Larkspur “Siberian Health” – life-giving balm on a natural basis


Description of the drug Zhivokost Artoliya ointment tube 40g on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Composition and features

balm has a complex and multi-component composition. The therapeutic effect is provided by special components of pharmaceutical value; herbal ingredients enhance the effect of their use, as well as soothe and relax. The following are used as natural enhancers in the balm:

  • bodyaga extract;
  • comfrey extract;
  • essential oils of eucalyptus and juniper berries;
  • rosemary and clove extracts.

Unique feature restoring balm Zhivokost from Siberian Health
is a combination of medicinal active ingredients with herbal ones, which enhances the effect of treatment and reduces the risk of side effects.

Benefits of Herbal Remedies

Larkspur balm from Siberian Health
has a plant base, which makes it safe for daily use. However, the presence of active medicinal components increases the effectiveness of use, and the balm is able to get rid of unpleasant pain for a long time or promote rapid recovery in case of disturbances in normal processes.

Judging by the reviews of Larkspur from Siberian Health

, a tangible effect from constant use is noticeable after a few weeks. At the same time, consumers note the pleasant smell of the balm, which is associated with freshness and does not have characteristic medicinal notes. The product has been tested, the manufacturer can provide all the required certificates of conformity confirming the environmental safety of the balm.

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Pharmacological properties

Balm with comfrey extract, glucosamine and chondroitin “Zhivokost” is a preparation for external use based on natural ingredients. When used systematically, the balm helps eliminate pain and inflammation in joints and muscles when discomfort occurs, having a restorative effect on tissue. The therapeutic effectiveness of the balm is due to the content of comfrey and bodyaga extracts, chondroitin, glucosamine, and natural oils in its composition, which, in a complex effect, activate the processes of regeneration of cartilage tissue, increase its elasticity, and strengthen local immunity.

The active ingredients of Zhivokost Balm for bones and joints have the following properties:

  • Comfrey extract (larkspur root): has a local anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect on the muscles in the ligaments, joints and lower back. Possessing a natural regenerating effect, it helps accelerate recovery processes in damaged tissues due to bruises, bone fractures, and sprains;
  • chondroitin: is the main component of intra-articular fluid. Chondroitin sulfate, by blocking free radicals, protects collagen and cartilage tissue from destruction. Plays an important role in the construction of cartilage tissue, lubrication of the articular surface, stimulates the regeneration of cartilage tissue;
  • glucosamine: an essential component in the formation of joint fluid, cartilage, tendons and connective tissue. Helps increase the elasticity of cartilage tissue;
  • bodyagi extract: has a tonic effect on the skin, causes a decrease in tissue swelling;
  • complex of essential oils of eucalyptus, juniper, cajeput, rosemary, clove: has an anti-inflammatory, calming effect, and has a warming effect. They cause improved blood circulation, accelerating the regeneration of body cells.

Comfrey or larkspur from a botanical point of view

Comfrey is a forest plant, belongs to herbaceous perennials from the genus Comfrey, the Borage family. The plant is very widespread. On the Eurasian continent it grows everywhere, with the exception of the northern Arctic regions. Habitats include forest streams, peat bogs, and bushes.

The plant is up to 0.9 m in height, the stems and leaves are quite hard, covered with hairs. Protruding veins are clearly visible on the underside of the leaf blade. The flowers are small, elongated, tubular-bell-shaped. Light lilac or light purple.

The fruit is a nut; four nuts are formed in place of the flower.

The rhizome is short, black, thick, with many roots extending from it. It is the roots that are used in making tinctures. This is due to the chemical composition of the root. The root tastes sweet because it contains sugar. The substance allantoin is of primary importance.

It is thanks to him that larkspur roots are used in various tinctures and ointments. The substance can influence the healing rate of not only external wounds, but also internal fractures and other damage to the skeletal system and joints. Also present at the root:

  • vitamins;
  • inulins;
  • vegetable acids;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • proteins;
  • starchy substances.

Considering that the plant is found everywhere, you can prepare a tincture with alcohol at home.

How to make a tincture of larkspur roots

In order for all the beneficial and medicinal properties to pass from the root to the alcohol, the raw materials must be prepared correctly.

