What can you eat after removal of a hernia: diet after surgery and nutrition rules

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An umbilical hernia is a pathology in which the omentum (a wide and long fold of visceral peritoneum) and part of the small intestine under the skin in the navel area protrude. The disease is acquired; the patient’s muscles weaken and the connective tissue of the white line of the abdomen diverges.

Statistics show that umbilical hernia occurs more often in people over 50 years of age. And women suffer from it 2 times more often than men.


  • Anatomical features of the white line of the abdomen in the navel area;
  • Genetic factor;
  • Weakening of the abdominal muscles;
  • Excessive stretching of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure;
  • Strong physical activity;
  • Lifting heavy objects;
  • Sudden weight loss;
  • Smoking.

Pregnant women are more likely to develop an umbilical hernia. This is due to the fact that the umbilical ring often diverges due to the voluminous abdomen, and the abdominal muscles also atrophy.

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What foods can you eat after a hernia removal?

The main goal of the diet is to reduce pressure on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. This can be achieved through fractional nutrition with small portions per meal and by eliminating foods that take a long time to digest in the stomach, as well as causing constipation and increased gas formation in the intestines.

The duration of the recovery period depends on many factors (stage of pathology, age, general condition of the patient) and usually takes from a week to six months . A properly selected diet plays an important role in the recovery process after umbilical hernia surgery.

The menu is compiled with the aim of relieving the pressure exerted on the area of ​​suturing or excision of the hernial sac, as well as facilitating the process of bowel movement . You need to eat small portions at least 5-6 times a day. It is advisable to include first courses in the menu twice a day.

Note! With frequent constipation, the protrusion of the fibrous ring intensifies and the likelihood of the formation of a new hernia, suture dehiscence and, as a result, pain increases. In some cases, internal bleeding is possible.

To improve digestion, strengthen the immune system and provide the body with important nutrients, the following are recommended:

  • First meal . Soups with chicken or vegetable broth. During the first 2-7 days, all components must be ground and given to the patient in semi-liquid form;
  • Protein foods (poultry, game, veal, fish, dairy products): fish, white poultry and soft-boiled eggs. Protein is essential for building new muscle tissue. Meat products should be cooked exclusively by steaming or baking with vegetables in the oven;
  • Porridge . Preference should be given to oatmeal or buckwheat;
  • Vegetables . All vegetables can be eaten fresh, except cabbage, legumes, radishes, tomatoes, sorrel leaves, eggplants and onions. Boiled carrots and onions can be added to salads. During the first days, vegetables must be cooked to reduce their content of coarse fiber, which increases intestinal motility. Raw beet salad seasoned with vegetable oil is an ideal remedy for normalizing the bowel movement process;
  • Fermented milk products (low-fat kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, live yoghurts without additional food additives).

Prevention of umbilical hernia

  • Proper diet. It will maintain normal weight and ensure excellent digestion;
  • Moderate physical activity, including exercises to strengthen the abdominal wall;
  • Wearing a corset, bandage or support underwear for pregnant and operated patients;
  • Lack of heavy physical activity;
  • Abdominal muscle massage;
  • Treatment of diseases of the internal organs that may cause bloating or persistent cough.

Important information

Correct physiotherapy for spinal hernia. The objectives of the exercises include gentle stretching of the spine, as well as increasing blood circulation in the pain area. Swimming, gymnastics and massage effectively help with spinal hernia.

It is necessary to carry out physical exercises only when the doctor himself recommends them. Gymnastics can be performed both in the first days after surgery and after some time. Here is an example of physical activity:

  • Lying on the bed, make circular movements with your feet, then move your feet up and down;
  • Bend your knees and straighten them back;
  • Shallow squats, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart and lower yourself very slowly, inhaling, and as you exhale, rise. This exercise needs to be done 10 times;
  • If you can do more serious loads, then push-ups from the floor or from a bench are recommended. While lowering, inhale and return to the previous position – exhale. The load should be increased gradually, do not overload yourself;
  • Rotate your legs in a “bicycle” pattern. The load on the muscles will be greater if you twist your legs closer to the floor. This exercise should also be increased gradually.

If the vertebral hernia after surgery does not have complications, then the patient is allowed to go swimming, but you should be aware that hypothermia can be dangerous. Therefore, a long procedure is contraindicated; it is enough for the spine to be rubbed or doused with cool water for 5 seconds.

