Massage for arthrosis of the knee joint: what is it for, types, contraindications

Anatomy of the knee joint

The knee includes:

  • lower end of the femur;
  • upper end of the tibia;
  • a large sesamoid bone that performs a protective function - the patella.

The joint has six synovial bursae - cavities filled with a special fluid called synovium, which has high shock-absorbing properties. Bags are necessary to isolate rubbing parts. During a therapeutic massage of a sore knee joint, by influencing the nerve endings, the massage therapist improves local blood flow. Thanks to this, the nutrients necessary for the production of synovium enter the joint. Another important component that helps cushion and stabilize the entire joint is the menisci - cartilage pads. They are located on the inside and outside of the knee. All osteochondral structures are held together by the ligamentous apparatus. It is the ligaments (in second place are the menisci) that are the most traumatic place. In total there are three groups:

  • intra-articular - cruciform and transverse;
  • lateral - tibia and fibula, from the side of the bones of the same name;
  • posterior - arcuate, popliteal, medial and lateral.

If you have a ligament injury, therapeutic knee massage can help reduce swelling and pain. The duration of the manipulation should not exceed 15-20 minutes. In case of severe sensitivity or discomfort, be sure to take breaks. Therapeutic massage for injuries to the menisci of the knee joint is used in the early postoperative period. It allows you to start regenerative processes, improve blood circulation, reduce the severity of inflammation and quickly restore the function of the lower limb.

The essence of the problem

At its core, arthrosis of the knee joint or gonarthrosis is a chronic disease of a degenerative-dystrophic nature that affects the cartilage layer and other articular elements. This pathology is manifested by characteristic symptoms: intense pain, crunching when moving, swelling in the knee area. If treatment measures are not taken, the progression of the disease leads to limited movement in the knee joint, up to its complete immobilization.

For gonarthrosis, depending on the severity of the disease, complex treatment is carried out, including drug therapy, physiotherapy and various other technologies. Knee joint massage for arthrosis is considered an important step in such complex therapy. This procedure, of course, cannot restore damaged tissue, but it can normalize the functions of the joint.

Numerous studies confirm the positive effects of therapeutic massage for gonarthrosis. First of all, there is a normalization of lymphatic outflow, draining lymph that has stagnated as a result of chronic inflammatory processes. Shock absorption functions are restored as a result of improving the elasticity of cartilage tissue and stabilizing intra-articular fluid.

The following positive results achieved by massage are highlighted:


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  • analgesic effect;
  • muscle relaxation around the affected joint;
  • eliminating joint stiffness and improving its mobility;
  • normalization of blood supply, which stimulates regeneration processes;
  • removing toxins that contribute to swelling.

Massage is most effective in the initial stages of the disease, when the damage is not yet irreversible. However, even at subsequent stages, its implementation can significantly alleviate the condition of the sick person.

​Which electric knee massager is best to buy?

The following knee massagers were chosen due to their positive customer reviews and being an effective and comfortable approach to addressing knee injury issues. We have selected 5 types of knee massagers that include different features to solve these problems.

iVOLCONN knee wrap massager

If you're looking for a gentler approach to getting some relief from knee pain, this personal knee massager combines vibration and heat to relax and restore the health of your knees.

  • Rehabilitation devices for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint: Almag-01, Vitafon, elliptical

It's convenient to sit in front of the TV and wrap the massager around to let it do its job. You can set and see what settings are enabled by selecting modes and preferred temperatures.

It has been described as very comfortable and lightweight and provides a quality massage. Great for seniors, as well as athletes and others who tend to deal with knee problems.


  • Vibration Therapy: Gently apply a vibration motion that helps soften the muscles and tendons around the knee area while stimulating circulation.
  • Digital Functions: Includes buttons and interface to adjust timer, mode, heat, temperature, vibration and on/off,
  • 4 modes of use: adjust the level. There is an intensity of weak mode, strong mode and vibration massage through its 2 vibration machines
  • Easy to use: ergonomic soft body. The size can be adjusted with removable and adjustable straps that fit different knee sizes.
  • Package includes: 1 Knee Care Device, 1us Standard Adapter, 1 User Manual and 1 Protect Pad.
  • Safety and Warranty: According to the manufacturer, these devices are FDA and CE certified and come with a one-year warranty.


