Does smoking cause headaches?

Millions of people, despite the fact that they have a headache after smoking and other unpleasant symptoms appear, cannot give up the addiction. This is due not only to addiction to nicotine, which is similar to a drug addiction, but also to a psychological barrier. Fortunately, today there are many effective ways to combat smoking and methods to alleviate the condition of those who do not intend to give up cigarettes. Simple and effective approaches can improve the quality of life, improve health and prevent the development of complications.

Nicotine and migraines

Scientists who study the effects of smoking on the human body warn that tobacco smoke doubles the risk of developing migraines and cluster headaches.

Within 7 seconds after inhaling, the nicotine contained in tobacco enters the brain. The substance provokes a short-term dilation of blood vessels, and then causes them to spasm. The result is impaired blood circulation in certain areas of the brain, causing cephalgia. The bad habit is especially dangerous for people who are initially predisposed to developing migraines. It can become a trigger for exacerbations and cause more frequent attacks.

After smoking cigarettes, not only nicotine, but also dozens of other poisons enter the human bloodstream. Their complex effect on body tissues leads to the appearance of a whole list of symptoms. Migraines in smokers are accompanied by frequent dizziness, photophobia, weakness and irritability. Sometimes the symptoms are so severe that they do not allow a person to do his usual activities. Taking medication or a new dose of nicotine provides only temporary relief.

Systematic smoking not only leads to migraine-type headaches, but also poses a health hazard. Due to disruption of circulatory processes in the brain, nerve cells begin to die, and the quality of nutrition of organ tissues deteriorates. The process of transmitting impulses between fibers is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in the functionality of all body systems.


Using special medications can significantly increase your chances of quitting smoking. There are three types of medications to treat nicotine addiction:

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)

NRTs are the most commonly used medications. They have few side effects and are available both over the counter and by prescription in various forms (chewing gum, tablets, skin patch, inhaler, nasal spray).

NRT medications reduce symptoms of nicotine addiction. Your doctor will help you find the best dosage for you based on your current smoking habits.

Bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban). These antidepressants can be used to reduce withdrawal symptoms even if you are not depressed. Common side effects include dry mouth and insomnia (difficulty falling or staying asleep).

Varenicline (Chantix). This medication reduces withdrawal symptoms and, if you start smoking again, may reduce the pleasure you get from nicotine. Common side effects - may cause nausea, dreaming, constipation and drowsiness.

Why does my head hurt after smoking?

A person who gets a headache from cigarettes is under the influence of a whole range of negative factors. Studies have shown that with a decrease in the amount of nicotine entering the body, the intensity of cephalgia decreases, and the frequency of its occurrence is noticeably reduced. It is noteworthy that an unpleasant symptom can occur not only in response to smoking, but also in the event of a sharp cessation of the addiction.

Headaches while smoking

Tobacco, which is part of cigarettes, is dangerous not only because of nicotine, but also because of other poisons, combustion products and harmful chemical compounds.

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Vasospasm is not the only process that causes headaches. The entry of tobacco smoke into the lungs triggers an impressive list of reactions. Initially, they occur at the physiological level, but over time they are joined by the results of organic tissue damage.

Processes that cause headaches from smoking:

  • spasm of blood vessels - in novice smokers this occurs 30-40 minutes after nicotine enters the body, and in experienced smokers much earlier;
  • irritation of the nerve endings of the larynx - accompanied by a tickling sensation in the throat, cough, and the appearance of migraine-type cephalgia;
  • oxygen starvation of tissues is the result of the replacement of hemoglobin with its oxidized analogue. The substance responsible for oxygen transport does not cope with its functions, which is why the smoker has a headache and the functioning of internal organs deteriorates;
  • decrease in oxygen level in the blood - a vital compound is replaced by poisons. This condition develops equally often in active and passive smokers;
  • deterioration of the blood supply to the brain - due to vascular spasm, blood flow is disrupted, and blood pressure rises sharply. This leads to increased severity of disorders and the appearance of intense headaches;
  • allergic response - sometimes cephalgia is a sign of intolerance to tobacco smoke.

Some smokers note that they begin to get headaches already in the process of lighting a cigarette. For others, symptoms develop within seconds or minutes of tobacco smoke entering the lungs. It happens that the occurrence of cephalalgia is not directly related to the use of cigarettes, but the actions are still related to each other.

Headaches after quitting smoking

Systematic exposure to nicotine on the body causes physical and psychological dependence.

When you quit smoking, relief and improvement in your condition does not come immediately. Substances in tobacco act as a stimulant of metabolic processes. The cessation of their influence on systems and organs is accompanied by a kind of withdrawal syndrome. The body needs time to adapt to new conditions.

