Vitaly Ostrovsky (traditional healer): reviews, short biography, recommendations

Cleansing the body with the gifts of nature is the best prevention of health problems caused by the accumulation of toxins and waste in tissues. Harmful substances coming from the external environment are not completely eliminated, causing digestive disorders, complicating the absorption of nutrients and the evacuation of intestinal contents. The normal functioning of all organs and systems is disrupted. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to take preventive measures in time.

Doctor, Traditional Healer or Deceiver?

Among the more than 10,000,000 people who watched the nutritionist’s video, there were also evil tongues. After all, how can a person treat people without an official medical diploma? Do you want to leave doctors without work? You can not do it this way.

And some of the diseases described are considered severe or require a special license for treatment. Here, even a diploma from the Royal Academy of the United Nations or the Institute of Proper Nutrition will not convince skeptics.

On a number of forums, attempts were even made to collect feedback on treatment by Vitaly Ostrovsky. Of course, not by doctors, but by people without special education.

However, do not be deceived: the “healer” does not heal anyone. He so directly states that the special exercises and recipes he described on YouTube do not need to be used! Following the norms of medical ethics, a naturopath prohibits those who already have a diagnosis, and all patients in general, from eating natural products without the permission of their doctor!

And for “primitive” people, the educational YouTube channel “Healthy Helps Healthy” is valuable data on proper nutrition and physiology. The rest need to understand that videos serve an entertainment function. But you can watch the video if you're interested. Do you understand?

To understand whether everything this person is trying to teach us is true, you can read the reviews. In the book and on the website, the author provides a lot of letters of gratitude from people:

  • Elena: “Thank you for your work, for worrying about others and telling us how to take care of ourselves. You are one of the few people I want to believe”;
  • Evgeniy: “I constantly watch your videos and try to follow the advice. And it even seems to me that the pressure has not risen so often. I’m afraid to jinx it, but having changed my lifestyle, according to your recommendations, I seem to have become younger.”

The truth is that it is unknown who wrote these messages, but I really want to believe that the healer really helped them. After all, people with extremely serious illnesses turn to him in their last hope for salvation. I really want to believe that prayers and a heating pad will really help them, this is exactly what Ostrovsky advises to change cancer genes to normal ones - you need to pray and warm yourself with a heating pad.

short biography

It is worth saying that Vitaly Semenovich does not advertise either his personal life or his specialty. There is also no information on why he began to practice herbalism, promote healthy eating and spiritual life. Despite his obscurity in his biography, he became famous among supporters of a healthy lifestyle. All that is known is that Ostrovsky was born in Russia.

In principle, the only thing that can be included in the biography of the folk healer Vitaly Ostrovsky is that he is a talented herbalist and knows perfectly well how to treat many diseases without resorting to drugs from pharmacies. Let us also add that he is a person who deeply believes in God. But, unfortunately, it is difficult to understand whether he professes the Orthodox faith or another.

Effective exercises to treat illness

On YouTube, on Ostrovsky’s wellness channel, there are many videos with exercises for different parts of the spine, taking into account concomitant diseases and free time.

Busy people should pay attention to the video, where the healer talks about two exercises that can help with most diseases:

  • pumping the cervical spine with light oscillatory movements;
  • load on the groin and lower abdominal muscles.

Despite the healer’s assurances that these movements will help against all diseases, you should not overload the abdominal muscles without consulting a doctor during exacerbation of gynecological pathologies, pancreatitis, gastritis and other diseases of the abdominal organs. Increased exercise increases intra-abdominal pressure and can cause complications of the disease.

Book "Health Guarantee"

Ostrovsky writes books in which he talks about his methods. You can buy them today on the Internet without any problems. But the price is a little surprising; they cost 1,500 rubles each. This is a lot of money, although if the publications really guarantee good health, you can give that amount. But for any pensioner this will be a significant expense, and his main audience is people over 50 years old.

Of course, at first glance, the doctor’s advice on nutrition looks correct; after watching the videos, you immediately want to give up the products that are sold in stores and switch to raw vegetables, as our ancestors did.

But, if you compare the life expectancy of a modern person with those, for example, who lived 3 or 4 centuries ago, it has increased significantly. And most likely this happens due to the development of medical technologies, and not because we have learned to expel parasites from our bodies.