  • Some users would like it to be cordless as it requires the use of outlet restrictions.
  • It does not have built-in air pad massage technology like other knee massagers.
  • Many people prefer to use a handheld massager to treat these areas around the knee with a mechanical approach as opposed to heat and vibration.

Knee massager AUSPA

This 3 in 1 knee massager has 4 types of treatment to give you the best joint treatment technology.

The air-filled cells will compress the knee while the lasers send energy through the skin and into your tissues, where it will be absorbed to help reduce inflammation and promote regeneration of damaged tissue.

The massager is specially designed to treat knee pain, bruises, ankle sprains, heel spurs, soft tissue contusions and arthritis.

  • Massage for arthrosis of the knee joint: how to perform it correctly, types, contraindications


  • Quality Massage: This unit uses 3 functions to perform a massage that is similar to the squeezing action of a therapist.
  • Laser therapy: uses 3 laser units and eliminates inflammation and relieves joint pain quickly.
  • Laser: dilates the blood vessel, improves local blood circulation.
  • Infrared Therapy: Supports the skin's natural healing process and helps eliminate lactic acid and other waste products that are stored in the blood.
  • Package includes: 1 Knee Care Device, 1 US Standard Adapter, 1 User Manual and 1 Protective Pad. Customized Modes: You can choose from different modes, including a repair mode that consists of laser therapy, massage (kneading), and heat. As well as a recovery mode, which includes lasers and infrared LED light, and other functions in combination.
  • Input voltage: AC100-240V 50/60Hz
  • Auto Timer: You can set for 15 minute intervals.


  • Some users would like it to be cordless as it requires the use of outlet restrictions.
  • It only comes in one color.
  • You may not like the feel of this machine as it is strapped to you and feels like a knee brace for sports.

Massage for knees with gonarthrosis

Massage is a set of therapeutic techniques with which a master helps a person through dosed effects on the body with a variety of mechanical movements. In the case of gonarthrosis, mechanical movements should be gentle and not cause pain to the patient. The massage technique for gonarthrosis of the knee joint depends on the degree of development of the disease and on the patient’s well-being.

Massage movements:

  • rubbing;
  • pressing;
  • creating vibration;
  • touching the surface of the knee with hands or special massage devices.

Using competent techniques, the massage therapist relaxes the tissues around the injured knee, touches the tendons, and restores their functionality. The professional term is “reception power.” The pressure exerted by the massage therapist on the surface of the leg. Here we discuss deep and small massage for gonarthrosis. Deep is done with great effort, which causes inhibition to develop, damaged tissues to relax, and blood flow to them increases.

Massage with low force is a superficial technique that stimulates and excites articular and periarticular tissues, bringing them into a state of active action. Massages of varying strengths are performed at different degrees of development of gonarthrosis.

Treatment procedures also differ in tempo and speed of action on the massage area. Speed ​​is checked by counting the number of massage actions of the same type that the massage therapist performs in one minute. The tempo varies between fast and slow. Fast is used to increase joint tone and increase the excitability of nerve endings. A slow massage technique is required to reduce tone, calm both the sore knee and the person himself. To improve the patient’s well-being, acupressure of the legs is performed for gonarthrosis. This is a mandatory therapeutic measure that restores blood circulation in the leg with the affected knee, improves gait, and allows you to completely abandon the cane.

It seems that the masseuse works with everyone the same way. But no. Treatments for each patient, at each stage of gonarthrosis, have their own characteristics. The massage therapist adjusts the impact on the massage area depending on the doctor’s prescriptions and the person’s general well-being.

Benefits of a knee massager

  1. Stimulates good blood circulation in the muscles surrounding the knee. There is nothing better than having oxygen-rich blood flowing into areas of inflammation and irritation.
  2. A knee joint massager can be an excellent alternative for those who prefer not to rely on certain painkillers and medications.
  3. They improve flexibility and may also lower cortisol production and boost serotonin production, thereby improving your mood and helping you sleep better.
  4. Twenty minutes twice a week is enough to make a difference. Applying heat before a massage can also help relax and prepare your muscles for the massage.

