Sabelnik for joints: folk and pharmaceutical remedies based on the plant

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How to brew a remedy for pain in the musculoskeletal system?

Various diseases of the spine and joints of one form or another affect about half of the world's population. Diseases have recently shown a tendency towards rejuvenation. Now joint diseases can occur, even in 30-year-old people. The reasons are: low physical activity, unbalanced diet and hereditary predisposition.

A cinquefoil tincture for joints, as well as other remedies based on a medicinal plant, will help improve the condition of diseased joints.

  • Composition of cinquefoil
  • Medicinal characteristics of cinquefoil
  • How to prepare cinquefoil tincture
  • Decoction of cinquefoil
  • Sabelnik 911 When to use gel-balm?
  • Release form
  • Instructions for use of the drug
  • Contraindications for the use of cinquefoil
  • Composition of cinquefoil

    Sabelnik is a creeping shrub or plant. Its habitats: reservoirs, lakes and rivers. The length of cinquefoil rhizomes reaches 3 m, and its height is up to 1 m.

    Sabelnik in its composition contains a lot of valuable components.

    In its composition, cinquefoil contains many medicinal components, which, when used rationally, have a positive effect on the human body.

    Table Medicinal substances in the composition of cinquefoil:

    Name of substanceBeneficial features
    Vitamin CParticipates in hematopoietic processes, affects the nervous system and helps in the absorption of iron.
    Vitamin AImproves immunity, increases body resistance, promotes tissue regeneration.
    FlavonoidsThey prevent premature aging of the body and save from the development of atherosclerosis, improve recovery processes.
    Resins, gumsThey have a healing effect.
    SaponinsHave a tonic and expectorant effect

    In addition to the listed substances, the plant contains: organic acids, essential oils and trace elements.

    The influence of the healing qualities of cinquefoil on the body is multifaceted. The plant can relieve the inflammatory process, relieve pain, stop bleeding, stabilize the mechanisms of cellular metabolism and help restore the body after damage.

    Medicinal characteristics of cinquefoil

    The leaves, stems and roots of the plant contain: ascorbic acid, tannins, carotenes, saponins, essential oils and many trace elements, which makes it possible to use cinquefoil for joints.

    In folk medicine it is used in the form of: tincture, decoction, ointment and poultice. The pharmacy industry produces various ointments and gels based on medicinal plants. For example, cinquefoil gel-balm is a product that effectively reduces pain and swelling in diseases of muscles and joints.

    So, cinquefoil has the following beneficial properties:

    • anti-inflammatory, which is especially important during exacerbation of diseases (including joint ailments);
    • wound healing and regenerating (promotes the restoration of soft tissues after wounds and cuts, as well as bone tissues after injuries);
    • pain reliever, which helps reduce joint and muscle pain;
    • antipyretic;
    • relieves swelling due to diuretic and pathogenic effects (removes swelling from joints);
    • improves blood and lymph circulation, normalizes tissue trophism.

    Sabelnik, in addition to all these properties, is a good antioxidant and has a beneficial effect on many human organs: it is used for diseases of the liver and kidneys, the female genital area, the respiratory system, etc. A feature of the plant is also its antitumor properties. But the plant is still most widely used for the treatment of joints.

    The healing plant has found application for various ailments.

    Pharmacy analogues

    If you do not have time to prepare medications, you can purchase ready-made medications at the pharmacy kiosk. The pharmaceutical industry offers a huge variety of medicinal forms, including tablets, alcohol tinctures, balms, creams, and ointments. Sabelnik-Evalar cream and Sabelnik forte tablets are especially popular .

    The most effective is an alcohol-containing tincture, since alcohol dissolves substances that are insoluble in water and instantly delivers them to the right place.

    It has the appearance of a transparent light brown liquid and emits a specific odor. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, decongestant, diaphoretic, diuretic and regenerating effects.

    At the beginning of taking the tincture, a temporary exacerbation of symptoms is possible. There is no need to stop treatment. Improvement will soon be noticeable.

    How to prepare cinquefoil tincture

    An extract with increased activity is prepared from cinquefoil, which can be used in the treatment of neoplasms and arthrosis. Tea has increased effectiveness and can be used to improve immunity and treat infectious diseases, as well as arthritis.

    But the most reliable remedy for treating joints is alcohol tincture. It is used in the treatment of: arthritis, tumors of the joints and spine, arthrosis and other diseases. A tincture is prepared from 2 tablespoons of crushed rhizomes of the plant, which are poured with 0.5 liters of vodka.

    To get a high-quality tincture, the jar is placed in a dark place for 21 days. It is filtered and taken 0.5 -1 tablespoon, previously diluted in 50 ml of water. Marsh cinquefoil for joints is consumed after each meal (usually 3 times a day), in courses of 3 weeks. After a 7-day break, the tincture should be repeated.

    To prepare a medicinal tincture, the rhizomes of the plant are taken. Plant materials are poured with vodka and left in a dark place for 3 weeks. Take tincture 0.5 tbsp. 3 times a day, after diluting with 50 ml of water.

    Procurement of raw materials

    Sabelnik is an unusual, marsh-forming plant that grows near bodies of water and along the coast. It is considered medium in height and belongs to the subshrub species, but the rhizomes can reach three meters in length. They contain most of the nutrients. To make the most healthy drink possible, you need to properly collect and dry the plant. The most successful time for this is the beginning of spring and the end of autumn, when the rhizomes are most nutritious and contain the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. The second important factor is the phase of the moon. The period of its decrease is most suitable for collection, when the roots collect juices, their medicinal value increases. It is usually the root part of the plant that is collected, namely its upper, lighter part. These are young shoots that reach a length of up to 50 cm.

