Do you need health? So save it with a simple foot massage mat!

Forming the correct arch of the foot helps to avoid problems with gait, legs, posture and spine. Flat feet are increasingly common in children, since a flat surface does not contribute to the correct load on the foot. It is necessary to artificially create conditions for training muscles and ligaments using a massage mat.

There are orthopedic and massage mats. They have similar effects on the musculoskeletal system, but there are still differences:

  • Massage
    – used to maintain foot muscle tone and prevent leg deformities. It can be covered with the same type of relief.
  • Orthopedic
    – helps treat existing foot deformities. There are different types of bulges on it for training different muscles.

Basically, on the shelves of children's goods, you can find combined ones. They simultaneously have a therapeutic and preventive effect.

What is a massage mat for?

Walking barefoot on a rug gives the following effects:

  • Impact on the functions of internal organs.
  • Activation of the brain.
  • Prevention of foot and leg deformities.
  • Boosting immunity.
  • Increased mood.

Impact on the functions of internal organs

The feet are called the map of the human body. They are conditionally divided into sections, each of them is associated with a separate organ or system of human organs. This connection occurs thanks to the nerve endings located in these areas - biologically active points. The massage effect of the mat on these points reflexively affects the functions of the internal organs.

Activation of the brain

There are more than 70 thousand nerve endings on both feet. Many of them are associated with the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for learning and memory. Stimulation of such points activates the work of the cortex and helps in the mental development of the child.

Prevention and treatment of foot and leg deformities

Exercises on the mat prevent flat feet, club feet, and valgus feet. Complexes of exercises have also been developed using a mat, aimed at treating these diseases.

Boosting immunity

After walking on the mat, blood circulation increases, which means the circulation of blood cells. Thanks to this, tissues quickly receive nutrients, metabolism and the production of new cells are accelerated.

Mood boost

Impact on certain points stimulates the supply of nerve signals to certain areas of the brain, which are responsible for the production of serotonin and dopamine - joy hormones.

Applicator Lyapko

The device has its own difference. There are 2710 needles located on a large area of ​​​​the rubber base (27.5 by 48 cm). The mat has a large impact area. Application is carried out on the abdomen, spine and limbs. Mechanical irritation of skin receptors affects deep-lying muscles. This leads to relief from combat syndrome, improved blood circulation and muscle relaxation. The surface material of the mat is rubber, and the needles are made of an alloy consisting of iron, zinc, copper, nickel, silver and gold. All these metals in combination provide a powerful therapeutic effect due to their beneficial properties. Zinc has a beneficial effect on the immune system, improves the functions of the endocrine and reproductive systems. Copper helps improve the functioning of internal organs, hematopoiesis and lymph flow. Silver has antitumor and antibacterial effects, enhances the body's defense response and tissue regeneration. Acupuncture helps produce endorphins.

Recommendations for using the Lyapko applicator are similar to those offered by experts when describing Kuznetsov’s invention. It can also be used for postural and urinary problems in children. There are some contraindications.

Applicator Lyapko

Rules of application

When using, it is important to comply with the following requirements:

  1. Ensure appropriate temperature conditions in the room.
  2. Treat the surface with needles with alcohol.
  3. Wait 1.5 hours after eating.
  4. The procedure lasts 15 - 30 minutes.
  5. The course of application should last from 7 to 14 days to achieve a positive result.
  6. While laying the mat to problem areas, you need to lie quietly, without unnecessary movements, fidgeting, or rolling from side to side.

The device is placed on a hard surface and the patient is placed on it with the problem area. Gradually relaxes the body. At the beginning of the procedure, there is slight pain, but if the body is positioned correctly, the discomfort goes away. The duration of the first sessions is from 1 to 5 minutes. Gradually increase the time by 2-4 minutes. By the end of treatment, bring it to 20-30 minutes. Results should appear in 2-3 weeks. It must be remembered that the correct distribution of the body over the massaging surface creates a feeling of pleasant relaxation. Contact with the skin should be tight. A rolled towel should be placed under the neck and lower back so that the mat follows the natural curves of the body. During acupressure, you need to listen carefully to the processes that occur in the body. If unpleasant sensations appear that do not stop for 10 minutes, then the session should be interrupted and continued the next day. As a result of morning sessions, you can relieve acute pain and lower blood pressure. The duration of the procedures is from 7 to 10 minutes. Evening procedures to relax muscles, relieve pain and improve sleep quality can be done for 15 to 30 minutes.

The Lyapko rug is a more advanced version of the device for acupuncture massage. Large models, ranging in size from 27.6 to 48 cm, have a large needle pitch. This allows you to cover large areas.


  • increased therapeutic effect.


  • high price;
  • possibility of causing a negative reaction.

