S-shaped scoliosis grades 1, 2 and 3: causes, how to treat


: Grachev Ilya Illarionovich
: Efremov Mikhail Mikhailovich

Publication date: 10/20/2014 Update date: 11/12/2020

Scoliosis is the most common spinal disease. When the curvature of the spinal column takes the shape of the letter s, the disease is called s-shaped scoliosis. It represents the presence of two arcs of curvature along the entire length of the spine. Very often, this disease occurs in teenagers who sit incorrectly at their desks, since they constantly put one shoulder forward for comfort, thereby spoiling their posture.

Causes of S-shaped scoliosis

Most often, this disease progresses in adolescence, during a period of rapid development. At the same time, the disease is considered to be idiopathic, that is, the exact cause of its occurrence is almost impossible to establish. However, nevertheless, there are a number of factors that can give impetus to the development of this spinal disease:

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Being overweight
  • Hereditary predisposition
  • Playing asymmetrical sports (tennis, shot throw, etc.)
  • Having other spinal problems

Types and degrees

S- and C-shaped scoliosis of the lumbar spine develops mainly in children and young people. By age they are:

  • infantile (infant), occurring in children from birth to three years;
  • juvenile, affecting children from 3 to 10 years old;
  • juvenile, which are detected in adolescence, from 10 to 18–20 years, that is, before the completion of skeletal growth.

The degree of scoliosis indicates the stage of the deforming process and includes 4 types:

  • 1st degree with a scoliotic curve angle of up to 10°;
  • 2nd degree – angle 10-25°;
  • 3rd degree – angle 26–50°;
  • 4th degree – angle from 50°.

Curvature of the 4th degree is the most severe option, in which the back and chest are severely deformed, and the internal organs shift and begin to work differently.

Diagnosis of S-type scoliosis

Good to know

  • A set of exercise therapy exercises for scoliosis
  • Massage for scoliosis

First of all, a visual examination by a doctor is necessary, who will determine the symmetry of the shoulders and the deviation of the curves of the spine from the norm. An X-ray of the spine or an MRI may be required, and our clinic also orders patients to undergo tests to rule out the possibility of an infection.

Treatment of S-shaped scoliosis at the Paramita Clinic

At the first symptoms of the disease, we recommend that you contact the Paramita clinic for quality treatment for S-shaped scoliosis. Our specialists use only the most effective methods of oriental therapy:

  1. Acupuncture affects biologically active points, relieves pain
  2. Gentle manual techniques relieve excessive tension in the spinal muscles and reduce pain
  3. Physical exercises restore the natural curves of the spinal column, relieve inflammation and swelling
  4. Therapeutic acupressure improves metabolism and blood supply, promotes enhanced nutrition of tissues and the spine
  5. PRP therapy is the latest technique for stimulating recovery processes. It is used to restore the functions of various organs after diseases and injuries, including to restore the function of the vertebrae.

Specifics of muscle strengthening and exercises for scoliosis

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Necessary measures for correct posture

All people with pathological curvature of the spinal column must be monitored by an orthopedist-traumatologist. In turn, the doctor must prescribe all possible procedures aimed at eliminating the diseases: massage, physical therapy, orthopedic supplies, manuals, manual therapy, physiotherapy, etc. are prescribed. In severe cases, surgical treatment is indicated.

As measures aimed against the development or progression of scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive measures:

  • sleep on a hard bed on an adjustable mattress, in a position on your back or stomach;
  • wearing orthopedic shoes or inserts in the form of insoles with an anatomical structure;
  • physical labor: swimming, athletics, tourism and others;
  • strict adherence to the daily routine (getting up and going to bed at the same time, eating);
  • giving up bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction). Other bad habits include avoiding certain incorrect positions, such as sitting cross-legged or standing on one leg;
  • self-monitoring of correct posture during sedentary work, at a school desk, at home on a chair, etc.;
  • wearing special equipment, corsets and other accessories in case of violation of the normal curvature of the spinal column to fix it;
  • uniform distribution of the load on the spine when carrying bags, backpacks, briefcases.

Parents need to monitor the health of their children at any age. It is from adolescence that pathological curves of the spine most often form. If you do not notice this in time, the diseases will progress, bringing a lot of discomfort and health problems.


Eastern diagnostics is the path to quick and fairly easy treatment. Our clinic uses methods that will help you choose the most effective and safe way to treat spinal scoliosis:

  • pulse diagnostics, which allows you to determine the current state of your body;
  • measuring the positions of the back areas relative to each other;
  • visual test when the body is tilted forward with arms down (to determine the severity of the rib “hump” and muscle roll”);
  • a series of neurological tests (will show how much the nervous system is affected).

In complex cases, our clinic also uses Western diagnostic methods, as they clarify many significant details of the disease. After analyzing all the obtained indicators, our osteopath will choose the one that is suitable for each specific patient.


