Ointments after a bone fracture: Painkillers, Decongestants, Healing, Warming, Anti-inflammatory

Plastering and analgesics in the first days relieve painful sensations in the injured limb. Sometimes hospital surgery is required. Then apply an ointment after the fracture, eliminating pain and swelling. Other external agents reduce inflammation and accelerate the restoration of bones, cartilage and blood vessels.

The role of ointments in a complex of medical procedures

Preparations for external use relieve pain in the period after injury. Anesthetic ointment is not the only remedy that relieves discomfort from fractures. Injections and tablets also relieve pain, inflammation and swelling, and help restore bones and cartilage.

The negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract and heart of drugs for external use is much less than drugs for oral administration. Ointments have fewer contraindications and side effects. External remedies are in demand after straining an injured limb, hard work, before weather changes, or magnetic storms.

Effects of the ointment after a broken limb:

  1. Pain reliever - eliminating painful sensations, increasing range of motion.
  2. Anti-inflammatory - reducing the strength of the process that causes pain, swelling and redness of the affected area of ​​​​the body.
  3. Muscle relaxation (myorelaxation) - relief from pain in the affected limb by reducing muscle tone. The effect of analgesics increases.
  4. Regenerating - activation of metabolism, slowing down destruction, tissue restoration.

Doctors recommend applying external agents to closed fractures of a limb—legs or arms—after removing the cast. Used during the rehabilitation period if the skin is not damaged. When the fracture is complex, pain persists for many years. External preparations become a “lifesaver”: they act quickly and are relatively safe for long-term use.

Classification of ointments

After a fracture, products are applied that relieve pain, inflammation and swelling. Such drugs belong to different groups of drugs and contain components with different effects.

Groups of external agents:

  • regenerating bone tissue and cartilage;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • decongestants;
  • healing;
  • warming.

Let's look at the release forms. The common name “ointment” is a collective name for three forms of drug release. The ointments themselves are made on a Vaseline base. The advantages of such products are the penetration of the active substance into the deep layers of the skin. Vaseline is not absorbed and leaves a greasy sheen and stains.

The creams have a light consistency and spread well on the surface of the skin. Water and oils are used as a base. The cream penetrates less deeply into the skin. The gels are well distributed and absorbed.

Combined drugs have advantages over drugs with one component. Various active ingredients are mutually reinforcing. The concentration of each is less than in a single-component drug, the risk of side effects and overdose is lower.

Pain relieving ointments

In most cases, the ointment recommended by your doctor for fractures contains one of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The first word in the name of a group of drugs literally means “non-hormonal”. These drugs are non-narcotic analgesics.

External agents containing NSAIDs are better at helping with pain after a fracture:

  • indomethacin;
  • ketoprofen;
  • meloxicam;
  • piroxicam;
  • naproxen;
  • nimesulide;
  • ibuprofen;
  • diclofenac.

It is difficult to determine which non-narcotic analgesic is more effective for a broken leg. All NSAIDs, to a greater or lesser extent, have three effects: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic. Local heating and combination drugs relieve post-traumatic pain.

After healing of the fracture, reduction of pain, swelling and inflammation, analgesic and local irritants can be used less. It is necessary to pay attention to chondroprotectors, venotonics, anticoagulants.

Decongestant external agents

The properties of drugs are reflected in the common names of therapeutic groups. Anti-swelling ointments - remedies for swelling of the legs after a fracture and for various vein diseases. Such drugs have a venotonic effect, stimulate blood circulation in the injured limb, and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Troxerutin is the active ingredient in many products marketed under different trade names. If Troxevasin and Troxevenol contain the same component, in the same dosage, then the drugs are analogues. They have similar therapeutic effects, although they may differ significantly in price.

Healing and restorative ointments

Preparations in this group contain snake and bee venom, chondroprotectors, and dexpanthenol. Ointments for fractures of the bones of an arm or leg have a healing and restorative effect.