How is a massage mat useful?

Children are born with flat feet, and the arch develops as they grow older. An improperly formed arch can lead to flat feet and scoliosis. We advise all children to purchase a massage mat to prevent these diseases. Orthopedic doctors specifically recommend a mat for the following pathologies:

  • Flat feet of all degrees.
  • Disorders of the foot functions – balancing, pushing and springing.
  • Incorrect distribution of the load on the child’s foot.
  • The appearance of foot deformities or their progression.
  • Postponed rickets.
  • Early start of walking.
  • Muscle hypertonicity.
  • Dystonia.

Daily gymnastics of a child’s feet for immunity

  • Walk on the massage mat. Stomp around, enjoying the sensations. Stretch on your toes, shift from the inner to the outer arch of the foot. Set an example for your child - it will benefit you too.
  • Give a foot massage. If you want a strong remedy for preventing colds, use a drop of tea tree essential oil. Pay attention to each baby's finger - from the tips to the base. Massage with warm hands. Use different techniques: wide kneading from the center of the foot to the edges, “sawing” with the edge of the palm (the child will laugh), kneading from the toes to the heel. Put your soul into every move you make. Massage each foot for an equal amount of time.
  • Wear simple socks at night. This evening procedure before bed has a great effect on the nervous system. Helps relieve fears in restless children and improves immunity.

Types of massage mats

There are several common types:

  • Normal - a flat path with ledges of different heights and shapes. The protrusions affect specific areas of the feet and cause micro-contractions of the muscles. They tone the foot muscles and form the correct arch. As a rule, they are made of elastic rubberized material.
  • Puzzle mat - a set in the form of puzzles of different reliefs. Alternating elements of different types brings a good orthopedic effect. The advantage of this product is that it is easy to assemble and disassemble. When assembled it will not take up much space.
  • Acupuncture - characterized by small protrusions designed to massage nerve points. They are a soft rubber sheet with rubber circles. Rubber needles are attached to these circles.
  • Balancing discs and hemispheres are rubber cushions filled with air, with rubber spikes on one side. In addition to muscles, the vestibular apparatus and coordination are trained. People call them “hedgehogs”.

Kuznetsov applicator

The domestic market is replete with a wide variety of devices. One of the most popular among the population is the Kuznetsov applicator. Round plates with pointed wedge-shaped spikes made of polyurethane or plastic are attached to the fabric surface of the mat. Six varieties of different sizes:

  1. 3x8 cm.
  2. 6x18 cm.
  3. 10x23 cm.
  4. 12x47 cm.
  5. 42x60 cm.
  6. 47x32 cm.

The model is in demand because it is publicly available, has no contraindications, is compact, easy to use, and has a lasting therapeutic effect.

Kuznetsov applicator

History of invention

It is noteworthy that the creator of the first rug was music teacher Ivan Kuznetsov. He suffered from a spinal disease and decided to try on himself the methods of Tibetan healers based on acupuncture properties. Office pins up to 0.5 cm in size were placed on a piece of car tire. This is what the first mat, created in 1979, looked like. There were options with foam. Later it began to be mass-produced and came into use under the name Kuznetsov applicator or Tibetan applicator. For more than 40 years, he has been helping out many patients by turning to alternative medicine.


Selection is carried out depending on the age categories and sensitivity threshold of a person. Applicators vary in the color of the needle discs. For particularly sensitive users, green plates with blunt ends are available. Blue discs with double studs are used for large surfaces. Rugs with sharp spikes and magnetic inserts are yellow in color. Magnets enhance the therapeutic effect. Red discs with elongated pointed needles are more suitable for yogis and thrill-seekers. Models and shapes of Kuznetsov applicators can be different. The simplest options are made in the form of ordinary rugs. The spiked discs are arranged in rows on a flat surface. Most often they take the form of a belt applied to problem areas.

Mats with built-in magnets have been proven to have a beneficial effect on the body. They help thin the blood, which prevents the formation of blood clots, lowers cholesterol and improves the metabolic process. All this is aimed at improving the general condition of the body and restoring the functions of the musculoskeletal system.

Fitness rollers

Devices in the form of a cylinder with a rubberized base placed on it and elements of the Kuznetsov applicator on the handle. This option is well suited for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. The roller relieves muscle tension, disperses lactic acid that accumulates after exercise, and removes toxins and excess fluid. The acupressure effects of needles increase the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, warming up before playing sports.

A separate type is footrests made in the form of convex surfaces.


  • high therapeutic effect;
  • availability;
  • simplicity;
  • the ability to independently combine various options;
  • durability;
  • compactness;
  • high-quality manufacturing;
  • low cost;
  • application at home is not limited;
  • Can be used for different skin types and all ages.

