Hand cannot be raised: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

If a person does not have one or both arms raised upward, this indicates the development of a pathological process in the joints or muscle tissue. If this alarming sign occurs, especially when accompanied by painful sensations, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will issue a referral for a comprehensive examination and, based on its results, will create the most effective treatment regimen. It is necessary to consult a doctor without delay, since a number of diseases in which the arm cannot be raised and the shoulder hurts can be cured without surgical intervention only at an early stage of their development.

Most likely causes

First of all, it is necessary to exclude the presence of injury. Often, it is after receiving various types of injuries that the arm cannot be raised and the shoulder hurts. The consequences of injury can be both early and long-term. In the first case, warning signs appear immediately after receiving damage.

These include:

  • When a dislocation or fracture occurs, the limb is in an unnatural position. The shoulder joint may also be deformed.
  • Acute pain both at rest and when trying to perform any physical activity.
  • Swelling in the joint area. This symptom appears approximately half an hour after injury.
  • Difficulty when trying to move a limb, the arm does not rise at the shoulder joint or does not bend at the elbow.
  • With palpation, the intensity of painful sensations increases.
  • After a few hours, a hematoma forms at the site of injury.

The consequences of damage may not appear immediately, but after a long time. In such cases, if the arm does not rise, this may indicate scar changes in the ligaments and tendons, as well as the development of contracture. In such situations, comprehensive rehabilitation using various manual therapy techniques is necessary.

If the arm does not rise, the cause may be diseases of the joints and muscle tissue. Most often, the pathological condition occurs against the background of the development of the following ailments:

  • Periarthritis of the humerus. The disease is a consequence of regular high-intensity exercise. In addition, the cause of its development can be a shoulder injury. The main symptom is pain. They are localized in the muscle tissue in the shoulder area. At the initial stage of development, the pain is tolerable, but over time its severity intensifies. In this case, the person’s arm does not rise in the shoulder joint, and it is also almost impossible to move the limb behind the back.
  • Arthrosis. This is a pathological condition characterized by the development of changes in the tissues of the shoulder joint. As a rule, the disease is diagnosed in older people. The pathology can also be caused by injuries and long-term loads on the shoulder joint. At the early stage of arthrosis development, patients complain of moderate pain. Gradually its intensity increases. In addition, a person’s arms do not rise up; it is difficult or not at all possible to move them in different directions.
  • Arthritis. This term refers to a pathological condition that develops in the joints. If you have this disease, a person suffers from regular aching pain. Arthritis can develop in one or two joints at once. With physical activity, the intensity of pain increases. As the disease progresses, the discomfort does not subside even at night during sleep.
  • Bursitis. This is an inflammatory process that occurs in two forms: aseptic and infectious. In the first case, the disease is a consequence of regular stress on the shoulder. As a rule, professional athletes suffer from bursitis. In the second case, the cause of the development of pathology is microbial infection. Symptoms of bursitis: pronounced painful sensations of a pulsating nature, the arm in the shoulder does not rise, weakness, chills, redness of the skin in the affected area, swelling. In addition, the position of the joint changes even with minor physical activity.
  • Tendinitis. The disease is most often diagnosed in loaders and professional athletes. If there is a pathology, a person is bothered by acute or aching pain. Its severity decreases when the limb is at rest.
  • Myositis. This term refers to an inflammatory process that involves the neck muscles and shoulder joint. The main causes of the disease: hypothermia, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, including during sleep. Symptoms of myositis: unbearable painful sensations of an acute nature, radiating to the arm and to the area between the shoulder blades, tense muscles at the site of the pathology, limitation of motor activity (the neck turns with difficulty, the arm does not rise), numbness. Typically, only one side of the body is affected.

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is important which limb is difficult to perform motor activity. If the right arm does not rise, the most likely causes are joint diseases. Less commonly, the pathological condition is caused by: right-sided pneumonia, tuberculosis, metastases of a nearby tumor and chondrosarcoma.