Some massager users have found relief for the following knee problems:

Osteoarthritis is caused primarily by aging, when bones lose their density and become more fragile, most often causing mild swelling, pain and stiffness in older people.

Problems with the kneecap. Pain around the kneecap that gets worse with repeated exercises/activities. May have a clicking or jumping sensation when the knee bends/straightens

Tendinitis is inflammation of the tendon that connects the kneecap (patella) to the lower leg. The pain is usually in the back or sides of the knee and is often worse before and the day after physical activity. , which is an inflammation of the fluid-filled sac over the joints, acting as a cushion between the tendons and bones. It is caused by regular participation in physical exercises that involve a lot of repetitive movements.

In what cases should you resort to massage?

Massage for pain in the knee joint should be used in the following situations:

  • if a creaking or crunching effect occurs in the marked area;
  • in case of swelling;
  • if there is redness of the tissues near the knee joint;
  • with slight visual deviation of the patella.

What benefits can massage bring?

Massage for arthritis of the knee joint and other phenomena that cause pain makes it possible to eliminate the feeling of stiffness, limited mobility, and relieve discomfort that interferes with living a peaceful life. Properly performed procedures help relieve muscle atrophy, improve lymph outflow, and saturate tissues with oxygen and nutrients.

How to massage the knee joint? First you need to study the anatomical structure of the presented area. This is required because there is a complex articulation of muscles, ligaments and bone tissue here, which provides the shock-absorbing ability of this part of the body. You need to act carefully so as not to cause additional harm to health.

1.1 Indications for knee massage

In general, knee joint massage is recommended for all people, even those who do not have any diseases or prerequisites for them. But there are direct indications for its implementation.

Knee warm-up before massage

It should be done in the following cases:

  1. For chronic pain both in the joint itself and in the cup or back of the knee. But if your leg hurts due to an acute injury, then it is better to wait a few days (for acute knee diseases or their exacerbations, massage is contraindicated).
  2. After surgery on the legs (as a technique that restores joint mobility). For example, after arthroscopy.
  3. In the presence of arthrosis, arthritis (including ankylosing spondylitis), gonarthrosis.
  4. In the presence of chronic idiopathic (causeless) crunching in the knee joint.
  5. After spraining the ligaments or muscles of the leg (preferably 3-4 days after the injury, but not earlier).
  6. For synovitis, dysplasia, bursitis or valgus.
  7. With partial immobilization of the knee joints (for example, due to the development of contracture due to inflammatory diseases of the lower extremities).

1.2 Lesson on knee joint massage (video)


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1.3 Does a healthy person need a knee massage?

Even healthy people who have no prerequisites for diseases of the lower extremities can benefit from massage of the knee joints. Moreover, it is recommended for people of all age groups, even infants.

Here is a list of the main beneficial effects of such procedures for a healthy person:

  1. For the prevention of various diseases. Even if there are no prerequisites, they can appear at any moment.
  2. Frequent preventive massage will strengthen both the ligamentous-muscular system of the knees and the joints themselves.
  3. The procedure itself is enjoyable and relaxes your legs quite well.
  4. You can improve the mobility of your knee joints. This is especially useful for those people who play sports. Moreover, any kind, even one that does not require running or jumping (the legs are still the support of the body, and this support must be strong).

Painful lesions in the knee joint

Accordingly, therapeutic massage is needed only for that category of people who already have any diseases of the lower extremities.



  • elimination of painful muscle spasms;
  • improvement of muscle tissue trophism;
  • some authors report an improvement in the trophism of articular cartilage due to regular massage sessions;
  • improving the transmission of nerve impulses.

Massage sessions should be repeated at least 2 times a year. Only regular exposure can lead to a positive result.

Arthrosis is characterized by a wave-like course. From time to time the symptoms worsen. After an exacerbation, remission occurs when the pain goes away or decreases significantly. During periods of exacerbation, massage is not used.

