Experience of using a new European chondroprotector in patients with stage 1–2 osteoarthritis in general medical practice

Manufacturer: Sibfarmkontrakt (Russia)
Active ingredients

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions
  • Description of the pharmacological action of Arthrocelsus
  • Composition of Arthrocelsus
  • Indications for use of the drug Arthrocelsus
  • Release form of the drug Arthrocels
  • Contraindications to the use of the drug Arthrocelsus
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Arthrocelsus
  • Storage conditions for the drug Arthrocelsus
  • Shelf life of the drug Arthrocelsus

Description of pharmacological action

Prevents destruction processes and activates restoration processes of cartilage tissue, bones and joints, spine, tendons and ligaments; Improves joint mobility; Stimulates the production of synovial fluid, the synthesis of hyaluron (hyaluronic acid) and proteoglycans; Suppresses the processes of inflammation and swelling of joints and periarticular tissues; Activates the restoration and strengthening of tendons, ligaments and skin; Stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin; Accelerates the process of fusion of bones and joints after injuries, fractures and surgical interventions; Prevents the processes of demineralization of bone tissue (prevents the development of osteoporosis); Fights degenerative rheumatoid processes of the cardiovascular system; Prevents premature aging of the skin and the formation of striae (skin stretch marks); Combines well with other drugs and treatments.

Arthrocelsus - customer reviews. — www.arthrocels.ru

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1. “ Nodepress
” - treatment of depression, melancholy, anxiety, fear, irritability and vegetative-vascular dystonia
2. “ Arthrocelsus
” - treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, bruises, fractures and bone cracks
3. “ Immunocels
” - an immunostimulating drug that restores organs and tissues of the body
4. «Hepotelsus

» – treatment of hepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cholestasis, dystrophy and alcoholic liver disease

5. «Juvilence

» – treatment of cataracts, retinal lesions and other degenerative eye diseases

6. «Lipocelsus forte

» – treatment of diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia and insulin resistance

7. «L-Carnitine 300

"- a vitamin-like substance, a natural fat burning factor

8. «Nutrientum

"- a protein shake, a meal replacement that suppresses an overgrown appetite

9. «Sports nutrition

» - to increase strength, endurance and muscle mass

Arthrocelsus - against arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis

Effective treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, sprains of tendons and ligaments, cracks and fractures of bones, as well as rapid recovery from injuries and operations.

Arthrocelsus more >

The role of liver diseases in the development of osteoporosis, as well as other bone and joint diseases

More than 90% of non-traumatic diseases of joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and bones are in one way or another associated with diseases of the liver and biliary system, therefore it is recommended to take the chondroprotector Arthrocelsus together with the hepatoprotector Gepotelsus.

More details >

Treatment of complex, chronic and advanced arthritis, arthrosis and osteoporosis

In order to increase the effectiveness of treatment, in cases of complex, chronic and especially advanced arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, poorly healing fractures, as well as damage to tendons and ligaments, it is advisable to use Arthrocels in conjunction with the drug Immunocels.

More details >

Arthrocels tm

— customer reviews

Arthrocelsus - instructions for use


Originality and differences of the chondroprotector Arthrocelsus

Arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis

Crunching and clicking in joints and spine

Pain in joints, tendons, ligaments and periarticular tissues

Gonarthrosis (arthrosis and osteoarthritis of the knee joints)

Coxarthrosis (arthrosis or osteoarthritis of the hip joints)

Osteoporosis (general demineralization of bone tissue)

Reactive arthritis

The role of liver and biliary tract diseases in the development of osteoporosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Treatment of complex, chronic and advanced arthritis, arthrosis and osteoporosis

Fractures, cracks and bruises of bones, spine and joints, sprains and tears of tendons and ligaments

The role of amino acids L-Proline, L-Lysine, L-Glycine and L-Glutamine in the formation of collagen fibers

Why in Russia Nutraceuticals are SSPs and dietary supplements, but abroad they are sold as medicines


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Daria Nikolaevna, 34 years old, Moscow, Russia

(takes Arthrocels for less than a month).

I’m a fairly young girl, I’m only 34 years old, but I’ve had problems with the hip joint for quite a long time, and after my second pregnancy it got even worse. Honestly, I would never have written a review if I hadn’t experienced the results myself, I tried different drugs that are sold in pharmacies, but honestly!!!, none helped as much as Arthrocels. I have been taking painkillers for a long time: and Nai.. (name hidden)

and much more, since it was no longer possible to sleep until you lifted your leg to your head (people will understand me). The doctors all said that the operation was inevitable, but it was necessary to stall for time as much as possible, since I was still young. I went to physio... and massages to no avail!!! It seemed like it was getting even worse. The gait was simply like that of a duck! It hurt even to lift my leg up the stairs! In general, my review is absolutely true.