If your left arm hurts and cannot rise, this may indicate myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, intervertebral hernia, or pinched brachial nerve.

Since there are many reasons for the development of this pathological condition, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Only a specialist can provide information regarding why the arm cannot be raised and the shoulder hurts.

Diagnosis depending on pain intensity

Let's consider what disease can cause this or that subjective characteristic of shoulder pain.

Strong pain

This is how the pain is described:

  1. Shoulder tendon sprain. Then the person remembers that the day before he carried heavy weights or could sleep in an uncomfortable position.
  2. Shoulder dislocation. In this case, you can also remember an episode when someone pulled your hand or had to grab a moving object.
  3. A fracture of the humerus will also be accompanied by severe pain in the shoulder area. But here, too, trauma is noted at the beginning of the disease.
  4. Arthritis. In this case, the joint turns red, becomes deformed, and is very painful to touch.
  5. Bursitis. The pain occurs suddenly and prevents either the person or the examining doctor from moving the arm.
  6. Tendinitis. The pathology manifests itself as pain when performing various movements, which depends on which tendon is inflamed. The symptoms of major tendonitis are described above.
  7. Intervertebral hernia. At the same time, the pain is not only in the shoulder, but also in the neck and face. The hand is freezing, “goosebumps” run over it, it does not feel cold or warmth well.
  8. Diseases of the lungs, liver or spleen. They are described above.

Sharp pain

If pain in the shoulder muscles can be described as sharp, this may indicate the development of a neurological disease such as idiopathic brachial plexopathy. The cause of this pathology is unknown. There is an opinion that it is inherited, but more often its appearance is provoked by vaccination. This disease is characterized by the fact that on one side the short branches coming from the brachial plexus become inflamed. It usually develops between 20 and 40 years of age.

Here the pain occurs in one shoulder, suddenly, and has a sharp character. Not only the shoulder hurts, but also the shoulder girdle. This continues for several days, then goes away. Muscle weakness appears: it becomes difficult to raise your arm, put it behind your back, turn the key in the door and comb your hair.

Also, sharp pain in the shoulder will be accompanied by other diseases:

  • shoulder arthritis;
  • capsulitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • intervertebral hernia.

Acute pain

This syndrome is accompanied by:

  1. joint injuries;
  2. tendonitis, tendobursitis;
  3. arthritis or arthrosis;
  4. shoulder tendon rupture;
  5. intervertebral hernia localized in the cervical or thoracic region;
  6. angina pectoris;
  7. liver pathologies;
  8. myocardial infarction.

Nagging pain

This is how pain with glenohumeral periarthritis is described. It occurs for no apparent reason, at night. It is localized not only in the shoulder, but also in the neck, and intensifies when placing it behind the back or raising the arm. During the day the pain subsides. If treatment is not carried out, the joint becomes stiff.

Constant pain

If your shoulder hurts constantly, it could be:

  1. tendinitis;
  2. sprain or rupture of ligaments, fracture - if this pain was preceded by injury;
  3. arthrosis: pain accompanies any movement, accompanied by a crunching sound;
  4. glenohumeral periarthritis. Pain occurs at night, gradually intensifies, worsens with pain;
  5. disease of internal organs: hepatitis, cholecystitis, pneumonia, myocardial infarction.

Blunt pain

They describe it this way:

  • tendinitis. In this case, the pain intensifies with movement;
  • glenohumeral periarthritis. Pain also has a connection with movement;
  • diseases of the abdominal organs;
  • strangulation of the intervertebral hernia of the lower cervical or upper thoracic region;
  • myocardial infarction.

Burning pain

A syndrome with such characteristics is inherent in spinal diseases. Here the pain increases with active movements of the arm, but if the limb is fixed, the pain goes away.

In addition to the pain, the sensitivity of the hand is impaired, and “goosebumps” periodically run across it. Upper limb muscle strength decreases. She may be getting cold.

Shooting pain

This pain is characteristic of inflammation of the spinal nerve root, which can occur with osteochondrosis, spondylosis and spinal injuries.

