How to get rid of pain and avoid injuries with taping

Joints are one of the main organs of the human musculoskeletal system and their dysfunction will lead to a decrease in the functioning of the entire body, which is why immediate first aid must be provided for any damage to the joints. The first thing that needs to be done is to stabilize (keep) the joint in one position, which can be achieved using additional means such as plaster, rigid orthoses or kinesio tapes (you can read more about this here ). The first two types of remedies have their advantages, but they also completely immobilize the joint, preventing it from moving. When using them, it is possible to disrupt the trophism of the joint and tissues around it, distortion of impulse transmission and atrophy of the muscular system. Joint taping, on the contrary, does not restrict movement or impede blood circulation in the injured area, allowing for faster recovery and preventing new damage.

Taping: general information

The taping method was developed in the late 70s by a Japanese chiropractor and has nothing in common with the consonant word “typing”. The initial problems for which taping was used were related to the field of sports medicine. Today taping is used in more than 10 other areas and continues to develop as an innovative and safe method of physiotherapy. What is it, where is taping used and why is the technique in such demand? Let's consider the issue of taping in detail.

How tapes work

The principle of action of tapes is to activate and maintain the body’s ability to self-heal. Taping is aimed at solving problems associated with the course of natural processes that occur at the level of the integumentary system - epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous fat - and adjacent structures. The effect of taping depends on the technique: lymphatic, muscular, ligamentous-tendon, fascial. Kinesiology tape, which is applied in the form of an application according to the lymphatic drainage scheme, slightly lifts the skin, which helps to increase the interstitial microspace and, as a result, normalize microcirculation processes. As a result of improving the transport functions of fluid in tissues, a number of positive effects are observed: pain relief, swelling, reduction of inflammation. How muscle correction is carried out and other taping techniques work in this article.

Mechanism of action and tape application patterns

The tape lifts the skin, holds the muscle in a certain position and fixes the joints. It reduces pressure on the problem area and improves blood circulation.

It is difficult to cope with excess weight with tapes alone. Do not forget about diet, drinking regimen, physical activity, and the use of special creams for skin tightening. Taping enhances the effect of the procedures and allows you to lose extra pounds faster.

In cosmetology, abdominal taping is actively used for weight loss. In this case, the application of tapes is carried out according to the following schemes:

  • Visceral . A thin tape is fixed exactly above the navel and then applied in a spiral in 3 turns. The distance between the turns is 2-3 cm. This scheme of applying tapes not only tightens the skin of the abdomen and helps reduce appetite, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and accelerate metabolism.
  • Ray-shaped . The starting point is under the solar plexus. Each strip should be cut into approximately 4 rays. The tape is fixed at the starting point, and the rays diverge on both sides of the abdomen. Such taping normalizes the movement of lymph and relieves swelling.
  • Frame . Several thin strips should be glued to the abdomen in the direction from the rib to the opposite ilium. The tapes are fixed obliquely over the entire abdomen, leaving the navel open.
  • Cross . Two wide ribbons need to be cut into several thin ones, but leave a common base, which can be attached both from above and below on the sides. The rays diverge diagonally and intersect with the rays of another tape. This scheme is used for a more pronounced supporting effect.
  • Mesh . Thin tapes are glued like a mesh on the sides of the abdomen. You need to remember that the tape must be long enough (on average 30 cm), otherwise you will not fix the entire muscle and will not be able to achieve a positive effect.

After applying the tape, make sure that it does not cause discomfort or interfere with movements.

What does the color of the tape mean?

From the point of view of the effectiveness of the application, the color of the tape does not matter. Therapeutic taping is carried out with beige, white and any other kinesiology tapes with identical initial data in terms of choosing the properties of the tape and the application pattern. The theory of varying degrees of impact of taping can be considered from the psychological aspect, namely the role of color therapy in human life. Read more about how to choose a tape in the article.

Hip joint

The best position for taping the hip joint is lying on the healthy leg and the straight sore leg, if possible slightly hanging from the couch. Two strips with rounded ends are used, the first should be the length from the upper edge of the pelvis to the beginning of the thigh, and the second 15-17 cm long. The first strip is glued without tension from the beginning of the pelvis to the beginning of the thigh, and the second is perpendicular to it (cross to cross). For a better adhesive effect, we recommend rubbing the surface of the tape.

Taping the hip joint video:

At what age can tapes be used?

Taping is a non-invasive procedure and is not associated with any significant risks or health hazards. There are no age restrictions. It is recommended to use tapes with caution and under the full supervision of specialists in pregnant women and children, as well as in patients who have a history of any chronic diseases. Issues of taping of newborns are considered individually - according to indications. Mostly neurological specialists work with children under 1 year of age.


