Ointments for joints, back, stings based on bee venom

Sweet, tasty honey is not the only waste product of bees. In pharmacology bee venom is widely used , on the basis of which the production of a huge number of drugs has been established. poison scientifically called apitoxin . It is synthesized by secret glands and has a complex structure and viscous consistency. The toxin has a specific, pronounced odor, released by insects during a bite.

The product can only be collected by an experienced beekeeper who works with insects on a production scale. The toxin has a whole range of qualities necessary for medical purposes. However, exceeding the dose of the toxic component of insects permissible for the human body is fraught with consequences. It has been established that an adult can withstand about 4-6 bites from hive inhabitants at a time. A larger amount of a toxic substance can lead to serious complications. Therefore, preparations based on toxic insect substances are used only as prescribed by a doctor and are used with caution.

The healing properties of the toxin were used in ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt in the fight against pathological conditions in small quantities. Pharmacy uses these qualities of substances to produce drugs and medications.

Types of ointments

Bee venom is used to produce medicines in various forms: gel, cream, balm. Modern technologies make it possible to achieve the decomposition of the compounds contained in the substance and the release of the necessary ingredient. The effect occurs faster if the insect toxin is used in its natural form.

Pharmacy offers a huge number of drugs based on toxic liquid. In addition to insect venom, medications contain other active ingredients. The toxin is effective in combination with beeswax, propolis gum ointment gives a quick effect, comfrey is used with apitoxin, with oil emulsions. You can make your own ointment at home. The main condition is compliance with proportions and preparation technology. You can purchase ready-made medicine at the pharmacy and use it according to the instructions. Below is a list of common medications that contain bee toxic liquid.

Ointment 911

A product containing bee venom for joints . In addition to insect toxin, the medicine contains plant components and essential oil extracts.

In what cases should I use 911 ointment with bee venom?

  • Myalgia;
  • Arthritis, arthrosis and other joint pathologies;
  • Neurological pathologies;
  • Ligament damage.

Returns joint mobility , eliminates pain , stiffness, and discomfort. Ointment for joints 911 with bee venom ensures the flow of nutrients and microelements to the inflamed area, relieves pain, swelling, and restores mobility .

Mode of application:

  1. Before applying the medicinal substance, wash the area of ​​application and dry it.
  2. Apply a small amount of the substance to the skin and rub in for 60-100 seconds.
  3. Ensure heat retention by wrapping with woolen cloth.

Use the product 2-3 times a day - rub into the skin.

Warming, restorative ointment with bee venom is prohibited if you have:

  • Pathologies of the liver, kidneys;
  • Malignant formations;
  • Acute period of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Purulent, infectious processes;
  • Wound surface, trophic ulcers.


The tube is used as an external remedy. The dose is calculated depending on the day from the start of treatment.

  • Rinse the skin surface at the site where the medicine is applied with water.
  • Apply a small amount once on the first day, rub the medicine in thoroughly.

On the second day, use joint ointment with insect toxin twice. On the third day - three times. On the fourth day, use half a teaspoon. On the fifth day, a break is taken to obtain the desired effect of the product. On the next day after the break - by analogy with the third day in the same amount.

Ampoules are injected into the muscle. Treatment begins with a dosage of 0.02 milliliters 2-3 times a day . Gradually, the volume of the drug increases by 0.01 - 0.03 milliliters. The general treatment course consists of no more than 15 injections.


A medicine based on bee venom, apizartron, is prescribed for traumatic injuries . Used in the field of traumatology and neurology. The peculiarity of the drug is a minimum of consequences, a small list of possible complications. Despite the harmlessness, the product has a pronounced effect. During treatment, patients noted relief on the second or third day.

When using the product, pain subsides, metabolic processes in muscle tissues and cells are accelerated. Blood circulation is activated, oxygen, microelements, and nutritional components are supplied.

Contraindications for use include: immunity to the components of the drug, dermatological diseases accompanied by the formation of purulent foci.

Method of use:

  • Squeeze a small strip of substance out of the tube.
  • Apply it effortlessly to the affected area.
  • Wait for the first signs of the action of the drug - a feeling of warmth, a slight tingling sensation.
  • Rub until completely penetrated into the skin.
  • Keep warm by wrapping it in woolen cloth.

Apply to the damaged area 2-3 times a day.

Undesirable consequences:

In case of overdose, hyperemia, swelling, and itching appear in the area of ​​excess application. The product, in agreement with the attending physician, can be replaced with analogues. Cheaper analogues of the drug Apisatron include: dimexide, camphor oil emulsion, deep hit, capsicum, comfrey in combination with bee venom.