Features of massage for arthrosis of the knee joint:

  • the impact is more intense than with other diseases;
  • the massage therapist acts on the nearby muscles, and not the knee joint itself, which can be painful on palpation;
  • if arthrosis is accompanied by rheumatic inflammation, then massage for arthritis of the knee joint begins no earlier than 1 month after the exacerbation of the process has stopped;
  • if there are signs of insufficient blood supply to the lower limb, massage techniques are used to improve hemodynamics.

Massage effects begin at 7 minutes. The procedure is then carried out over a longer period of time. It gradually increases to 15 minutes. Sessions are performed every day or every other day. The course consists of 15-20 procedures.

You should take breaks between courses. Massage cannot be carried out constantly and continuously. The breaks last for at least 1 month.

Massage goes well with other conservative methods. First of all, with physical therapy. In this case, the procedure is performed immediately before physical activity. They can vary significantly in intensity between patients. It all depends on the severity of the symptoms, the stage of arthrosis, the physical capabilities of the person, and his body weight.

Rules and features of massage

Massage procedures for gonarthrosis have their own characteristics. Therapeutic massage differs significantly from regular massage, which is done for relaxation. Correct technique and as careful movements as possible are important here. The therapy is designed to improve the condition of the joints, and not to worsen the situation.

General rules for knee massage for arthrosis include:

  • pre-warming and warming up (therapeutic exercises, hot shower, foot baths, sauna);
  • you need to sit down or take a lying position, depending on the type of manipulation, but always in a calm and comfortable place;
  • the use of special ointments, creams, oils for massage;
  • gentle, slow massage movements that do not cause pain or discomfort;
  • basic techniques - stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration (for deforming forms, mobilization and manipulation are used);
  • a course of therapy consisting of 5-10 massage sessions, according to indications they can be repeated several times a year;
  • an integrated approach that does not exclude basic drug therapy.

It is better to entrust a massage of the knee joint to a specialist - a certified massage therapist or chiropractor. He will select a set of techniques individually and do everything correctly. If you wish, you can learn the technique of self-massage and carry out therapeutic procedures at home.

When performing a massage, it is very important to take precautions so as not to overload the joint.

What kind of treatment can a knee joint massager perform?

Depending on the device you choose, you can expect knee massagers to include the following : compression, vibration and thermal infrared therapy, magnetic physical therapy.

Newer versions of these machines can even use something called laser therapy. It uses laser energy to pass through the skin and into your tissues, where it will be absorbed. This helps reduce inflammation and increase regeneration of damaged tissue.

Classic procedure scheme and its features

The main technique used in medical institutions is classical. The session consists of 3 stages:

  1. Preparation. The patient assumes a relaxed position. Massaging begins from the lower spine with a gradual transition to the hip area. The muscles are rubbed and warmed up, prepared for further exposure.
  2. Main stage. The therapist moves to the area of ​​the sore knee. Using rubbing, the lateral parts of the joint are worked out. The knee is alternately bent and extended, and rotational movements are performed with a small amplitude. The kneecap does not receive direct impact. This avoids pain and does not provoke an inflammatory process.
  3. The final stage. The session ends with light shaking of the knee joint and stroking.

One of the options for a classic massage is in warm water. In this case, the patient is placed in a bath of water heated to a temperature of 37°C.

During the procedure, it is important to follow the sequence of standard movements. Manipulations begin with stroking with a full palm and are completed with them. The result of each stage is warming up, optimizing blood supply, relieving tension, and stimulating lymph outflow.

Types of massage

The classical technique is far from the only option for treating knee arthrosis.

In medical practice, various massage techniques and their combinations are actively used:

  • Japanese (shiatsu) – pressing on individual parts of the body using the palms and fingers, activates the body’s self-healing;
  • Finnish - kneading with the pads of the thumbs with a sequential transition from the foot to the thigh, hypertonicity and spasms of the leg muscles are relieved, the cells are saturated with oxygen;
  • Swedish - deep massage using strong rubbing and kneading movements aimed at eliminating compactions and improving muscle functionality;
  • French - a soft and gentle effect on the lymphatic vessels in order to enhance lymph flow, remove toxic substances, and nourish tissues;
  • acupressure (acupressure) – joints are massaged by pressing on biologically active points on the body that are responsible for the functioning of the knee joints;
  • vacuum - a targeted therapeutic effect on the pathological area using cups or a special vacuum apparatus, local blood circulation improves, stagnation is eliminated;
  • stone therapy - massage with hot stones of volcanic origin, stimulates the flow of nutrients, activates metabolic processes.

