The story of Valentin Dikul: why his achievements raise doubts and criticism

Dikul's difficult childhood

The future artist and doctor was born in Kaunas in 1948. The fact that he survived after birth was already a miracle. The weight of the newborn was only 1 kg, the boy was very weak. At that time, children with such weight practically did not survive, but he pulled through.

Two years later, Valentin’s father, Ivan Grigorievich, died, and two years later, his mother Anna Korneevna also died. At first, the orphan was raised by his grandparents, and at the age of seven he was sent to an orphanage.


Everything was as usual, Dikul showed his tricks right under the circus dome, the height was 13 meters. Suddenly the crossbar burst, and the acrobat lost his insurance. The artist fell but remained alive. He was only 15 years old then. The result of this fall: dozens of fractures, a traumatic brain injury and the fate of being confined to a hospital bed. The spine was broken in the lumbar region. The young artist’s legs stopped working. Doctors gave the most disappointing forecasts. But Valentin did not believe that his biography of an artist and a person was completed at this point; he believed in a positive result.

Valentine's calling is circus

The circus immediately attracted young Dikul. After performances in the city, he often stayed at rehearsals and eagerly watched the artists. Over time, he began to perform acrobatic tricks on his own and he succeeded!

Dikul practiced gymnastics, acrobatics, juggling, and invented various tricks. Soon he began performing in the circus arena along with other artists.

First steps towards a dream

So Valya Dikul gradually began to realize his dream. The biography of this amazing man serves as a clear example of the fact that even from the difficult situation in which he found himself, a way out can be found. A way out filled with pain, hope and daily training.

Valentin began new activities for him - wrestling, acrobatics, gymnastics. He really liked all this. Dikul started small. Gradually, day by day, I gained skill and strengthened my physical strength. And then one day the time came when the young acrobat was able to show the audience what he had learned - very complex tricks on the trapeze. Now I can’t even remember whether there were thoughts in his head about the danger that awaits artists performing acrobatic acts. Maybe…

But Valentin was glad that he had learned circus skills, that the performances brought joy, that the audience admired his ability to perform rather difficult tricks. Therefore, I was always inspired to perform new feats under the circus dome.

Disabled person of the first degree

At the age of fourteen, big trouble happened to the young artist. During a performance at the Sports Palace, a steel crossbar burst, from which Valentin flew down.

The young man received about ten serious injuries. And due to a fracture of the spine, Valentin Dikul was paralyzed - the entire lower part of his body was lost.

The teenager suffered from depression and wanted to die. He even tried to commit suicide.

Biography of V.I. Dikul

Valentin Ivanovich Dikul was born on April 3, 1948 in the city of Kaunas (Lithuanian SSR).

He was born a premature baby with low weight, and it took a lot of effort for his parents to deliver him in the difficult post-war years. At the age of 7, he was overtaken by the next blow of fate - he lost both parents (his father died in the line of duty, followed by his mother). The boy was left an orphan at an early age and first lived in Lithuania with his grandmother Praskovya Nikitichna, then became a pupil in orphanages (in Vilnius and Kaunas). At the age of 10, he accidentally came across a circus tent performance, and this impression sank so deeply into the boy’s heart that he decided, at all costs, to become a circus performer.

He began to often run away from the orphanage and spent whole days living in the circus tent. Over time, the circus performers stopped chasing the boy away, and he began to carry out small assignments. Watching circus performers, he began to intensively engage in acrobatics, weightlifting, wrestling and gymnastics. These types of activities were necessary to develop flexibility and the ability to fall, which was a prerequisite for good control of one’s body and successful performance as an aerialist. He learned the secrets of his craft bit by bit from circus performers during short contacts during the circus tours.

Persistence took its toll, and he became an aerialist. But fate prepared another test for him, and he was not an aerialist for long. In 1962, during a performance at the Sports Palace in Kaunas, as a result of a tragic coincidence (a steel crossbar burst), he fell from a 13-meter height, along with equipment and insurance, without having time to regroup. As a result of the fall, he received a severe combined injury (compression fracture of the spine, traumatic brain injury and 10 local fractures). After a week of unconsciousness in intensive care, he came to his senses. It took three months to get out of the serious condition, and then the consequences of a spinal fracture came to the fore - complete paralysis of the lower extremities, with loss of sensation below the belt.

Official medicine gave an unambiguous prognosis for the future - to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair.

And then the teenager faced the question - what to do?

Accept and adapt to life in a wheelchair or begin a grueling fight against the disease and get back on your feet, no matter what.

He chose the latter. And already in the hospital he began to do exercises that he selected intuitively, without knowing either anatomy or physical therapy (for example, he began to pump the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, and do turns on his stomach). At the same time, he began to independently study anatomy and biomechanics. In addition, he came up with the idea that it was necessary to use non-working limbs in exercises to the same extent as if they were healthy. He carried out movements in his paralyzed legs with the help of a rope tied to his legs and pulled them with his hands, and then began to use counterweights in the form of weights. He came up with the scheme for block devices on bearings himself, and his friends assembled and installed it above the bed.