Pain with numbness in the arm

This symptom is accompanied by:

  • glenohumeral periarthritis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • chest tumors;
  • bursitis;
  • shoulder dislocation.

Who to contact

First of all, it is recommended to make an appointment with a therapist. The doctor will examine the patient, identify the lesion and refer him for a comprehensive diagnosis. Based on the research results, it will become clear which specialist will draw up a treatment regimen and monitor the patient in the future.

If your arms hurt and you can’t raise them, your therapist can refer you to:

  • rheumatologist;
  • traumatologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • oncologist;
  • neurologist;
  • allergist;
  • cardiologist.

In some cases, consultation with several specialists is necessary.

Aching pain in the shoulder

Colleagues, help me out - my shoulder has been hurting for a week now. I would, of course, want to know what this disgusting thing is and how to kill it, but even more - when this torment will end. In a telephone conversation, the surgeon said “myositis,” the neurologist said “something like carpal tunnel syndrome.”

Possible reasons for the onset: 3 days before the pain, I was lifting weights with one hand (without jerking). After this there was slight discomfort, but mild. About half an hour before the pain began, I sat in front of the open balcony door for about 10 minutes (my back felt a little cold).

How it started - the hand lying on the table gradually began to ache. The pose had not changed before, no sudden movements were made. The pain grew, at the peak I wanted to “voice”, I walked around the room to somehow distract myself.

The nature of the pain is dull, aching, “pulsating” - with complete rest, it itself changes intensity and migrates - it can start from the area of ​​the elbow joint, maybe in the area between the elbow and shoulder joints, then usually moves to the shoulder joint (everywhere along the posterior-outer surface). Changing the position does not bring relief. Mobility is limited by increased pain during some movements (with passive movements, as far as I can assess, there are no restrictions). When you try to place your lowered arm behind your back, the pain in the area of ​​the back surface of the shoulder joint intensifies. When moving the shoulder up, back and down (in a semicircle) - but more when moving back and down - a significant increase in pain in the same place and a feeling that “something is pinched and does not allow you to complete the movement” with simultaneous radiation into the arm (up to elbow joint). There is also pain, but to a lesser extent, when pressing in the axillary area.

What I use for treatment - for the first time I relieved the pain with caffetine (I didn’t have anything else, I didn’t have the strength to endure either). Relief comes the moment you put your hand under hot water. Now I take Voltaren about once a day, when the pain increases, 0.5. I started with 0.25, but after a couple of hours I had to take a second tablet, so I increased the dose.

Now about the problems of diagnosis and treatment. I understand that it is better to look in person, but there is no one to leave my 2-month-old daughter with. I’m not ready to drag her with me to the appointment. Let’s assume the option of an appointment by appointment on a day off (I quickly went into the office and left, and my husband was sitting in the car with the child at that time). The ideal option is an examination at home :))) BUT - the pain usually begins in the evening (after 9 or closer to midnight) and peaks at night. During the day there is only slight discomfort when moving the shoulder (thanks to Voltaren). Limiting the load is also impossible - you can’t nail a child to the bed :). + I’m breastfeeding (I wouldn’t like to stop).

Please help in any way you can :)))


When your arms hurt and you can’t raise them, it’s important to identify the cause as soon as possible. This is due to the fact that many pathologies at an early stage of development are easily amenable to conservative treatment methods, which avoids surgical intervention and all kinds of complications.

The most informative diagnostic methods:

  • X-ray examination. With its help, it is possible to assess the condition of the joint, identify injuries and degenerative changes. In addition, the study determines the degree of cartilage damage.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. Allows you to obtain the most complete information about various lesions. It is also possible to evaluate changes in periarticular tissues using MRI.
  • CT scan. During the examination, the doctor determines the nature of the pathological process. Based on the CT results, the most effective treatment regimen is drawn up.
  • Ultrasound. Using this study, it is possible to identify and evaluate the degree of changes in the shoulder area.