As a result of the use of various techniques, natural tissue regeneration is accelerated, degenerative-dystrophic changes in joints are slowed down, and a general improvement of the body occurs.


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In the early stages of pathology development, the procedure can completely restore lost joint functions and enhance cartilage regeneration

Massage techniques

For arthrosis of the wrist joints, techniques such as stroking and rubbing are used. The latter can be done in a circular motion, in a straight line, zigzag, etc. Rubbing is done with the pads of 1 or 4 fingers, as well as the base of the palm. Arthrosis of large joints requires such techniques as kneading and squeezing. The position of the patient during the massage will depend on where the affected area is located.

There are such types of arthrosis:

  • Arthrosis of small joints.
  • Arthrosis of the hip, ankle and elbow joints.
  • Diseases of the ankle and knee joints.

For different types of arthrosis, different massage techniques are used. It is worth considering each type separately.

Small joint disease

Small joint disease

If the patient suffers from arthrosis of the hands, he is seated in such a way that the forearm lies on the massage table and the hand is bent.

The procedure should begin by stroking the back of the hand and fingers in a straight line. At first, light movements are made, then more intense ones. At the end of this procedure, the brush continues to be rubbed using various techniques. Movements are made from the base of the fingers towards the wrist joint.

After this, each finger is massaged separately using rubbing. At the end of these steps, you need to shake the brush. It is possible to use this type of massage technique, in which blows are delivered to the patient’s hand through the massage therapist’s hand.

The most favorable methods of self-massage for arthrosis are considered to be the pressure of the palms one on the other, as well as movements that imitate hand washing.

Osteoarthritis of the foot involves massage in a supine position. In this case, a soft cushion is placed under the knee and ankle.

The first step is to work on the fingers, after which they move on to the foot, performing the following actions:

  • Stroking fingers.
  • Rubbing in a circular motion with the thumb and index finger.
  • Flexion and extension.
  • Stroking the foot from the toes towards the ankles.
  • Performing circular and forceps-shaped rubbing.
  • Working on the sole, outer edge of the foot, heel and ankle using stroking and pressing movements.
  • Massage of muscles and tendons.

The combination of all these exercises will help cope with severe symptoms of the disease.

Hip, ankle and elbow joints

For a disease such as coxarthrosis, a massage is indicated while standing, leaning on the healthy leg, while the affected leg should be moved slightly to the side and back. If massage in this position is difficult to perform due to pain, the patient should lie on his healthy side.

The sequence of massage:

  • Lower back.
  • Lumbar region.
  • Buttock muscles.
  • Sacral muscles.
  • Thigh muscles.
  • Muscles around the hip joint.

The lower back, thigh and gluteal muscles are massaged with stroking, rubbing and squeezing movements. The lumbar region and sacral muscles are worked out by kneading.

Ankle arthrosis involves massaging the calf muscles, Achilles tendon, tibialis anterior muscles and instep.

After this, it is necessary to massage the joint directly by rubbing and stroking.

If the elbow joint is affected, you should first massage the cervical and thoracic spine. After this, the entire shoulder region is worked out, except for the joint itself. At the end of the procedure, flexion and extension of the muscles and stroking the limb from bottom to top are performed.

Damage to the knee joint

Massage techniques

To understand how to massage the knee joints, you should familiarize yourself with massage techniques that are effective for this area. There are not many of them, but it is simply necessary to have theoretical and practical knowledge about them.

Movements when massaging the knee joint

The most effective massage techniques (also suitable for self-massage):

  1. Point impact. This is pressing with your fingers on various areas around the knee joint. This technique begins with soft indentations, but over time they should become deeper. A good and affordable technique for self-massage.
  2. Stroking the skin. Starting and finishing movement. It involves lightly stroking the skin with the palm of your hand, followed by an increase in speed and slight indentation. This technique accelerates blood circulation well.
  3. Pinching the skin is done with the index finger and thumb. You need to start with light pinching, gradually moving to stronger ones, capturing not only the top layer of skin, but also the subcutaneous muscles.