What conclusions can there be - you can guarantee your health in the modern world only with common sense and a sense of proportion. But if you lack new techniques, now you know that there is such a herbalist Vitaly Ostrovsky. We told who it is and how it treats people, taking into account the material that we found. Now you have the opportunity to turn to him for advice if you don’t see any other way out at all.

Vitaly Semenovich is the author and co-author of valuable books on health and nutrition. Among them:

  1. "Cleansing the body with the gifts of nature"
  2. "Self-medicine"
  3. “Strengthen male power: something about potency”,
  4. "Health is gold"
  5. "Health Guarantee: Cleansing from parasites and chemicals."

Prevention of prostatitis

Preventive measures against prostatitis:

  • Rational nutrition (balance of vitamins and microelements);
  • Monitoring the health of the genitourinary system, timely elimination of infectious foci (including caries);
  • Maintaining hygiene during sex (do not practice different types at the same time; the rectum and pharynx are a source of potential causative agents of prostatitis);
  • Regular physical activity to avoid stagnation.
  • Quitting smoking and alcohol abuse (important for vascular health and hormonal balance).

Prostate massage, Kegel exercises and ejaculation help empty the prostate ducts, so something from the list should be present in a man’s life on a regular basis.

About proper and natural nutrition

There are also great topics about nutrition. Vitaly Ostrovsky is a folk healer, reviews of whom are mostly appreciative in terms of how to eat correctly, what foods to combine, and what to completely exclude. We recommend that you study it, since many diseases arise due to an improper diet.

There are also videos and book sections dedicated to spiritual life and exercises. These materials also have positive reviews. Vitaly Ostrovsky is a folk healer who does not accept bad habits or store-bought products, at an honorable age he has good health, is always in a good mood and every day devotes himself to people who want to help themselves get away from illnesses.

Official website – Institute of Natural Hygiene

Vitaly's website It has every right to be called an institute, since it represents a research organization. Ostrovsky's original books, articles and materials are there.

In addition to the YouTube channel and the official website, Vitaly Semenovich has other accounts, groups on social networks and blogs. Here is their list: You can contact Vitaly Semenovich on the contact page It is possible that the answer to it will be published in the video.

The same Afanasy

What diseases are we talking about?

Vitaly Semenovich talks about the treatment of many common diseases:

  • male diseases (prostatitis and prostate adenoma);
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • allergy;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis;
  • parasitic, viral and fungal infections;
  • liver and gallbladder diseases;
  • kidney and bladder problems;
  • oncology;
  • female and male infertility;
  • diseases of joints, muscles, bones and so on.

The list could go on for quite a long time. Vitaly Ostrovsky, a folk healer whose biography is silent, gives recommendations that have helped many, but there are also those who have been harmed.

Vitaly Ostrovsky: biography, year of birth

There is quite a bit of information about Ostrovsky’s family and personal life. It is known that he was born on August 29, 1955, and now lives in Moscow. His main occupation is active promotion of a healthy lifestyle according to the laws of nature.

Regarding education, it is known that he is a member of the natural hygiene movement, a member of the Royal International Academy operating under the UN, also a herbalist and speaker. However, he talks about this himself; there is no information about any official educational institutions from which he graduated.

Today, Internet users know the healer from his videos, which he posts in large numbers on his website and books. In them, he gives recommendations on how to cleanse the body using the gifts of nature, reveals his own recipes for dishes and advises how to combine foods for a particular disease.

Youtube channel

Vitaly Ostrovsky is a macrobiologist, writer, speaker, member of the International Movement for Natural Hygiene, herbalist, successor to the teachings of Galen, Hippocrates, Avicenna, member of the Royal International Academy. In hundreds of his video lectures on Youtube, he describes the biochemical causes of diseases together with his co-host Afanasy. Topics discussed include:

  • Arthrosis,
  • Kidney treatment,
  • Treatment of chronic runny nose,
  • Thyroid health
  • Cleansing from worms and other parasites,
  • Losing weight, Flights into space with a healer are common
  • High pressure,
  • Nail fungus and other fungi,
  • Varicose veins,
  • Boils and boils,
  • Haemorrhoids,
  • Treatment of prostatitis,
  • Psoriasis,
  • Liver cleansing
  • Diabetes,
  • Improvement of vision,
  • Adenoma,
  • Purgation,
  • Flatulence and gases
  • Cleansing blood vessels
  • Cough and others.