Chondroxide is used for osteochondrosis of the upper and lower extremities and the spinal column. Used for osteochondrosis, to prevent its exacerbation. Not recommended for children, expectant mothers, or during breastfeeding.

Undesirable consequences may include allergic reactions to the ingredients of the drug.

Application method:

  • Apply a small amount of the substance to the surface of the skin in the affected area.
  • Rub into the skin with gentle massaging movements and light taps for 1-3 minutes.
  • Duration of use is up to one and a half months.


Apply for intense pain in the lower back and joints. Recommended for use by athletes to warm up muscle fibers before physical and strength exercise.

How to use? Apply the drug in an amount of no more than 4 grams to the affected area with a special dispenser, rub in with smooth movements for medicinal purposes. Duration of use reaches 5-10 days.

To warm up muscle tissue, the same amount is used. Rub in until hyperemia appears. After finishing strength training, rinse the area of ​​application well with cool water.

Contraindicated in case of atrophic ulcers in the affected area, or in case of intolerance to the ingredients of the medicine. Not for use by children .

Side effects: swelling, hyperemia, itching. If these symptoms occur, rinse the application area with cool water and do not use again. They should disappear 10-12 hours after stopping the application.


Used in cosmetology to restore youthful skin, combat acquired defects, and for dermatological pathologies. Contraindicated in case of adrenal dysfunction or intolerance to the components of the drug. Adverse reactions included hyperemia, skin rash, itching, and sleep disturbance.

The effect of apilak is to activate regenerative processes, stabilize the secretion of glands, and restore the elasticity of the skin layers.

How to use? The product is applied to the damaged area in an amount of two or three grams. Do not cover the area with the medicinal product with anything. Apply 2 times a day. Duration of use is from 10 days to one and a half to two months.


Larkspur ointment with vitamin E, an insect toxin, or comfrey is used in the field of neurology and dermatology.

Prohibited during pregnancy , breastfeeding , or personal inability to accept the medication. Larkspur balm and gel are produced.

How to use? Designed for long-term use in chronic diseases. Spread large quantities onto the affected area and rub in for several minutes three times a day. In the evening before going to bed, you can apply a bandage to enhance the effect. Duration of use - from several weeks to 7-9 months .

In addition to the above medicines based on insect toxin, many products are produced for the back, medicine for wasp stings, wax and propolis ointment for the treatment of dermatological diseases, and others.

The waste product of insects has a healing effect on the human body, which is enhanced in combination with other components and compounds. Apitoxin secreted by bees is compared in power to that of snakes. The difference is that the insect toxin is several tens of times stronger.

Promising directions for using bee venom

Experimental data from a medical research center indicate the possibility of using bee venom to develop a therapeutic drug for the treatment of vitiligo [38]. The possibility of treating osteoporosis and prostate adenoma with bee venom has been shown [39]. Observations and studies by Russian and foreign scientists have demonstrated the radioprotective effect of bee venom - its small doses contribute to better survival of irradiated animals [40, 41]. Experimental and clinical studies have shown that bee venom therapy may be an effective adjuvant treatment for Parkinson's disease. Several mechanisms have been proposed for this effect, including the ability of bee venom to attenuate neuroinflammation, inhibit apoptosis of dopaminergic neurons, protect against glutamate-induced neurotoxicity, and restore normal dopamine levels in the nigrostriatal pathway [42].

Beneficial features

  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Painkiller – quickly and effectively relieves pain symptoms;
  • Antiseptic effect;
  • Increases hemoglobin content in the blood;
  • Stabilizes blood pressure numbers;
  • Increases the effect of other medications;
  • Strengthens the body's protective barrier;
  • Restores the activity of the heart muscle;
  • Destroys harmful microorganisms;
  • Enhances cell and tissue regeneration;
  • Nourishes cells and tissues with microelements and minerals;
  • Restores blood supply to the affected area.

Ointments based on poison quickly bring into shape when there is severe pain, relieving it.

You can learn about the benefits and harms of the substance by watching the video:

pharmachologic effect

Bee venom is a highly effective natural remedy for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases of the joints and spine. Bee venom has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, warming, analgesic, bactericidal, immunocorrective effect, activates blood flow, improves metabolism in the joint and nutrition in the joint tissues. By increasing the permeability of the skin, bee venom promotes deep penetration of medicinal components into the problem area.