Collection of roots can be carried out either in the spring, before flowering, or in the fall. When harvesting roots, the plant will have to be dug out of the ground. Then separate some of the roots from the main rhizome. These roots are quite young, juicy, and break with a crunch. After which the plant must be returned to the ground. As a rule, it takes root successfully.

Important! It is this careful harvesting that will allow the plant to be preserved in its natural habitats.

The collected roots are washed well and cut lengthwise. After which they are dried for some time in the sun. Dry the roots in a dark, warm room. Store for no longer than three years in fabric bags.

Dried roots can be used to prepare a tincture. For this:

  • 100 grams of crushed roots are poured with 500 ml of alcohol.
  • They insist for three weeks. A prerequisite is darkness and a well-closed glass container.

The use of the tincture is indicated in the amount of 30 drops up to 4 times a day. It is effective to drink the tincture for diseases of the oral cavity and ulcerative lesions of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.

For lung diseases, including tuberculosis, 40 grams of roots are poured into a glass of hot milk. Infuse overnight in a warm place. Drink one glass three times a day.

The use of decoctions, tinctures of milk, honey or alcohol is indicated for:

  • oncology
  • colds
  • fractures
  • purulent skin lesions

At home, you can prepare an ointment from comfrey roots.

  • It is enough to combine the crushed roots with any interior fat and boil in a water bath. The use of ointment is indicated for pain in muscles and joints.

If it is not possible to prepare comfrey root yourself, then currently you can purchase both the dried root itself and tincture and other preparations from comfrey at the pharmacy.

Preparations from larkspur roots

Several decades ago, several comfrey preparations were produced in European countries. All of them passed clinical trials and were approved for sale. Subsequently, it was believed that some alkaloids had carcinogenic properties and many herbal preparations, including comfrey and coltsfoot, were banned.

At the same time, comfrey tincture, together with antibacterial drugs, has found use in official dentistry for the treatment of periodontal disease, even in severe purulent forms.

Currently, comfrey is officially approved only for external use. It not only treats bruises, it has a good effect on spinal hernia. In this case, the use of tincture internally and ointments and creams externally is indicated. In addition, baths with comfrey root have a good effect.

The tincture is used internally in small doses. You can take a maximum of 30 - 40 drops per day. A 100 ml pharmaceutical bottle of tincture lasts for 17 - 20 days. The course of treatment lasts up to three months. A compress of tincture is also applied to the spine for ten days.

External use of comfrey is supported by ingestion of homeopathic doses of tincture equal to 10 drops for the following diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • fractures;
  • inflammation of the periosteum.

Important! Contraindications for oral use are childhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

All dosage forms from comfrey are used externally.

Currently released:

  • dry roots
  • medicinal comfrey tincture;
  • comfrey ointment;
  • comfrey gel;
  • Larkspur body balm.

Each drug comes with instructions that describe in detail how much and how to take this or that drug. In the indicated doses, any comfrey preparation is safe both for external use and for oral administration. It is often recommended to combine comfrey treatment with cleansing the body; this combination is effective for joints with salt deposition.

Balm for joints

The use of comfrey preparations for other pathologies

The use of comfrey for varicose veins.

Larkspur ointment is applied to the affected area. The dressing is changed once a day. Treatment is continued for three days. Day break and repeat everything again. Treatment with ointment is combined with comfrey tincture; using it internally in this case enhances the therapeutic effect.

The use of comfrey tincture for neoplasms, including cancer.

The tincture is taken in the amount of 15 drops 90 minutes before meals. The course is thirty days. Break - 10 days. After which another course is needed. At the same time, ointment is applied to the affected areas. With this treatment, lipomas and colloid growths are reduced and the course of cancer is alleviated.

Treatment of trophic ulcers with comfrey

Trophic ulcers are pathologies that are difficult to treat and are characterized by a chronic course. Larkspur ointment not only cleanses wound surfaces, but also causes enhanced tissue restoration and improves their nutrition. The ointment is applied to the wound surface twice a day until positive dynamics appear; this, as a rule, appears within a few days. Bandages and napkins are not used in this case.

Important! Before starting treatment, perform an allergy test by smearing a small area of ​​skin adjacent to the ulcer for 5 - 6 hours.

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