It is best to tap the knee joint while standing with the knee bent 20 degrees (applied to the outer surface of the knee joint). You need two strips of the same length (approximately 25-30 cm) and a third half as long. The edges of the tape are glued without tension, and the main part with a tension of 30-40%. Long strips are glued, wrapping the knee on both sides, starting from the bottom, so that the ends are eventually connected. For a short strip, it is best to round the edges and glue it under the kneecap, connecting two long strips.

Taping the knee joint video:

Main contraindications to taping

  • Diabetes;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Damage to the skin in the area of ​​application;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Fever;
  • Deep vein thrombosis;
  • Skin infections;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the tape composition.

In what directions is taping used?

  • Cosmetology

Aesthetic taping of the face and body is one of the most popular areas in cosmetology in 2021. This is a simple way to combat age-related changes without surgery. Tapes are applied to the neck to eliminate creases, in the forehead area to correct the area between the eyebrows, and are also used to reduce jowls. Taping schemes are also effective against age spots, scars, rosacea, flabby areas and other cosmetic defects. To reduce the appearance of the “orange peel”, taping is carried out on the arms, hips and other problem areas.

  • Sports medicine

Tapes, which were originally developed specifically for athletes, in 2021 are still widely used in the treatment and rehabilitation of people who play various sports. Functional taping of joints is carried out after bruises to relieve pain and reduce swelling. A sports muscle patch is used for prophylactic purposes to prevent sprains and injuries. The issue of taping in sports is discussed in detail here, where articles with instructions and diagrams are presented. This is a complete guide to how and in what situations tapes are used for athletes.

  • Neurology

Taping in medicine is considered as an effective auxiliary treatment method aimed at alleviating the symptoms of the disease and accelerating recovery processes during the rehabilitation period. Medical taping is carried out to relieve muscle tension and normalize muscle tone, improve motor skills, and reduce congestion caused by pathological processes. Taping for pain caused by myofascial syndrome helps reduce the intensity of the pain. The list of diseases for which taping is used in neurology includes cerebral palsy, facial nerve paresis, post-stroke conditions and a number of other problems.

Other popular uses of tapes:

  • Speech therapy;
  • Podology;
  • Pediatrics;
  • Orthopedics;
  • Traumatology.

Effects of taping

sports and kinesio taping techniques is very high, which is why they are actively used in modern treatment of problems with the musculoskeletal system. With the correct and specialized application of these techniques, recovery occurs much faster than without it. Any organ after damage requires additional rest, and the body’s own forces alone cannot always provide it. Therefore, taping is used, which, due to its effect, provides additional relaxation to the injured area. At the same time, recovery should occur in an active mode, without stopping training or normal walking and minimal loads. Then the products of regeneration of damaged tissues will be eliminated faster and pain will be relieved better. This task is perfectly accomplished by taping, which gives complete or relative freedom of movement. If this method is carried out by a specialized doctor or massage therapist, the effect will be amazing.

It is worth noting that sports taping has become an excellent alternative to complete immobilization of the limb. The technique combines the advantages of both completely eliminating mobility and taping, which does not limit it at all. It is possible to stabilize muscles and joints, but maintain normal metabolic processes. Thus, there will be no harmful factors such as atrophy or decreased performance of the limb. In this case, you can expect early results and begin other effective methods aimed at rehabilitation at earlier stages of recovery. It is important to understand that the greatest effectiveness of the drug is achieved when it is combined with other treatment options.

Is it possible to do taping at home?

What are tapes for? This is an important question that determines the possibility of independent use of tapes. If the goal is to tap the leg to eliminate minor swelling after a bruise or to aesthetically correct any minor defects - crow's feet, wrinkles on the neck or other age-related problems - then you can do taping at home yourself. The main thing is the correct choice of equipment, strict adherence to recommendations and rules. The best option is to undergo training on how to properly tape your face and body before performing the procedure. The basics of taping are discussed in video tutorials, instructions, and specialized courses. In cases where it is necessary to solve serious problems associated with treatment or restoration of health after injuries during the rehabilitation period or during the treatment process, it is advisable to contact a specialist who will select a regimen, tell you what kind of tape is needed and conduct a taping course taking into account the dynamics of changes to correct the treatment regimen .

What are the benefits of taping?

  • Versatility - different types of tapes allow you to carry out therapeutic taping for different purposes.
  • High efficiency - results can be obtained after the first session.
  • Comfort of wearing - taping does not cause any discomfort, the patch allows air to pass through, and lasts a long time.
  • Safety - tapes have a hypoallergenic adhesive base and can be used on sensitive skin.
  • Wearing period - average use time is from 3 to 5 days.
  • Economical consumption - 1 roll is designed for several procedures.