In addition, laboratory diagnostic methods are prescribed: blood tests (general and biochemical), urine and feces. Sometimes liquid connective tissue is examined for rheumatic tests.

Shoulder pain Posted by Joanny

A month ago I started having pain in my shoulder, I don’t know the reason, it seems like I was putting on or taking off a heavy backpack.

Yaroslav (Gulzar) Azofel, Correct treatment comes from a correct, complete, final diagnosis. The latter is formed on the basis of a full clinical examination with functional tests, paraclinical studies (radiography, ultrasound, CT, MRI), all depending on the need. If you have all the above data, you can create an individual treatment plan using modern treatment methods in addition to the classics. I don’t want to scare, just to inform you that treatment and rehabilitation of long-term consequences of injury to the shoulder joint and the shoulder area in general is long and painstaking work and largely depends on the patient himself!!! If you need anything, please contact us, we will help!

Oleg (Fairley) Hello, I am 46 years old, there was no injury as such, I suspect that I pulled the muscles of the joint when I changed the wheels on the car.

The disease began to progress slowly, at first there were painful sensations when I raised my arm (across the side) above 90 degrees, then pain appeared when I put my arm back (behind my back), my arm still hurts very much when I reach somewhere to the side, now the pain has become stronger and it hurts almost constantly with a dull, aching pain. The pain is temporarily relieved by Nurofen gel (I apply it at night and then I can sleep in the morning and then I try not to pay attention all day long. If you need any more data, I’m happy to tell you

MRI conclusion: MRI picture of partial damage to the tendon of the supraspinatus muscle of the shoulder, moderate symptoms of subcoracoid bursitis, synovitis. Subacromial arthrosis, acromioclavicular arthrosis. There is a CD with the results. Is it possible to do without surgery? How to treat?

Evgeny (Dureau) to Oleg Kombarov: you can do without surgery and it’s even necessary. for prevention: exercise therapy in the form of kinesitherapy and massage (classical therapeutic or honey massage). all this during an in-person examination by a vertebrologist or an experienced osteopath, chiropractor or orthopedist. It is better to refuse the bokadas that may be prescribed, as they will aggravate the course more than help. Azofel Deth: taking into account your hobby, there was an injury. Perhaps along with the pain in the shoulder, pain also radiated to the neck. I think you have glenohumeral periarthritis. for rehabilitation: honey massage or classical therapeutic, kinesitherapy, exercise therapy.

Hello Alexander (Makela)

more than six months ago, through negligence, I couldn’t hold on and dropped a heavy roll of linoleum into the collarbone area. I went to a traumatologist, underwent a course of physiotherapy, there is no particular improvement - there is no pain as such, there is an unpleasant feeling, as if something is constantly touching between the bones in the area between the collarbone and the humerus, there are often some “clicks” when moving, and until I can’t move my arm back completely - pain occurs

3-4 months later I repeated physical therapy - everything was the same. The traumatologist said that it was arthrosis, or glenohumeral hyperarthritis, saying that the fluid and cartilage between the bones had decreased. Which is why I have a question. Are there any remedies, ointments or anything else to increase this cartilage? Or could there be a problem with something else? I will be glad for advice)

Tags: I can’t put my arm behind my back, shoulder pain

First aid

Regarding what to do if your hand does not rise. First of all, it is necessary to take a position in which the painful sensations are least expressed. The limb must be fixed or at rest. After this, you need to take some analgesic, for example, Baralgin or Analgin, and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Voltaren, Ibuprofen).

After carrying out these activities, you need to call your doctor at home. Before his arrival, it is prohibited to take medications other than those listed above. Warming ointments and compresses should also not be used topically. This is due to the fact that their action increases the severity of painful sensations. The feasibility of their further use is assessed exclusively by a specialist.

Drug treatment

Treatment of any joint pathologies begins with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These may be Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Meloxicam, Ketoprofen. In mild cases, a course of such tablets is sufficient. For severe pain, glucocorticoids may be prescribed - Prednisolone or Hydrocortisone.

