Six common mistakes after getting vaccinated against coronavirus: Is it possible to sunbathe, swim and drink a glass of wine after the injection?

Before you get vaccinated

Taking into account the fact that in the vast majority of cases, vaccinations are well tolerated by healthy children without any preparation or pre-treatment, the most important point in preparing a child for vaccination is to determine contraindications to vaccinations, that is, those cases of illness in a child in which vaccination can give serious adverse reactions. Contraindications and precautions for vaccination; in some cases, vaccination in children is either strictly prohibited or should be postponed to a later date. In order to correctly assess contraindications and precautions for vaccination in a child, it is important to follow the vaccination calendar and know in advance which vaccination should be given to the child and when. Before vaccinating your child and on the day of vaccination, read what contraindications and precautions are associated with the administration of a particular vaccination and make sure that the child does not have any contraindications for the vaccination. If you find it difficult to determine certain contraindications or precautions (for example, how dangerous a child’s cold or cough is), show it to your doctor. You should not blindly refuse vaccination because of a slight runny nose or cough - this will only disrupt the vaccination plan.

How to give an injection correctly to avoid lump formation

By following a clear sequence of intramuscular administration of drugs, you can avoid the unpleasant consequences (swelling, contusions, bruises) of injections in the buttock:

  1. Prepare all the necessary equipment for the injection (syringe, medicine, alcohol, cotton wool). Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Inspect the ampoule, shake it so that the medicine is at the bottom.
  3. Draw the medicine into the syringe and push the air with the piston.
  4. Visually divide the buttock into four sectors. For injection, you must select the upper right sector.
  5. Disinfect the injection site well.
  6. With a confident movement, insert the needle 3⁄4 of its length.
  7. Gently and slowly press the plunger of the syringe with your finger.
  8. After injecting the drug into the buttock, press the injection site and lightly massage it with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, thereby preventing the occurrence of bruises and bumps.

Treatment of fever and prevention of allergies after vaccination

An increase in temperature is a normal reaction of the child’s body to a vaccination, which means that the immune system has responded to the vaccine and is beginning to develop immunity (however, the absence of an increased temperature after vaccination does not mean that the vaccination was ineffective). In the case of completely healthy children, the temperature should not be lowered after vaccination if it does not exceed 38.5C. In cases of a more significant increase in temperature, and also when the temperature remains at 38.5 C in the evening, the child should be given an antipyretic. To treat fever after vaccination, it is recommended to use Paracetamol. Aspirin should never be used as an antipyretic in children.

In the case of children with a tendency to febrile convulsions, treatment should be started when the temperature rises above 37.5 or the child should be given an antipyretic before the temperature appears, if so advised by the neurologist observing the child.

Prevention of allergic reactions after vaccinations is indicated only in the case of children prone to developing allergies. In such cases, it is recommended to use Suprastin or another antihistamine as prescribed by a doctor.

The flu vaccination campaign is in full swing. Tens of thousands of people have already been vaccinated. But, despite such popularity and general availability of vaccinations, many still do not know what can and cannot be done after the procedure.

Any vaccination, including against the flu, is a rather serious challenge to the body, because it receives a portion of the virus, albeit a weakened one. And it must give him an adequate immune response!

It often happens that while immunity is developing in response to a vaccine, a person becomes ill. This is due to the fact that in the post-vaccination period the body is busy working to create immunity against influenza (rubella, measles, mumps, etc.). Naturally, he is “not distracted,” and at this moment he can easily become infected with other infections.

There is no need to further aggravate the situation by overloading the body so that it completely stops coping.

Immunologist Anna Shulyaeva told about what can and cannot be done after vaccination, for example, against the flu.

There's no need to run away

After any vaccination - be it vaccination against the flu, or against tuberculosis, and so on, you should not immediately run away from the clinic or mobile vaccination point to go about your business. It is recommended to wait next to the doctors for about half an hour.

This will minimize the risk of developing severe allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock. This is the most severe and dangerous complication.

In addition, delayed reactions are possible, although they also appear during the day of vaccination (usually in the evening). This is usually a lump or redness at the injection site. There is nothing wrong with this; the reaction does not require urgent consultation with a doctor or immediate treatment.

However, there are atypical reactions, such as swelling, severe pain, a sharp increase or decrease in temperature at the injection point. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Is it possible to get it wet?

The question “is it possible to wet a vaccine?” is a question that occupies a fairly large number of people. Everyone remembers from childhood that they should not expose the injection site to water for 3 days. In fact, 3 days is the period for Mantoux, which is not a vaccine.

As for other vaccines - against influenza, whooping cough, tetanus, etc., you should not get the injection site wet for the first 24 hours.

But in fact, if you wet the vaccine, nothing will happen. It is important not to swim (do not heat or keep the injection site under water for a long time). This will lead to negative temperature effects and secondary infection.

It is more important to remember that if itching develops under the skin in response to the injection of the vaccine, you should definitely not scratch this area.