What is important

Kinesiological taping is a procedure that requires compliance with a number of recommendations and rules. In this case, the effectiveness of each session will be maximum.

Before applying the application, you need to test the tapes: stick a small piece of skin on the skin in the wrist area to see the reaction.

If severe itching, irritation or other negative effects occur, it is not recommended to use tapes. The use of the tape for a repeat test is possible after determining the cause of the negative reaction.

Sports and kinesiology taping

Doctors divide taping into sports taping and kinesio taping. The second type treats damaged joints, and also supports the human muscular system, treats visceral or neurological pain. Kinesiological tape presupposes the preservation of the mobility of the part of the body to which it is applied - this is another difference from the sports version. The mechanism of action of the tape is different. With sports taping, the tape fixes the joint in a limited number of movements for faster healing. And kinesio taping supports the muscle, improving blood circulation in it, allowing regeneration processes to occur faster. There are differences in wearing elastic bands. With kinesio taping, the tape can be worn without removing it for several days, but with sports tape, it is necessary to change the tape - re-glue it before each joint workout. Conventional sports taping sometimes causes secondary muscle imbalance due to rigid, inelastic bandages. The flow of blood is reduced, which entails a decrease in the supply of nutrients to the tissues. Muscle mobility decreases. Due to these and other disadvantages, many doctors choose the kinesio taping method.

One of the advantages of kinesio taping is that the tape, if there are no contraindications and it is applied correctly, will not make things worse. The material from which the tape is made does not interfere with the passage of air and water. It is more comfortable for everyday wear.

Basic rules of taping

  1. Kinesiology tape should be properly prepared - rounded ends are made along the cutting line to reduce the risk of premature peeling off of the corners during wearing.
  2. It is recommended to apply tapes to clean and dry skin.
  3. Hair removal recommendations depend on the area to be taped. To achieve better results, in some cases taping is performed after the hair removal procedure.
  4. Reliable fixation of the kinesiology tape is ensured by an acrylic-based adhesive. Rub the strips of tape with your fingertips over the entire surface after applying the application to activate the adhesive.
  5. It is recommended to adhere to the timing of wearing tapes to avoid skin irritation and other unpleasant consequences.
  6. After applying the application, you should wait at least 1 hour before engaging in activities that cause sweating.
  7. After applying the patches, swimming, active sports training and any water procedures are also not recommended for at least 1 hour.
  8. After a shower, the application must be dried with a towel.

Valentin Gait, leading instructor of the BBTape International Training Center
, rehabilitation specialist, kinesiotherapy specialist, member of the Korean Medical Association of Balancing Taping. The first certified international instructor in Russia using the original Crosstaping technique. Author of the book “Basics of Kinesiology Taping.”

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What is taping and what effect can be achieved using tapes?

Kinesiology tapes are used in sports, medicine, and cosmetology. It is difficult to achieve quick results in terms of weight loss and skin tightening using tapes alone. This is rather a supportive procedure that enhances diet and physical activity. The tapes lift the skin and simplify the fat burning process in problem areas.

Depending on the variety, the effect of taping can be as follows:

  • Reduced pain;
  • Acceleration of fat tissue burning;
  • Protection from injuries and sprains;
  • Elimination of edema by normalizing lymph movement;
  • Reducing the severity of cellulite;
  • Increased endurance with fat-burning exercises.

In recent years, taping has often been used for the purpose of rapid weight loss. Kinesiology tapes lift the skin and improve the flow of lymph and blood under the fatty tissue. This enhances the process of destruction of fat cells (lipolysis). The bands can be worn for up to 8 hours, train in them, swim in the pool, or take a shower.

You can learn how to apply tape yourself if you follow the basic rules and follow the diagrams. At first, you can contact a specialist to apply tape. You will remember the patterns and your feelings after the procedure, and in the future you will be able to do it yourself. Certain types of medical taping should only be done by a doctor, for example, when internal organs are displaced or muscles and joints are damaged.

Aesthetic taping gives fairly quick results. For example, you can reduce bags under your eyes and tighten your face in just 3 weeks. However, to consolidate the effect, courses are repeated for six months. Many girls who cannot decide on surgical procedures and beauty injections use taping to remove wrinkles from the forehead. After 30 years, this area is problematic.

Kinesiology tapes can be applied to any soft tissue: décolleté, face, arms, legs, back, abdomen. But experts know that tapes cannot be applied to the area of ​​the larynx and thyroid gland.

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