Rehabilitation of the patient after removal of an intervertebral disc herniation, recovery time

Today, the incidence of intervertebral hernias among the population and the number of operations performed due to the progressive course of the pathological process have reached incredible proportions. Statistics show that approximately 25% of people aged 25-30 years begin to feel the first clinical signs of an insidious disease. And by the age of 50, intervertebral hernias cause significant trouble for 80% of men and 60% of female patients. Often the disease is uncontrollably aggressive, which inevitably requires surgical treatment.

Bulging on x-ray.

Fortunately, despite the incurability of degenerative-dystrophic pathogenesis of this type, modern methods of surgery generally cope well with their therapeutic task: they completely eliminate the pathological factor (hernial component), which provokes compression of the spinal structures. Thus, after the operation, complete decompression is achieved, and at the same time, excruciating pain disappears, and functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs are eliminated.

However, you should not think that surgical intervention for hernias of the lumbar spine and other locations is the only and final stage of treatment. No, in order for the manipulations performed to really lead to the cherished recovery, it is extremely important to undergo high-quality postoperative recovery from beginning to end. After surgery to remove a herniated disc, the rehabilitation period must be properly planned by a professional.

Natural image.

The patient will be required to complete the entire rehabilitation period established by the doctor, which will take an average of 3 months, and to very responsibly follow the postoperative treatment program recommended by him. Depending on how the recovery process goes, how long the wound heals, etc., the time frame, in principle, can be shortened or extended. The duration of recovery will be different for everyone, as will be the scheme of treatment measures. It is worth noting that the best results are achieved by people who have recovered for the prescribed amount of time under the supervision of experienced rehabilitators.

Goals and objectives of recovery after deletion

After surgery to remove a lumbar hernia, as well as prolapsed cervical or thoracic disc cartilage, the recovery period is necessary for:

  • quick relief of pain;
  • prevention of possible complications (infections, thrombosis, scars, etc.);
  • bringing general health indicators back to normal;
  • restoration of muscle strength in the legs, arms, back, abdomen;
  • gradual restoration of the spine;
  • mastering the skills of proper load distribution;
  • correction of gait and posture defects;
  • return to normal life with a minimum of restrictions;
  • minimizing the risks of reoperation.

Conventionally, the entire rehabilitation period is divided into 3 stages, where the 1st is the most severe stage, during which pain in the suture area will bother you; some people may also have residual neurological symptoms, which is normal after such an intervention with this diagnosis. Within a week, the painful signs in the area of ​​the surgical incision will disappear, the wound will have healed well, and then recovery will be much easier to bear.

The early stage lasts about 2 weeks, therapeutic measures in this phase are aimed at eliminating swelling and pain, maintaining normal respiratory organs, normal regeneration of injured soft tissues, preventing infectious pathogenesis, preventing muscle atrophy, as well as thrombus formation in the lower extremities. Physical activity is still limited to a light form; you are shown getting up and walking after 24 hours; sitting is prohibited. In addition, special breathing exercises, simple exercises in bed, and wearing a corset are recommended.

One of the types of corset.

At the 2nd and 3rd stages, the treatment process is largely based on exercise therapy, it is already more active and varied, and in parallel with it, physiotherapy sessions are indicated. Closer to the final stage, massage and manual therapy procedures, therapeutic exercises in water, and swimming lessons are prescribed.

The main thing for you now is to tune in to long, hard and fruitful work, not to be lazy or lose heart, and not to deviate from your goal. You will definitely get better, begin to live a full life, free from the pain and limited mobility that for years have chained you, literally, hand and foot. Let us repeat that a successful outcome is possible only with the ideal fulfillment of rehabilitation requirements.

Treatment in sanatoriums

A month and a half after the start of recovery, the patient can go to a sanatorium and continue rehabilitation. The best choice would be mud or mineral resorts, which involve diet, therapeutic exercises, hardware and physiotherapy. Patients are also shown swimming without diving or jumping into the water.

A properly selected recovery program will ensure the fastest and most correct return to normal healthy life.

