Can a hygroma burst and what to do in such a situation?

Hygroma is a subcutaneous formation that can be treated in the early stages. But, unfortunately, therapeutic methods do not always work, and even if they work, there is a risk of reoccurrence. Therefore, in most cases, doctors resort to surgical removal of the lump. After surgery to remove hygroma, the risk of its reappearance is practically reduced to nothing.

Based on this, it would seem, why carry out therapeutic treatment at all if you can quickly and easily get rid of the problem surgically. But, to our great disappointment, this is not a panacea, and after removal of a hygroma on the wrist, hand or foot, complications can still arise.


Typically, such a neoplasm is localized in the area of ​​the wrist joint, but can also occur on the fingers or toes, on the ankles and in the popliteal cap. There are cases where hygroma appeared even on the chest. However, the traditional place of tumor appearance is still the wrist. First, a small bump appears with clear edges, usually soft and not causing any discomfort. In some cases, it remains like this, without showing any symptoms. But in most patients, it begins to gradually grow (up to 2-5 centimeters in diameter), blocking normal blood circulation and compressing nerve endings. This type of hygroma is characterized by:

  • aching pain that sharply intensifies with pressure;
  • change in skin color in the affected area, peeling;
  • local increase in body temperature (indicates a possible inflammatory process);
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • temporary increase in size during physical activity.

Clinical picture

Hygroma of the wrist or other part of the body can burst if left untreated. It should only be prescribed by a specialist. People turn to him for help when identifying symptoms characteristic of the disease.

In 30% of cases, the pathology is characterized by an asymptomatic course. In the absence of external manifestations, one can suspect that a cyst has formed under the ligament.

Hygroma is determined by the presence of a round neoplasm, which is located next to the joint and protrudes above the surface of the skin.

As the disease develops, the mobility of the skin in adjacent areas does not change. The hygroma itself is motionless. It is firmly connected to the tissues that are located below its location. The tumor may turn red, begin to peel, or become rough.

If you press on the affected area, the person will experience pain. Its intensity and nature directly depend on the size of the tumor and location.

Hygroma can be characterized by the following manifestations and signs:

  1. If the wrist joint is affected, then elastic hygromas are formed in this place, quite dense to the touch. They can be easily seen under the skin. Often the tumors grow to an impressive size. In this case, the patient is bothered by mild or moderate pain.
  2. Hard hygromas are not uncommon on the hand. Also, neoplasms form between the phalanges. The skin in these areas quickly begins to peel and thin. The person constantly experiences severe discomfort and pain. In some cases, a tumor forms on the palmar side of the fingers. They resemble in their appearance soft formations that affect two phalanges.
  3. The tumor can grow on the elbow. It looks like a spherical seal. The skin above its surface darkens and becomes rough. The patient is also diagnosed with decreased mobility of the affected area and severe pain.
  4. Hygroma, which eventually bursts, on the lower extremities cannot be ruled out. Large joints are usually affected. In such situations, neoplasms arise from their back surface. In rare cases, the pathology affects the fingers and ankles.

Each case of damage to the body by hygroma is considered individually. This allows you to study all the features of the course of the pathological condition and select the optimal treatment for it.


The exact mechanisms of development of tumor formation have not yet been established. It is believed that hygroma has a genetic factor: if one of the parents had such a neoplasm, it will be passed on to the child. This is why hygroma can develop even in a newborn baby. The second factor influencing the occurrence of hygroma is joint trauma. May occur as a result of an unfortunate fall or sprain. Doctors name the following reasons for the appearance of the tumor:

  • complications after surgery;
  • injuries at home or at work;
  • regular and uniform loads on the hands;
  • professional and sports activities.

How and why can complications occur after surgery to remove hygroma?

Any surgical intervention is a huge stress for the body, since this procedure is as unnatural as possible. And even after a fairly simple operation to remove hygroma, you may encounter:

  • With the appearance of swelling;
  • Suppuration of the wound and discharge of pus from the wound.

But there are also more serious complications after removal of hygroma. These include:

  • Temporary disturbances in the movement of the limb, which may be the result of a carelessly performed operation and damage to nerve connections.
  • In some cases, the scalpel may hit blood vessels, which subsequently leads to bleeding.
  • Infection. This is a consequence of the fact that the place where the hygroma was excised was improperly processed and disinfected. It is also possible that the dressing regime was violated. Or the patient did not follow the doctor’s recommended instructions during the postoperative period.
  • Relapse of the disease. It occurs in very rare cases after surgery to remove hygroma, but it also occurs.
  • Damage to tendons leading to partial impairment of motor function.