The main complaints of patients are back pain, headaches, rapid fatigue after prolonged static and dynamic loads. Upon examination, abnormal posture, stoop, and asymmetrical position of the shoulders and shoulder blades are revealed. S-shaped thoracolumbar scoliosis is characterized by a primary curvature in the thoracic region and the presence of a muscle roll on the lower back on the opposite side. Due to structural changes in the vertebrae, the sciatic nerve and other large trunks may be pinched, which will lead to severe back pain and numbness of the limbs. Such neurological disorders are especially characteristic of congenital forms of dysplastic scoliosis.

Exercises for S-shaped scoliosis

Daily exercise is the key to a healthy back. A few simple exercises and activities will allow you to forget about spinal problems forever:

  1. Lying on your stomach, lean on your bent arm. Raise your other arm and opposite leg as far as possible, holding them for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
  2. From the same position, lift all limbs up at the same time. Hold, lower.
  3. Swimming in the pool will be very useful.

It is not recommended to do the exercises without consulting your doctor. Only he, knowing the characteristics of your body, will be able to select an individual course of therapeutic exercises.

How to treat cervical lordosis?

Treatment of cervical lordosis is carried out at the discretion of the attending physician - orthopedist

. Recovery methods depend on the severity of the pathology. It should be noted that in particularly severe cases, surgical intervention is performed. Patients need to closely monitor their own health and not advance the course of the disease. The consequences of cervical lordosis can lead to loss of cervical mobility and constant pain, which will need to be controlled with medication.


Cervical massage prepares the vertebrae for restoration and straightening, stretches the muscles and improves blood flow. The therapeutic effects of massage are impossible without the entire complex of procedures. As a result of manual intervention, blood circulation is stimulated, more oxygen is delivered to the brain, and excess tension is relieved from muscle tissue. There are three main techniques for performing massage manipulations:

  • Trituration. The patient's body is stroked, but with force. Rubbing is combined with calm stroking.
  • Stroking. This stage of the massage has the same effect as the warm-up that is performed before physical exercise. In this case, the massage therapist
    strokes the neck area with his thumbs, and the areas around it with his other fingers. No pressure needed.
  • Kneading. Using the index, thumb and middle fingers, the massage therapist alternately squeezes the muscles and stretches them along the spine. Such movements are allowed to be done when the patient has already achieved complete relaxation of the muscle tissue.

Taking medications

Lordosis of the cervical spine causes pain and can be accompanied by complications in the form of hernias, osteochondrosis and the like. Medicines stop inflammation, help muscles recover, reduce pain, and do not allow cartilage tissue to deteriorate. Medicines are prescribed individually for each patient by the attending physician. But in general cases, chondoprotectors, pain relief medications and vitamin B12 are prescribed.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapy has also worked well. Physiotherapy for cervical lordosis includes:

  • hydrotherapy;
  • treatment with magnets.

For example, bath treatment reduces salt deposits and helps the vertebrae return to a healthy starting position. Other forms of physical therapy may be used depending on the severity of the condition.


Treatment of cervical lordosis cannot be imagined without exercise therapy. Physiological movements stretch muscles, restore blood circulation and help the spine take a healthy curve. Even the simplest exercises are effective:

  • Rotational movements of the head at a slow pace, six times in each direction. Stop exercising if your head starts to feel dizzy.
  • Gently tilt the head left and right. You need to reach your ear to your shoulder, and not just bend over. It is important to feel not resistance, but a slight muscle tension: then the exercise will be performed correctly.
  • Lying on your back, clasping your knees with your hands, sway, as if “driving” along the floor with your entire back - neck, shoulder blades, lower back, tailbone. Bend your head to your chest. The exercise is performed without sudden jerks, very smoothly.
  • Place your arms behind your back, clasp your hands together. After this, you should turn your shoulders as far as possible. Hold in the extreme position for about 20-30 seconds.
  • Place your hands behind your back and grab your right elbow with your left hand. Then repeat for the other hand. Perform three approaches 8-10 times. It is even useful to lie down on the floor for a while with your folded hands under your chin.

This list of exercises is for informational purposes only. A full complex of exercise therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor.


  • Pathological tortuosity cannot be straightened with medicine!
  • If you or your parents have tortuosity of the carotid arteries, get examined yourself and get your relatives examined.

In the cardiac surgery department of the High Medical Technologies Clinic named after. N.I. Pirogov performs surgical treatment of pathological deformation of the brachiocephalic (vertebral, carotid) arteries.

Our surgeons have developed and used a method for reconstructing arteries in case of pathological tortuosity of the ICA (internal carotid artery) while preserving the important anatomical glomerulus, which leads to a significant reduction in the incidence of postoperative instability of blood pressure.

General description of the structure of the spine

The spinal column has an S-shape, due to which it has elasticity - therefore a person is able to take various poses, bend over, turn, etc. If the intervertebral discs did not consist of cartilage tissue, which is capable of being flexible, then a person would be constantly fixed in one position.

The shape of the spine and its structure ensure balance and upright posture. The spinal column “supports” the entire human body, its limbs and head.

The spine is S-shaped, and therefore has shock-absorbing properties and elasticity

The spine is a chain of vertebrae articulated by intervertebral discs. The number of vertebrae varies from 32 to 34 - it all depends on individual development.