He had to stay in the hospital for 8 months, and he was discharged as a group 1 disabled person. It would seem that everything is a dead end. But fate this time gave him hope, as he managed to get a job as the head of a circus group at the Palace of Culture. And although he could not perform, he had the opportunity to do what he loved. During the day he worked with children, and in the evenings he trained until exhaustion, doing exercises that he selected himself, by trial and error.

Only in the sixth year of intensive training according to my own empirically selected exercise program did pain sensitivity appear, and therefore a real opportunity to return movement in the legs. It took almost another 7 months for movement to appear in the paralyzed legs. Grueling physical activity not only restored movement in his legs and a full life, but also made him a very strong person, and already in 1970 he began performing as a power juggler. His performances with 45 kg balls or throwing 80 kg weights are still unique. V.I. Dikul’s strength exercises even made it into the Guinness Book of Records.

But V.I. Dikul made the greatest contribution to medicine with his unique method of rehabilitation of patients with the consequences of spinal trauma.

The rumor that Dikul was able to overcome the disease and restore movement in his limbs spread among people and patients with similar problems from all over the country and beyond flocked to him. At first, official medicine categorically did not accept his approach to treating severe spinal patients, and he had to accept patients illegally, right in the circus. Stories of real patients whom V.I. Dikul was able to help began to reach the authorities, and in 1978, the USSR Ministry of Health allowed clinical testing of the rehabilitation technique. For a long 5 years at the Institute named after. Burdenko tested his technique on patients with the consequences of trauma to various parts of the spine, as well as with the consequences of cerebral palsy. For this purpose, a special rehabilitation department was organized at the hospital named after. Burdenko. The results of clinical trials of the technique proved its effectiveness and, in the end, official permission was given to use the technique.

In 1988, V.I. Dikul was appointed director of the All-Union Center for the Rehabilitation of Patients with the Consequences of Spinal Trauma and Cerebral Palsy.

In 1990, the technique was registered in the patent office. In order to better understand the problems and theoretical justifications of the empirically created methodology, V.I. Dikul actively studied biology as the principles of biomechanics and biophysics are common to all living organisms. V.I. Dikul not only received a university education at the Faculty of Biology, but over time he defended first his candidate’s and then his doctor’s theses.

V.I. Dikul has many awards from both government and public organizations.

At the end of the 90s, V.I. Dikul began to deal not only with patients with the consequences of spinal injuries and cerebral palsy, but also with other diseases of the musculoskeletal system (disc herniation, scoliosis, kyphosis, osteochondrosis, etc.). Several centers specializing in diseases of the musculoskeletal system were opened. The hosts are the Belyaevo MRC and the Losiny Ostrov MRC. On November 1, 2015, the third, and in December 2021, the fourth, Krylatskoye Children's Center was opened.

How Dikul saved himself

While in the hospital, Valentin came up with different exercises to develop and strengthen various muscles. Studying the literature on physiology and anatomy, he developed a special mechanism with which he regularly applied stress to the diseased limbs. The guy spent eight months within the walls of the hospital. And after discharge I received a diagnosis of first-degree disability.

The circus took pity on Dikul and appointed him the head of the children's circle. Meanwhile, Valentin continued to train and believe that someday he would get back on his feet.

After 5 years, the young man felt the first fruits of his efforts - sensitivity appeared in his legs! A year later he could already walk, and two years later Valentin Dikul returned to the circus arena as an artist!

Exercise equipment

Those original devices, those simulators that Dikul developed and the system of exercises were officially confirmed in medical practice, and the Ministry of Health agreed to use his system in such cases. Valentin opened medical rehabilitation centers (there are five of them in Moscow), the patients of these centers learned to walk again.

An example of such a miraculous recovery is the football player Shcherbakov, who was cured by Valentin Ivanovich. Rehabilitation clinics using his method have opened in other countries. He always dreamed of working in a circus and giving joy to people. He proved not only to the audience, but also to himself that human capabilities know no bounds. Many friends proudly remember and tell a variety of stories from the life of the People's Artist of Russia Dikul. Among the friends of the famous circus artist are the director of the circus located on Vernadsky Avenue, Leonid Kostyuk and People's Artist Viktor Shemur.

The triumphant return of Dikul

His return was triumphant! The young man, who had recently used a wheelchair, lifted 80 kg weights and even cars.

People were surprised how Dikul managed to return to his old life and even break new circus records. They turned to the circus performer with requests to tell about the incredible healing method. Dikul willingly shared the developed set of measures for the rehabilitation of disabled people.