Since hygroma often has no symptoms, people prefer to ignore it. However, the problem is that such a neoplasm can easily be confused with oncology. And if a lump suddenly appears in the joint area, you need to consult a specialist. The doctor will prescribe a number of tests and studies to rule out cancer:

  • Ultrasound;
  • radiography;
  • CT and MRI;
  • puncture and biopsy.

Unfortunately, most dangerous joint diseases can be very similar to hygroma. You should not wait until all the symptoms appear: the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chances of complete healing. This also applies to hygroma: you should not wait for the capsule to burst: it is better to completely remove the tumor before it begins to cause discomfort.

How to treat

There are many methods aimed at reducing the size of a tumor: from folk remedies to minimally invasive techniques. You can completely get rid of hygroma only with the help of surgery or laser therapy: in all other cases, the capsule of the neoplasm will remain intact, and the liquid will begin to accumulate again. In any case, the doctor will recommend suitable methods based on the diagnostic results.

Drug treatment

. Prescribed for resorption of a small cyst when surgery may not be advisable. In order for the therapy to have the maximum effect, it is necessary to completely limit the movements of the affected limb: as a rule, for this purpose a compression bandage is applied to the joint. During the treatment, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are used. Any medications can only be prescribed by a doctor; self-medication can be dangerous!

Laser therapy.

A minimally invasive technique that helps to quickly and effectively get rid of hygroma. This operation will take no more than an hour and will require local anesthesia. Due to its gentle approach, it can be used, including for the treatment of hygroma in pregnant women and children. The main advantage of the procedure is that it prevents the development of infection and provides high guarantees that the tumor will not return. And after such an intervention there will be no scars left. In this case, the rehabilitation period can take only a couple of weeks, and then the patient can gradually return to their normal activities.


. Most often used to eliminate a tumor that has arisen in the popliteal fossa, on the foot or on the arm. Usually, drug therapy is added to this technique. This comprehensive approach helps to gradually eliminate the tumor without surgery. Physiotherapy includes heating, ultrasound and electrophoresis. However, all these procedures are strictly contraindicated in the presence of an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the tumor, allergic rashes, elevated body temperature, exacerbation of infectious diseases or detection of a malignant tumor. In addition, physical therapy helps to recover faster after surgery, so massages and compresses can be used already during the rehabilitation period.


. Since the hygroma contains liquid inside, one of the most common methods of removing it is pumping out the contents of the tumor. After the cavity is cleaned, special medications will be injected there to prevent the development of infection and inflammatory process. However, puncture is a temporary method, since the capsule remains intact and the fluid accumulates again over time.

Surgical intervention.

If the tumor becomes inflamed or bursts, you should urgently seek medical help. Rupture of the capsule requires immediate removal of the cyst and treatment of the affected area: this will prevent infection and inflammation.


It is believed that hygroma occurs as a result of a combination of the following factors:

  • disturbances in the connections of lymphatic vessels with the venous system;
  • abnormal budding of lymphatic tissue;
  • sequestered remains that retain embryonic growth potential.

These remnants may invade adjacent structures or dissect along fascial planes, becoming canalized. The spaces develop cystic components due to the lack of venous drainage. In addition to congenital development, benign hygroma can be acquired as a result of trauma (including surgery), inflammation, or obstruction of the drainage path.

Risk factors for limb hygroma include:

  • genetic disorders (Turner, Down and Noonan syndromes associated with lymphangiomas);
  • any of the trisomies;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • viral infection during pregnancy.

Symptoms of a small hygroma vary depending on the location of the cysts. Some children may experience nothing more than an increase in size. But the list can expand to:

  • sacs on the tongue filled with fluid;
  • large cysts that appear blue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • breathing problems;
  • abnormalities of bones and teeth.

In some cases, the hygroma aches, itches , joints hurt , and the growth can bleed or become infected. An elevated temperature .

Sometimes a fetal mass can be detected on an ultrasound during pregnancy. Your doctor will usually recommend amniocentesis to rule out genetic abnormalities (by inserting a needle through the abdomen into the uterus under ultrasound guidance).

Some children have visible lesions that make the diagnosis easy on physical examination. If a hygroma on the forehead , for example, is not immediately visible or is not compressing other structures, it can be demonstrated using imaging studies such as MRI, CT scan, ultrasound, and even X-rays.