Exercises after removal of intervertebral hernia

In exercise therapy, the main principle is consistency in the recommended exercises and the patient’s well-being, dosage, gradualness and regularity. If the condition is satisfactory, the range of activities should be very carefully expanded, while carefully listening to one’s own sensations, avoiding the appearance of painful discomfort or exacerbation of residual pain and sensory disturbances in the limbs.

If, while performing any exercise, you feel pain in the lumbar region or in another place where you had a hernia removed, as well as in your arms or legs, it makes sense to reduce your range of motion. But it is better to immediately stop using this gymnastics technique, see a doctor and describe the situation to him in detail. A qualified doctor will examine you and correctly adjust your physical activity regimen.

Just as surgical intervention for herniated intervertebral discs, each individual patient has its own specifics and level of complexity; moreover, it can be used on completely different areas of the spinal column, and the exercise therapy complex cannot be universal for everyone. Additionally, we note that the age, weight criteria and health status of the patient must be taken into account. Thus, you should only have a specialist compile exercises, videos and any other sources are extremely risky to use.

Remember that with the wrong approach, self-prescribed therapeutic exercises, as well as its absence or irregularity, you risk worsening the rehabilitation prognosis. Even such a moment as whether it is possible to squat and when, and that is decided by the doctor. By the way, it is usually not recommended to take a deep squat position until six months, although this time parameter, as is easy to understand, is also subject to the principle of individuality. We will highlight several more important aspects related directly to physical rehabilitation:

  • training is not sports, but a special therapeutic (!) warm-up, where the goal is an optimized and correct restoration of lost functions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • You cannot do classic push-ups at the beginning of recovery, at first you are limited to push-ups from the wall;
  • during rehabilitation, avoid intense and sudden movements, do not swing your legs, jump, deep bends, sharp turns of the body along the axis, hanging on the horizontal bar, any power and shock-impetuous loads;
  • do not lift heavy objects, the maximum permissible load weight for you is 4 kg, try not to lift heavy objects after recovery is complete;
  • during training, always wear a special orthopedic corset or collar;
  • do not take the “sitting” position for exactly as many weeks as your doctor told you;
  • be sure to include calm walking walks in your daily regimen, preferably in the fresh air, but do not overdo it with the duration and alternate walking with half-hour rest breaks.

The early complex, which is mainly prescribed by rehabilitation therapists in the very first days after surgery (performed in bed), is based on techniques such as:

  • circular rotations in the ankle, wrist;
  • movement of feet up/down;
  • flexion/extension of legs at the knee, elbow joint;
  • alternately pulling the knees to the stomach;
  • tension/relaxation of individual muscle groups;
  • breathing exercises.

But this is just the beginning; further, much more complex exercises will be used, which already involve performing a variety of active tasks for stretching and strengthening the muscles of the back, neck, abdominal wall, lower and upper extremities in several positions: lying on the stomach, lying on the side, standing on on all fours. In addition, in the later period they actively practice classes on special simulators, aqua gymnastics and swimming in the pool.

A set of exercises for complete recovery

Before using the proposed exercise system, be sure to discuss it with your doctor. Perhaps in your case it is too early to implement these tasks. The proposed complex was compiled by qualified instructors, but in our article it is offered for informational purposes. It is not a direct call for its use:

  1. Slide your back along the wall, which productively works the muscles of the back and hips. To do this, you need to press your back against the wall, place your legs about 30 cm further from it and set them shoulder width apart. As if sliding down the wall, we slowly bend our legs at the knee joints, up to a maximum of 90 degrees. Rise to the starting position also smoothly. With each lowering and lifting, count to 5. The number of repetitions is 4-5 times.

  2. Raise your lower limbs from a prone position. This tactic also strengthens the back and thigh muscles. Raise your right leg slightly above the floor (15-20 cm), holding and straining it for about 10 seconds. Then return the limb slowly to the surface, performing a similar task with the opposite leg. For each leg - 5 repetitions. Avoid excessive arching in the lumbar region, and the chest, abdomen and pelvis should be pressed tightly to the floor.