But it is quite possible to visit the bathhouse; sometimes such a procedure will be beneficial. But even here there are limitations. After the bath, you should not be physically active; steamed muscles simply will not be able to withstand such a load.

After the operation, the patient is recommended to wear a bandage that will support the back and strengthen the muscles. In the first days it is better to wear the corset constantly, and after that - for several hours.

After surgery for a vertebral hernia, the patient may experience complications such as:

  • Adhesive and scarring process, which almost always occurs due to the fact that surgical intervention injures the vertebral structures;
  • Impaired functioning of the pelvic bones, in this case the person experiences problems with urination and intestines;
  • Epidurit is an inflammation of the tissue under the membranes in the spinal cord. Paralysis of the arms may occur; this is a dangerous complication that requires hospital treatment;
  • The development of spinal osteochondrosis or the occurrence of spinal osteomyelitis.

All these complications are extremely serious and require long-term treatment in hospital. But not in every case such troubles arise; however, the doctor must inform the patient about all the nuances of the operation.

Diet after hernia surgery

Even a person far from medicine understands that a hernia is not an organ peculiar to the human body.

This term refers to a weakened spot or hole in an elastic corset that protects a person’s internal organs from damage and is responsible for their correct position.

For various reasons, it moves apart, as a result, a hernial orifice is formed, through which the internal organs protrude under the skin. This is a hernia. Outwardly, it looks like a tumor.

Most often, a hernia forms in the abdominal cavity and spine. Neither men nor women are immune from the appearance of a hernia. The disease can develop at any age – both elderly and children.

If the hernia is not treated, then such a serious complication as strangulation cannot be ruled out. It won't go away on its own. Infringement is accompanied by acute pain and enlargement of the hernial tumor.

Earlier treatment of a hernia leads to less serious consequences and faster recovery.

The most effective way to get rid of a hernia is surgery. However, it should be remembered that surgically only the bulge is removed, and not the cause of its appearance. And the origins of the disease should be sought in the lifestyle. Therefore, it is necessary to control your diet and follow a certain diet.

After the hernia operation, you will be allowed to drink within a few hours. The next day, you will be prescribed a light diet, which nutritionists call table No. 0.

It is aimed at reducing the load on the digestive organs and preventing the formation of gases in the intestines. In the postoperative period, it is necessary to exclude the development of constipation, which increases the load on the surgical area. The diet should contain plenty of dietary fiber, water and fruit juices. You need to eat often, but in very small portions.

The diet of the first postoperative day after removal of a hernia may include:

  • low fat meat broth,
  • rice water with cream,
  • jelly from fruits and berries,
  • juices from fruits and berries,
  • fruit jelly,
  • rosehip decoction.

Food should be liquid. All fast foods are completely excluded. Then the menu becomes more varied. The diet can include:

  • soups based on vegetable broth with the addition of cereals,
  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal porridge,
  • steamed egg white omelette
  • soft-boiled egg,
  • puree from lean meat or fish.

A few days after surgery to remove a hernia, you don’t have to follow a strict diet, but you need to reconsider your taste preferences and habits that contribute to the appearance of a hernia. First of all, you should stop drinking alcohol and coffee, fatty foods and chocolate, and smoking. You should not overeat.

Eating according to the rules is the key to the good functioning of the body’s immune system. And, of course, you need to lose weight, because if you are overweight, the recovery period takes longer.

It is important that digestion functions normally and the regularity of bowel movements is not disturbed - this will prevent colitis and constipation, which cause tension in the muscles of the abdominal cavity, and therefore lead to relapses of the hernia.

To avoid this, it is necessary to exclude from the diet fatty meat, lard and its derivatives (loin, ham), butter, sour cream, and increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Eat soups at least twice a day.

In the morning, every day you should drink a glass of cold water with the addition of one or two tablespoons of unrefined olive oil. Eating boiled and grated raw beets with vegetable oil before bed gives a good effect. Beets are often compared to a broom that destroys carcinogens.

Those who have undergone surgery to remove herniated discs, etc. Gelatin and products containing it should be added to the diet, as well as jellied meat, fish, and foods rich in calcium.

Spinal hernia: surgery and recovery after it

To remove a piece of slipped disc, the surgeon makes an incision along the spine in the center of the back, approximately three centimeters long, and then carefully excises the muscle tissue next to the spine.

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