Extracts and oils of medicinal plants provide joints with nutrients, improve metabolism in joint tissues, stimulate restoration processes in cartilage, improve the quality of intra-articular fluid, have anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antioxidant effects, and prevent the development of pain.

Callogen hydrolyzate is a building material for the musculoskeletal system, promotes the regeneration and strengthening of the connective tissue of the spine, joints and ligaments, increases the shock-absorbing properties (strength) of cartilage and synovial fluid.

Liposomal-emulsion complex - promotes rapid and deep penetration of active substances, without reducing their effectiveness, through the skin into the depths of the tissues.

Indications for use

The reasons for prescribing ointments and balms based on toxin are a large number of pathologies. Most of them are diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

  • Hernia of the spinal column.
  • Use in ENT practice: ointment for sinusitis with wax, propolis preparation for use in coughs.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Neuritis.
  • Chronic rheumatic disease during exacerbation.
  • Neurological diseases.
  • Sprained ligaments, meniscal damage.
  • Bruises, hematomas.
  • Severe muscle pain.
  • Wrinkles, cosmetic skin defects, premature aging.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Poor circulation due to injuries, fractures.
  • Warming ointment is used by professional athletes to prepare the muscular system for active physical activity.
  • Circulatory failure.
  • Infringement of nerve endings.
  • Age-related changes in joints, reduction, limitation of mobility, loss of elasticity of cartilage tissue.
  • Insect bites.

List of ointments based on bee venom

There are a large number of preparations based on bee venom. The most commonly used are ointments. They are easy to use and have a quick local effect. Each product has its own indications for use and contraindications.


Apizartron is one of the most effective drugs made from bee venom. It contains the following substances:

  • matyl salicylate;
  • allyl isothiocyatane;
  • cetostearyl alcohol.

The medicine is available in tubes of 30 and 50 g. It is intended for external use only. Indications for use:

  • hematoma;
  • inflammation of cartilage tissue;
  • neurological abnormalities;
  • muscle pain.

The product is recommended to be used to warm up muscle tissue before training.

Ointment 911

The drug is recommended for the treatment of joints. It contains not only insect toxins, but also a number of beneficial plant components and essential oils. The ointment is used to eliminate the following abnormalities and diseases:

  • ligament injury;
  • arthritis;
  • neurological abnormalities;
  • myalgia;
  • arthrosis

The product quickly relieves pain and discomfort. The nutrients present in the ointment eliminate inflammation, swelling and make the joint more mobile.

Before use, you must pay attention to contraindications. 911 ointment should be abandoned in the following clinical situations:

  • purulent or infectious process;
  • liver disease;
  • kidney damage;
  • acute rheumatoid arthritis.

The use of external medicine is contraindicated in the presence of purulent or infectious lesions in the area where the ointment is applied.

Ointment Sophia

Sophia's ointment contains only natural ingredients. For the first time such a medicine was prepared back in the days of Imperial Russia. The ointment has a positive effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system. It can be used for a long period of time without losing its effectiveness.

Sophia ointment is used to prevent the development of diseases of the spine and joints. Its use is recommended for people with a sedentary lifestyle or increased stress on the joints. The ointment should be applied when the first symptoms of the degenerative-inflammatory process appear, which manifests itself in the form of crunching and a feeling of stiffness in the joints.

The external remedy is suitable for the complex treatment of joint diseases, as well as for increased sensitivity to weather changes.

Active components increase local immunity, thereby restoring the normal structure of the skin.

Sophia ointment is a complete alternative to a bee sting. The poison quickly penetrates the skin, thereby relieving swelling and restoring joint mobility.


The ointment has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Before using the product, you must ensure that there is no allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of ointment to the bend of the elbow and monitor the skin reaction. If urticaria or headache occurs, you should stop taking the medicine.

Indications for use:

  • joint inflammation;
  • radiculitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • sciatica;
  • muscle inflammation.

The therapeutic course can last up to a month. The ointment begins to act within a couple of minutes after application.

Active substances dilate blood vessels and activate blood circulation.

Virapin ointment should be avoided during pregnancy or acute arthritis.


The ointment has a wide range of therapeutic effects. Apitrin is often used in traumatology, sports medicine and rheumatology. The drug is suitable for home treatment. Therapeutic effect of using an external agent:

  • activation of cell regeneration;
  • relieving fatigue and muscle pain;
  • reduction of soft tissue swelling;
  • cleansing tissue of toxins;
  • increased blood flow to the skin;
  • increasing the elasticity of muscles and ligaments;
  • elimination of pain.

This drug is not suitable for children, pregnant women and elderly patients.


