How does smoking affect joints? — Consequences and treatment

The negative impact of smoking on joints has been proven by scientists in many countries. However, people continue to smoke cigarettes. Everyone knows that smoking has a negative effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, but few people know that in the future the destructive effect spreads to absolutely all parts of the body, mostly to the joints.

What consequences await a person, how to get rid of unpleasant sensations and much more can be learned from this article.

Possible causes of joint pain

It would seem that there cannot be a direct connection between quitting cigarettes and pain in the joints of the limbs.
However, if you understand the problem, you can understand why exactly pain in the ligaments and joints occurs. Everyone knows about such a thing as withdrawal syndrome. It concerns not only smoking, but also giving up alcohol and drugs. In common parlance, these sensations are called withdrawal. Naturally, giving up a habit is not as easy as we would all like. The body, which is already accustomed to receiving its daily dose of nicotine, reacts painfully to sudden changes.

It is because of this that phantom pain can occur. In fact, you don’t have any abnormalities or illnesses. You just need to wait a while and be patient. It is during this period that your willpower and fortitude are tested.

The cause of pain is not always so trivial. A doctor can identify real joint health problems. The fact is that the disease itself could have appeared a long time ago. But many of us know that nicotine, among other things, also has some pain-relieving properties. Smoking contributed to the fact that the symptoms of the disease simply did not appear. Naturally, in this case, you should go to the hospital to see a specialist, and not start smoking again.

Another reason for pain in the joints and lower back is banal and simple. Naturally, those people who are just trying to quit smoking always have trouble sleeping at night. They occupy the most uncomfortable position possible, often tossing and turning on the bed. Naturally, due to constant fatigue, your legs, arms, back, and neck can become very painful. And an uncomfortable sleeping position only makes the situation worse.

It becomes clear that the causes of joint pain when trying to quit smoking are, for the most part, not too serious. But you can’t ignore this either.

Alcohol and cigarettes can make joint replacement a real problem

Irina Ivanova | An orthopedic doctor at the Coxa endoprosthetics clinic explains how smoking is combined with joint replacement surgeries. “Smoking tobacco products has a significant impact on many aspects of the health and recovery of their patients. In particular, tobacco impairs blood circulation in small vessels, which has a direct impact on recovery after surgery, including joint replacement surgery. Smoking usually causes blood vessels to narrow, which leads to decreased blood flow. In this regard, the amount of nourishing, oxygenated blood that flows to the postoperative suture decreases. Medical studies conducted in Denmark, the United States and other countries have shown that smokers have a higher risk of developing wound infections and wound healing problems, as well as readmission to the hospital after joint replacement surgery. For example, broken bones heal more slowly in smokers because nicotine has a harmful effect on the formation of osteoblasts. One study found that surgical wound infections decreased from 27% in those who continued smoking to zero in those who quit smoking. The optimal period for quitting smoking has not been precisely established, but most orthopedic doctors agree that it should be at least 4-5 weeks. When it comes to alcohol, it is known that the more patients drink before hip or knee replacement surgery, the higher the risk of postoperative complications. Avoiding alcohol is important at any stage of treatment. A characteristic feature of the preoperative period is that the patient undergoes the necessary laboratory diagnostics, including blood, urine, and ECG tests. When drinking alcohol, the results become unreliable, which distorts the real clinical picture and can lead to errors in assessing the patient’s condition and subsequent problems during surgery. If a few days before the operation the patient seriously abused alcohol, the effect of the anesthetic medication may become unpredictable and lead to depression of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In addition, intravenous antibiotic therapy carried out before and during endoprosthesis surgery to prevent postoperative infectious complications is also incompatible with alcohol consumption. In the early postoperative period, patients who abuse alcohol may experience the following complications: pneumonia, stroke, thrombosis, delayed healing of the postoperative wound and infection. Thus, smoking and alcohol, being risk factors for the listed complications, can increase the duration and cost of treatment in the clinic, lengthen the rehabilitation period and reduce its effectiveness.”

Consequences of joint pain

If you try to abandon the existing problem, you can simply miss an already developing serious disease at its early stage. Everyone knows that the earlier the correct diagnosis is made, the easier the treatment is. This applies to any disease. This means that a visit to the doctor is the first thing you should do.

Moreover, it is necessary to describe the symptoms in the order of their occurrence. That is, you should definitely tell the doctor that you quit smoking because your joints hurt. This will help you quickly identify the source of discomfort and identify the exact cause of the disease in order to effectively combat it. The specialist will prescribe treatment, and very soon you will forget about the problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

In the same case, if no disease has been identified, you still should not focus on the existing problem. Many of us reason in this way: if there was no pain before quitting smoking, we need to start smoking again. In fact, the presence of pain is only a weak reason to return to a bad habit. Quitting smoking again will be much more difficult.

I quit, I don’t smoke!

You quit smoking, congratulations!