Headache when quitting smoking occurs for the following reasons:

  • removal of toxins and poisons from the body leads to normalization of blood circulation and a more active supply of oxygen to tissues, which provokes cephalgia;
  • within a few hours after smoking the last cigarette, the cardiovascular system begins to recover, which leads to the expansion of narrowed blood channels. Intracranial pressure changes, pain appears;
  • For many people, cigarettes are a way to get rid of constant stress. The inability to use it in a stressful situation leads to the appearance of a symptom;
  • Often the appearance of cephalalgia occurs when quitting smoking as a result of self-hypnosis and psychological exhaustion. The person is worried that he will now gain weight and will not be able to “stimulate” brain activity in the usual way or relax.

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There are many ways to make it easier to quit cigarettes. They can get rid of unpleasant moments and help you feel the positive aspects of an action. Favorable changes begin to occur in the body within a few hours after making the right decision. Manifestations of nicotine withdrawal disappear within 3-4 weeks.


If you have been diagnosed with cancer and continue to smoke or use other tobacco products, you may feel that it is too late to quit or that quitting will not benefit you.
Some people deep down feel guilty that smoking may have led to the development of cancer, so they do not deserve additional help or treatment. HOWEVER, IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO QUIT SMOKING!

Regardless of whether you have previously had cancer or are one of the newly diagnosed patients, quitting smoking and using other tobacco products is beneficial in any case. It is important not only to stop smoking cigarettes, but also to stop using other forms of tobacco, including cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco (chewing and snuff), as well as so-called alternative tobacco products, including hookahs and e-cigarettes. None of them are safe.

In many cases, there are benefits to quitting smoking after being diagnosed with cancer:

  • You will have the support and encouragement of your doctor, nurses, and other health care professionals involved in your care.
  • You will feel like you are doing something good for yourself and your life.
  • You will be able to focus all your energy on recovery.

Most people who use tobacco want to stop using it. Although it can be quite difficult, many people succeed. In addition, there are various treatment options and resources to help you achieve your goals. It is always possible to quit smoking, and all health care providers involved in your care can help you do so. Use this information to learn more about the benefits of quitting tobacco use after a cancer diagnosis and to find a list of programs and other resources that can help you achieve this goal.

How to deal with headaches

A healthy lifestyle is impossible if you have an addiction. Quitting tobacco will not only help you get rid of headaches, but will also reduce the likelihood of developing diseases and emergency conditions. This list includes hypertension, stroke and heart attack. If independent attempts do not bring the desired results, you should consult a specialist. An experienced narcologist will tell you what to do in a particular case and select the optimal method of getting rid of addiction. As a last resort, he will recommend ways to reduce the harm caused by nicotine and alleviate the clinical picture.

Stop smoking altogether or reduce your frequency of smoking

Getting rid of a bad habit is not as difficult as it seems. The secret of success lies in a person’s focus on results and his desire. Sometimes it is enough to establish what factors lead a smoker to reach for a cigarette. After this, their influence is eliminated or the reaction to them is replaced by another action.

Effective ways to quit smoking:

  • use of nicotine replacement products (patches, candies);
  • hypnosis;
  • work with a psychologist;
  • drug therapy;
  • Alternative medicine.

At a minimum, you should reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. If their number does not exceed 15 pieces, the load on the vessels will be significantly reduced. This will reduce the risk of developing hypertension, which causes headaches.

Don't smoke on an empty stomach

The most common mistake made by nicotine addicts is smoking on an empty stomach. Manipulation gives a false feeling of satiety and vigor by triggering metabolic processes and producing adrenaline. Soon the surge of positive emotions gives way to negative consequences. After just one cigarette, you get a headache, nausea, dizziness and weakness. After some time, abdominal pain occurs and the risk of developing gastric disorders increases. If you don’t have the strength to get rid of your addiction, you should only give in to it after eating.

Take a walk in the fresh air

Smoking leads to oxygen starvation of the brain. Frequent and long walks partially compensate for the deficiency of the necessary chemical compound. They help restore body tissues and maintain their functions. Walking in parks, beaches, and staying in the mountains are especially useful. A visit to a coniferous forest will saturate the body not only with oxygen, but also with phytoncides. These substances strengthen the immune system and facilitate the process of quitting nicotine.


Many people think that smoking and the headaches it causes are incompatible with sports. In fact, regular exercise helps minimize the harm caused by cigarettes. This occurs due to improved metabolic processes and a more active supply of oxygen to tissues. Exercises also help overcome cravings for nicotine and eliminate unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal syndrome. To obtain maximum results, smokers are recommended to practice breathing exercises and supplement them with sports. Swimming, cycling, and walking have proven to be the best.

Read also: Why does constant headache occur?

Eat right

Healthy food is easily digested by the body. A weakened heart and blood vessels do not have to take on additional stress, which happens when processing heavy

products (fast food, semi-finished meat products). Fish, vegetables and fruits, nuts and grains provide the tissues with everything they need and start cleansing the body. A properly formulated diet helps eliminate toxins, strengthen the walls of blood channels, and saturate tissues with necessary substances.

Additionally, you should maintain a drinking regime so as not to provoke tissue dehydration. It is recommended to include green tea with lemon in the menu. This drink is rich in antioxidants and has a positive effect on the smoker's body. Black tea without sugar with the addition of low-fat milk gives a good effect. You can drink up to a liter of such liquids per day.


