Diagnosis of temporomandibular joints (TMJ)

The apparatus for radiological diagnostics was invented in the 19th century. Wilhelm Roentgen was inspired to invent it by chance. While conducting experiments, he noticed that the Crookes tube interacts with barium, ensuring the element glows even in the dark. The X-ray machine was constantly improved. Today, diagnostics using this method are used to assess the condition of bones, the degree of their deformation as a result of fractures and dislocations, and in the presence of pathologies. Popular procedures also include x-rays of the mandibular joint.

It applies to almost all groups of people. But children rarely undergo X-rays of the temporomandibular joint; more often they are prescribed an MRI or ultrasound. Pregnant and lactating women are not allowed to undergo the examination.

When is radiography prescribed?

X-rays of the TMJ area are usually indicated in the following cases:

  • presence of severe dislocation;
  • for mechanical and other injuries to the TMJ area;
  • for gout;
  • before implantation of prostheses;
  • with ankylosing spondylitis;
  • to find out the exact causes of malocclusion;
  • before prescribing plastic surgery in the head or face area.

Most often, disorders in the TMJ area appear as a consequence of lack of treatment or complications of diseases such as mumps or otitis media suffered in childhood.

X-rays may also be prescribed if TMJ arthritis is suspected if there are the following complaints:

  • pain when talking, chewing;
  • the presence of swelling in the projection of the joint;
  • elevated temperature (this is a sign of the body’s reaction to an existing inflammatory process).

The study is also indicated for suspected arthrosis of the TMJ, especially after microtrauma, occlusion disorder, visual deformation, visual displacement of the jaw. Indications for research in this case are severe pain, deformation and decreased mobility of the TMJ. If treatment is not prescribed for a long time, serious hearing loss is possible.

The first signs of the development of destructive processes are:

  • clicks, crunching while talking, chewing;
  • visual violation of symmetry;
  • the mouth cannot be completely closed or opened;
  • When closing or opening the jaws, discomfort and sharp pain are felt.

X-ray of the temporomandibular joint

X-ray of the temporomandibular joint is one of the most common diagnostic methods, which allows identifying fractures and bone displacements, inflammatory and pathological processes. This study extremely accurately shows the relative position of bone tissue and the very structure of the TMJ.

This technique has been used for several decades, but its relevance remains to this day. The main advantage of an x-ray is the transmission of a clear image of the state of the solid structures of the area under study. The operation of the device is based on fixing the level of attenuation of radioactive rays passing through hard and soft tissues.


  • Indications for the procedure
  • Main contraindications
  • What does a TMJ image show?
  • Are x-rays dangerous to human health?
  • Which is better - X-ray, CT or MRI?
  • Where can I get an X-ray of the TMJ in St. Petersburg?

Indications for the procedure

There are no strict symptoms that require an immediate x-ray if they appear. If the patient begins to have problems with the functioning of the connecting joint and lower jaw, then this is already a good reason to consult a doctor.

X-ray of the temporomandibular joint is prescribed in the following cases:

  • After suffering injuries and injuries.
  • Gout.
  • Dislocations and subluxations.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis.
  • Determining the cause of malocclusion.
  • Fractures.
  • As a preparatory measure before dental prosthetics and upcoming surgery.

In addition, diagnostics are advisable if there is a suspicion of arthritis of the temporomandibular joint. The following symptoms indicate this:

  • Discomfort and pain when talking and chewing food.
  • Increased body temperature, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • Swelling in the joint area.

X-ray of the TMJ is also an effective method for diagnosing arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint. This disease is characterized by pathological changes accompanied by deformation of the joint itself and pain of varying intensity. If the situation is advanced, then the patient’s hearing function may be impaired.

Main contraindications

X-rays of the TMJ should not be performed more than 1-2 times a year. This is explained by the fact that during the procedure a person receives a certain dose of radiation, which does not pose a danger to his health if the frequency of examinations is not exceeded.

If we talk about other contraindications, many doctors agree that X-rays should not be performed on pregnant women and children. In these cases, diagnosis comes down to the use of MRI. In any case, the decision is made by the attending physician, so he evaluates the likely harm to the fetus and the advisability of the procedure.