But they cannot be taken for longer than 5-7 days, so treatment is supplemented with ointments based on these agents. Butadione, Voltaren, Dolgit, Nise relieve pain and inflammation well. Some time after the injury, as well as after the inflammatory process has subsided, warming ointments are useful: Viprosal, Capsicam, Apizartron and other preparations based on snake or bee venom, pepper, methyl salicylate.

Additionally, if shoulder mobility is impaired, it is useful to use chondroprotectors. They help restore the cartilage tissue of the joint, returning it to its functions. Preparations based on chondroitin and glucosamine are available in tablets and ointments. Other drugs may also be prescribed as adjuvant treatment. Angioprotectors will help normalize blood circulation, antispasmodics or muscle relaxants will relieve muscle spasms.

Special exercises will help restore mobility of the shoulder joint

Drug therapy

If the arm does not rise and the pain in the joint is pronounced, self-medication is unacceptable. Any drug should be prescribed only based on the results of a comprehensive examination.

The goal of drug therapy is to relieve pain and prevent involvement of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus in the pathological process.

The standard treatment regimen includes the following points:

  • Reducing the severity of discomfort. As a rule, Papaverine or Baralgin is prescribed. The drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly.
  • Stopping the spread of the pathological process. For this purpose, Nimesil, Movalis and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
  • Restoration of damaged cartilage tissue. “Chondroxid” and “Chondrolone” showed the greatest effectiveness.
  • Strengthening the body. During treatment it is necessary to take multivitamin complexes.

In some cases, the following are additionally indicated: immunotherapy, novocaine blockade, muscle relaxants.

If the disease is detected at a late stage, a decision is made regarding the advisability of surgical intervention.

Other methods of conservative treatment

Against the background of drug therapy, it is additionally necessary to carry out healing procedures.

To alleviate the general condition, the doctor prescribes exercise therapy. There is a set of exercises that helps reduce the severity of pain. If the arm does not rise at all, there is no need to forcefully move it. If acute unbearable pain occurs, the lesson must be completed.

Set of exercises:

  1. Sit on a chair and put your hands on your waist. Slowly begin to roll your shoulders back and forth. Execution time: 10 minutes.
  2. Sitting on a chair, clasp your hands. Slowly pull your limbs down until mild pain occurs. When it appears, return to the starting position.
  3. Place the affected limb on the opposite shoulder. The palm should be facing up. With your healthy hand, you need to grab your elbow and lift it as much as possible. It should slide slowly across the chest and not leave it. As soon as the elbow rises to the maximum possible height, it must be fixed in this position for 15 seconds. After the specified time has passed, you must return to the starting position.
  4. Sitting on a chair, move the affected limb back. After this, the elbow must be bent at a right angle. In this position, move your shoulders forward until pain appears. Then you need to relax the muscles for a few seconds and perform the exercise again.

Movements should be smooth. Sharp jerks do not lead to a positive result, but only aggravate the course of the pathology.

You can speed up recovery using physiotherapeutic methods. Currently, the following procedures are most often prescribed:

  • Electrophoresis.
  • UHF.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Paraffinization.
  • Ozokyrite.
  • Mud baths.

In addition, if a joint or muscle tissue is damaged, massage is helpful. It is recommended to contact a professional to carry it out. Massaging yourself can be harmful to your health. During the procedure, the specialist performs manipulations that help stabilize and strengthen muscles, ligaments and ligaments. In addition, the function of the affected limb is restored.

Therapeutic exercises, massage and physiotherapy are what is needed to maintain the functioning of the hand. A person's blood circulation improves, due to which metabolic processes are accelerated and increased production of collagen and chondrocytes occurs. As a result, after the course of treatment, the level of synovial fluid inside the joint and in the bursa reaches normal values.


Below we will return to individual details of the anatomy. Now we'll tell you briefly.

The shoulder joint is the most mobile. It provides movement in any direction. Thus, the arm can be moved away from the body to the side and up, brought towards it, raised up, placed behind the head or behind the back, rotated (as movement around its own axis is called) when bent at the elbow.

