What causes ear pain and what to do about it


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Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm to your health!

Salts are synthetic drugs that are consumed in the form of powders, tablets and smoking mixtures. Due to their low cost and quick effect, these groups of narcotic substances are very popular among drug addicts. Salts rapidly destroy the human body and cause irreversible pathologies of organs and systems. In order to help a loved one who consumes salts, it is necessary to promptly monitor changes in his appearance and behavior.

  • Salt addicts
  • How to identify a salt addict: main signs
  • Behavior of a drug addict: how he behaves
  • External changes: what they look like
  • Effect on the body: how long do they live?
  • Video
  • How are salt addicts treated?
  • I consumed salt: what should I do?
  • What to do with a salt addict
  • How to stop using salt on your own
  • How to help a salt addict?

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Salt addicts

After consuming the drug, a salt addict feels a surge of strength and vigor. Critical thinking recedes and is replaced by euphoria. Gradually, this effect subsides, and in order to prolong it, the addict increases the dose of the drug. In this state, overdoses very often occur. Situations are known in the information field when, even after a single use of “bath salts,” irreversible changes occur in the brain, leading to severe mental retardation.

The cheapness of the drug is associated with the specifics of its manufacture. Often, synthetic substances are mixed with available household products (soda, powder, solvents, flour, etc.). Of course, the use of household chemicals and questionable pharmacological agents has a negative impact on human health. The drug addict begins to gradually “fade away”: this is reflected in the form of a serious deterioration in well-being and rapid personality degradation.


Emergency assistance if a foreign living body enters the hearing organ

When a foreign living object enters the ear, it begins to move in the ear canal, thereby giving the person a lot of unpleasant sensations. The patient begins to experience nausea, dizziness and vomiting due to the insect. Small children experience seizures. Otoscopy allows you to diagnose a living object in an organ.

The otolaryngologist first immobilizes the insect with a few drops of ethyl alcohol or oil-based medications. Next, the procedure of washing the osteochondral canal is carried out. If the manipulation is unsuccessful, the doctor removes the insect with a hook or tweezers.

How to identify a salt addict: main signs

People who use the drug salt, over time, acquire characteristic external and behavioral characteristics. In order to help a person with addiction, it is necessary to promptly pay attention to changes in the appearance and behavior of a loved one.

Behavior of a drug addict: how he behaves

The behavior of a person who consumes salt undergoes dramatic changes. The range of interests narrows: apathy and indifference to study and work arise. The drug addict seeks to isolate himself from his past environment and enters into new, dubious social connections.

A salt drug addict becomes more secretive and tries to hide his things. Under the influence of drugs, the addict's concentration is impaired, and inadequate mental reactions occur: joy and euphoria are replaced by sudden and causeless aggression. In a state of abstinence, the addict’s well-being sharply worsens: nausea, cramps, bowel movements, headaches, muscle spasms, etc. occur. When you try to talk to a person about your suspicions, sharp aggression often arises.

External changes: what they look like

At the initial stage of salt dependence, changes in appearance have not yet occurred. The following symptoms are typical for people with a certain history of using synthetic drugs.

The appearance of a drug addict undergoes the following changes:

  • Within two hours after consuming a psychoactive substance, the addict’s pupils dilate;
  • The skin tone becomes dull and numerous rashes appear. Dark circles form around the eyes caused by disruption of internal organs and lack of sleep;
  • Hair becomes dull and brittle, intense hair loss is noticeable;
  • In the case of intranasal use of salts, numerous irritations of the nasal mucosa occur. The addict constantly sniffs and rubs his nose, causing a chronic runny nose. The skin around the nasal passages becomes hyperemic, ulcers appear;
  • Hands become wet and cold, capillary mesh often appears;
  • Consuming salts leads to rapid dehydration; a person is constantly thirsty. The skin becomes dry and flaky.

During drug intoxication, the drug addict's gait becomes unsteady and coordination of movements is impaired. Of course, individual symptoms are not necessarily a sign of drug addiction, but a combination of behavioral and external signs can lead to suspicions about drug addiction in a loved one. If characteristic symptoms are detected, it is recommended that a narcologist intervene with the drug addict.

