What are the dangers of muscle tension? A set of relaxation exercises

Lower back muscle spasm is a common pathological condition in both young active people and elderly patients. The lumbar muscular frame is responsible for supporting the spinal column in an upright position. Some muscles are involved in breathing processes. Some provide rotation, tilting and twisting.

All lumbar muscles can be divided into three large groups. The first is paravertebral. They are located directly next to the spine. Their function is to ensure stability of the position of the vertebral bodies and diffuse nutrition of the intervertebral cartilaginous discs. This is the muscle group that is the most difficult in terms of physical activity. If there is excessive tension, it spasms and does not allow capillary blood to circulate freely, providing adequate nutrition to the discs.

The second group of muscles of the lower back and back are the muscles responsible for performing various movements. They undergo sufficient physical activity throughout the day. But, unfortunately, the health of the spine has little impact on them. These muscles can only be negatively affected by intense physical activity, such as weightlifting. Also, most often myositis develops specifically in relation to the motor muscles of the muscular frame of the back and lower back.

The third group is the muscles that provide mobility of the lower extremities, breathing movements of the chest and upright posture. It is these auxiliary muscles that often cause acute pain. They regularly undergo increased physical activity. They are deformed. Trigger points arise in their thickness, leading to the development of myofascial pain syndrome.

You can find out more useful and reliable information about the symptoms and treatment of lumbar muscle spasms from the material provided. The article talks about potential causes and ways to safely relieve pain. Information about potential complications of long-term muscle spasm is also provided.

If you are concerned about muscle spasms in the lumbar and lower back, we recommend visiting a vertebrologist as soon as possible. This specialist will conduct an examination and make an accurate diagnosis. He will then prescribe effective and safe treatment for you. If necessary, additional examination will be recommended.

In Moscow, you can make a free appointment with a vertebrologist right now at our manual therapy clinic. Experienced doctors will provide you with the full range of first aid, help you get rid of pain and avoid the development of serious complications. To register, simply fill out the form located at the bottom of the page.

Causes of muscle pain in the back

The spine is a chain of adjacent vertebrae, facet joints, ligaments, and intervertebral discs. The musculature of the back is a system of interweaving of superficial and deep muscles, ligaments, and fascia. Together, they ensure the vertical position of the spine, flexion and extension of the torso, and mobility of the limbs. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones by tendons and contract under the influence of nerve impulses. The paired spinal nerves of the peripheral nervous system are responsible for innervation. Nutrients are delivered to the spinal muscles by the intercostal, subscapular, transverse, and lumbar blood arteries. This entire complex musculoskeletal mechanism must work harmoniously. A failure in any of the links causes pain in the back muscles. Depending on the source, extravertebral and vertebrogenic musculoskeletal pain are distinguished. In the first case, the cause of pain is hidden in non-vertebral lesions of blood vessels, nerve and muscle fibers. The second category includes everything that is pathogenetically associated with changes in the spine:

  • curvature of the spinal column – scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis;
  • autoimmune, rheumatic, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the spine - tuberculosis, syphilitic, brucellosis spondylitis, spondylodiscitis, ankylosing spondylitis, etc.;
  • congenital anomalies, tumors and vertebral injuries;
  • degenerative-destructive diseases and their consequences - osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, spondylosis, protrusion and herniation of vertebral discs.

Depending on the etiology, pain can be constant or periodic, short-term and long-term, acute and aching.


The most common injury is spinal bruise. The intensity of the pain depends on the severity of the injury. With a slight bruise, only skin and muscle tissue are affected. The painful sensations are superficial. A moderate injury is accompanied by a concussion of the spinal cord, impaired innervation, and pronounced pain. Severe damage is associated with contusion of the spinal cord, disruption of the reflex function responsible for muscle contraction, and the conduction function that ensures communication between parts of the nervous system. Spinal cord injury is manifested by severe pain in the back muscles, acute neurological symptoms (impaired reflexes, statics, coordination, paresis, etc.).

Shpidonov Gennady Stanislavovich


Rostov State Medical University (neurology)

10 years of experience

Curvature of the spinal column

Scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis are three variants of spinal curvature relative to its normal anatomical position. With scoliosis, the spinal column bends in the frontal plane, that is, to the side of the central axis of the body. With kyphosis or lordosis, the deformation occurs in the sagittal (antero-posterior) plane, strongly posteriorly or strongly anteriorly, respectively.