In 1978, this technique was officially introduced into the USSR. In subsequent years, it enjoyed great success in treating patients. Centers named after Dikul began to open throughout the country.

Personal life

Valentin Dikul had two marriages. In his first union with circus artist Lyudmila, a daughter, Anna, was born. The happy father always dreamed of having a son, but he is proud of his daughter. She graduated from GITIS, the directing department, and still came to the arena.

Valentin Ivanovich's second wife Zhanna is younger than her famous husband. She gave her husband a long-awaited son. Dikul was 62 years old at the time. The boy was also named Valentin.

By helping the sick, I help myself...

The great day came already in 1970, when Dikul again found himself under the circus dome. The audience gave him a standing ovation. But this time he worked as a power juggler, throwing cannonballs and weights into the air quite impressively. The talented artist, who managed to overcome circumstances and return to his favorite work, became known throughout the country. He also came to the attention of directors who invited him to star in the films “Pippi Longstocking” and “Without a Family.”

At first, Soviet medicine was very distrustful of his innovative approach to this complex treatment. But over time, the Ministry of Health agreed to implement this technique.

The story of Valentin Dikul gave hope to hundreds and thousands of people with similar problems that they too could recover. Letters came from all over the vast country.

He tried to answer everyone, sending the sufferers a set of measures for medical rehabilitation, which he developed independently. At the same time, he explained that without the desire of the person himself, no exercises or equipment will provide the necessary assistance.

In 1988, the Dikul center opened, and a little later - three more. Under his leadership, rehabilitation clinics appeared in other countries - in America, Germany, Poland.

Doctors of the diagnostic and treatment center and their schedule

The clinic employs professionals in their field.


  • Kabirski Sev Georgievich.
  • Kuznetsova Lyudmila Vladimirovna.
  • Denisova Yana Mecheslavovna.
  • Konnova Elena Anatolyevna.


  • Kovalenko Igor Vladimirovich.
  • Boshmakov Boris Alekseevich.


  • Dmitrieva Galina Alekseevna.
  • Rizaeva Elena Nikolaevna.


  • Vyshinskaya Alena Borisovna.
  • Kolesnikova Lyudmila Anatolyevna.


  • Goryaeva Galina Lidzhievna.
  • Lozitsky Sergey Anatolievich.


  • Talibova Elnura Tofigovna.


  • Mikhailenko Larisa Vitalievna.

Massage therapists:

  • Makarieva Elena Alexandrovna.
  • Nesterov Oleg Anatolyevich.
  • Potlova Tatyana Dmitrievna.
  • Privalov Viktor Gennadievich.

The latest equipment allows for accurate diagnostics.
Ultrasound doctors:

  • Gulmuradova Liliya Bulatovna.
  • Basharan Erol Akhmetovich.
  • Bashirov Zakir Mazakhirovich.
  • Velimedov Arsen Kamilievich.

Doctors of computer-optical diagnostics:

  • Markhieva Marina Vakhaevna.

MRI doctors:

  • Muravlev Alexey Pavlovich.
  • Astafieva Ekaterina Viktorovna.
  • Dikovitskaya Nadezhda Andreevna.


  • Bogatikova E.G.
  • Kozyrev E.V.
  • Kondratyeva A.P.

Exercise therapy doctors:

  • Kalinin Vyacheslav Sergeevich.
  • Ryabov Vladislav Olegovich.

Exercise therapy methodologists:

  • Prishlov Anatoly Yurievich.
  • Uvarov Alexey Sergeevich.

Exercise therapy instructors:

  • Altybaev Khydyr Kakaevich.
  • Byzalov Artyom Sergeevich.
  • Gorolyuk Victoria Ivanovna.
  • Lebyazhyeva Elena Anatolyevna.
  • Nazarov Mikhail Alexandrovich.
  • Plesak Alena Ivanovna.
  • Safonov Andrey Vyacheslavovich.
  • Slavogorodskaya Larisa Vladimirovna.
  • Stolbunova Elena Andreevna.

Nurses and laboratory technicians:

  • Dmitrieva Nina Mikhailovna.
  • Sozinova Olga Mikhailovna.

Two neurologists work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00 to 21:00. The other two specialists work on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 21:00, and on Saturdays from 9:00 to 20:00. One of the neurologists is on duty every Sunday from 9:00 to 20:00.

You should follow the cardiologist’s work schedule on the clinic’s website.

All other doctors are on duty in shifts every day, including on weekends. A detailed work schedule for each specialist can be found on the website.


At the age of sixteen, he was appointed head of an amateur circus group at the Palace of Culture. During classes, the young man explained to the young guys how to correctly perform various tricks.