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Effect on the body: how long do they live?

“Bath salts” have a destructive effect on the body. The use of a psychoactive substance leads to disruptions in the functioning of entire systems. The most common consequences of addiction are:

  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system. Pain in the heart area, disturbances in blood pressure and heart rate, general weakness and other symptoms occur;
  • Convulsive syndromes, the occurrence of constant muscle spasms;
  • The appearance or exacerbation of mental disorders. Long-term use of psychoactive substances negatively affects the brain. Alarming symptoms arise: auditory and visual hallucinations, delusions of persecution, suicidal thoughts, etc.;
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Lack of appetite leading to dystrophy;
  • Respiratory diseases in case of intranasal administration of salt powders;
  • Erectile dysfunction in men;
  • Malfunctions in the functioning of the reproductive system in women and much more.

Consumption of salts leads to serious intoxication of the body. A person’s immunity is significantly reduced, as a result of which he is unable to resist infections. A drug addict often catches a cold, the body is not able to cope with the infection, as a result of which serious complications of the disease occur. Of course, such changes affect the overall life expectancy of the addict.

Features of foreign bodies entering the hearing organ

A foreign body of the ear is considered an object that has entered the external auditory canal, the cavity of the inner or middle ear. Objects found in the organ of hearing can be: parts of the hearing aid; earwax; live microorganisms; insects; plants; cotton wool; plasticine; paper; small children's toys; stones and the like.

A foreign object in the ear causes severe pain, sometimes the following may be observed: hearing loss; nausea; vomit; dizziness; fainting; feeling of pressure in the ear canal. It is possible to diagnose the entry of a foreign object into the osteochondral canal using a procedure called otoscopy in medicine. A foreign object is removed in different ways; the choice of method is determined by the parameters and shape of the body. There are three known methods of removing an object from the ear: surgical intervention; removal using basic tools; washing.


  • Features of foreign bodies entering the hearing organ
  • Symptoms indicating a foreign object in the ear
  • The essence of first aid when a foreign body gets into the ear canal
  • First aid for a non-living foreign body in the ear
  • Emergency assistance if a foreign living body enters the hearing organ
  • Removing wax plug

Otolaryngologists divide foreign objects in the ear into internal and external. Most often, foreign objects are exogenous - entered into the organ cavity from the outside. Objects located in the ear canal are divided into two groups: inert (buttons, toys, small parts, foam) and living (larvae, flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches).

How are salt addicts treated?

Treatment of salt addiction is carried out according to the same algorithm as therapy for other types of drug addiction. Drug addiction is a psychophysical disease that includes both severe physical dependence and psychological disorders that led to drug addiction.

Drug addiction therapy includes the following stages:

  • Carrying out detoxification in a drug treatment clinic or at home. The narcologist examines the patient, gets acquainted with the medical history and makes a decision regarding therapy. Cleansing the body of toxins includes the use of infusion solutions (droppers), symptomatic medications and physical therapy methods. In a hospital setting, detoxification takes from 3 to 21 days;
  • After detoxification, auxiliary drug therapy is carried out aimed at relieving the physiological consequences of drug addiction. At the same time, a psychotherapist gets involved in the work: conducting an intervention allows you to create motivation for treatment;
  • The next stage of treatment for salt addiction is completing a rehabilitation course. The rehabilitation course takes on average from 6 to 12 months. The drug addict is in a closed environment, protected from the resumption of past low-quality social connections. Rehabilitation involves intensive individual and group psychotherapy;
  • Social adaptation occurs after completing a rehabilitation course. The addict learns to apply the skills acquired during therapy in everyday life, live in sobriety, and establish quality social connections.


Special attention in the treatment of salt addiction should be paid to psychotherapy. Drug addiction occurs at moments when a person cannot independently cope with a traumatic reality, or resist the pressure of dubious companies. Together with a psychotherapist, the addict determines the causes of drug addiction, lets go of past grievances, and learns to forgive himself and other people. Thanks to quality therapy, the feeling of guilt is transformed into a desire to help one’s neighbor: the former drug addict strives for social activities.