The progressive deviation of bone structures triggers a myoadaptive mechanism. The tonic muscles that hold the body try to adapt to the new position of the body, which causes them to experience enormous overload. This leads to increased excitation in the centers of the nervous system that regulate muscle tone. In the areas of curvature, dull, aching, aching pain occurs, which intensifies with physical activity and decreases with rest.


Based on localization, osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine is distinguished. Progressive degenerative-dystrophic changes affect articular fibrocartilaginous discs and bone tissue. The pathology extends to the nerve endings, muscle fibers and blood vessels adjacent to the spine. The resulting vertebrogenic pain syndrome is classified according to the location of the lesion:

  • Cervical spine - cervicalgia. Always accompanied by a headache.
  • Chest, chest – thoracalgia. Intensifies with movement, changes in body position, coughing, sneezing. During an exacerbation, thoracalgia is similar to the manifestations of a heart attack.
  • Lumbar region – lumbodynia. Pain in the lower back muscles intensifies when bending over, trying to stretch up (“stand on tiptoes”), after a long stay in a standing position.
  • Sacrum and gluteal muscles – sacralgia. Spreads to lower extremities.

Without treatment, osteochondrosis leads to the formation of protrusion and herniated intervertebral discs.

Shpidonov Gennady Stanislavovich


Rostov State Medical University (neurology)

10 years of experience

Protrusions and hernias

With osteochondrosis, the shell of the intervertebral disc is gradually destroyed, and the balance of the internal fluid is disrupted. The discs flatten and lose their elasticity. The interval between adjacent vertebrae decreases, they shift from physiological positions, and compress the spinal roots of nerve fibers, as well as the vessels feeding the spine. Pathology develops in stages:

  • Proplas (degeneration) – decreased strength and elasticity of the discs. The pain is caused by damage to the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine.
  • Protrusion is a partial protrusion of the liquid core beyond the boundaries of the disc, without rupture of its outer shell (annulus fibrosus). The pain decreases when lying down, but increases when bending over.
  • Extrusion is a displacement of the disc with separation of the fibrous fibers of the ring, but maintaining the integrity of the posterior longitudinal ligament. Muscle pain in the back is caused by compression of the spinal roots and blood vessels supplying them.

  • Sequestration is a complete rupture of the fibrous capsule with leakage of the nucleus. The formed hernia compresses the spinal cord, which causes severe pain.

The pain syndrome radiates (gives) to other parts of the body, leading to reflex tension in the muscles, limiting the mobility of the spine.

Ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis)

Inflammation of the vertebral joints, leading to bone, cartilaginous or fibrous fusion of the articular ends of adjacent bones of the spinal column. Gradually, the connective tissue structures are replaced by hard bone tissue, and the spine stops moving. Pathological changes are accompanied by damage to nerve fibers and constant tension in the spinal muscles. The correlation of inflammation, compression and muscle spasms causes constant aching and periodic sharp pain in the back muscles.

Non-vertebral musculoskeletal pain

The causes of Myalgia not associated with spinal injuries may be:

  • Muscle dystrophy. Depletion of muscle tissue occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle, hormonal disorders, and age-related changes. Due to weakening muscles, joints and discs take on increased load, which irritates nerve endings, causing pain.
  • Physical overload. Incorrectly planned sports training and heavy physical labor lead to stretching and tearing of the paravertebral muscle fibers. Back pain with muscle tension occurs due to the depletion of glycogen reserves and the accumulation of lactic acid in the tissues, which, when broken down, causes a burning sensation. Physical overload also includes inflammation of muscle tissue (myositis) associated with professional activity. Prolonged presence of certain muscle groups in a static and uncomfortable position leads to spasms.
  • Intercostal neuralgia. Occurs due to compression or irritation of the endings of the nerve roots of the intercostal nerves. Extremely painful neurological disorders cause involuntary muscle contraction, which increases pain.
  • Myositis in respiratory infections. When infected with ARVI (flu, Covid), the immune system “sends” phagocyte cells to fight the virus, most of which die, turning into toxic decay products. With the bloodstream, toxins disseminate throughout the body, poisoning everything in their path. The back muscles also suffer from general intoxication.
  • Fibromyalgia is a constant, total pain, symmetrical on the right and left half of the body. Refers to somatoform disorders, in which mental problems are hidden behind somatic symptoms.

Depending on the lesion, diffuse pain occurs in the back muscles along the spine, or the pain syndrome is localized in the area of ​​muscle tissue damage.

Pathogenesis and consequences of back muscle spasm

Seeing a specialist for muscle spasms is important not only to eliminate pain and return to a normal rhythm of life, but also to avoid consequences that cause more severe forms of the disease.