Needle applicator mat

The device can be applied to the back, stomach, knees, buttocks, feet, hands. Powerful therapeutic effects produce good results. Double-pointed spikes made of transparent plastic prevent the needle from penetrating deep into the skin, which increases comfort. Magnetic inserts enhance the healing effect. The soft backing material is 100% linen or cotton. The product has been tested and registered by Roszdravnadzor and is recommended for use for loss of mobility, muscle, joint, and lumbar pain. Improves sleep, relieves spasms during manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, reduces headaches, increases the overall tone of the body, restores performance, and helps reduce cellulite. Suitable for some cases of flat feet.

The applicator cannot be used in areas where there are large moles, papillomas, and warts. Patients with cancer need to consult a doctor.

The duration of exposure and the force of indentation are determined experimentally. When pressed, there should be a tingling sensation within the limits of pain tolerance, accompanied by a feeling of warmth; this manifestation indicates that the effect has been achieved. The procedure time can range from two to three minutes to one hour.

The mat with sharper spikes (without magnetic inserts) has blue plates.

Tibetan magnetic roller applicator

The model has the shape of a roller, its elasticity, the optimal sharpness of the needles and elasticity are selected in such a way that optimal and uniform pressure of the needles on the lumbar region is ensured. Indicated for use to relieve pain and reduce mobility in the lumbar region (osteochondrosis, radiculitis). Improves local blood circulation, increases sexual activity. Magnetic inserts enhance the effect. Ease of use and a comfortable pad combined with good quality allow you to achieve maximum effect.


  • ease of use;
  • no side effects;
  • availability;
  • favorable price.


  • No.

What parameters should you use to choose a massage mat for a child?

When going to the store, choose products according to the following parameters:

  • Relief and type of convexity.
  • Material.
  • Size.
  • Rigidity.
  • Design.
  • Color.

Relief and type of convexity

The relief of the rug usually resembles the relief of a specific area: a path with balls, half-rollers and hemispheres of different sizes - a rocky road or the seabed, a needle-like covering - a lawn. The protrusions are made in the form of irregular ovals and balls. Walking on tall and soft protrusions relaxes the muscles, while walking on short and hard protrusions stimulates and tones.


If an unpleasant, pungent odor emanates from the rug, refrain from purchasing it. Foot massage mats should be made of hypoallergenic materials:

  • Rubberized rubber is natural rubber with the addition of synthetic rubber to increase strength.
  • Silicone - the back side of such a product is glossy, and the front side is embossed.
  • Soft thermoplastic is a thin material with increased elasticity.
  • Foamed polyvinyl chloride or ethylene vinyl acetate are elastic and durable polymer materials.


Choose the size based on the child's age. If he is a year old, then a small rug will do just fine. A child over two years old needs a rug about one meter in length. Easy to use puzzle mats. Take a set of four parts, and as you grow older, add new elements from that manufacturer to the set.


Orthopedic mats are made of two types: elastic and hard. For very young children, soft material is needed, for older children, hard material is needed.


Children should like the appearance of the orthopedic mat, then they will perceive exercises on it as an interesting game. Often there are rugs in the form of vegetables, fruits, and puzzles. The bumps can be laid out in the form of animals, butterflies, fish, hedgehogs, etc.


Choose colorful colors, but beware of too bright ones - this indicates the presence of harmful dyes in the composition of the rug. The dye should not be imprinted on the legs.

Product rating

Fosta mat + roller F 0107

The Fosta F 0107 mat is in fifth place in the rating. The mat comes with a roller, which is a nice addition. The color of the product itself is purple with white plastic applicators in the form of circles. The mat is a foam backing with a cover with applicators on it. The cover itself is removable and can be washed in a machine using the “gentle wash” mode. This does not deteriorate the quality of the needles.

This mat will help in the fight against cellulite, which will be a salvation for ladies. However, for this process to begin to occur, it is necessary to lie on it with the problem area every day for 10-15 minutes, which is quite difficult.

The average price for a model is 1,700 rubles. This is a price that anyone can afford, which is why this makes the rug so popular.

Fosta mat + roller F 0107


  • Machine washable;
  • Convenient to use;
  • Roller included.


  • Small size.


The fourth place is occupied by the Azovmed rug. Available in blue with yellow circle applicators. Product dimensions: 85x40 cm. Number of spines - 85 pcs. Recommended for problem areas such as the lower back, back or feet. The needles are quite prickly, so it is quite difficult to get used to them, and you may not be able to get used to this medical device right away.

The product has a fabric base on which spines are glued, this significantly reduces its presentation and shortens its service life. However, the spines do not wear off over time, since they are made of high-quality plastic.

The average cost of a product reaches 270 rubles. Very affordable price.

mat Azovmed


  • Sharp applicators;
  • Compact size.