What does a TMJ image show?

A TMJ image is a black and white graphic image that allows you to determine the width of the joint space, the ratio of all the bones that form the joint, and also determine existing pathological processes.

For adult patients, it is best to carry out survey radiography using a dental apparatus. To obtain the most reliable information, the study is carried out with the jaw closed and open.

An image of the temporomandibular joint shows the following results:

  • In dentistry, the cause of malocclusion is assessed, dental-maxillary anomalies are identified, and the general condition is examined before the upcoming dental prosthetics.
  • Diagnosis of otitis media, purulent mumps and osteomyelitis.
  • Detection of dislocations, subluxations and fractures.

Are x-rays dangerous to human health?

X-ray methods for studying the TMJ require a certain dose of radiation, so there are a number of contraindications to this procedure. As for the health hazard, during one procedure the dose of R-rays received is minimal and therefore does not affect the body in any way. Relative contraindications include only pregnancy and age under 14 years, but even in this case, the procedure is possible if there is a doctor’s approval.

When we talk about the dangers of x-rays, we primarily mean examinations using old machines. Modern dentistry has stepped far forward, and the radiation dose from modern X-ray machines is identical to what a person receives when flying on an airplane.

Which is better - X-ray, CT or MRI?

Functional radiography of the temporomandibular joint is still one of the most frequently performed examination methods in dentistry, despite the advent of more informative methods such as computed tomography and MRI.

It is not entirely correct to talk about which of these methods is better. The same MRI scans internal organs better, but is not as informative in examining bone tissue. X-rays are better suited for examining bones, so the relevance of this method still remains at a high level.

Where can I get an X-ray of the TMJ in St. Petersburg?

If you need an x-ray of the temporomandibular joint, then you can use the diagnostic services. Modern equipment and the high professionalism of our employees allow us to obtain high-quality images, which allow the attending physician to make a timely diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen.

To make an appointment, you need to leave an online application, or contact us by phone numbers listed on the website. For the convenience of our clients, the results can be sent by mail or recorded on a digital medium.

Sign up for a study by phone
+7 (812) 332-52-54

Conduct and results

It is best to conduct the study using the survey method; for adults, in this case, a dental apparatus is used, which is very convenient for adult patients. Children are usually treated with close-up contact photography without the use of a tube. To ensure that the shooting results are as accurate as possible, two photographs are taken - in the position with the jaw open and closed.

The specialist evaluates the results based on the width of the joint space, all identified pathologies and inconsistencies. Based on the diagnostic results, appropriate treatment and certain therapy methods will be prescribed. If traditional treatment is ineffective, the doctor will prescribe surgery. This usually involves replacing the affected joint with an artificial one.


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There are a number of contraindications for the procedure, in the presence of which the doctor will choose other research methods. Thus, it is not recommended to carry out diagnostics more often than once or twice a year, since radiation exposure will be extremely harmful to the body. This type of research is strictly prohibited for pregnant women of any stage and young children. In these cases, an MRI or ultrasound is usually prescribed, which has no harmful effects and is safe.

X-rays are also prohibited if the radiation may have a negative effect on the salivary glands. To eliminate negative influences, the doctor conducts a preliminary examination of the patient and finds out all the important points.

What does the procedure show?

Thanks to radiography, it is possible to detect various pathological processes affecting the temporomandibular joint. This articulation consists of numerous structures; any disease, even in one of them, leads to impairment of the ability to chew food and pronounce sounds. X-rays are used to study pathologies. His photographs show:

  • centers of destruction;
  • fractures, dislocations and hematomas;
  • congenital bone defects;
  • syndrome of dysfunction of the lower jaw;
  • sequestra (dead tissue);
  • sclerotic changes;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms.

In addition, with the help of radiography, specialists will be able to identify and study in detail areas of compaction, cyst-like formations and possible swelling of bone tissue. X-rays of the mandibular joint can be performed with the mouth open and closed. This is necessary to evaluate its functions.