I don’t know why, but the drug really helps! I will recommend it to all my friends! And if someone no longer has hope and they tell you that only joint replacement is possible - try it!!!!! Necessarily!!!

Reviewed by: 20.05.2018

Nadezhda, 62 years old, Leningrad region, Russia
(takes Arthrocelsus).

I have been suffering from right-sided coxarthrosis for more than 10 years. Previously, there was a severe dislocation of this joint. I tried Arthrocelsus, took it for a little over a month, and at the next examination with a doctor they found a clear improvement, even the doctor was very surprised by the result.

Thank you very much.

Alexander Gennadievich V.,, 33 years,Moscow, Russia
(I took Arthrocels for 3 months - 360 capsules).

The joints were very painful, crunching and clicking. On the advice of friends, I decided to try Arthrocelsus, and after taking one three-month course I felt an improvement. It's been a whole year now and I'm doing well. Now I can say with complete confidence that I do not regret purchasing your drug.

Maria Vasilievna,37 years,Odessa, Ukraine
(I took Arthrocels and Immunocels for 1.5 months).

Hello everyone


My name is Maria, I’m from Odessa and I’m 37 years old. My main disease is Charcot-Marie Neural Amyotraphy, plus there is complete damage to the spine, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, the core is missing, Schmorley hernias, geomgeoma, prolapsed discs, there is a slow damage to the vertebral skeleton. Doctors don’t want to work with me, no one needs us. Now about the main thing. Out of hopelessness, I began to look for at least some medicines myself and accidentally found the drugs Arthrocelsus and Immunocelsus, I ordered them and began taking them for 1.5 months. Before using the drugs, I had severe pain in the spine, often discs fell out, especially during sleep, when I turned over from one side to the other. I started taking medications and within a month I forgot about pain and other things. While I was taking the drugs, I felt good, a little pain went away, I began to turn over from one side to the other even in my sleep, although before I could not afford such a luxury, I only lay straight on my back.

Tatyana Fedorovna,59 years oldNaro-Fominsk, Moscow region, Russia
(takes Atrocelsus for more than 2 months).

I suffered from knee pain - I have arthrosis of the knee joints, no matter what I did, there was almost no result. I decided to take Arthrocelsus, the result did not take long, on the second day, you won’t believe it and I didn’t believe it either, but the pain went away somewhere, and the pain in the collar area also went away. The effect is excellent, there are simply no words - just joy. I took Atrocelsus for 2 months and now I continue to take it. Thank you very much for the drug, special thanks to the manager Irina, who accepted the order, for a complete answer and consultation on the drug.


Lyudmila Nikolaevna,63 years oldWith. Natyrbovo, Republic of Adygea, Russia.
I had a bruised ankle, before Arthrocelsus I took a lot of different things and no relief.

My husband and I learned about your drug Arthrocels from the newspaper, that it has a wide range of uses and has no side effects, so we ordered it online. After only 3 days of taking Arthrocelsus, the swelling subsided, the pain decreased and I did not feel any symptoms of nausea or dizziness, like from Di..( identification hidden

) or Ib..(
name hidden

After taking Arthrocels I feel good. I have to walk a lot and work in the garden, but the pain that I had is no longer there. In 2011, I could not walk, both knees hurt and were swollen. I even had to get to the toilet with someone else's help.

Thank you very much for your drug.
Sincerely, L.N.

Zalina R.,47 years old (Her Mom has chronic arthritis II-III degree),Moscow, Russia
(took Arthrocels 360 capsules for about 3 months).

Hello, I am writing with gratitude!

At the age of 47, my mother was diagnosed with chronic arthritis of the II-III degree, she had severe pain in the joints, even on her fingers the joints hurt and swollen. Unfortunately, doctors prescribed strong painkillers, which have many contraindications, and do not cure, but relieve symptoms! We decided to take Arthrocelsus after reading the reviews and gratitude! Mom took 3 months from one capsule gradually up to three 2 times a day. There is an improvement, there were no side effects. Now we are purchasing for another 3 months to continue the course, I will inform you about the final result.

Svetlana Borisovna,72 years oldReutov, Moscow region, Russia
(I took several courses of Arthrocelsus, Hepotcelsus and Immunocelsus, the last course was two months).

Osteoarthritis of the knee joints and liver disease. For almost six months, the knee of my left leg hurt; it couldn’t straighten, and it was very difficult to go up and down stairs. For six months I was treated with the usual drugs in such cases (except for hormonal ones) - to no avail. An intensive search on the Internet led to Arthrocelsus. At first I bought a small jar, because... I no longer believed anything. But to my surprise, already on the third day I felt a decrease in pain inside my knee. Next, I ordered and took a full course of Arthrocelsus, Hepotcelsus and Immunocelsus. The knee has completely restored the ability to move, the condition of the liver has improved, and the general condition has become significantly better.