  3. This exercise is a little similar to the previous one, but the starting position will be lying on your back. During the class, the thigh and abdominal muscles are trained. The arms are extended along the body. Raise one leg above the floor to an angle of 30 degrees, pulling the toe away from you. Hold the raised limb for 8-10 seconds, then gently lower it. Do the same with the second leg. Multiplicity - 5 times with each limb. It is important not to allow the lumbar region to lift off the floor.

  4. Lie with your back on the floor, bend your knees, feet fully flat on the surface, at shoulder level. Gradually and smoothly (without jerking!) we lift our head and shoulders off the floor, with our hands we reach for our knees, as if partially sitting down. Hold the pose for 10 seconds, then very carefully return to i. n. Repeat 5-6 times. This tactic is mostly aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.

  5. This technique relieves tension from the back. I. item similar to No. 4. Pull your knees to your chest, clasping them with your hands from below. Pull your knees gently, but as close to your chest as your physical capabilities allow. Then you need to smoothly return the limbs to the floor. Your head should not be lifted from the surface on which you are lying. After a short relaxation, do the exercise 4 more times.

  6. Lying on your back with your knees bent and your arms extended at your sides, do pelvic lifts. Tear off the pelvic part very smoothly, slowly. Having reached the maximum possible lifting point, stay there for 2-3 seconds. Next, very gently lower yourself back, rest a little and perform a few more approaches, a maximum of 10 times. Do not turn your head to the sides or lift it off the floor, as this may lead to injury to the cervical spine. The chin should be strictly at the center of the chest, and the back of the head should be pressed to the surface. This simplified variation of the “bridge” does not overload the spine, but it perfectly trains the muscular corset of the back, abdominals, hamstrings, and buttocks.

  7. Get on all fours. Simultaneously raise your left arm and right leg parallel to the floor. Pull the raised limbs horizontally in different directions for 10-30 seconds: arm forward, and leg backward. Then return to i. etc., change limbs and do the same. Raising opposite limbs allows you to straighten and elongate the spine, strengthen the gluteal, abdominal and posterior thigh muscles, strengthen the glenohumeral complex and cervical spine, and increase arm endurance.

  8. This technique will be performed while standing. Stand behind a chair, grab the back of it with your hands, and move one leg back. After briefly fixing (3 seconds) your legs in an elevated position, calmly return them to the floor. Do the exercise 5 times for both legs. This type of training session is excellent for increasing muscle strength in the lower back and hips.

  9. Stand in front of a low chair, move about 1 m away from it (you can stand near a bed with a low base). Place one straight leg on the chair so that the heel of the foot is located closer to the edge of the seat. The opposite leg is on the floor. Making a forward movement of the body forward, we bend the knee joint of the leg that stands on the seat of the chair ( similar to a lunge, but the back leg should not bend ). Maintain the position of the bent limb for 15 seconds, then straighten it back. Change the leg and use a similar principle to bend it with fixation. In total, you need to complete 8 exercises. It is advisable that you use a safety net at the time of the lunge, for example, hold on to a nearby table.

Once again we would like to draw your attention to the importance of undergoing surgery and rehabilitation, receiving specialized instructions only in medical institutions where specialists with a capital “S” practice. The Czech Republic is the strongest and most advanced country in terms of spine treatment. Prices for any high-quality medical services in the Czech Republic are the most affordable available in any other country. The patient has the opportunity to undergo an operation inexpensively and at an exemplary level, and immediately after it receive a full course of rehabilitation according to the Czech treatment program.

A set of exercises from a patient who underwent hernia removal and spinal nucleoplasty:

And even if a person was operated on not in the Czech Republic, he can count on the fact that he will not be denied attention and care, will be warmly received and will organize all the necessary recovery measures in the world’s best rehabilitation center (or sanatorium). By the way, this country has the widest network of rehabilitation centers and sanatorium-resort institutions specializing in restorative and health-improving therapy of the musculoskeletal system.

Gymnastics and exercise therapy after removal

From a lying position, raise your leg bent at the knee.

From a lying position, extension and abduction of half-bent legs.