Contraction of fibers can cause pinching of nerve endings . The patient will experience constant pain radiating to the neck or lower back. A spasm of this nature of influence provokes severe headaches, increased blood pressure, nausea, and blurred vision.

A common consequence of muscle spasm is pinched nerve fibers.

In advanced cases, the pain continues every day and cannot be treated with painkillers . This affects not only the physical but also the emotional state of a person: he gets tired quickly, often gets irritated and does not bring positive emotions to others.

Frequent muscle contractions aggravate the condition of the spinal column and internal organs : improper oxygen supply to the damaged area causes dull pain and chronic pathological conditions. Frequent squeezing of blood vessels provides insufficient nutrition to the skin, hence its dryness and loss of elasticity.

Video: “How to relieve lower back muscle spasms?”

Find out more about the possible causes of back muscle spasms:

  • Recommendations for treating cold back muscles are described on the page
  • How to be treated correctly if you have strained your back?
  • Treatment and exercises for recovery after a back injury
  • Why myofascial back syndrome occurs and what it means can be found in the following article

Diagnosis of muscle pain in the back

To determine the cause of pain in the back muscles and prescribe effective treatment, the patient is prescribed laboratory tests and hardware examination procedures. The diagnostic complex includes:

  • microscopy and blood biochemistry.
  • X-ray diagnostic methods (X-ray, CT) to determine pathologies of bone structures.
  • Electroneuromyography (ENMG) - evaluates the quality of nerve impulse conduction, the ability of muscle fibers to respond to a signal, and the speed of this reaction.
  • MRI is effective for identifying traumatic injuries, protrusions, hernias, spinal cord lesions, vertebral deformities, inflammatory and degenerative processes in vertebral structures, oncopathologies, etc.

MRI of the spine

A magnetic resonance imaging scan is considered the most informative. At the SmartMed medical center, diagnostics are carried out using a modern German expert-class device.

Shpidonov Gennady Stanislavovich


Rostov State Medical University (neurology)

10 years of experience

Treatment of back muscle spasm

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Back muscle spasms occur very painfully and unexpectedly, often in the most inappropriate places.

To provide first aid to alleviate this condition, you must:

  • provide complete rest to the sore spot;
  • try to stretch the spasmed muscle with smooth circular movements;
  • drink a painkiller (“Spazmalgon”, “Ketonal”, etc.);
  • try to stretch the tense muscle (in this case, hang on a horizontal bar, in a doorway, etc.);
  • drink a lot of purified water.

Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment, which usually consists of a set of recovery measures : medications; massage; exercise therapy; warming up; recommendations on folk remedies.

Since back spasm is accompanied by acute pain, painkillers are prescribed. Drug treatment involves taking analgesics or drugs that alleviate the general condition of the patient. Drugs used for muscle spasms not only relieve pain, but are also anti-inflammatory in nature. They are called muscle relaxants. The specialist, depending on the nature of the occurrence and symptoms, usually prescribes Baclofen, Chlorzoxazone, Diazepam, etc.

Many people wonder whether the problem of muscle spasm can be solved by surgery. Current treatment methods do not involve removing muscle nodules to eliminate persistent pain in the affected area.

Massage is a very common method in the treatment of muscle disorders. It allows you to get rid of the disease at the initial stage without the use of drugs. It is important to remember that it is better to entrust massaging the diseased area to a qualified specialist. You can only do simple exercises at home. For example, massaging with a ribbed fitball (rolling on the back).

Physical therapy (physical therapy) is a fairly effective method for relieving the symptoms of spasm in the spinal region. Exercises must be performed daily for 15 to 30 minutes. If pain or discomfort occurs, you should stop exercising. It is advisable to perform a set of exercises in a special group, under the supervision of a trainer. The selection usually consists of various inclinations that strengthen and slightly stretch the muscle fibers.

Warming up is a rather unique method that requires the mandatory permission of a specialist.

Used as warming agents:

  • hot water bottles;
  • electric heating pads;
  • salt warmers;
  • warming ointments;
  • warm bath.

When warming up your back, the temperature of the heating pad should be no higher than 50 degrees. In the first type of heating pad, you need to pour water no hotter than 45-50 degrees ; to more accurately determine the temperature, you can use a special thermometer.

Electric heating pads are much easier to use because... the water is heated automatically. The principle of operation of a salt heating pad is very convenient for back spasms and the need to quickly provide assistance. The required degree of heat transfer is created by a chemical reaction occurring inside the structure. To start the action of the salt heating pad, press it intensely with your palm.