During this procedure, the doctor will determine the width of the joint space and the ratio of the articulation elements. Also, using the resulting images, he will be able to examine all visible contours and possible pathological conditions.

Indications for use

There is no clear list of symptoms when one should sound the alarm due to the individual characteristics of the human body. But, if problems begin with limited functional mobility of the lower jaw and connecting joint, then this is a reason to seek help.

Among other generally accepted signs, pain syndrome in a given zone is distinguished. Moreover, this can be either an acute pain that occurs when performing a certain movement, or an aching pain syndrome.

You also need to pay attention to:

  • facial asymmetry;
  • clicking and other sounds when chewing food;
  • tinnitus;
  • dizziness.

If you notice at least one of the above symptoms along with joint pain, you should immediately contact a traumatologist or maxillofacial surgeon for advice.

X-rays are also taken to determine the extent of damage to functional deviations that are caused by:

  • dislocations;
  • subluxations;
  • fractures.

When a patient undergoes surgery, even if it is an ordinary plastic surgery, it is still impossible to do without an image. More serious reasons for visiting an x-ray office may be the following diseases at different stages of development:

  • rheumatism;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • malocclusion.

Moreover, the sooner the victim contacts the attending physician, the more effective subsequent treatment will be, based on the detailed information received.

Examination at SM-Doctor

If you need to take an X-ray of the jaw or temporomandibular joint, contact a medical specialist. Our advantages:

  • High quality photos. The details of baby teeth, follicles and periodontal tissue are so small that they can only be examined on technically ideal radiographs with high-resolution apparatus.
  • Minimum radiation dose. We use digital x-ray. It produces less radiation and also allows you to save images in digital format, process them, and record them on digital media.
  • Comfort. We use X-ray methods that do not cause anxiety or discomfort to the child.

In our clinic, after an x-ray, you can get a consultation with any pediatric specialist.
If necessary, you can undergo additional studies aimed at clarifying the nature of the pathology identified on the x-ray. You can make an appointment or ask questions around the clock by calling +7 (495) 292-59-86

Diagnosed anomalies

Separately, situations are considered when the doctor has every reason to suspect deforming arthrosis of the joint for a long time. Such a serious pathology is a consequence of the degenerative process in the joint. And, if initially it was common to believe that inflammation was the trigger for damage to the mandibular joint, today the range of causes has expanded. Hormonal imbalances, physical injuries and changes in the tone of the masticatory muscles for any reason, including genetic diseases - all this contributes to the destructive process of arthrosis.

A black and white image of the bone structure will provide visualization of the joint space. If even a slight narrowing is visualized, this will be the beginning of painstakingly constructed restorative therapy. Consolidation of the articular tubercle will also indicate a possible deviation. Occasionally, patients even experience exophytic formations, which are characterized by growth inside the joint, aggravating the condition.

Another common ailment that affects both young and old patients is temporomandibular arthritis. The underlying reasons for the development of a serious illness may be:

  • childhood infections;
  • mumps;
  • otitis.

The course of the disease is less than a month to trigger destructive mechanisms inside the joint. Already in the third week of advanced disease, the image will demonstrate a narrowing of the joint space. Since this imaging point is also characteristic of arthrosis, doctors will definitely consider additional parameters to establish an accurate diagnosis.

We are talking about the clarity of the end plates and marginal usurative changes. If the former have become less expressive in the image, and erosion is visible on the bone elements, then effective treatment cannot be avoided.

Periodically, X-rays are prescribed for those victims who have suffered fractures and dislocations, but are already on the mend. Regular monitoring is necessary in order to adjust the previously established course of treatment, taking into account intermediate indicators of effectiveness. Monitoring the condition will allow you to track how quickly and correctly the bones grow together.

Usually arthrologists are sent for analysis, but since not all public medical institutions have such a professional on staff, appointments are mostly issued by:

  • surgeons, including plastic ones;
  • traumatologists;
  • dentists.

Even old devices that produce examination results on film are suitable for almost all types of diagnosis confirmation. But occasionally doctors insist that the patient do a test on a digital machine. It is believed to be able to provide clearer images.

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