  • Not aesthetic appearance;
  • Fragility.

Trives M-701

In third place is the Trives M-701 product. Has a soft lining. There are acupuncture spikes on the surface. You can place the product not only on the floor, but also on a sofa or chair. With regular use, discomfort in problem areas disappears. Gives you the opportunity to relax and improve the quality of your sleep. The manufacturer recommends that in case of severe sensitivity, place a towel or wear thin clothing.

Rug dimensions: 75x44 cm. Average cost: 1300 rubles.

It is not recommended to iron or boil the product itself, and you should not use abrasive cleaners for cleaning. The product should not be dry cleaned as this will damage its properties.

Trives M-701


  • Massage effect;
  • Compactness;
  • Availability;
  • Bag included;
  • Instructions for use.


  • Not detected.

Rug from Faberlic

The second place in the rating is occupied by a product from Faberlic. The product size is 65x40 cm. Suitable for the back and limbs. Made in green, the applicators themselves are white. The spikes are made of high-quality plastic, so they do not injure the skin. Unpleasant sensations are observed only in the first 2 minutes of being on the mat.

Average cost: 1,700 rubles, which is not the cheapest option.

Rug from Faberlic


  • Copes with back pain;
  • Helps improve sleep quality;
  • Easy to use;
  • Helps relieve fatigue and muscle tension.


  • Glued spikes;
  • Foam lining.

BRADEX Nirvana KZ 0075

The first place is taken by the product from BRADEX - Nirvana. Can be used not only for problems in the back, but also in the legs, neck and abdomen. Made of fabric with plastic applicators. The size is 65x40 cm. The removable cover can be washed either by hand or on a gentle cycle in a machine.

Helps reduce joint pain and relieve back tension after a long day at work. Helps you relax and set yourself up for a good night's sleep. Good for foot massage.

Recommended use time is 15 to 20 minutes per day. Thanks to the shape of the spikes, it is gentle on the skin and does not injure it.

The weight of the mat is insignificant, which makes it easy to roll it up and store it, and it does not take up much space.

The spikes are located close to each other and occupy the entire surface, which allows for maximum effect on the body.

Average cost: about 450 rubles.

BRADEX Nirvana KZ 0075


  • Ease of use;
  • Availability;
  • Efficiency.


  • No instructions.

Choosing a rug according to the child’s age

For an orthopedic mat to be useful, you need to take into account the age group of your baby:

  • For children aged 1 to 3 years, choose something elastic with slight bulges. It is better to opt for a product made of rubber.
  • For children under 7 years old, a rug with bulges of different shapes and a combination of reliefs is suitable. Choose tracks made of silicone or soft thermoplastic.
  • For children over 7 years old, the relief and protrusions should be rigid, unless there are significant pathologies and contraindications.

Comparison table of characteristics

A general table will help you compare the listed models of ortho-mats.

Mat model nameManufacturerMaterialsSize, cm
Orthodon Set 2 Baby (ORTO_25M)RussiaPVC100x50
ORTHO PUZZLE Mix First Steps 8 pcsRussiaPVC26x26 1 module
Fosta mat F 0810 (K-810)Taiwanpolyethylene foam27.3x17.8 1 module
Orthodon Set 9 IVFRussiaDPK25x25 1 module
VYALMIS massage Master foot No. 6RussiaPVC25x25
Trives Magic stones M-515Russiahypoallergenic EVA material29x29
Mambobaby Bear Cubs (028TM)Chinafoamed polymer200x160

How to use a massage mat?

The use of an orthopedic mat is quite simple, the main thing is to use the product regularly, several times a day. This could be walking barefoot, jumping in place or jumping from place to place. Start with 3 minutes and gradually increase the duration of the exercises. Even just placing a rug under your feet while watching a cartoon has a positive effect. Even children's sets of exercises using a mat have been developed.


There are practically no contraindications to purchasing such a massager, but you still need to first get the approval of an orthopedic doctor.

The following diseases may be contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance of the baby to materials - to avoid the occurrence of severe allergic reactions.
  • The presence of wounds or scratches - so as not to cause pain and speed up healing.
  • Fungal infection – exercising on a mat will increase blood circulation, which will help the infection progress.
  • Diabetic foot.

Massage mat care

To make exercise on the mat safe for your child, it needs proper care. It should be used in compliance with the following rules:

  • Before first use, wash the mat to remove any technical residues.
  • Before starting exercises, you need to wash your baby's feet in warm water and soap.
  • After exercise, wash it with warm soapy water under running water or a damp cloth.
  • It would be a good idea to treat the massager with an antiseptic solution.
  • Do not dry rubber products near heating devices to avoid damage.
  • Store in any convenient clean place.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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