The picture shows how the exercise is performed

Lift the pelvis off the surface.

Straight leg raise.

Bend your chest VERY slowly.

Pull your chin towards your chest.

Straightening the arm and opposite leg.

At the same time, lift your head and legs from the surface and slowly lower them.

Simultaneously raise the right arm and leg, then the left.

Extension and abduction of legs.

Corset after hernia removal: role, terms of wearing

A prerequisite for anyone who has undergone surgery is to wear a corset. First, let's figure out how long you will need to wear the orthopedic device. According to postoperative standards, it must be used for at least 2 months, 3-6 hours a day.

The second type of corset with fixation of the thoracic region.

They wear a corset during physical education, household chores, and walks. Traveling in vehicles and cars is now contraindicated, but if such a need urgently arises, you must be in a corset at the time of the trip. The support product is removed every time before sleeping at night and during the daytime; to do this, you first need to lie down and then remove the corset.

The orthopedic device must be of a semi-rigid type . It plays a fixing and supporting role, providing reliable support and relieving stress from the spine. With it, the operated area will recover faster, as it will be maximally protected from overload and unacceptable sudden motor maneuvers. In addition, the corset helps reduce pain.

When can you sit down after surgery?

It is prohibited to decide on your own when you can sit down; this restriction can be lifted only by a competent specialist. Depending on the severity of the operation, as a rule, a complete ban on taking the “sitting” position lasts approximately 4-6 weeks. After the restriction is lifted, you will be taught how to sit down correctly, but at first you will only be able to sit down without putting stress on your tailbone. Before you begin, make sure that the seating surfaces are not too low. How to correctly take a pose, what deflection of the spine to maintain, how to stand up, and so on, you will learn all this in due time. At first, it is only permissible to sit on the edge of a chair, with your knees below your hip joints. It is necessary to sit and stand with your hands on your knees or chair armrests.

X-ray stabilization system. When using it, you can sit down much earlier.


Nutrition has the most important effect in the restoration of the spine. Food must be properly selected for better absorption of all useful elements. What is important is the balance of fiber, gentle digestion without intestinal irritation. If problems arise with digestion and stool, this will inevitably cause unnecessary stress on the muscles. Calorie intake should also be controlled to prevent the patient from gaining excess weight. Extra pounds will put stress on the spine, which is already vulnerable in the postoperative period.

Leg pain after surgery

During rehabilitation, especially in the early stage, residual effects that were present in the preoperative period may persist for some time. And the most common of them is pain in the leg. There is nothing surprising in the fact that your leg hurts or there is still numbness; we will explain why. For a long time, the nerve structures were in contact with the hernia, which put pressure on them and irritated them . Affected nerves after decompression cannot immediately recover as soon as the pathological stimulus is removed. That is why the lower leg still hurts or, for example, the thigh is pulled, and numbness and weakness in the leg are disturbing.

It may take more than one week to restore the sensitivity of the problem root and normal nerve conduction. But in any case, there should be progress in the near future. If improvements do not occur, pain and paresthesia tend to intensify, or against the background of complete well-being, the leg suddenly begins to hurt and go numb - these are alarming signs, often indicating the development of complications or relapse of the disease. Don't hesitate to ask your doctor questions, ask why your leg hurts and if it's normal for you, after all, it's in your best interest. The earlier a negative factor is diagnosed, the greater the chances of a positive prognosis.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

Even if the scheduled examination is still far away, it is necessary to immediately make an appointment with a doctor if:

  • burning sensation in the area of ​​the operation;
  • urinary disorders;
  • numbness in the legs, decreased muscle strength;
  • abdominal pain;
  • increased body temperature;
  • negative changes in the condition of the postoperative wound, for example, the appearance of swelling.

Rehabilitation is no less important element of treatment than the operation itself. After all, the fine work of a spinal surgeon ensures only 50% of success, the second half of which depends entirely on how accurately the patient follows the recommendations received from the doctor. Therefore, it is extremely important not to neglect any component of rehabilitation, not to violate restrictions and to regularly attend preventive examinations to assess the quality of the recovery period. Such a scrupulous approach will ensure a high speed of rehabilitation and absolute restoration of the body. Then the effort and time spent on this will pay off handsomely and the intervertebral hernia, as well as the pain and other disorders associated with it, will remain a thing of the distant past.