  1. Hogarth, William // European Art: Painting. Sculpture. Graphic arts

  2. Evangulova O. S., Karev A. A. Portrait painting in Russia in the second half of the 18th century. M., 1994. P.121
  • Artistic composition
  • Curves

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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What are intervertebral discs?

Intervertebral discs consist of three main parts:

  • Fibrous ring. This is a bone formation consisting of many layers of plates that are connected by collagen fibers. It is this structure that provides it with the highest strength. However, with impaired metabolism or insufficient mobility, tissues can become thinner, and if strong pressure is placed on the spine, the fibrous ring is destroyed, which leads to various diseases. It also provides communication with neighboring vertebrae and prevents their displacement.
  • Nucleus pulposus. It is located inside the fibrous ring, which tightly surrounds it. The core is a formation with a jelly-like structure. It helps the spine withstand pressure and supplies it with all the necessary nutrients and fluid. Also, the nucleus pulposus creates additional shock absorption due to its function of absorbing and releasing fluid. When the fibrous ring is destroyed, the nucleus can protrude - this process is called intervertebral hernia in medicine. The person experiences severe pain because the protruding fragment puts pressure on the nerve processes passing nearby. The symptoms and consequences of a hernia are described in detail in other publications.
  • The disc is covered from below and above by endplates, which create additional strength and elasticity.

The structure of the intervertebral disc

If the intervertebral disc is damaged in any way, then the ligaments located next to the spine and included in the spinal segment try in every possible way to compensate for the disruption - a protective function is triggered. Because of this, ligament hypertrophy develops, which can lead to compression of the nerve processes and spinal cord. This condition is called spinal stenosis, and it can only be eliminated through surgical treatment.

Facet joints

Between the vertebrae, in addition to the intervertebral discs, there are also facet joints. Otherwise they are called arcuate facets. Adjacent vertebrae are connected using two such joints - they lie on both sides of the vertebral arch. The cartilage of the facet joint is very smooth, due to which the friction of the vertebrae is significantly reduced, and this neutralizes the possibility of injury. The facet joint includes in its structure the meniscoid - these are processes enclosed in the articular capsule. The meniscoid is a conductor of blood vessels and nerve endings.

Facet joint location

Facet joints produce a special fluid that nourishes both the joint itself and the intervertebral disc, and also “lubricates” them. It is called synovial.

Thanks to such a complex system, the vertebrae can move freely. If the facet joints are destroyed, the vertebrae will move closer together and be subject to abrasion. Therefore, the importance of these articular formations is difficult to overestimate.

Detailed structure of the vertebrae

The vertebrae have a complex structure, and they may differ in different parts of the spine.

If you want to know in more detail how many bones are in the spine and what their functions are, you can read an article about this on our portal.

The vertebra consists of a bone crossbar, composed of an internal spongy substance, and an external substance, which is lamellar bone tissue.

Each substance has its own function. The spongy substance is responsible for strength and good resistance, and the compact, external one is elastic and allows the spine to withstand various loads. Inside the vertebra itself there is a red marrow, which is responsible for hematopoiesis. Bone tissue is constantly renewed, so it does not lose strength for many years. If the body has an established metabolism, then problems with the musculoskeletal system do not arise. And when a person constantly engages in moderate physical activity, tissue renewal occurs more quickly than with a sedentary lifestyle - this is also a guarantee of spinal health.

Vertebral structure

A vertebra consists of the following elements:

  • vertebral body;
  • pedicles, which are located on both sides of the vertebra;
  • two transverse and four articular processes;
  • spinous process;
  • the spinal canal, which contains the spinal cord;
  • vertebral arches.

The vertebral body is located anteriorly. The part on which the processes are located is located at the back. The back muscles are attached to them - thanks to them, the spine can bend and not collapse. In order for the vertebrae to be mobile and not rub against each other, intervertebral discs, which consist of cartilage tissue, are located between them.

The spinal canal, which is a conductor for the spinal cord, is made up of the vertebral foramina, which are created thanks to the arches of the vertebrae attached to them from the back. They are necessary to ensure that the spinal cord is protected as much as possible. It stretches from the very first vertebra to the middle of the lumbar region, and then nerve roots extend from it, which also need protection. There are 31 such roots in total, and they spread throughout the body, which provides the body with sensitivity in all departments.

Location of the arch in the vertebra

The arc is the basis for all processes. The spinous processes extend backward from the arch and serve to limit the range of motion and protect the spine. The transverse processes are located on the sides of the arch. They have special openings through which veins and arteries pass. The articular processes are located two at a time above and below the vertebral arch, and are necessary for the proper functioning of the intervertebral discs.

The structure of the vertebra is organized in such a way that the veins and arteries passing through the spine, and most importantly, the spinal cord and all the nerve endings extending from it, are maximally protected. For this reason, they are located in such a dense bone shell, which is not easy to destroy. Nature has done everything to protect the vital parts of the body, and all that remains for a person is to keep the spine intact.

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