Other specialized tests sometimes used include fluoroscopy of the respiratory tract and lymphoscintigraphy (to delineate the lymphatic network using radiography). An endoscopic biopsy is also performed to remove a sample of the tumor to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment includes surgical removal when possible. The hygroma itself may disappear in very rare cases. However, cysts often affect areas of the body where independent recovery is impossible, for example, in the case of hygroma on the eye .

We recommend a clinic for hygroma removal in Moscow

Traditional methods

Some people recommend simply crushing the cyst. Under no circumstances should you do this! First of all, it is very painful. Secondly, it is really dangerous, as it can cause inflammation. If the membrane ruptures, fibrous fluid will either fill the tendon sheath or disperse into nearby tissues. This can provoke infection and the onset of a purulent process. If the hygroma bursts, you should immediately seek medical help! In addition, hygroma can be easily confused with more dangerous diseases. To avoid unpleasant consequences, if tumors rupture, you should immediately go to the hospital. If we talk about more gentle folk remedies, then they are all aimed at the gradual resorption of the tumor:

  • warming up
    with compresses, salt and a copper coin helps normalize blood circulation in the limb and gradually reduces the size of the hygroma;
  • baths
    and infusions will help reduce pain;
  • lotions
    can help reduce tumor size.

It is worth remembering that not a single folk method is a complete alternative to traditional medicine.

What to do if the cyst bursts

If the hygroma bursts on its own on the head or limbs, measures must be taken to solve the problem and prevent complications. The patient’s actions in such a situation directly depend on the type of tumor.

If the burst tumor was on the surface of the body, its contents will flow out. Under such circumstances, it is necessary to disinfect the wound. The assistance of a qualified physician is also mandatory, and a visit to whom should not be delayed.

Note! Even if the tumor bursts, it can still appear again after some time. Only surgery can completely remove it.

The doctor must do all the main work. He will examine the damaged area and tell you exactly what to do in such a situation. First of all, the wound will be treated to prevent infection. It will also help if the tumor bursts under the skin.

If the hygroma is left unattended, it will lead to the development of suppuration and an abscess. These complications are caused by infection of an open wound.

In reality, hygroma rupture does not pose a great danger to human health. But you cannot take it lightly. Involuntary damage to the tumor necessarily requires treating the wound with an antiseptic. After this, the patient must make an appointment with a specialist.

Tumor rupture

What to do if a hygroma bursts on an arm or leg? Immediately go to the nearest medical center. Timely surgery will prevent infection from entering the joint capsule. Why is a gap dangerous?

  • If there is pus in the capsule, an inflammatory process may begin.
  • A burst hygroma can provoke the development of bursitis and tenosynovitis, which can lead to blood poisoning.
  • The wound may become infected.

Besides everything else, it is very painful. Therefore, a burst hygroma is a reason to consult a doctor. The capsule can rupture for several reasons:

  • physical impact;
  • accumulation of a large amount of liquid inside the cone.

Such a rupture does not pose a serious health hazard, but it can provoke infection and inflammation. If the hygroma breaks out, it must be treated with an antiseptic, apply a sterile bandage and consult a doctor. A burst tumor does not mean complete elimination of the tumor: as soon as the rupture heals, fluid will again begin to accumulate inside the capsule.

First aid

If a hygroma ruptures (regardless of whether it bursts inward or outward), you need to treat the limb with an alcohol solution and apply a pressure bandage to the joint. After this, you can go to the hospital, where the burst capsule will be surgically removed. There is no need to be afraid of the procedure: it will take no more than an hour and will be performed under local anesthesia (in advanced cases, general anesthesia can be used). Then the doctor will install a drainage and apply a special splint. Typically, the patient remains in the hospital for several days so that doctors can monitor his condition. In addition, the material will be sent for examination to exclude the possibility of oncology. If the tumor turns out to be “clean”, the patient will be discharged very soon. To do this, the drainage will be removed and a compression bandage will be applied to the joint. The limb will need to be protected from overload for at least a month. Then a course of restorative physiotherapy will begin. In most cases, the cyst does not return: the main thing is to follow the doctors’ recommendations and not overstrain the limbs.


Since hygroma can be a hereditary disease, precise methods to avoid its occurrence still do not exist. However, there are several universal tips that will help reduce risks:

  • give up heavy, monotonous and monotonous load on the limbs;
  • choose comfortable orthopedic shoes;
  • organize your work activities: be sure to take breaks and try to lift less weights;
  • Treat injuries and accompanying joint diseases in a timely manner.

And, of course, under no circumstances try to crush the hygroma if it has already appeared. Such tumors should be removed by an experienced surgeon!

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