Can we reverse the process?

“Sometimes the process is reversible, sometimes not. Let's talk more often in cases where they talk about sulfur masses. And then only on condition that the person does not poke chopsticks into his ears. All other reasons are bad. Moreover, some of them can be treated, but there is a risk of scar tissue forming, which will not allow a full recovery,” says Vladimir Zaitsev.

In order to prevent the condition from worsening and correct the situation in time, you should undergo a scheduled medical examination at least once every two years, preferably once a year. “A person must understand that by his non-conversion and his inattention to himself, he only makes things worse for himself. There should be the interest of the person himself, and a timely visit to a doctor will help more effectively,” says Vladimir Zaitsev.

How to stop using salt on your own

Relatives of an addict often wonder if it is possible to quit salt themselves. Such questions arise when there is a reluctance to seek qualified help. Due to the stigmatization of alcoholism and drug addiction in society, people are often afraid to go to drug treatment clinics, hoping that they will be able to cope with the problem on their own.

In fact, it is impossible to quit drugs on your own if mental and physical dependence has formed. It is necessary to constantly maintain motivation for recovery and carry out a comprehensive detoxification of the body from metabolites of synthetic psychoactive substances.

Willpower and sometimes even fear for your life are not enough in the fight against drug addiction. This is especially evident when the addict lacks motivation for treatment: at the first opportunity, the person obtains the required amount and spends it on drugs. In this regard, qualified drug addiction doctors recommend completing a full course of rehabilitation after a treatment course in a drug treatment clinic: social rehabilitation and intensive work with a psychotherapist push even the most avid drug addicts to personal changes.

What is a keloid scar?

Normally, the pierced area of ​​the auricle remains soft, uniform in color and no different from neighboring tissues. But in some cases, piercing provokes the formation of keloid scars. Rough, dense to the touch fabric protrudes above the surface of the skin and causes serious damage to the appearance. It is difficult to completely get rid of keloids, but thanks to modern techniques it is possible to make imperfections almost invisible.

A keloid is an overgrowth of connective tissue in areas of the body that have been subject to injury, cuts, or other damage. These scars differ from a regular scar:

  • larger area exceeding the size of the original wound;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • heterogeneous structure;
  • uneven edges;
  • irregular shape;
  • changed shade - red or bluish.

A keloid scar after ear piercing can cause serious discomfort - itching, pain, creating a feeling of tightness, numbness or increased sensitivity. Keloids never go away on their own. In addition, over time they tend to grow even more, engulfing neighboring healthy tissues. Often, surgical intervention only worsens the picture - the scars recur again and again. For many victims, the long-term struggle with keloids leads to despair.

Treatment prices:

ServicePrice, rub)
Types of therapies
Standard detoxification therapy3 500 ₽
Double Detox Therapy6 000 ₽
Enhanced Detoxification Therapy7 500 ₽
Maximum detoxification therapy9 500 ₽
Quick sobering up at home7 500 ₽
Hospital at home 1 day22 000 ₽
Advanced hospitalization15 000 ₽
Treatment in hospital
Economy chamber (6 beds)2 000 ₽
Standard room (4 beds)3 000 ₽
Increased comfort (2 seater)5 500 ₽
VIP chamber (1 person)12 500 ₽
Individual post 24/75 000 ₽
Medical and social rehabilitation 21 days140 000 ₽
ServicePrice, rub)
Initial consultation with a narcologistfor free
Consultation with a psychologist3 000 ₽
Psychiatrist consultation5 000 ₽
Coding at home Torpedo7 500 ₽
Express output and encoding (doublet)13 500 ₽
Coding using the Dovzhenko method12 000 ₽
Hypnosis classic session13 000 ₽
Ericksonian hypnosis session (NLP)8 000 ₽
Coding method Torpedo5 500 ₽
Double block8 000 ₽
Esperal injection for 1 year9 900 ₽
Tetlong for 3 months10 500 ₽
Esperal gel for 1 year15 000 ₽
Selincro course of therapy12 500 ₽
Implantation of Disulfiram for 1 year18 000 ₽
Vivitrol injection for 1 month26 000 ₽
Naltrexone stitching for 3 months35 000 ₽
Neuroimplantation Prodetoxon for 6 months47 500 ₽
Narcopsychotherapy session50 000 ₽
Neutralization of encodingspecify
Psychodiagnostics / pathological diagnostics7 500 ₽
Psychotherapy session5 000 ₽
Family psychotherapy6 000 ₽
Outpatient rehabilitation in Moscow33 000 ₽