Five years have passed. A brief biography of Dikul during this time could fit in just a few words - a difficult childhood, the realization of a dream, training, injury, steps towards recovery. So, a young man comes with his circus group to Germany, to the city of Nidda during the summer holidays. Suddenly he gets chills, his temperature rises, and his joints hurt badly. Valya periodically lost consciousness. When the crisis passed, he was unable to speak or move his arms.

But after some time, the young man managed to feel the muscles in his thigh working, and when he pricked his leg with a needle, he felt pain. This meant restoration of the spinal cord. After just two weeks, Dikul began to walk, albeit with the help of two sticks.

Fighting the disease

Valentin knew that there would be absolutely no one to look after him, an orphan. The Invalides' Home was not exactly a desirable vision for its future. In addition, the young man did not want to part with his dream, the only love in his life so far - the circus. He saw his life connected with the arena.

Then, instead of mortal despair, a grandiose and bold plan was born in his head - not a single person had dared to do this before. He asked that various rubber bands and light dumbbells be hung above his bed. The young man began to slowly put stress on his muscles, stretching the bands and lifting dumbbells. It was extremely difficult - but the brave guy did not give up. In moments of relaxation, he studied medical literature on this topic, books that friends brought him.

While working out at the gym

In them he found a diagram of a special health system, which he immediately decided to apply on himself. And now, a colossal mass of dumbbells, weights, various devices, etc. is already towering over his hospital bed. With their help, Valentin persistently, every day, took small steps forward - so he gradually approached his cherished goal.

Of course, for many in similar situations, his perseverance serves as an example to follow. The young man did not give in to the disease, he conquered nature. Of course, Valentin’s young age played a significant benefit.

The medical staff laughed at his efforts at first, knowing the terrible diagnosis. But then, with surprise, the doctors began to notice an improvement in their patient’s condition. Within six months, Valentin was able to travel in a wheelchair outside the hospital. He was subsequently discharged.

Valentin Dikul's system, which cured thousands

According to the author of the system, during its existence the system has made more than 4,000 people absolutely healthy and simply put the same number back on their feet. So if you have any severe injuries to the musculoskeletal system or congenital ailments (Dikul was able to help people with cerebral palsy), be sure to take advantage of his experience.

The system involves not only physical exercise, but also a mental attitude, on which recovery depends almost half! There are no analogues of this system.

In the West, they strive to provide disabled people with technical equipment that makes their life easier. Dikul promotes self-improvement. Yes, it will take a lot of time, but in the end, you will be able to live a full life, and not use “crutches” all the time allotted to you (I mean not only them, but also other devices).

You see, it’s like using medicines for the flu that cure one thing and cripple another. Isn't it better to use herbs that will slowly but surely and safely strengthen your immune system? This is a more natural approach, in my opinion.

Valentin Ivanovich himself divided the system of exercises into two complexes: the first is simpler and easier (initial), and the second is more difficult, but for stronger people who have completed the previous complex. But, I repeat, only half of your recovery depends on exercise.

Motivation, the desire to live a healthy, fulfilling life, and the mental attitude to defeat one’s own illness also decide a lot! And this attitude must always be maintained at a high level.

Before you start using the system, you need to understand that you will need daily and rigorous dedication, work on yourself, which requires discipline and perseverance.

And guess what? I looked at the exercises from both complexes: there are about half of those that can be seen today in gyms or fitness rooms. And the second half can be safely done in the same place, if you adapt the existing simulators to your needs.

For example, exercise 3 from the first complex: you need to bend your arms in a block with a reverse grip, strengthening the arm muscles. Why don't you like curling your arms on TRX loops? Or in the same block simulator?

Or here's another one. Exercise 6 from the first complex: adduction and forward swing of the leg. Just hook your ankle to the cable in the crossover (or just a looped rubber expander or shock absorber) and make the necessary movement!

What about exercises 13 and 14 from the second complex? Place your ankles into the same gymnastic loops (TRX) and do leg extensions and abductions while lying on the floor. And exercise 21 from the same complex? This is the well-known “gluteal bridge” that girls use all the time!

Yes, almost every movement there can be performed in a regular gym or even at home, if you fork out a little for the necessary equipment (the same loops, expanders).

Ruthless training

The doctors urged him not to strain his strength, because they were sure that recovery from such injuries was impossible. And yet Valya did not stop studying. He even lifted dumbbells: at first they were small, but later their weight increased significantly. Dikul, whose biography during this period resembled a difficult struggle with himself, wanted to develop his back muscles.

For some time he continued to train, hoping for success. One day I thought that inactive parts of the body should also work. Moreover, he treated them as if they acted as before. Valentin tied ropes to his legs, passed them under the headboard and pulled them. So he moved his legs, trying to develop them.

Dikul came up with a system of blocks, drew a diagram, and his friends helped install this system. The boy did not stop training for a day, and yet, eight months after the injury, he was discharged from the hospital as a disabled person of the first group.

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