Specific examples are given of malnutrition leading to disease and examples of those who are cured by switching to a therapeutic healthy diet.

The following dishes and plants are used as sources of nutrients and medicines: grapefruit juice, ginger borscht soup, turmeric, buckwheat pilaf, propolis, propolis water, celandine, black cumin, soda with wormwood, iodine (iodine) vodka, real bread from bran, flax seed, oats in husks, fenugreek, kerosene with iodine, pumpkin seeds, horseradish. These and other products are included in nutritional formulas.

Patient reviews of the healer

Vitaly Ostrovsky is a folk healer, reviews of whom are negative for the following reasons:

  • someone does not accept folk remedies;
  • the advice harmed someone;
  • some were skeptical about the recipes due to the lack of evidence that the technique works.

Therefore, everyone who is ready to use this or that recipe on themselves should listen to the advice of a competent doctor, their body, and act very carefully. You should start with the minimum dosage.

Basics of his medicine

Ostrovsky considers himself a continuator of the teachings of Hippocrates and Avicenna. It involves getting rid of almost any disease with the help of natural medicines given to us by nature, fasting and certain physical exercises.

Below is a list of diseases that it promises to cure; doctors fight some of them throughout a person’s life, trying to alleviate his condition. But Vitaly believes that they are not so difficult to defeat:

  • Osteoporosis with cabbage juice and black pepper;
  • Adenoma - pumpkin seeds;
  • Varicose veins - biblical nutrition: raw vegetables, cranberries and barberries;
  • Heart disease - with a special massage that frees the body from parasites, which, according to him, crawl from the intestines into the heart muscle, causing arrhythmia;

He is generally confident that most health problems are caused by parasites: diabetes and blood diseases, arthritis and bronchitis - all this is the result of the vital activity of other organisms inside us.

At the same time, a member of the UN Academy films his videos while sitting in his kitchen or room, flavoring them with a kind of humor mixed with medical terms.

Physiotherapy for prostatitis

Physiotherapy is an integral part of the treatment of prostatitis of any origin (it is not used during exacerbation) . The procedures are aimed at activating blood flow in the gland, improving the metabolic processes occurring in it, enhancing secretion and cleansing the ducts. Physiotherapy enhances the effect of antibacterial drugs . Contraindications include any neoplasms in the body of the prostate (cysts, abscesses, adenoma).

Basic methods:

  • Magnetotherapy. Magnetic waves are directed to the prostate through plates placed in the perineal area;
  • Laser therapy. For prostatitis, irradiation is carried out externally (through the perineal area), using a rectal sensor or acupuncture (exposure to certain points with a beam);
  • Electrophoresis (galvanization) – stimulation of tissues with weak currents. For prostatitis, it is used simultaneously with medications (calcium chloride, novocaine, antibiotics in the form of injections) to accelerate their delivery to the prostate tissues. The drugs are usually administered rectally. A type of procedure is exposure to sinusoidal and diadynamic currents. Electrodes are installed on the pubis and perineum;
  • UHF therapy is the effect of ultra-high frequency currents on the prostate. Electrodes are placed on the lower back and sacrum. For chronic prostatitis, EHF (extremely high frequency) currents are used;
  • Exposure to ultrasonic waves. For prostatitis, it is performed both rectally and transabdominally (through the abdomen). In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect on the prostate, the procedures improve erection;
  • Warming up. It is used only during remission of prostatitis. The procedure can be performed at home in a warm bath (bath, sauna) or in a physiotherapy room using a urethral probe that emits microwaves;
  • Mud therapy (tampons, baths, applications). The procedures effectively relieve inflammation and increase the rate of regeneration of gland tissue. To treat prostatitis, sulfide, furnace, peat mud, and sapropel are used.

Physiotherapy methods also include transrectal or external prostate massage. With its help, the ducts are quickly freed from accumulated secretions, and the blood supply to the gland is improved. This can be done either in a doctor’s office or independently at home using a special massager.

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