  • Firstly, you are unlikely to relieve these sensations.
  • Secondly, the risk of infection in the wound and inflammation is quite high (this can be sharply limited swelling, severe pain, change in skin color at the injection site).

In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor. The vaccination site should not be taped or covered in any way. In any case, such a reaction does not affect the effectiveness of the vaccination.

Temporary diet

One of the issues related to vaccination is the selection of proper nutrition. There is no need to follow any special diet.

The only thing I would recommend is to temporarily exclude foods that obviously cause negative reactions - citrus fruits, packaged juices, nuts, long-aged and processed cheeses, out-of-season vegetables and fruits. And this is only because it is impossible to distinguish an allergic reaction to a drug from an allergic reaction to food. Especially if systemic anaphylaxis develops.

No shops or concerts

Vaccination is a test for the body. During the work of the immune system, it is often said that the protective forces are significantly reduced. And a person becomes vulnerable to many viruses and bacteria.

This means that after vaccination it is better to try to avoid crowded places. Moreover, in most cases, vaccination is not a spontaneous event, which means you can always create your schedule so that after the injection you can go home and relax in your usual environment, incl. and from the point of view of invisible microorganisms, it is almost impossible to get infected from common bacteria and viruses.

If you go to a concert, shopping, etc., where you have to deal with an aggressive external environment, you can get quite serious consequences and a serious illness, which is often attributed to the vaccine. This is due to the fact that the body devotes all its energy to processing the antibodies contained in the vaccine and does not fight those that attack it from the outside.

Where does the temperature come from?

It is often recommended to take an antihistamine for a couple of days after vaccination. This is recommended to do in order to reduce the possibility of developing allergic reactions.

Most often, such prescriptions are given to those who have a history of allergies. And, as a rule, in this case, second-generation antihistamines are offered.

It is important to consider that after vaccination a person may develop a fever.

This does not always happen and not in all patients, but if this happens, there is no need to be alarmed. She says that the body develops its own immunity, fighting the introduced strain of infection and processing it. The rise can be from 37 to 40 - this is due solely to the individual characteristics of the patient. You can bring down the temperature with any antipyretic drugs.


Flu vaccination in Clinical Hospital No. 1

Read also:

  • How flu vaccines work
  • New data on the evolution and spread of seasonal influenza viruses
  • Flu vaccination in Clinical Hospital No. 1
  • Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Memo for the public about influenza
  • FLU: symptoms and prevention. Memo
  • How to protect yourself from influenza A(H1N1)2009?
  • A gift from Asia. What is the danger of the Hong Kong flu expected this winter?
  • The Russian Ministry of Health has prepared recommendations for the prevention of influenza
  • Swine flu
  • FLU: Clinic, epidemiology, prevention, treatment
  • Prevention of colds in hospital No. 1
  • WHO. Exacerbation of respiratory diseases in spring
  • Swine flu A(H1N1)
  • "Sovigripp" - flu vaccine
  • Protect yourself! How to avoid getting sick in transport
  • How to protect yourself from the flu in the fall?
  • Flu. Memo for the population
  • WHO. Immunization coverage. Newsletter N°378. September 2015
  • We invite you to get vaccinated against influenza
  • Flu vaccination. Questions and answers
  • Carefully! Bird flu
  • Myths and facts about the flu
  • Flu symptoms and ARVI symptoms. What is the difference between influenza and ARVI?
  • About complications of influenza. Why is it necessary to see a doctor?
  • Flu vaccination: yes or no?
  • Crimean hospitals will introduce additional measures to prevent the spread of influenza
  • Flu and ARVI
  • The Ministry of Health plans to vaccinate 40% of the Republic's population against influenza
  • Vaccination is the most effective preventive measure, - Alexander Golenko
  • The Ministry of Health plans to involve 40% of Crimeans in the flu vaccination campaign

Treatment of redness and swelling at the injection site

Most vaccinations result in more or less severe redness or swelling at the injection site. The most severe local reaction to vaccination is observed in the case of DTP (redness, swelling and pain at the injection site) and BCG (formation of a long-lasting non-healing ulcer). For all types of vaccinations, it is recommended to avoid any local treatment for redness or swelling at the injection site. If the child scratches the injection site, it can be covered with a light gauze bandage. At the site of the DTP, a compaction often forms, located deep in the muscle - a “bump”. Often such a lump is painful, and the child easily limps on one leg (if the vaccine was injected into the thigh). The formation of a dense “bump” after DPT is considered a normal reaction and does not require any treatment. Within a few weeks, the lump will resolve on its own.

Can I swim after an intramuscular injection?

It all depends on the type of injection.
If you inject any antibiotic, you can swim almost immediately. But if it is a serum or a vaccine, then it is better not to risk it and wait at least a day before swimming. It is also better to be careful with other drugs. If the water is cold or, conversely, too hot, there can be adverse consequences. Remember that God protects the careful!