In addition to the indications, a list of conditions has been defined for which bee venom products are not prescribed.

  • For cuts or injuries, bee venom based cream should not be applied.
  • Neoplasms.
  • Allergic manifestations to waste products of hive residents.
  • Expectant mothers are not recommended to use preparations with bee venom.
  • Lactation period.
  • Blood poisoning.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Age up to 14 years.
  • Diseases of the urinary system during exacerbation.
  • Kidney, liver failure.


Water, liposomal-emulsion complex No. 2 (Neowax emulsion wax, glycerin, vegetable oil, DEG stearate, propylene glycol, dimethicone, beeswax, lanolin, nimesulide, microcar IT, Grindoks antioxidant), bee venom, cedar oil, sea buckthorn oil, olive oil , beeswax, oil extracts: cinquefoil, wild rosemary, comfrey, St. John's wort, boswellia, golden mustache, burdock, elecampane, juniper, aloe vera, sage, wormwood, bryonia, vitamin A, vitamin E, D-panthenol, collagen hydrolyzate, biostimulator withanol , preservatives: kemaben, katon.

Side effects

Bee medicinal ointment and other dosage forms, if the dosage and frequency of administration are not observed, contribute to the development of side effects.

  • Allergic manifestations.
  • Local reactions in the form of redness, rash.
  • General weakness, lethargy.
  • Migraine attacks.
  • Gastrointestinal tract disorders.
  • Tingling in the area of ​​application.


Oversaturation with insect toxin is extremely dangerous for the body. The use of poison for children and the elderly is especially dangerous. As a result of exceeding the dose of the medicine, a person experiences swelling of the face, the area of ​​the upper eyelids, difficulty breathing, and tachycardia. There may be pressure surges, poor circulation, loss of consciousness, and muscle spasms.

All of the above symptoms are accompanied by itching in the area of ​​application and increased body temperature. In severe cases, spasm of the respiratory muscles occurs and death.

Best before date

Shelf life depends on storage conditions and temperature.

TemperatureShelf life
From 0 to -20 degreesFrom 2 to 5 days
At room temperature diluted with waterWithin a month
Drying at forty degreesStore in a darkened space at temperatures from -10 to +5 for 1-3 years. At temperatures from +5 to +15 for up to six months.

How to use ointments based on bee venom

It is recommended to use an ointment based on bee venom 1 to 3 times a day. It is best to apply the medication immediately after a shower or bath. The product should be rubbed into the affected area with massage movements until the ointment is completely absorbed. The medicine should not come into contact with healthy areas of the skin. Each of the drugs has its own recommendations for use.

For back pain

For back pain, bee venom ointments help eliminate discomfort and improve the patient's general condition. To do this, it is recommended to choose products with the maximum concentration of the active substance.

In case of severe and sharp pain, apply the ointment in a 1 mm layer several times per tap. If the therapeutic effect is insufficient, the number of uses can be increased.

The ointment should be applied only with clean and dry hands, they must be warm.

It is necessary to give a little time for the medicine to absorb into the skin on its own. It is recommended to wrap your lower back in a warm and dry towel or cloth.

If the pain is chronic, then the medicine should be applied with intense and rubbing movements for 4 minutes. The procedure must be continued until the ointment is completely absorbed into the skin. For chronic pain, the ointment should be applied during the day and before bedtime. The therapeutic course should last at least a week.

For joints

To eliminate joint pain, the therapy is almost the same as for lower back discomfort. For acute joint pain, rub ointment with bee venom for 15 seconds, and for chronic pain - for about 4 minutes. The course of treatment can last up to 10 days.

If the pain does not go away, then therapy can be repeated after a few months. In particularly advanced cases, vaccination is carried out with drugs that contain poison. Such medications should not be used during the acute phase of arthritis. Otherwise, the clinical situation may worsen.

Neurological pain

For acute neurological pain, the ointment should be rubbed in for no more than 15 seconds. The external remedy helps to quickly normalize the patient’s condition, which contributes to his further recovery. To obtain maximum effect, it is recommended to combine the ointment with injections. The therapeutic course can last up to a week.

Helping athletes warm up their muscles

Products based on bee toxin are often used in sports medicine. The ointment should be applied before heavy training. It is recommended to use a special spatula for application.

A warming agent is necessary for massage.

After use, wash your hands thoroughly. Contact with eyes, mouth and nose should be avoided. To wash off the ointment, you need to use a rich cream, sunflower oil or hawthorn tincture. The medicine should not be washed off with alcohol tincture or water.

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