Recurrence of hernia after removal surgery

Yes, such an outcome, unfortunately, cannot be ruled out. The probability of such a complication as relapse cannot be said to be negligible, it ranges from 5% to 10%. And no surgeon will give you guarantees that in the future there will be no re-exacerbation, either on the same disc or any other, even with a perfectly performed operation. More often, repeated attacks occur in the lower back, after the lumbar region, but with fewer cases, the cervical discs are affected. The most common reasons are surgeon errors, poorly organized rehabilitation, and patient neglect of lifelong rules.

It is not difficult to suspect such a complication, especially for people who are familiar with the clinical picture of hernias firsthand. In addition to pain, loss of sensitivity and decreased motor functions of the limbs, a person may also be troubled by disorders of the pelvic organs. Some complain that urine leaks as a result of impaired innervation of the bladder, which is controlled by the spinal nerves. We emphasize that these symptoms may indicate both a relapse and damage to the spinal cord, nervous and vascular tissue with surgical instruments, as well as serious atrophic processes, etc.

Do not try to solve a problem with a complication by turning to osteopaths and other alternative healers, you can worsen the condition to the point of irreversibility. Although osteopathy has some recognition in the treatment of neurogenic syndromes arising from the spine, in our country, frankly speaking, this area of ​​medicine has not been mastered at all. But there are a huge number of amateurs offering low-quality osteopathic sessions. But this is not what we are talking about now; it is important to understand that the consequences after surgery are always serious and dangerous, since they can quickly turn a person into a disabled person. Therefore, their diagnosis and treatment should be carried out by neurosurgeons and neurologists!

In order to protect yourself as much as possible from a recurrence of the attack and other consequences, you need to undergo the procedure with a good neurosurgeon with many years of successful experience in this area and, of course, unquestioningly fulfill all the requirements for rehabilitation and future lifestyle.

Physiotherapy methods

As soon as the late period of rehabilitation begins, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures. This method of treatment does not cause any pain in a person. The course usually consists of 15 sessions and is repeated every 6 months for prevention. It includes:

  • electrical stimulation, due to which metabolic processes are normalized and dead cells in the affected area are regenerated;
  • wraps and mud baths to saturate the skin with minerals and trace elements;
  • Magnetherapy, which relieves pain and reduces inflammation;
  • massage to stabilize blood flow;
  • laser therapy to neutralize damage in the bone and cartilage parts of the operated area;
  • ultrasound treatment to eliminate pain, increase tissue regeneration and normalize blood circulation
  • phonophoresis, during which the necessary drugs are introduced into the body through ultrasound.

Stages of patient recovery

In fact, all activities after removal are aimed at achieving the main objectives:

  • restore the patient's ability to work;
  • prevent the development of negative reactions after surgical invasion;
  • prevent the formation of new intervertebral hernias.

As we said earlier, the rehabilitation program consists of 3 stages. Let us now consider what treatment and rehabilitation measures are meant by them.

StagesDeadlines (approximate)Therapeutic approach
(early recovery treatment)
0-15 days
  • Verticalization the next day;
  • a calm short walk (no more than 15 minutes);
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • use of NSAIDs, sedatives;
  • antiseptic treatment of the seam;
  • protective mode of activity;
  • gentle exercise therapy in bed, corset.
(patient readaptation)
from the 3rd week up to 2 months after operation
  • Extended exercise therapy in the supine position;
  • physiotherapy (magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, ultrasound, etc.);
  • increasing walking time (up to 30-45 minutes per 1 walk);
  • use of a support belt or collar during physical exercise. activity;
  • if necessary, painkillers and other medications.
(return to normal living conditions)
from the 9th week until full recovery
  • Intensive physical rehabilitation (therapeutic gymnastics, swimming, exercise equipment, mechanotherapy, etc.);
  • massage and manual therapy;
  • balneotherapy, mud therapy.

