Why does your jaw crunch and what to do?


The causes of displacement of the jaw joints are most often external influences. Each person has different anatomical features and the strength of fixation of the joints in the bursa. Therefore, in some people, even a minor bruise can cause subluxation. This is usually caused by weak bone tension and weakened ligaments. But also the causes of the disease are:

  • rheumatism;
  • epilepsy;
  • arthritis (advanced stage);
  • consequences of encephalitis;
  • convulsions;
  • joint deformation, osteomyelitis.

Factors that increase the risk of subluxation are also separately identified:

  • mechanical injuries, strong impacts;
  • congenital deformities, pathologies of the articular cavity;
  • opening the mouth too much when biting or yawning;
  • bad habits (opening bottles with teeth, habits of gnawing nuts and seeds).

Jaw clicking

The clicking of the jaw can be felt when yawning, heard during a conversation or eating. The phenomenon is not considered as an independent disease; it is rather a symptom of a certain pathology. The article lists the causes of clicking, methods of treatment and prevention.

Why might your jaw click?

A characteristic sound occurs when the head of the jaw joint leaves the groove in which it is located and then returns to its original position. In most cases, it is caused by weakened ligaments located around the joint capsule.

There are many reasons why unnatural joint displacement occurs:

  1. caries of a large number of teeth, reducing the height of the bite, leading to changes in the joints;
  2. muscle tone associated with excessive muscle tension with frequent clenching of the jaws (trismus);
  3. congenital malocclusions (mesial type);
  4. bruxism, in which the jaw clenches during night sleep, causing an unpleasant creaking sound;
  5. injuries, impacts leading to jaw dislocation, changes in the structure of the TMJ;
  6. poor-quality dental care, the consequences of which may be uneven distribution of the chewing load and the development of asymmetry;
  7. wear and tear of cartilage tissue in old age;
  8. increased workload: regular public speaking to the public, typical for the activities of artists, teachers, and speakers.

In some cases, the process develops against the background of arthritis, arthrosis, and inflammation of the lower jaw.


Based on their intensity, clicks are classified as weak, medium or strong, which can be heard even by people around them. In addition, they can be multiple or single.

In most cases, jaw clicking is not accompanied by pain. Unpleasant sensations may occur with the progression of the pathology that caused this phenomenon, or the addition of other disorders.

Diagnosis and treatment

A patient who comes to the clinic about jaw clicking is prescribed several diagnostic procedures:

  • thorough dental examination;
  • X-ray examination;
  • CT scan.

Differential diagnostics must be carried out to clarify the cause of the development of this phenomenon. Thanks to it, it is possible to distinguish clicking from TMJ dysfunction, symptoms of joint diseases, and pathological occlusion.

When choosing treatment methods, the complexity of the situation and the reasons that caused the clicking are taken into account. The main ways to combat violations are:

  1. prescription of anti-inflammatory, painkillers, chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants;
  2. physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, infrared laser magnetotherapy);
  3. correction of dentures;
  4. re-sealing of problematic units;
  5. use of fixing orthopedic structures;
  6. compresses with medicinal solutions, herbal decoctions;
  7. following a special diet.

In complex cases, surgical treatment is required (articular head replacement, arthroscopy and other manipulations).

Clicking exercises

After the main therapy, most experts recommend performing therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics. Exercise increases muscle endurance, preventing the recurrence of the bothersome symptom.

The exercises are quite simple but effective:

  1. movement of the lower jaw forward and backward;
  2. moving the jaw joint left and right with relaxed lips;
  3. pressing with fingers on the chin area while simultaneously trying to move the lower jaw upward;
  4. resistance exercise with open and closed mouth;
  5. pressing the chin to the chest with the body in an upright position.

Each exercise is repeated at least 8-10 times. Before starting gymnastics, it is recommended to warm up the muscles using a warming compress.

Even minor clicking can lead to complications such as tearing of the articular disc, tooth decay, development of rheumatism or generalized infection. If you have such a problem, you should immediately visit a doctor to find out the reasons for its occurrence and prescribe adequate treatment.


Jaw subluxations, depending on the type and causes of development, are usually classified into the following types:

  • lateral with the head moving sideways in relation to the location of the articular fossa;
  • posterior with the head localized in the posterior part of the articular capsule;
  • anterior with placement of the articular head immediately in front of the recess.

Most often, the anterior form of subluxation is diagnosed, which is associated with the anatomical structure. There are also two types of pathology - unilateral and bilateral. In the first case, there is a deviation only to the left or right side in relation to the jaw or temporal bone. In the second case, displacement of both joints is observed.

The simple form of subluxation is characterized by slight displacement, treatment is simple, and the patient does not feel severe pain. In a complex form, not only displacement is diagnosed, but also soft tissue disorders and ligament ruptures.

Treatment of a jaw fracture

Treatment depends on the extent of the fracture. If the patient has a small crack in the bone, it will heal on its own. The doctor will only prescribe a painkiller.

Severe fractures require surgery to allow the bones to heal properly. After surgery, a bandage is applied to the jaw to allow it to heal quietly. The jaw takes 6 to 8 weeks to heal. At first, elastic bandages are additionally applied, which are then removed to allow the muscles to be developed and their mobility restored.