A year later I felt that it was necessary to repeat the course of treatment. The knee is normal, but the liver began to ache. I would also like to note the significant improvement in my daughter-in-law’s condition with coxoarthrosis of the hip joint. But in her case, she had to undergo treatment twice a year.

Many thanks to the developers of the drugs - SIBERIANS DO NOT CHEAT, low bow to them.

Tatyana Klavdievna,66 years oldSt. Petersburg, Russia
(I took Artocels for about 1 month).

I have a very active form of joint disease (polyarthritis). Because of the pain, especially under the knees, I almost couldn’t get up. Before Arthrocelsus, I took 2 tablets of Me.. ( name hidden)

) 0.4 mg each, 2 tablets Ap..(
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) 100 mg each, 1 tablet Su..(
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) 500 mg each, as well as Te..(
name hidden
) and Ho.. (
name hidden

After visiting a rheumatologist at the Rheumatology Center, his recommendations were to take even larger doses of previously prescribed medications, but I have serious problems with my liver and therefore I cannot do this. Out of despair, I began to look for something else and bought two jars of Arthrocelsus, 180 capsules each. I started taking Arthrocelsus 2 capsules 2 times a day. I was amazed and didn’t believe it, but the pain began to go away on its own. A week later she began to get up and walk around the apartment. After two weeks of taking Arthrocels, Pr. began to decrease..( name hidden

) and Ap..(
name hidden
Now I have been taking Arthrocelsus for exactly a month, I have reduced Me..( name hidden
) and Ap..(
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) to 1.5 tablets. But the most important thing is that I am slowly walking, the drug is simply wonderful. I am very afraid of a new deterioration of the condition and therefore I will take Arthrocelsus for at least another month.

Thanks to the creators of the drug, you gave me hope


Natalia Alexandrovna,58 years oldMoscow, Russia
(took Arthrocels and Immunocels).

I suffer from a torn meniscus and a spinal hernia. Before Arthrocelsus I took Mo..( name hidden

), Ar..(
name hidden
), separately Chondroitin, etc., but there was no desired result. After an MRI and consultation with a rheumatologist, I was offered surgery to remove the meniscus. To which I did not agree and began to look for how to do without surgery. I did everything they advised, I even installed leeches at home myself. After the inflammation was relieved, I searched for medications for my son and myself (he had liver problems). We took Hepotcelsus for him and he has been drinking it for a whole year. The tests were excellent, the doctor was very pleased and said that they got the result in a year, and planned in 5 years, and then she turned her attention to Arthrocelsus and took it for herself. I feel better. My nails have stopped peeling, my knee doesn’t hurt, and hernias on my spine only bother me when I’m carrying more than 3 kg. I am very pleased with the drug Arthrocelsus.

And there is not even a question about the son; my separate previously written review about Hepotelsus is also there. My mother also took Nodepress after my sister died. My mother had terrible depression and fear that we could not cope with it. And thanks to this drug, she came to her senses, now we give Nodepress only at night and everything is fine.

THANK YOU!!! To everyone who works for us and helps us.

Alexander Mikhailovich,57 years oldMoscow, Russia
(took Arthrocels and Hepotcels for 2 months).

I took your Hepotcels and Arthrocels for 2 months, before that I took various other drugs.

The main disease, which is already 30 years old, I have UC (Nonspecific Ulcerative Colitis), I also have serious problems with the liver. Against this background, problems with the liver - sclerosing cholangitis, the initial stage of cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc. There is also a problem with the gallbladder. On top of this, in recent years, joint pain has been added and a couple of years ago there was tendonitis - vaginitis (inflammation of the Achilles tendon). Now about taking your medications: all the pain in the bones went away from Astrocelsus, and when taking Gepotelsus there was no worsening of the liver, so I want to take these medications again, but only in larger packaging.

Thank you.

Andrey Vasilievich,58 years oldMoscow, Russia
(took Immunocels and Arthrocels for more than 3 months).

My disease is deforming arthrosis of the knee and hip joints, I have been suffering from the disease for more than 8 years. Doctors repeatedly referred me for operations, but I couldn’t decide. However, a little over a year ago I underwent surgery to inject gel into my knee joint; there were improvements, but it lasted no more than 2 months. About six months ago I tried Arthrocelsus, drank a course of 180 capsules, felt significant improvements, decided to order a larger jar and this time combined Arthrocelsus with the drug Immunocelsus. To say that I feel better is an understatement; for the first time in many years I do not feel pain and can walk normally.

Thank you very much, thank you that this is not a scam


Marina Ivanovna,53 years oldMoscow, Russia
(took Arthrocelsus for 3 months).