    Sabelnik leaves are harvested in mid-summer, during its flowering. It is necessary to collect them at the new moon, when all the juice goes into the leaves. It is preferable to choose the greenery that is located in the upper part of the bush, further from the water.

    Dry the collected leaves in a well-ventilated area, preferably on the balcony, laying them out in one layer on cardboard. Finished raw materials are stored in fabric bags or paper bags for up to two years.

    The roots are harvested in the same way, after thoroughly washing them and cutting them into small pieces 1-2 cm long. If desired, you can dry them in the oven for two hours at a temperature of about 40 degrees. The degree of readiness can be checked by pressing on the root: if it is broken, then it is completely ready, and if it is bent, then it is necessary to wait some more time. Store this preparation in a tightly closed glass container in a dry, dark place for 3 years.

    Decoction of cinquefoil

    Arthritis causes severe pain that stiffens the joints and reduces the ability to move and use joints.

    To obtain a decoction, you need to take a small spoon of crushed plant roots and add 200 ml of hot water. It should boil for 15 minutes in a water bath. Before taking, strain the liquid and drink 1/3 cup before meals, preferably warm.

    A decoction of cinquefoil for joints will reduce the intensity of pain, reduce inflammation and restore the ability to move. Preparations from the plant are also widely used in traditional medicine.

    Indications for use

    Sabelnik tincture for joints or other products based on this plant can be used to treat:

    • arthritis;
    • arthrosis;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • gout;
    • rheumatism;
    • injuries and bruises.

    Products based on cinquefoil are intended for both external and internal use.

    The main feature of the plant is that cinquefoil enhances the effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, so complex treatment allows you to achieve quick results in the fight against joint diseases.

    It is not recommended to use cinquefoil-based medications for infectious and purulent inflammations in the joints. The product improves local blood circulation and metabolic processes, which is dangerous due to the risk of infection spreading through the bloodstream to neighboring joints and organs. It is necessary to agree with your doctor about the possibility of using cinquefoil in home therapy.

    Sabelnik 911

    With a wide variety of medicines used to relieve muscle and joint pain, it is cinquefoil balm for joints 911 that stands out for its qualities.

    Gel Sabelnik 911 (pictured) will help with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    It contains:

    1. Sabelnik, which improves metabolic processes and contains: vitamins B, A, various oils and acids. It relieves pain, fights inflammation and has an antimicrobial effect.
    2. Essential oils containing eucalyptus, thyme, juniper, nettle have a strengthening and stimulating effect on the patient's supporting apparatus.
    3. Arnica is an important ingredient of the drug, which has antipyretic and antimicrobial properties.
    4. Willow tree bark has an anti-inflammatory effect. Helps reduce inflammation and swelling of affected joints.
    5. Boswellia, which strengthens and restores the walls of blood vessels and improves metabolic processes.

    The drug is highly effective for joint and muscle damage, as well as for sprained ligaments.

    When to use gel-balm?

    Gel-balm for joints, cinquefoil, is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

    It is applied:

    1. For inflammation of the joints and spinal column, especially in old age.
    2. For the prevention of complications after injuries and infectious diseases of the joints.
    3. When weather changes to reduce joint pain.
    4. After injuries. Used as a strengthening agent during rehabilitation.
    5. For the regeneration of joint and bone tissues in degenerative diseases of the motor system.

    911 cinquefoil gel-balm for joints is still most used as a pain reliever. When applied, the active components are quickly absorbed and act on the source of pain, while the intensity of the pain noticeably decreases or such a symptom of joint ailments disappears altogether.

    Release form

    911 cinquefoil joint balm 100 ml is available in a tube. Thanks to this shape, it is convenient to store and use.

    The drug must be stored in a special place, protected from children, at a temperature of 5 to 25 degrees.

    It has the following effective properties:

    • reduces inflammation and provides an antiseptic effect, which is especially important for chronic joint diseases and bone tissue injuries with violation of the integrity of the skin;
    • helps reduce swelling (removes swelling from joints);
    • accelerates metabolism, which promotes rapid regeneration of all joint tissues;
    • has a calming and analgesic effect on the area of ​​inflammation - sore joints, muscles, spine.

    Gel-balm cinquefoil for joints is produced in the form of an external creamy product. Treatment of joints can be supplemented with the use of biological additives (BAS) for oral administration based on the healing plant.

    They may also contain vitamins and additional medicinal ingredients. The tablets have a positive effect on joints and muscles. Usually they need to be taken two to three times a day after meals for a month.

    If you supplement therapy with cinquefoil-based dietary supplements, you can achieve better results in the treatment of joint ailments.

    Treatment of joints with cinquefoil provides effective assistance in the event of: injuries, sprains, dislocations and other injuries. At the same time, the key component of the drug, cinquefoil, reduces inflammation and pain.

    Instructions for use of the drug

    For the treatment of joints, cinquefoil is used as follows: a small amount of the medicine is applied to the sore spot and rubbed into the skin until it is absorbed. This improves microcirculation, and the drug can penetrate the affected area faster.

    Apply the gel-balm 2 – 3 times a day for a month. After which the use of the product is continued after consultation with a specialist.

    The doctor does not prescribe a prescription for purchasing the gel, because it acts as an additional remedy that is prescribed for diseases of the joints and muscles, as well as the spinal column. The price of the drug varies between 75 - 120 rubles.


    Despite its medicinal properties, cinquefoil tincture in some cases can be harmful to the body.

    Taking the drug is contraindicated if:

    • individual intolerance;
    • recent traumatic brain injury;
    • hypotension, as it lowers blood pressure;
    • bradycardia;
    • severe liver pathologies;
    • less than 12 years of age;
    • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Alcohol tincture should not be taken by children, persons suffering from alcohol addiction, or if alcohol is contraindicated (organic diseases of the brain, epilepsy and other epileptiform seizures).

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