Snake and bee venom have a warming effect, they “accelerate” the blood and increase metabolism in the affected limb. Dexpanthenol or provitamin B5 is a healing agent in combination products. Chondroprotectors promote healing and restoration of cartilage in fractures of joints and spine.

Ointments with a warming effect

External warming preparations are more often used for pain in the spine and joints. Ointments are used after injuries and fractures as local irritants. They warm up the back or affected limb, have a vasodilating effect, irritate nerve endings, and relieve pain. The effect lasts for 6 hours after application.

Active ingredients:

  • capsicum tincture;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • methyl salicylate;
  • bee venom;
  • nonivamide;
  • turpentine;
  • camphor.

Warming drugs Capsicam, Apizartron, Finalgon are applied to the shoulders, elbows, knees, ankle joint or feet, depending on the location of the fracture. The products activate metabolism and increase the temperature of the skin area at the site of application.

It is recommended to start with the minimum dose. According to their mechanism of action, Finalgon and its analogues can cause redness of the skin and heat at the site of application. You can first test for sensitivity to the drug - apply a drop of gel or ointment to the skin in the crook of your elbow. If after 15 minutes itching and irritation do not appear, then continue to use the product.

Combined action ointments

Dolobene contains heparin, dimethyl sulfoxide and synthetic vitamin B5 (dexpanthenol). Venolife also contains three components: heparin, troxerutin and dexpanthenol. They have anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, healing properties. Dolobene is an imported drug, Venolife is a domestic one. The price in pharmacies is almost the same (about 360 rubles).

It is important not only what to apply to the leg after a fracture, but also how much the treatment will cost. Combination drugs are more profitable because one drug solves several health problems. Dolobene gel has an analgesic effect, helps with swelling, and improves the regeneration of damaged tissues. Venolife additionally contributes to the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

Conventionally, Apizartron and Viprosal ointments can be classified as combination drugs. These products, when applied to the skin, stimulate nerve endings, warm, relieve pain, and improve the supply of oxygen to tissues.

Symptoms of a broken hand

It is possible to determine whether a fracture has occurred by a number of symptoms, but some of them may indicate injury not only to the radius, but also to the wrist joint, as well as other internal injuries. Therefore, it is better to go to the emergency room or hospital, where an X-ray examination will be prescribed.

Main symptoms of a fracture:

  • Severe sharp pain;
  • Swelling in the wrist area;
  • Limitation of joint mobility or complete immobility;
  • The appearance of subcutaneous hemorrhages - with an internal fracture, bleeding - with an open one;
  • Visible bone deformation;
  • Numbness of the fingers or the entire hand;
  • Deterioration in general health: nausea, dizziness, fever.

As already mentioned, the doctor will be able to determine the nature of the fracture and the presence of other injuries using an X-ray. Depending on the diagnostic results, treatment is prescribed.

How to relieve pain

Ketoprofen not only relieves pain, but fights post-traumatic inflammation of joints and surrounding tissues. The average cost of a tube of anesthetic gel for use after a fracture is 300 rubles.

List of external products with this active ingredient:

  1. Pentalgin extra-gel.
  2. Bystrumgel.
  3. Ketoprofen.
  4. Fastum gel.
  5. Valusal.
  6. Artrum.

The cheapest Russian remedies for pain after fractures contain ibuprofen. An ointment of the same name with this active ingredient can be purchased at a pharmacy for 80 rubles. Dolgit is an imported cream and gel with ibuprofen. The price in pharmacies is from 90 to 250 rubles. Both drugs can be applied to toes for fractures.

Diclofenac gel is perhaps one of the most famous painkillers. The active substance can quickly relieve pain after application to the skin over the damaged area of ​​the musculoskeletal system. Discomfort decreases, movements become freer.

They produce other ointments with the same composition - Diclobene, Ortofen, Naklofen. The content of the active ingredient in the preparations is from 1 to 5%. The active substance of diclofenac gel and complete analogues is slightly absorbed into the blood, so its effect on the entire body is little noticeable.