Technique 1.

Classic massage is divided into 5 movements:


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  • Stroking;
  • Squeezing;
  • Trituration;
  • Kneading;
  • Vibration.

In this technique we will show only those exercises that are needed for the knees.

You can use any cream: children's, any anti-inflammatory, massage. In our case, this is Nega massage cream. The main thing is that it is a cream, not a gel. Because the gel base is quickly absorbed and does not allow us to work with massage movements.

First point: upper pole.

The patella has poles: superior, inferior, lateral. The quadriceps tendon is attached to the upper pole. Therefore, it definitely needs elaboration.

The movements should be quite rigid and should not be pleasant. You can massage with the pad of your thumb or the joints on the same finger. Don't be surprised if it hurts. We massage the point for 2-3 minutes.

Second point: lower pole.

Here the patellar ligament goes to the tibia tuberosity. You can fix your knee with one hand and massage it with the other. Also hard and with the help of your thumbs. Processing time: 2-3 minutes.

The effectiveness of your work should be judged by the redness that appears. If it is not there, the fabric does not warm up, then the massage is incorrect and ineffective.

Third point: tibia tuberosity.

The strongest muscle, the quadriceps, is attached to it. This point should be given special attention. Since diseases often occur, for example, tonsillitis. In terms of time also: 2-3 minutes.

Local movements can be changed to general ones, and you can go through the points repeatedly.

Fourth point: femurs, joint space.

The joint gap is the connection of the membrane. Here are the lateral ligaments of the patella and knee. You need to massage it with circular movements with your fingertips. We perform for 2-3 minutes.

Fifth point: fibula.

Also massaged with thumbs. We do everything from both sides. Then we move on to self-massage with the phalanges of the fingers. We do everything for 2-3 minutes.

During massage, painful places do not need to be bypassed; on the contrary, they need to be looked for, identified and massaged. If you find such a place, focus on it. Massage harder and longer.

Sixth point: mobilization of the patella.

We move it with our fingers in different directions. There should be no pain. We move it in a circle. With these movements we mobilize the patella. It can also be lifted from different sides. Do it: 2-3 minutes.

Seventh point: attachment points of the hamstrings.

We massage these points on both sides and with the pads of 4 fingers.

The posterior surface cannot be massaged, because there is a nerve, large veins and arteries, and a package of lymph nodes. We massage only the side and front.

A little trick.

Self-massage with the knee joint bent. In this position, the patellas moved down, exposing parts of the femur underneath. The condyles of this bone are very often affected. We also look for painful points. Massage them with circular movements. Our task is to remove these pains during the massage.

Massage can be performed either daily or every other day. Sessions 15-20. The main thing is consistency. If you do it once a month, it will not be effective.

Technique 2. Self-massage for knee pain.

If you have knee pain, you don’t have to do a self-massage of your legs; you can simply massage this area.

First we warm up.

The main task: to improve microcirculation, remove spasm and restore movement.

To warm up, simply rub the knee area with your palm. You can take cream.

Working on the inside of the knee joint.

Use two thumbs to press on this area. We look for painful places and push it. Blood circulation will improve in this place and the spasm will go away.

If it is more convenient for you, then you can press your fists on this place. This will depend on the condition of your knee joint. If it hurts a lot, do a little at first. We do such movements in a circle. We do everything for about 10 minutes.

It will be painful at first, but then you will get used to it.

After working on such points, you can also apply ointment and wipe the entire knee with your palm.

Restoring movement.

Sit down, grab your leg with your hands at the bottom of your knee. Lift up from the chair. Swing your shin forward and back. Then scroll clockwise, then counterclockwise. For 10 counts.

Exercise 1 to develop the knee joint.

  1. Take a fitness band.
  2. We tie our leg at the ankle to the chair.
  3. We sit on a chair so that the knee angle is 90 degrees.
  4. We slide our feet forward, then backward.
  5. The elastic band should not hang down, it should always be in tension.