High mobility is determined by the shape of the joint, which is called spherical. Here the humerus ends in an almost complete “ball”, and it comes into contact with an almost flat “platform” on the side of the scapula (it is called the glenoid cavity). If this articular area were not surrounded on all sides by cartilage tissue, the head of the humerus would “fly out” of the joint with every movement. But this articular “lip,” as well as the ligaments abundantly entwining the articulation of the bones, hold the shoulder in place.

The joint capsule is a tissue formation similar in structure to the ligamentous apparatus. This structure “wraps” each joint, allowing circulation within this enclosed space. The peculiarity of the capsule of this particular joint is that it is wide, creating space for an abundance of movements performed in the joint.

Since the joint makes a lot of movements, it must be surrounded by a large number of muscles, whose fibers will go in different directions and attach their ends to different sides of the humerus, and to the chest, and to the scapula, and to the collarbone. The latter, although not considered part of the shoulder joint, is directly involved in its activity, being an additional support for the humerus rotating in all directions.

The muscles attach to the humerus and radiate from it in different directions. They form the rotator cuff:

  • the deltoid muscle is responsible for shoulder abduction;
  • subscapularis – for inward rotation of the shoulder;
  • supraspinatus - for lifting and abduction to the side;
  • teres minor and infraspinatus – rotate the shoulder outward.

There are other muscles, such as the biceps, whose tendon runs inside the joint. Which of them is inflamed can be indirectly judged by which movement is impaired or causes pain (for example, pain that appears when you raise your arm indicates inflammation of the supraspinatus muscle).

All these structures - muscles, ligaments, articular cartilage and capsule - are penetrated by sensory nerves that carry a sensation of pain to the brain if any of the tissues develop inflammation, stretch or rupture.

Here, motor fibers pass from the spine - they carry a command to the muscles to move the limb in one direction or another. If they become pinched between bone or other structures, pain also occurs.

Please note that medical workers refer to the upper third of the arm as the “shoulder” – from the shoulder to the elbow joint. The area from the neck to the shoulder joint is called in medicine the “shoulder girdle” and, together with the structures surrounding the shoulder blade and collarbone, makes up the shoulder girdle

Traditional methods

It is important to understand that at home it is impossible to completely get rid of serious ailments (bursitis, arthrosis, tendonitis, etc.). However, with the help of unconventional methods it is possible to reduce pain, improve limb mobility and enhance the effectiveness of medications.

The most effective recipes:

  • Melt 100 g lard. Add 2 tbsp to it. l. St. John's wort and cinquefoil. Herbs must be dried and crushed. It is allowed to add 1 tbsp to the product. l. red pepper powder, but only after the doctor’s permission, as the compress will be warming. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Apply a compress to the affected area for several hours.
  • Propolis is effective in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is necessary to treat the joint area with an ointment based on it. If possible, it is recommended to place several pieces of clean cotton fabric into the hive in advance (in the fall). By spring they will be soaked through with propolis. This advice is relevant for residents of rural areas who regularly suffer from various ailments.
  • Dilute 1 tbsp in 500 ml of water. l. vinegar. Moisten a linen cloth in the resulting liquid and apply it to the affected area. Wrap a warm scarf on top. It is recommended to apply the compress at night.

It is important to understand that the use of traditional methods does not exclude the need to seek medical help.

Folk remedies

A condition where it is painful to raise the arm in the shoulder joint is quite common. This can happen to anyone. Many people try to cope with the problem with home remedies. Moreover, folk medicine has accumulated considerable experience in combating joint pathologies.

But before you start using such drugs, you should still consult your doctor. After all, not all methods are equally effective. But if you choose the right prescription and use it in conjunction with the treatment prescribed by your doctor, it will be easier to restore joint function. When shoulder mobility is impaired, compresses, medicinal baths, and ingestion of agents that improve metabolic processes and promote the removal of salts are popular.