The product is used for 3–14 days. Squeeze out and apply a strip of ointment about 8 cm or less. Distribute with fingers over the painful area and rub into the skin. No bandage is applied. Use an external preparation with diclofenac 3-4 times a day.

A drug from the same group has a similar method of application and a similar effect. Ketorol gel contains ketorolac (NSAID). Apply the medicine 3-4 times a day. A 2 cm long strip of gel is sufficient for one application.

Fastum gel is a drug with the active ingredient ketoprofen. It is used in the same way as other NSAIDs for the symptomatic treatment of pain after fractures, as well as for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. There are few side effects and contraindications compared to Diclofenac. Can be used twice a day for 14 days.

Nise gel is a product based on one of the safest NSAIDs. Nimesulide in the drug acts quickly for various types of pain.


After the pain has decreased and the swelling has completely subsided, it is time to use products based on bee or snake venom. Thanks to them, vascular tissue expands, the blood is fully supplied with oxygen and the tissue temperature in the affected area increases.

These include:

  • Apizartron and Virapin. They contain bee venom.
  • Viprosal. It is made from snake venom.

The benefits of ointments made from snake and bee venom include improved blood circulation and rapid tissue regeneration. However, if there are wounds on the damaged area, they should not be used.

How to relieve swelling

An inexpensive and effective ointment for swelling in varicose veins of the legs and after a fracture is Troxerutin. It has the same name as the active substance. Complete analogs are Troxevasin and Troxevenol. After application, the drugs improve microcirculation, relieve swelling and pain in the extremities.

Anticoagulants sodium heparin and hirudin promote the resorption of blood clots and hematomas at the fracture site. The names of the drugs are Hepatrombin, Lyoton, Heparin, Trombless. They can also relieve swelling after a fracture, like Troxevasin. The active ingredients of decongestant ointments indirectly improve tissue nutrition.


This category of ointments allows you to externally relieve the inflammatory process occurring in connective tissues. The pronounced positive effect of the ointment makes it possible to reduce the production in the body of substances called inflammatory mediators. Anti-inflammatory drugs include:

  • Fastum gel and Bystrum gel;
  • Ibuprofen and Dolgit;
  • Voltaren emulgel.

Restoration and healing products

Often, after limb injuries, patients neglect a whole group of drugs - chondroprotectors. Chondroprotectors for fractures of the leg bones and spine are useful for restoring joints during the rehabilitation period.

Such drugs are most often prescribed in cases where age-related changes in the joints develop. After healing of a leg fracture in the ankle area, it is especially necessary to accelerate the regeneration of cartilage tissue. Ointments with chondroprotectors are used for a long time.

Active ingredients: chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine. The first component prevents the destruction of joints and stops degenerative processes that have already begun. If the ointment contains dimethyl sulfoxide, then the product also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Cheap Russian-made ointment with chondroprotective and moderate analgesic effects Chondroitin-Acos.

Treatment of complications after fractures

At the Scandinavia clinic it is possible to examine

and promptly treat patients who have either long-term non-union fractures, or complex joints due to surgical interventions, or chronic or improperly healed fractures.

What is done in this case? Firstly, the clinic has the opportunity to examine the patient: MRI, X-ray and everything else. Secondly, the clinic has a sufficient range of metal structures. In addition to the ability to treat emergency patients with fresh trauma, the clinic can also treat and perform operations on patients who have long-term consequences or problems after injuries. These include: pseudarthrosis, non-united fractures, malunited fractures, fractures of metal structures on non-united fractures. The problem is that any fracture, when healing, goes through certain phases. Why does false joint occur? Either the fragments are positioned incorrectly - there is no contact between the fragments, or surgical treatment was performed, but there was insufficient reposition, or other technical problems.

Examination in a hospital setting Read more

There are fractures, the location of which will not greatly affect the future life and function of the limbs, with which you can, in principle, do nothing, even if they have healed incorrectly. Well, maybe there is a cosmetic defect. But there are fractures (these include mainly periarticular and intra-articular fractures) that cannot be left in this form and something needs to be done with them in order for the person to continue to live fully functionally.