There are many physical and psychological benefits to stopping tobacco use after a cancer diagnosis, including:

  • Increased life expectancy
  • More chances for successful treatment
  • Reduce serious side effects from all cancer treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy
  • Faster recovery after treatment
  • Reducing the risk of secondary tumors
  • Reducing the risk of infectious complications
  • Easy breath
  • More energy
  • Better quality of life

On the other hand, continued use of tobacco carries the following risks:

  • Increased life expectancy;
  • Shortening life;
  • Less chance of successful effective treatment;
  • More complications after surgery associated with disruption of the heart and lungs, slower recovery;
  • More side effects from chemotherapy, such as infections, fatigue, heart and lung problems, weight loss;
  • Additional side effects from radiation therapy, including dry mouth, mouth ulcers, loss of taste, and bone and soft tissue problems;
  • Increased likelihood of relapse (cancer returning after treatment);
  • Increased risk of other serious diseases related to heart and lung problems, or a second tumor.

The harm of passive smoking

In people who do not smoke, but are forced to inhale tobacco smoke, the blood vessels of the brain suffer no less than in heavy smokers.

They are exposed to the same carcinogens and chemicals. Studies have shown that some harmful substances are contained in greater quantities in the smoke exhaled by humans. Their entry into the body of others significantly increases the risk of “victims” developing cancer, asthma, and malfunction of the circulatory and respiratory organs. Passive smokers whose body reacts to cigarette smoke with headaches are recommended to be diagnosed by a therapist and neurologist. This will help eliminate the likelihood of organic pathologies and physiological failures.

Psychological counseling

In addition to the benefits of medications, psychological counseling increases your chances of successfully quitting tobacco use. Discuss with your doctor the possibility of referring you to a smoking cessation counselor or psychotherapist. This is especially helpful if you have been unsuccessful in your attempts to quit smoking or if you experience the following:

  • Severe feelings of anxiety or depression
  • Insufficient support from family and friends for your desire to quit smoking
  • Dependence on alcohol or other substances

If you don't take action

Cephalgia caused by smoking does not simply indicate a violation of cerebral circulation and the initiation of other processes unfavorable for the body. It irritates, distracts you from your usual activities, does not allow you to relax and constantly keeps you in suspense. The symptom often leads to depression, increased aggressiveness, and psycho-emotional disorders. People suffering from the manifestation begin to smoke more in order to suppress the symptom at least for a while. Some try to fight it with medications. In both cases, actions only make the situation worse. They increase the risk of developing serious chronic diseases and can trigger a stroke.

The best way to combat headaches caused by smoking is to quit the bad habit. Within a week after this, the headache of a physiological nature disappears. A month of abstinence is enough to overcome the psychological symptom. Within six months, the vessels regain their functionality, which makes it possible to exclude former smokers from risk groups for dozens of diseases.


People who want to quit smoking can use a variety of methods, including medication and psychological counseling. Your chances of quitting tobacco use are greatly increased if you use a comprehensive plan that includes: setting a goal date for quitting smoking, developing a plan to deal with smoking triggers (situations that make you want to use tobacco), and creating a “network.” support." Discuss with your doctor which approaches are best for you.


If you are serious about quitting tobacco use, you need to honestly answer the following questions:

  • Do you want to quit smoking?
  • What is the earliest target date you can set for quitting smoking completely?
  • What's stopping you from quitting smoking?
  • What fears do you have related to quitting smoking?
  • If you've tried to quit smoking before, what made you start smoking again, and what can you change this time?
  • How to work with your doctor or other health care provider to create a plan to quit smoking?
  • What are your reasons for quitting tobacco use?

You can use the following ideas to get started on creating a quit plan. This plan is not a complete list of recommendations, but just a small list of tips to help you get started.

The effect of cannabinoids on the body

Depending on the variety, parts of the hemp plant contain different concentrations of cannabinol aldehydes. These substances determine the intoxicating effect of smoking. In the structure of the overall incidence of drug addiction in Russia, addiction to marijuana ranges from 20 to 30%, but the real figures are much higher.

Marijuana joints are used for smoking. Sometimes glass pipes, bongs, and hookahs are used for inhalation. One cigarette contains about 0.5-1 g of cannabis, that is, approximately 50 mg of tetrahydrocannabinol.

The active ingredients are highly soluble in fats, quickly penetrating through the bloodstream through cell membranes. They accumulate in tissues rich in lipids. The main targets are the brain, lungs, and genitals. The psychoactive effect is explained by the fact that cannabinoid receptors located in the central nervous system (CNS) react to marijuana.

Marijuana and its preparations have been successfully used to alleviate the conditions of cancer and AIDS patients, and many patients prefer to use them through smoking, despite the availability of dronabinol (“Marinol”) in capsule form. At the same time, pharmacological studies do not show the advantages of cannabis over other, more traditional antiemetics and analgesics. As a result, the prescription of cannabis drugs is an exception, in case of individual intolerance to traditional drugs.


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