It is impossible not to voice a very important point regarding women of childbearing age. To avoid relapse, do not plan to become pregnant during the first year. Until the spine and musculoskeletal frame are thoroughly strengthened, wait until you conceive a child. We will also warn all patients, regardless of gender and age. Strictly follow the instructions on restrictions and maintain the physical regime that you have achieved after 2-3 months for at least a year. Such recommendations are given by doctors, explaining that after lumbar intervention, the postoperative period during the first 12 months has the highest risk of developing a recurrent hernial protrusion.

Many people are interested in whether they give disability after an intervertebral herniation surgery? In most cases, no, but if, at the end of a full treatment and rehabilitation course, the patient’s condition is extremely unsatisfactory, then, based on the results of a comprehensive diagnosis, the ITU commission decides on the possibility of assigning a group. Disability status is generally given temporarily, usually for a period of six months. The supervising doctor will advise you on how to obtain disability and whether you can even count on it.

For people with positive dynamics and no complications, the sick leave is usually closed immediately after the end of the rehabilitation period. That is, the duration of sick leave will be approximately 2 or 3 months, after which you can go back to work.

Pain syndrome in long-term periods may indicate adhesions after removal of an intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region or another region where surgical procedures were performed. Pathological formations detected untimely are fraught with severe hardening and chronicity of the process; then it is unlikely to be possible without surgery. Therefore, it is easier to prevent them than to then lie down on the operating table again due to the massive and dense cords that have formed in the spine. The best means of prevention is regular physical therapy. Note that clinically significant postoperative adhesive epiduritis, which literally “bricks up” the nerve roots, occurs in 3%-3.5% of cases.

When is a metal structure installed?

Of course, it may not always help, and this operation is not used in all problematic cases. During a surgical operation, metal is placed on the vertebral bones in case of serious damage.

MRI of the lumbosacral spine

The spinal column may be damaged for the following reasons.

  1. A person falls from a significant height.
  2. Road car accident.
  3. The collapse of something (roof, avalanche, etc.) and a strong blow to the spine.
  4. Diseases of the spine leading to degenerative-dystrophic consequences.

A person who has undergone spinal surgery to install metal structures must be prepared for the fact that he may be contraindicated in any kind of sports.

Most often the lower back and neck are injured. Moreover, if a person can survive with a lumbar injury, but find himself completely immobilized, then with a cervical injury the most likely outcome is death.

Compliance with the rules of rehabilitation after surgery will allow you to avoid serious complications and restore your ability to work in a timely manner.

The operation carried out to install a metal structure is necessary in the following cases.

  1. The diameter of the spinal canal is reduced.
  2. Degenerative changes occurred in the ligamentous apparatus.
  3. Intervertebral discs are damaged.
  4. An intervertebral hernia has formed.

Spinal disc protrusion

In all these and a number of other cases, an operation with the installation of stabilizing plates or rod structures becomes necessary. These foreign bodies are designed to immobilize the desired area in order to immobilize it and promote fusion (healing).


By the way. The surgical method is used quite widely due to the fact that the period of post-traumatic rehabilitation is significantly reduced, and the patient can almost completely regain a normal lifestyle.

Thanks to the development of medical technology, structural implants for spinal surgeries have a variety of shapes, many sizes and are classified in a certain way.

Vertebral fracture - before and after surgery

Table. Classification of operating structures.

ViewInstallation method
Solid rodAttached inside the bone canal
Hollow rodsInside the channel
Locking rodsInside the channel
Rods without lockingInside the channel
StaplesPlaced on the dice
Helical designsOn the bone
PlatesOn the bone

Titanium plate in the spine

By the way. After the installation (implantation) of structural devices, the consequences of spinal damage are minimized, and the postoperative recovery procedure is reduced several times in terms of time.

However, the insertion operation is a surgical insertion of increased complexity. And the degree of return of the body’s vital functions largely depends on the quality of the subsequent rehabilitation.

What should you immediately tell your doctor about after surgery?