  • To rub a sore shoulder, you can use a tincture of fresh lilac flowers. You need to add 5 teaspoons of flowers, a tablespoon of chopped burdock root and red capsicum to 500 ml of alcohol. After infusion for 4-7 days, the tincture is ready.
  • A homemade lard-based ointment will help relieve chronic pain and impaired joint mobility. For 200 g you need to take 6 teaspoons of chopped cinquefoil and St. John's wort and 2 tablespoons of dry chili pepper.
  • A warming compress made from honey and mustard is effective. You need to mix liquid honey and olive oil in equal parts, add half the amount of dry mustard. Warm it up a little in a water bath and apply it to the joint for 30 minutes.
  • For any joint pathologies, it is recommended to take pine baths. For them, you can use a ready-made extract or prepare a decoction of pine cones and needles.
  • If there are degenerative processes in the joint or salt deposits, the following compress is effective: beat the yolk, add 2 teaspoons of melted butter and apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon of honey and a little salt.
  • If shoulder mobility is impaired, it is recommended to lubricate the joint as often as possible with vegetable oil infused with burdock root. For 200 ml you need 75 g of fresh crushed raw materials.

When the hand is no longer understood, it greatly reduces a person’s quality of life. Therefore, it is very important to treat all joint pathologies in a timely manner and correctly provide first aid for injuries. This will help prevent serious complications and maintain shoulder function.

General recommendations

If your arm cannot be raised due to a shoulder injury, dislocation or sprain, complex treatment can be carried out even at home. But at the same time, it is first necessary to undergo diagnostics so that the doctor can rule out the presence of serious illnesses.

The treatment regimen involves taking medications, regularly performing simple exercises, physiotherapy and the use of unconventional methods. In addition, it is important to follow the principles of proper nutrition, at least for the duration of the therapeutic measures.

Vegetable oils must be present in the diet (it is recommended to give preference to flaxseed and olive). Fatty, fried, smoked, salty, spicy foods should be excluded from the menu. All food should be steamed; it can also be eaten boiled. You need to eat 4-5 times a day, with the size of one serving not exceeding 200 g.

It is important to drink enough liquid. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of still water per day. Alcohol-containing drinks should be completely avoided.

What to do if you have shoulder pain

In order to treat pain in the shoulder joint of the arm correctly, you need to determine its cause. They begin first of all with a consultation with a therapist, whose examination is aimed at excluding life-threatening pathologies, such as myocardial infarction, acute cholecystitis, pneumonia, acute pancreatitis, angina pectoris. If the doctor confirms suspicions of internal diseases, he either refers to the appropriate specialist (surgeon, gastroenterologist, cardiologist), or writes out a referral for hospitalization in a multidisciplinary hospital.

If a life-threatening pathology is excluded, the person is recommended to consult an orthopedic traumatologist. This specialist will check the movement along each of the axes of the limb and palpate the joint. He may prescribe the following types of research:

  • X-ray of the joint: it will show bone pathology: fracture, dislocation, fracture-dislocation;
  • radiography of the cervical and thoracic spine;
  • Ultrasound of the joint, which will reveal muscle inflammation, rupture or sprain of ligaments and tendons, and the presence of inflammatory fluid in the joint;
  • CT scan of the joint or spine - if the x-ray did not provide comprehensive information.

If the orthopedist excludes pathology of the musculoskeletal system, he refers to a neurologist. This specialist checks sensitivity, reflexes, and if he thinks about a pathology of a neurological nature, then to clarify the diagnosis he focuses on the data of such studies:

  • CT scan of the lower cervical and upper thoracic spine;
  • electromyography;
  • Ultrasound with Dopplerography of large vessels of the head, neck, upper limb.

Treatment for shoulder pain depends on the diagnosis. Before arriving or visiting a doctor, you can only take painkillers:

  1. in the form of an ointment or gel: Diclofenac (Voltaren), Ibufen, DIP;
  2. only on the area of ​​the shoulder joint and surrounding tissues;
  3. only if pain is associated with movement.