I have been suffering from arthrosis of the knee joints for 3 years now. There were times when the pain made it impossible to simply go outside. Once every six months I injected liquid chondoprotectors into my knees - I got almost no effect. Before Arthrocelsus I took medications Before

name hidden
and St
name hidden
, and again did not achieve the desired effect
. I took pills, used various ointments and gels, used physiotherapeutic devices, did special gymnastics, and underwent shockwave therapy, which, by the way, most effectively helped get rid of severe pain and gave me hope for movement and the opportunity to work.

Having tried the drug Arthrocels as a change, I was pleasantly surprised: the pain when moving decreased, there was a feeling of fullness in the joint and an increase in its shock-absorbing capacity, I was able to kneel, do more complex exercises and increase physical activity. My friends noticed how my gait had changed (although I’m already happy that it appeared at all!).

Yes, three years ago my life changed a lot and I began to feel disabled, today I have hope and this is thanks to the drug ARTHROCELS (and, of course, my efforts and desire to live fully). Having tried Artocelsus myself, I offered it to my mother after an injury to the elbow joint and the fact that the elderly woman (75 years old) practically forgot about her injury after two months of taking it and began to thank me also for the fact that she began to walk better (arthrosis has long been she is tormented).


! I will continue to use it with the necessary breaks, because the doctors still said that I now need to take such drugs constantly.

Vasily Georgievich,60 years,G
Inta, Komi Republic, Russia
(I took Arthrocels for about 2 months).

Two years after being hit by a car, which resulted in a fracture of the fibula, the knee joint suddenly began to hurt. For four months I tried to relieve the pain and inflammation of the joint with the help of ointments and magnetic therapy, but the pain did not go away. To reduce pain, I used “Te..( name hidden

)” however, I did not get the desired result, in my opinion, due to the fact that the concentration of active ingredients in this drug for such a powerful joint as the knee is not significant.
I even squatted for pain in the joint when walking. I didn’t go to the doctors, I didn’t have time. On the Internet I came across the site artrocels.ru
, read information about the drug
, since I have a higher biological education and knowledge in the field of physiology, I decided to order it. I took 4 capsules 2 times a day for 2 months, since I am a fairly large person and my parents did not offend me with my height and build. The inflammation went away, the joint returned to its previous size, and the cartilage was restored.

I started walking to work, I can easily run up to the 5th floor, it’s an office job. I'm going on a hiking trip this summer. I am going to take Arthrocelsus for about another month for a more reliable restoration of the joint. By the way, when the cartilage was restored and the joint fell into place, the load on the tibia was redistributed - pain appeared under the knee, but after a week and a half it disappeared. I recommended Arthrocels to friends, including doctors. Friends also note a positive effect.

Nikolay Ivanovich, 58 years old, Russia.
I have been suffering from spinal diseases for a long time. I constantly feel tension in the lower back, a crunch in the spine, often accompanied by pain in the back and neck. Two months ago I started taking Arthrocelsus. I feel the improvement in my condition well, the mobility of the spine and joints, which have already become familiar, has improved, there have been no exacerbations for a long time.

After a while I think I’ll try it again, thank you.

Evgeniy, 28 years old, Russia
(I took Arthrocels for about 1.5 months).

I play sports semi-professionally. In general, to be honest, there were no problems with the joints. But recently friends gave me a jar of Arthrocelsus as a gift. Already 2-3 days after taking it I felt an improvement in joint mobility, unexpected ease of movement, and now I’m finishing the jar. I can say one thing, the drug really works and I think it will be useful not only for athletes.

Elena Aleksandrovna, 72 years old, Russia
(I took Arthrocels for about 2 months).

My knees have been hurting for a long time; I have chronic gonarthrosis of the knee joints. I used Arthrocels as prescribed by a doctor for about 2 months. I feel much better, even the photographs show improvements.

Thank you very much


Madina, 42 years old, Russia
(takes Arthrocels for about 2 weeks).

I ordered Arthrocelsus, unfortunately, we don’t have it in the pharmacy yet, 10 days later I received it in the mail. I've been drinking it for two weeks and I feel much better. I have arthrosis of the shoulder joint. I would like to buy it at my Sochi pharmacy.

Arthrocelsus more >

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Vitamins with similar effects

  • Betulanorm (Capsule)
  • Coffeeberry (Capsule)
  • Sana-Sol - Vitamin C (Oral tablets)
  • Pancreavit (Capsule)
  • Maxiflorum tea Grace with hibiscus and stevia (Powder for preparing a solution for oral administration)
  • Zhiznestin (Manager) (Drops for oral administration)
  • Incas gold. Men's Formula (Oral Tablets)

The description of vitamin Arthrocels is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Attention! The information presented in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is intended for informational purposes and should not be a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

If you are interested in any other vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes or dietary supplements, their descriptions and instructions for use, their analogues, information about the composition and form of release, indications for use and side effects, methods of use, dosages and contraindications, notes about the prescription of the drug for children, newborns and pregnant women, price and consumer reviews, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

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