment.
  • Exercise therapy. That is, physical therapy. It is worth noting that the complex is selected strictly according to the direction of the treating orthopedist. Classes are held in special centers. Further, after a little training, you can continue training at home. But parents must strictly go through the learning process and understand all the features of the baby’s physiology. Carefully study which exercises contribute to development, and which, on the contrary, can only aggravate the situation. Often, many parents continue to attend classes so that the process proceeds under the watchful supervision of the instructor.
  • Massage. This is already one of the basic elements. And it is used at almost all stages. High-quality services of a massage therapist with specialized education are often paid. Moreover, a specialist is usually called to your home. Several times a week he visits the baby, massages him, kneads the ankle, and helps increase mobility and proper fixation.

The last method, which is considered the most successful, is the selection of specialized orthopedic shoes. It helps to fix the position of the foot, which ensures the reverse deviation process. Constantly wearing shoes and insoles is a painless method to correct the situation. But here a lot depends on the selling company.

Our project is pleased to offer you orthopedic shoes and insoles. If your child has equinovarus feet ICD 10 Q66, then we will easily select a suitable product for you. The Ortopanda online store works with various prescriptions from the attending physician and has a wide range of products that will satisfy the requirements for any stage and form of pathology. Even if we are talking about rare deviations, we will always be able to select specific shoes that solve exactly this problem.

How to suspect that a child has club feet

  1. The deformation is noticeable to the naked eye.
  2. Changed gait.
  3. The muscle tone of the lower leg is weakened.
  4. The child's footprints are not even and do not run parallel to each other.
  5. Toes point inward when walking.
  6. The leg bones are twisted (optional).
  7. The sole on the inner edge is tilted upward.
  8. The plantar margin is strongly curved inward.
  9. The fingers are curved inwards.

There is a nuance! Up to 4 months, the last three points are not a pathology - this is the age norm.

Surgical intervention

There are two types of surgical treatment. First of all, a support bandage is prescribed using the Ponseti method. In fact, it is not too different from the orthopedic shoes already indicated above. The meaning is the same, but the impact is more intense. A plaster cast is applied, which fixes the foot in the abducted position. After which the child wears it constantly. Naturally, the bandage will need to be changed every couple of weeks. To do this, you need to visit the hospital, where the doctor will perform all the procedures.

If the stage is already advanced and conventional methods do not bring any effect, then the second type of surgical intervention is used. This is a surgical intervention. That is, the patient ends up on the surgeon’s operating table. But this procedure can only be prescribed if the child is over two years old. Otherwise the risk is too great.

And in principle, surgery is considered an undesirable choice. And orthopedists refer patients to it only when other methods simply do not work. Therefore, in order to avoid surgery, it is advisable to start solving the problem as early as possible.

Having seen what equinovarus foot deformity is, photos of which are presented in the article, many parents sound an urgent alarm and panic. Of course, it is necessary to resolve the issue urgently, but there is clearly no need to panic. Modern medicine has long been able to cope with such problems with almost 100% probability.

What kind of shoes do you need?

If the disorder is foot equinus, photos of shoes are the first thing parents usually look for online. And for good reason, because this is the simplest and also painless method of treatment at an early stage. Our company offers a wide range of such shoes. We offer options for any diagnosis made by a medical professional. And besides, they are always ready to accommodate regular customers. And provide personal discounts with a bonus card on an already significantly reduced price.

Our offer includes shoes (for example orthopedic shoes), corrective pads, supportive insoles. Designed for children of any age, including, we can find a solution for teenagers.

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