After some vaccinations, the doctor says not to swim, and if he doesn’t, then swimming is allowed. It is better to check with the doctor who prescribed the vaccine for you.

If the child’s health is good, then you can bathe him, but it is advisable to wash him cleanly in the shower, without sitting in the bathtub with water for a long time.

In principle, there is a practice that after any injection it is advisable not to wet the injection site for two hours, and some injections have restrictions on wetting, for example, an injection for the Mantoux reaction, it is forbidden to wet it for a couple of days..

There is a way by which you can swim in water without wetting the injection site) it is advisable to treat it with hydrogen peroxide before swimming) but I’m not talking about this method) Take a regular condom, cut off both ends, put it aside, wrap the injection site with a cloth and then pull it on put a condom in this place) don’t be afraid it won’t break, latex can withstand great tension) this method works if the injection was given in the arm or leg) but if it’s in the butt, nothing will happen if you’re wearing swimming trunks) the arm or leg will not get 100 percent wet!

Botox injections: what are they?

The administration of Botox provokes a disruption of neuromuscular conduction, temporarily blocking the flow of nerve signals from muscles or glands. The use of this procedure allows you to relax the muscles, which helps smooth out facial wrinkles and creases on the face, reduce the work of the sweat glands, eliminating hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

The drug is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, after preliminary consultation with a doctor and a thorough examination of the injection area. The procedure takes from 5 to 20 minutes, there is practically no pain, and if necessary, superficial skin anesthesia is used. The recovery period is short, the result is noticeable after 2-7 days. But any impact on muscle fibers or nerve endings in the injection area can change the result and cause side effects, so it is important to follow a number of prohibitions and recommendations.

How to treat an abscess

The abscess is removed by a surgeon. If you do not seek medical help in a timely manner, this can lead to even more serious consequences for the patient.

  • If the inflammatory process is infiltrative and non-purulent, conservative treatment is used. Physiotherapy, absorbable medications, and warm compresses are prescribed. It is recommended to lubricate the injection site with an alcohol solution of iodine.
  • If pus begins to form at the site of inflammation, the doctor at our clinic will perform a puncture, remove the accumulated pus and rinse the cavity.
  • If the abscess is deep, surgical treatment is performed. An incision is made at the site of the abscess, the cavity is washed and drained.
  • In case of an extensive process and symptoms of general intoxication, treatment with antibiotics, immunomodulators, and vitamins is prescribed.

Qualified specialists at our clinic treat purulent inflammatory diseases using the most effective and safe methods and medications.

Diagnostic methods in surgery:

  • Doppler in surgery
  • Colonoscopy
  • Angiography
  • CT scan
  • Gastroscopy
  • MRI
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • X-ray
  • Endoscopy


CodeName of servicePrices
1Initial appointment1200
2Repeated appointment900
3Calling a surgeon to your home3500
4Abdominal ultrasound2200
5Ultrasound of veins and vessels2400
6Doppler 2-3 trimester1200


In all cases, the postoperative suture area must be kept clean. To do this, you must avoid swimming in open fresh water, or use a sealed, waterproof sticker bandage. After swimming, the incision area should be washed with clean water and soap to prevent secondary infection.

Wet swimwear must be removed immediately after swimming. The seam must be thoroughly dried with a clean towel or disposable absorbent wipes.

If swimming in open water or a pool without a waterproof bandage, apply sunscreen to the seam area.

When resuming swimming lessons, overload should be avoided: training should begin gradually, giving the child time to rest.

Restrictions after botulinum therapy

Here are some basic recommendations after botulinum therapy.

Be in a vertical position only

For 5 hours after Botox injections, you should not lie down or bend over. Blood rushes to the head in a horizontal position, because of this, metabolism accelerates, botulinum toxin is eliminated from the body faster. Improper distribution of botulinum leads to loss of effect.

Don't drink alcohol

Alcoholic drinks dilate blood vessels and accelerate blood flow, causing excess movement of botulinum toxin. The movement of botulinum toxin through facial tissues is fraught with numbness, drooping eyelids and problems with articulation. Possible formation of hematomas.

In the first 7-10 days after the session, drinking alcohol is prohibited!

Do not visit saunas and baths

High temperatures cause capillaries to expand and provoke the removal of Botox from the body and its migration through facial tissues. You can go to the bathhouse or sauna only after complete recovery. During the first day after the session, hot water is also dangerous for patients. Postpone going to the sauna or bathhouse for at least 2 weeks.

Don't play sports

During intense exercise, blood flow accelerates - this can be dangerous immediately after Botox injections. For two days, patients are not allowed to engage in any sports, jogging, or fitness. Loads with an inclination are especially contraindicated. Dancing and martial arts are also prohibited.

Do not undergo cosmetic procedures

There are a number of cosmetic interventions that are compatible with Botox injections, but they can only be used after the body has fully recovered from the previous session, that is, after about 3 weeks. For 3 days, massage, masks, peelings, hardware treatments, etc. are prohibited.

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