Any heating pad is not applied to a naked area of ​​the body: a clean cotton napkin will avoid an allergic reaction to the materials from which the warming device is made.

As ointments, doctors usually recommend formulations with bee venom or pepper (Diclofenac, Finalgon, etc.).

You can take a warm bath (40-50 degrees) with the addition of a decoction of medicinal herbs: chamomile, lemon balm, string, etc. For a standard container, one liter of medicinal liquid will be enough. It is recommended to carry out the procedure for no more than 15 minutes, so as not to overcool the affected area.

Folk remedies are also widely used in the treatment and prevention of muscle spasms.

MeansPreparationMethod of administration
Tincture of buds and birch barkPour boiling water (200 ml) into 2 tablespoons of birch buds and 1 teaspoon of the bark of this tree. Leave for an hour. Take one tablespoon before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
Horseradish porridgeGrate 200 g of horseradish or chop in a blender. Add 0.5 liters of honey and 0.2 liters of olive oil to the resulting pulp. Place in the refrigerator for a day. Take 1 tablespoon 40 minutes before meals. Contraindications: gastritis, stomach ulcer.
Adonis decoctionPlace 1 teaspoon of Adonis in a pan with 200 ml of purified water. Boil. Leave for 5 hours, strain. Take 1 teaspoon per day. The course lasts 1 week.

It is recommended to use lemon juice as an external remedy . Juice from one fruit should be applied to the sore spot, wrapped in a thick warm cloth and gone to bed (the procedure is carried out at night).

If you don’t have a single warming ointment in your first aid kit, don’t despair. You can prepare the medicine yourself. To do this, you need to take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon of turpentine and a chicken egg yolk. Whisk all ingredients until smooth. Rub into the sore area throughout the day .

Principles of treatment

The treatment strategy for back muscle pain depends on the diagnosed disease (disorder). If the cause of the pain syndrome is excess weight, physical inactivity, or irrational physical activity, the patient is given appropriate recommendations on diet, load correction, and changes in work and rest schedules. If extravertebral and vertebrogenic pathologies are identified, medications, exercise therapy, massage, and physiotherapy may be included in the therapeutic regimen.


The list includes medications:

  • muscle relaxants that reduce the tone of skeletal muscles;
  • B vitamins that improve innervation;
  • antispasmodics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • chondroprotectors to maintain cartilage tissue;
  • vasodilators to improve the trophism of the vertebral discs.

In case of unbearable pain, according to indications, doctors perform paravertebral drug blockade with anesthetics and corticosteroids. The medicine is injected into the epidural space - between the wall of the spinal canal and the dura mater of the spinal cord.


The procedures improve local blood circulation and help restore mobility. For myalgia use:

  • amplipulse therapy, electrophoresis;
  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • ozokerite applications.

During the period of remission, sanatorium-resort treatment in specialized balneological and mud sanatoriums is indicated.

Exercise therapy

Physical education helps strengthen the muscular corset of the spine and abdominal muscles. The treatment complex is selected personally, based on the current condition and physical capabilities of the patient. The patient can study at home independently, or attend group classes in a medical facility.


Manual therapy sessions stabilize the tone of the paravertebral muscles, improve trophism and innervation of muscle fibers, and accelerate the elimination of toxic products of cellular metabolism. After a course of professional massage, muscle elasticity increases, the mobility of the spinal joints increases, compression of nerve endings decreases, posture and overall well-being improve. The type of massage and manual therapy scheme are selected individually.

You can only entrust a massage to a specialized doctor. This is a medical procedure requiring anatomy, neurology, orthopedics.

Shpidonov Gennady Stanislavovich


Rostov State Medical University (neurology)

10 years of experience

Treatment of muscle spasms

For warming up, regular exercises from physical therapy or yoga are suitable. You can also sign up for a massage room. At first, during warm-ups, painful sensations are possible.

If muscle mobility is impaired, and the pain during warm-up does not go away within the first 2-3 days, be sure to consult a doctor. You should also consult a doctor if you experience a feeling of numbness, weakness and tingling in the muscles. The doctor will conduct an examination, make a diagnosis and select the correct treatment.

Treatment of back pain in mice

In the acute period, patients with back pain should adhere to a protective regimen. If absolutely necessary, bed rest should last no more than 3 days.

Dosed exercise is good for your back, but you should not do it through pain. When pain is localized at the lumbar level, wearing an orthopedic corset of medium rigidity has worked well.

Having extensive experience in working with back pain, the doctors at our clinic will help you cope with it as efficiently as possible and in the shortest possible time.

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