For those who feel their knee well: you can lift your leg with your hands and do an extension. It's more complicated, but better in efficiency.

The exercise is done 10 times - 1 set, 12 times - 2 sets.

Exercise 2.

  1. We tie an elastic band to the leg of the sofa and to the ankle.
  2. We sit on a chair so that the knee angle is 90 degrees.
  3. We slide our foot back, then return it to its place.
  4. Sliding should not come from the toe, but from the heel.
  5. Don’t relax the elastic, keep it taut.

For advanced: lift your leg with your hands and do the same movements.

The exercise is done 10 times - 1 set, 12 times - 2 sets.

Which knee massager is best to buy for arthrosis?

Knee massager MS.DEAR Knee Heating Brace

Those who prefer a very simple approach to knee massage may like this option. This is much like a knee brace that you wear for support. But this device combines vibration and heat for much-needed comfort, healing and support to a sore and injured knee.

It is battery powered and you can easily carry it with you.

Great for those struggling with rheumatoid arthritis, a sports injury, or who need pain relief in cold or wet environments.


  • Vibration Massage: Gently applies high frequency vibration to relieve swelling and pain in problem areas.
  • Versatility of Use: This massager is very versatile as it can also be used to treat your shoulders and elbows.
  • Comfortable: Comes with an adjustable Velcro strap to accommodate a variety of sizes from small to large knees while still giving you plenty of freedom to move around.
  • Heat Therapy: Comfortable, steady temperature will stimulate blood flow and improve circulation.
  • Easy to use: massage, heat and time modes are separately controlled by 3 buttons. The heat and vibration massage modes can also work together or separately.
  • Timer Setting: Choose from 5-minute, 10-minute, 15-minute automatic shutdown according to your individual needs.


  • Doesn't come with air compression cell massage technology or red LED lasers like some of the other products.
  • It does not have built-in air pad massage technology like other knee massagers.
  • Many people prefer to use a handheld massager to treat these areas around the knee with a mechanical approach as opposed to heat and vibration.

Knee massager Orthokong GL-018 Knee Massager

This basic functioning knee massager combines heat, vibration and magnetic therapy to focus on healing problems such as knee joint physical therapy and physical therapy treatment.

It helps relieve arthritis pain and joint tenderness by stopping muscle spasms, promoting wound regeneration and healing, reducing inflammation and swelling, and improving circulation.

  • Massage for arthrosis of the knee joint: correct execution, contraindications


  • Vibration Therapy: Gently applying a vibration motion that helps soften the muscles and tendons around the knee area while stimulating blood circulation. Package includes: 1 massager, 1 charger, 1 adapter, 1 instruction and 1 airbag
  • 4 Use Modes: Adjust the level and intensity from weak mode, strong mode and vibration massage through its 2 vibration machines
  • Easy to Use: Ergonomic soft shell, fits most knee sizes. It can be adjusted using removable and adjustable straps.
  • Material: fabric + ABS+electronic elements
  • Timer: Stops automatically when it runs after about 30 minutes.


  • Some users would like it to be cordless as it requires the use of outlet restrictions.
  • It does not have built-in air pad massage technology like other knee massagers.
  • Many people prefer to use a handheld massager to treat these areas around the knee with a mechanical approach as opposed to heat and vibration.

Knee and joint massager VOLLUCK

If you have problems in both knees and need to work at the same time, then this knee massager will do just that. Although they are a little bulky, they are quite effective in treating knee problems.

Powerfully treats symptoms of swollen joints, burning bones, weak legs, arthritis and rheumatoid arthralgia. This device was designed to provide relaxing knee and leg massage and circulation specifically for the elderly, combining heat therapy and vibration massage.


  • Vibration Therapy: The default vibration frequency is used to make stiff joints and muscles comfortable relaxed in warm and vibration massage, encouraging blood circulation.
  • Heat Treatment: High concentration silver with high thermal conductivity on the warm conductor can quickly deliver thermal energy to the knee, covering the entire knee area.
  • Built-in Timer: You can easily set the length of your session from 10 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minute programs.
  • Fits Most Knee Sizes: The ergonomic padded casing can be adjusted to fit most knee sizes with removable and adjustable straps.
  • Heating Modes: Depending on how hot you heat, you can adjust the temperature by choosing from the following options: high temperature, medium temperature, low temperature.
  • Easy to operate: select individually controlled buttons, turn on the start button, automatically start the highest heat mode. You can adjust the temperature as needed.