During treatment you can eat only liquid food. You should always have scissors with you to cut bandages in case the patient suddenly chokes on something or starts vomiting. Then go to the hospital to have a new bandage applied.


Symptoms may be specific to each individual case, but in most cases the following signs of subluxation are observed:

  • pain syndrome of varying intensity;
  • problems with making multidirectional movements;
  • excessive secretion of saliva.

Common symptoms include the following:

  • the mouth is constantly open, since normal closing of the jaws is impossible;
  • swelling in the ear area;
  • constant headaches;
  • speech disorders.

The following signs indicate the development of bilateral subluxation:

  • pain and swelling in the ear area;
  • displacement of the lower jaw towards the larynx;
  • You can’t open your mouth;
  • the patient has difficulty breathing and cannot lie down;
  • speech disorders.

With lateral displacement, the following symptoms are noted:

  • slurred speech;
  • pain;
  • visual displacement of the jaw to the right or left.

First aid measures

Treatment is provided in the clinic using conductive or infiltrative jaw reduction. But the patient’s condition can be alleviated by providing first aid:

  • the patient must be reassured;
  • the jaw is fixed in any available way;
  • for severe pain, it is recommended to give analgesics.

Treatment of subluxation

Treatment involves the need to realign the joint, that is, return it to the glenoid fossa. Various methods are used for this:

  1. Hippocratic method. It is performed only by the orthodontist, who faces the seated patient. Local anesthesia is first administered, after which the doctor applies pressure to the molars with his fingers, grasping the jaw with his palm. When a click appears, the joint is put in place and the jaws close. A sling-shaped bandage is applied to the jaw area; it is recommended to limit the load for two weeks.
  2. Papescu's method. It is carried out when the pathology is advanced, it is carried out in a horizontal position, that is, the patient must lie down. If necessary, local or general anesthesia is performed.

Treatment prognosis for timely treatment is good, the joint goes into place and does not bother the patient in the future. Rarely, repeated displacement and stiffness of the jaw is possible.

Jaw displacement

One of the most common types of injuries is jaw displacement. The fact is that it is very easy to get such an injury, sometimes even unnoticed by yourself, for example, when actively chewing food or yawning. To avoid complications and surgery, it is better to treat a dislocated jaw immediately.

The lower jaw is connected to the temporal bone by two joints, the heads of which fit into the articular fossae. This gives us the ability to talk, chew and perform other movements. Signs of a dislocated jaw appear instantly, so the problem is easily diagnosed. When the heads pop out of the articular sockets, the jaw “jams” in the open position. This is accompanied by pain in the temporal bone area.

Causes of jaw dislocation

Displacement of the lower jaw occurs for the following reasons:

  • sudden movement of the jaw in the process of chewing food, laughing, yawning, screaming;
  • physical impact, for example, from a fall, impact;
  • unprofessional reduction of the joint - if the person tried to solve the problem on his own;
  • diseases of the skeletal system and joints, such as arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism;
  • displacement due to constant excessive load on the jaws;
  • congenital anomalies of the temporomandibular joint;
  • opening hard packages with teeth.

How to understand that a shift has occurred

Jaw displacement is difficult to miss. Dislocation can be anterior, posterior, unilateral or bilateral. The degree of complexity of a dislocation depends on the type of injury and is expressed by the following signs:

  • with anterior displacement (when the jaw moves forward), the mouth freezes in an open position, pain appears in the parotid area, profuse salivation begins, and the proportions of the lower part of the face are disturbed;
  • if the dislocation is posterior (the jaw goes back), then in addition to sharp pain, it becomes difficult for the person to breathe and swallow saliva, and it is almost impossible to open the mouth;

With complicated dislocations, bleeding from the ears, hematomas in the parotid area and swelling in the joint area are possible.

How to diagnose a dislocation

An experienced doctor can easily diagnose jaw displacement using a general examination and palpation. But in order to exclude the possibility of a fracture and make the most accurate diagnosis, an X-ray examination is prescribed, as well as a computed tomography or MRI of the joint.

How to treat jaw misalignment

In most cases, dislocation is treated by manual reduction. There are several methods of treating trauma: the Hippocratic method, the Blechman method, the Popescu method and a number of others. The exact method to treat a dislocation is determined only by the doctor, depending on the specific case. The jaw realignment procedure is carried out as follows:

  • The patient takes a comfortable semi-lying position so that his face is at the level of the doctor’s forearm.
  • The doctor places his thumbs on the teeth and clasps the jaw from below with the rest.
  • By carefully applying pressure, the specialist returns the jaw to its original position.
  • As a result, the head of the joint returns to the fossa. A characteristic click occurs and the patient reflexively closes the jaw. This indicates that the problem has been resolved.

Immediately after the jaw is realigned, it is fixed with a tight bandage, which must be worn for a week. For a complete recovery and to avoid relapse, it is necessary to abstain from rough food for a while and minimize stress on the joints. As a rule, the outcome of the procedure is favorable. But in case of old or complicated injuries, surgical intervention under local anesthesia is required.

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