You cannot relieve your own pain immediately before visiting a specialist: this way, the doctor will not be able to determine the cause or refer you to the diagnostic method that is needed in the first place.

If there is a connection between pain and a certain movement of the arm, you also need to immobilize (immobilize) the affected limb by bending it at the elbow and bringing it towards the body. In that case, before you see an orthopedic doctor or neurologist, you can take painkillers in the form of tablets: Analgin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac.

If joint pain occurs after an injury or training, the above rules for immobilization and taking painkillers also apply here. First aid is supplemented by applying to the sore joint:

  • on the first day - ice: for 15-20 minutes every 3 hours;
  • from the second day - dry heat (warming with a blue lamp or heating pad) - 3 times a day, 20 minutes each.

You cannot take any folk remedies, perform shoulder massage or exercise therapy on your own – before consulting a therapist. All this is prescribed by a specialist.


The arm may stop lifting for a number of reasons, but the risk of developing such a pathological condition can be reduced. Initially, you need to adequately assess your physical abilities. Bruises, ligament ruptures, fractures and other injuries are most often diagnosed in people who are not ready for high-intensity loads, but are exposed to them. In addition, regular performance of therapeutic exercises is an effective preventive measure.

It is also important to promptly treat existing chronic joint diseases. To prevent relapses, it is necessary to adjust your diet in accordance with the principles of a healthy diet and undergo regular examinations with a doctor.

It is important to remember that if your hand does not rise, this may indicate pathologies of the nervous or cardiovascular systems. If the pain does not subside and the motor function of the limb is not restored, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Why does pain occur in the shoulder joint when lifting and other movements of the arm?

Most often, this problem can be encountered by people who:

  • do not pay attention to posture;
  • work hard physically;
  • play sports at a professional level;
  • They move little.

Common shoulder pain

Several types of pain are determined by the mechanism of distribution.

Disturbs the shoulder joint, pain when raising the arm up, when moving it back or to the side. It can develop unnoticed by a person for whom, in an advanced stage, it is incredibly painful to even bring a spoon to his mouth. Doctors call this condition capsulitis.

Acute pain after performing any unusual work. For example, if a person has been putting putty on the ceiling all day (the position of the hands during such an action is unnatural and unusual), the next day he may feel discomfort.

Tendobursitis #8212; sudden sharp pain in the neck and shoulder area. Occurs due to inflammation or microtrauma.

In many cases, shoulders can hurt under unusually heavy loads, and especially when the arms are raised. Sudden pain is the cause of many diseases. Main #8212; determine its nature and type.

Type of pain

Pain when moving:

  1. Tendinitis. It develops when a person works hard physically, due to the fact that the tendons constantly rub against the articular surface. In this case, you will feel a constant aching pain.
  2. Biceps tendonitis. This is an inflammatory disease of the biceps tendon. The pain is intense and becomes stronger when palpating the biceps. A tendon rupture is possible, resulting in a swelling resembling a ball.
  3. Bursitis. Appears due to high load on the joint or damage to the periarticular bursa. In this case, the person feels an acute, sudden pain and cannot sleep on the sore shoulder. Swelling is also possible.

For an accurate diagnosis, you need to go to the clinic, but knowing with what movements the joint hurts, you can understand which tendon is damaged.

Therefore, it is best, before going to the hospital, to determine the exact nature of the pain and why it occurs, so that it is easier for the doctor to make the correct diagnosis.

Causes of pain in the shoulder joint when raising your arm:

When should you go to the clinic?

Most people often do not focus on the pain in the shoulder joint, and it goes away on its own. Therefore, not many people rush to the hospital if they feel discomfort.

But you should remember that if pain bothers you for more than a week and only gets worse, then you need to urgently go to the doctor.

The doctor will examine your sore arm, ask you a number of questions, and may prescribe some diagnostic methods (x-ray or MRI). The doctor may also send you for a blood test, after which he will be able to accurately give a diagnosis and determine treatment.

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