  • Powered by network
  • This device is a little bulky and feels like you're wearing hockey knee pads.
  • Your movement is limited as both brackets are connected by wire.

Honey and shiatsu for massage

Natural melted honey is often used during massage. This allows you to nourish the tissues with various beneficial substances. The procedure occurs in the following sequence:

  1. First you need to steam your knee well.
  2. Heat a tablespoon of honey in a water bath to about 30 degrees.
  3. Rub thoroughly into the inflamed area.
  4. At the end, you need to massage your knee in a circular motion for several minutes.

At night you need to make a compress of honey. Apply a soaked cloth to the inflamed area and wrap the knee with a scarf. This method improves tissue restoration and stabilizes all metabolic processes, and also strengthens the immune system.

Japanese gymnastics and self-massage can be added to standard treatment. The procedure involves a targeted effect on active areas. To get maximum efficiency, you need to apply the pressure correctly:

  1. The points must alternate.
  2. When applying pressure, you need to listen to the pain. Do not exceed the individual threshold.
  3. You can gradually increase the load on each point. The same place needs to be worked several times, using different ranges of movements.

Do not overload the joint. The main goal of the method is to improve blood circulation, which helps eliminate stiffness. This massage can be done at any stage of the disease.

Honey massage for arthrosis

To enhance the therapeutic effect of massage for arthrosis of any joints, you can use honey. It contains large quantities of biologically active substances beneficial to the body: vitamins C and B-groups, minerals, organic acids. When used externally, this product helps to activate blood circulation, enhances lymph outflow, and has a positive effect on muscle tone and regenerative processes in cartilage tissue.

Experts recommend a course of 10 procedures, the first 3 of which are carried out daily, the rest - with an interval of 1 day. Before the massage, the area of ​​the affected joint should be warmed up by taking a hot bath or applying a heating pad. Before use, honey (1 tablespoon) must be melted in a water bath, avoiding overheating, otherwise its medicinal properties will deteriorate.

The prepared honey should be rubbed into the skin with soft circular movements of the palms for 5 minutes. Then the treated area of ​​the body is covered with gauze and a warm cloth on top for at least 3 hours (the bandage can be left overnight). It should be remembered that you cannot use honey for massage if you are allergic to it.

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Joint pain at rest

Use of massagers

Nowadays, more and more often, when self-massaging at home, a special device is used - a massager. What is the advantage of mechanizing the process? Firstly, not every person is able to perform self-massage to the fullest due to their painful condition. Secondly, the device allows you to reduce the time for the procedure.

Modern massagers provide deep massage, intense heating of the joint, and vibrating effects.

The design of the massager, as a rule, includes rollers on a special platform that can provide multifunctional massage. We can highlight effective modern devices such as Marutaka and Join Max. The first option can work in Shiatsu massage mode. The second system was created specifically for the treatment of lesions of the knee joint.

Knee massage for arthrosis is considered an important element of complex treatment, which can significantly increase the effectiveness of drug therapy. This procedure can be carried out in specialized medical institutions or independently at home. It is important to do everything correctly, taking into account the characteristics of the disease and in full.

Is it worth buying a massager for knee joints?

Using a knee massager definitely has its benefits, especially if you suffer from pain that comes with aging, sports, injury, or the wear and tear of everyday life.

Many people have benefited from using a knee massager. We hope you have a better understanding of the different types of knee massagers.

Feel free to choose any of the knee massagers suggested above depending on your specific needs and budget.


Body rubbing is one of the most popular methods of traditional therapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Massage for arthrosis helps relieve symptoms and stop degenerative processes in tissues. In addition, it can be used along with other therapeutic methods, such as physical therapy, physiotherapy, manual therapy, therapeutic mud, etc. Timely treatment will be the key to a quick recovery.

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