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Article prepared by an expert

Terekhova Anna Vladimirovna

psychologist-consultant on socio-psychological work with addicted clients and their families. More than 9 years of experience.

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One comment on ““Salt Addicts””

  1. Kate…:

    February 23, 2021 at 01:35 pm

    Development of dependence The danger of salts is that physical dependence on them practically does not develop. It’s just that salt addicts don’t live to become such addicts, because they die or become permanent patients in psychiatric clinics. When consuming salt, an incomprehensible euphoric state appears, accompanied by inappropriate body movements of the addict. When he receives a new dose, these involuntary manifestations disappear, and they are replaced by indescribable bliss. As a result, a person develops a psychological dependence, which is much more difficult to cope with than a physical one. As a result, the salt addict cannot overcome the desire to get another dose and finally becomes addicted to salt.


Symptoms indicating a foreign object in the ear

Most often, inert bodies can remain in the ear for a long period of time and not cause pain or discomfort, but due to their presence in the organ, a feeling of congestion occurs, hearing decreases and hearing loss develops. At first, when an object enters the ear, a person can feel its presence in the ear canal when running, walking, bending down or to the side.

If there is an insect in the osteochondral canal, its movements will irritate the ear canal and cause discomfort. Living foreign bodies often provoke severe itching and burning in the ear and require immediate first aid.


Follow these tips to avoid tearing or perforation:

  • Proper treatment of otitis media. Be aware of signs and symptoms of infection, including ear pain, fever, nasal congestion, and decreased hearing. Children with otitis media often have their ears touched or pulled. Contact your ENT doctor for an examination to prevent possible damage.
  • Protect your ears during the flight. If possible, avoid flying if you have a pre-flight allergy that causes congestion. During takeoffs and landings, try to keep your ears open. This can be achieved by yawning or chewing gum. Or use the Valsalva maneuver - gently blow air through your nose, pinching your nostrils and closing your mouth. Stay awake during takeoff and landing.
  • Do not clean with foreign objects. Do not try to deep clean earwax with cotton swabs, paper clips, or hairpins. These objects can easily rupture or puncture your eardrum. Teach your children about the consequences of putting foreign objects in their ears.
  • Protection from excessive noise. Wear earplugs or headphones at work or while relaxing if there is loud noise.


Causes of rupture or perforation:

  • Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media). A middle ear infection often causes fluid to accumulate in the middle ear. The pressure of this fluid can cause perforation.
  • Barotrauma. Barotrauma is stress on the eardrum when the air pressure in the middle ear and the air pressure outside are out of balance. If the pressure is severe, the tympanic membrane may rupture. Barotrauma is most often caused by changes in air pressure associated with air travel. Other events that can cause sudden changes in pressure—and possibly rupture of the membrane—include scuba diving and a direct blow to the ear, such as a car airbag.
  • Loud noises or explosions (acoustic trauma). A loud sound, such as an explosion or gunshot, or a blast—essentially an overwhelming sound wave—can cause the membrane to rupture.
  • Foreign objects. Small objects such as a cotton swab or hairpin can puncture or rupture the tympanic membrane.
  • Severe head injury. Severe trauma, such as a skull fracture, can dislocate or damage the structures of the middle and inner ear, including the eardrum.

Lifestyle and recommendations

Perforation of the tympanic membrane usually heals on its own within a few weeks. In some cases, treatment requires several months. Until your doctor tells you that the tear has healed, take care of it by doing the following:

  • line the perforated ear with a cotton ball and Vaseline when bathing;
  • refrain from cleaning;
  • Avoid blowing through the nose, as the pressure created when blowing through the nose can damage the healing eardrum.
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