The clinic's doctors also operate on false joints, including bone grafting, using the same latest metal structures and techniques that are used all over the world. The clinic also operates on improperly healed fractures,

replacement of metal structures with correction of the axis of the limb, with correction of the position of fragments inside the joint. There are intra-articular fractures that require endoprosthetics, which cannot be restored using simple methods. In this situation, endoprostheses of the knee, hip, and shoulder joints are used, followed by rehabilitation in a clinic, which is possible until complete recovery.

From time to time, patients come to the clinic with old injuries that are in this condition: not healed - not healed, it’s unclear, for example, there is no support on the leg, if it is a fracture of a large bone, the tibia or near the femoral neck. They are mostly bedridden, and city clinics often refuse to help them because they do not have the ability to provide sufficient treatment for concomitant pathologies. These are predominantly older patients and patients with neck fractures, pertrochanteric fractures, and even chronic ankle fractures. They require surgical treatment, but in the conditions of a very qualified anesthesiological team and quite serious rehabilitation. This is what the doctors at the clinic do: they synthesize these fractures and put everything in place as it should be. Sometimes this is due to technical difficulties, but the clinic has an orthopedic table, which helps with this, and an X-ray machine, with the help of which all actions are monitored during the operation.

Arthroscopy Center

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Even if it was a very old fracture, doctors try to get the patient back on his feet literally the next day after the operation. The implants and technology used make this possible, and the therapeutic and anesthetic support makes it possible to activate them very quickly.

There is also such a problem as false joints - these are non-union fractures, the non-union of which lasts more than six months. That is, we are talking about a double or triple period of typical healing; if during this time the fracture does not heal, a false joint forms at this place. The problem is that it will never heal on its own after this, will always be mobile and will cause inconvenience.

Such problems arise both after previous operations and without surgical treatment. The main task in such a situation is to create conditions for fusion. This involves stabilizing and irritating the fracture area or transplanting your own bone there in order to stimulate healing of the fracture. Such operations have been performed in the clinic many times with good results and early rehabilitation.

One of the consequences of injuries is improperly healed fractures. This occurs either due to incorrect immobilization, or even due to failure to see a doctor about the fracture. It happens that with inadequate load, the metal structure that fixes the fracture breaks, and the fracture heals in the wrong position. If this is a supporting bone (for example, a weight-bearing leg), it is impossible to live with it; this is a curvature of the limb, which leads to problems above and below the fracture. In this situation, surgery is necessary. If a metal structure was previously installed there, it is removed, the limb axis is restored with minimal loss of local tissue and is also fixed in this way

way so that you can start loading this limb as early as possible.

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The greatest danger is posed by improperly healed periarticular fractures, because they ultimately lead to severe arthrosis. Even at a young age, if a fracture of the tibia heals incorrectly, arthrosis of the ankle and knee joints appears, so such things must be corrected. Maybe outwardly it doesn’t look so scary, but after 3-5 years problems will begin in the fracture zone above and below. The operation is carried out precisely in order to quickly rehabilitate and continue living a full life.

You can make an appointment with a doctor by phone or online.

Date of publication: 04/27/16

Inflammation reliever

Glucocorticosteroids have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. This group of drugs is often called GCS. Hormonal drugs when used externally are not as dangerous as when taken orally. Apply only to intact skin.

List of external agents with GCS:

  • Akriderm;
  • Cutivate;
  • Advantan;
  • Rederm;
  • Lokoid;
  • Elokom.

It should be remembered that too long-term use of GCS can lead to skin atrophy. After applying hormonal and other ointments, be sure to wash your hands.

For faster and more effective recovery after a fracture, it is recommended to use drugs from various therapeutic groups. NSAIDs relieve pain and inflammation. Decongestant ointments save you from inevitable injuries. It is imperative to use regenerating agents to recover and move fully after a fracture.

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