7-10 days after removal of the lumbar hernia, the suture is removed. By this time, the incision (size 2-5 cm) is already healing well, local swelling and inflammation disappear, so the surgeon removes the suture material. If the patient feels well, immediately after the sutures are removed, they are discharged from the hospital, explaining how to proceed and what to do. Let’s immediately answer two frequently asked questions: is it possible to take a steam bath and when is it permissible to wet a wound (take a shower)? You cannot visit the bathhouse/sauna for at least 6 months, but you can take a warm shower 3 days after the stitches are removed.

An example of a suture after surgery on the lumbar region.

So, hospitalization in a hospital is over, now the patient is obliged to continue his recovery in an outpatient setting or a rehabilitation center. But since some patients do not consider it necessary to undergo all rehabilitation activities under the supervision of highly qualified rehabilitation therapists and exercise therapy instructors, which is very bad, many of them at one phase or another experience excesses of a different nature, which should be reported to a specialist without delay. Instead of waiting for your scheduled check-up, which could be scheduled after 6 and 12 weeks, drop everything and go to a neurosurgeon if you have:

  • the back burns, bakes, burns;
  • urination is impaired;
  • the lower limb becomes numb and loses strength;
  • there was pain in the abdomen;
  • my leg and arm began to hurt;
  • the temperature has increased;
  • back pain suddenly appears and gets worse;
  • back muscles spasmed;
  • the postoperative wound is swollen or oozing.

In general, modern microsurgical tactics make it possible to undergo surgical treatment with maximum safety and minimal intra- and postoperative risks. However, as after any surgical intervention, the possibility of developing negative reactions exists. In clinical practice, it is rare, but the following consequences occur:

  • superficial and deep wound infection;
  • purulent inflammation of the spinal cord tissue (epiduritis);
  • secondary spinal canal stenosis;
  • osteomyelitis, spondylitis;
  • progression of osteochondrosis;
  • scar-adhesive defects within the surgical access;
  • dysfunction of the pelvic organs;
  • muscle weakness of legs, arms;
  • recurrent intervertebral hernia.

And if some of the listed problems can be eliminated through intensive conservative therapy, then a relapse is an indication for another operation; it may be necessary to completely remove the disc and install stabilizing systems.

Drug therapy

For a patient who has had a herniated disc, the doctor may prescribe certain medications. Most often treatment is carried out:

  • chondoprotective drugs for tissue restoration;
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications to relieve swelling and inflammation;
  • analgesics to reduce and subsequently completely eliminate pain;
  • muscle relaxants, which relieve muscle tension.

Reviews after removal of intervertebral hernia

As the statistics of reviews show, after lumbar surgery for a vertebral hernia, people are mainly concerned about pain in one of the limbs and in the area of ​​the incision. A common complaint of patients is decreased sensitivity of the lower legs, mainly the feet. If the pain syndrome is not caused by complications, but is interpreted as residual effects or as a natural physiological response to surgery, it gradually subsides and disappears in about 2 weeks. To eliminate pain, doctors prescribe medications on an individual basis with a pronounced analgesic effect (selective NSAIDs, sometimes corticosteroids).

Based on reviews, we can also conclude that within the CIS countries, almost every second person undergoing surgery experiences consequences of one kind or another. It is simple to explain such statistics: this is a consequence of unsuccessful interventions and improper rehabilitation due to the insufficiently high competence of medical staff and the low technological equipment of domestic hospitals. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to undergo surgery and recovery only in medical institutions that meet international standards of modern neurosurgery and rehabilitation according to all criteria.

If you are just about to undergo surgery or are looking for a decent rehabilitation medical facility, we advise you to pay attention to the Czech Republic. Czech spinal neurosurgery clinics are world leaders in spinal surgery and rehabilitation therapy for people after interventions of any complexity. Patients who have undergone surgery and recovery in the Czech Republic, in numerous reviews, express their complete satisfaction with the treatment they received, which is the best confirmation of the high professionalism of Czech specialists. And most importantly, prices here for first-class medical care are about 50% lower than in Germany or Israel.

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