Here you will find out what happens in the body of a man or woman after quitting smoking by hour, day, month and year. We will also talk about all the changes in the body after a person quits smoking, about the cleansing and restoration of organs during all these time periods.

Withdrawal syndrome and causes of addiction

A person who has given up the harmful habit of smoking often encounters difficulties in the first days of giving up, holding on to nerves and constant mood swings for one or two days, after which he stops his endeavors.

The reason is mainly due to nicotine, which has long been a substitute for the brain's main inhibitory neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. It, in turn, performs a normalization function in the central nervous system.

If you are stressed at work or in a nervous situation, the production of acetylcholine (AC) increases and stress levels decrease. On the contrary, an overly active state of the central nervous system is an abnormal phenomenon, so AC inhibits brain activity, bringing it back to normal.

All this time - until the day of quitting smoking - the function of normalizing brain activity was performed by nicotine through cigarettes or alternative means, such as nicotine gum, sprays, patches, etc.

After quitting cigarettes, the central nervous system no longer receives the grafted normalizer nicotine, but at the same time, the natural neurotransmitter acetylcholine is no longer produced in the required quantity, and the person begins to experience abstinence syndrome, or withdrawal syndrome, which is accompanied by the processes of cleansing and restoring the body of the quitter.

What is the characteristic of withdrawal syndrome?

  • Irritability
  • Aggressiveness
  • Drowsiness
  • Depressive state
  • Sudden mood swings

Stages of cleansing the body after quitting smoking:

20 minutes later.

20 minutes after smoking a cigarette, the heart rate decreases and returns to normal, and blood pressure begins to normalize. The body's activity increases. Renal function increases with increasing systolic pressure.

2 hours.

Two hours after the refusal, the kidneys begin to cleanse the blood of nicotine and remove it from the human body.

8 ocloc'k.

After eight hours without cigarettes, by stopping the flow of cigarette smoke into the lungs, the level of oxygen in the blood increases, and the level of carbon monoxide is halved. The process of removing nicotine from the body continues, which leads to the onset of withdrawal syndrome.

12 hours.

After half a day of quitting smoking, the smoker’s shortness of breath decreases and breathing becomes easier, since during this time the blood is completely cleared of carbon monoxide. The oxygen level in the blood increases to normal.

24 hours

A day after quitting smoking, withdrawal syndrome begins with all its symptoms, since nicotine is completely removed from the body, but the production of acetylcholine is still at an insufficient level.

Decreased heart rate

In people whose smoking experience exceeds 10 years, after quitting nicotine, there is a strong decrease in heart rate at rest and can drop to values ​​of 40-50 beats per minute.

In a smoker, the effects of nicotine on the body lead to a chronic increase in heart rate, which negatively affects the health of the cardiovascular system.

When you quit smoking, the factor of artificial acceleration of heart muscle contractions due to nicotine disappears, and at first the heart rate may decrease significantly. But don’t panic, your heart rhythm will return to normal within a few days.

2 days

This is the second day you have not poisoned your body with poison. Cigarette smoke contains not only nicotine and tar itself, but also hundreds of substances that enter the lungs as a result of the combustion of various additives in tobacco, the paper itself and glue. All these substances are extremely toxic and have an extremely destructive effect on mucosal cells.

On the second day of quitting smoking, the bronchi begin to get rid of accumulated mucus, and the ciliated epithelium is gradually freed from soot. A person who quits smoking begins to have a strong cough with dark flakes being coughed up - a natural process of lung recovery.

3 days

The restoration of the bronchial mucosa and ciliated epithelium continues, providing the blood with more oxygen.

A person who quits smoking has a strong appetite, since nicotine, before quitting smoking, blocked the hunger center, which in a healthy person functions as a notification of hunger and satiety with food. This function without nicotine will eventually restore its functioning and the feeling of eternal hunger will disappear.

Due to the normalization of blood pressure and increased oxygen levels, the enrichment of brain cells with blood increases sharply, which leads to dizziness and tinnitus.

4 days

Blood circulation is normalized, the rush of blood to the brain becomes less strong. The gastric mucosa is gradually restored, and pancreatic secretion improves. Smokers note an increase in wet cough with the discharge of viscous sputum.

5 days

The functioning of taste buds improves, the smoker begins to feel the taste of food. The tone of blood vessels is close to normal levels. The cough intensifies, the color of the sputum becomes dark brown - this is how the bronchi and lungs are cleared of accumulated soot.

6 days

The activity of the ciliated epithelium is almost restored, the lungs continue to actively produce mucus. When a person coughs, sputum with streaks of blood comes out, as if there is a mucous lump in the throat. Irritability intensifies, the smoker increasingly wants to return to his previous life with the presence of tobacco in it.

7 days

Harmful nicotine is completely removed from the body. Some tissues and cells are almost completely renewed; a new epithelium, unfamiliar with nicotine poison, is emerging in the stomach and intestines. The liver begins to produce endogenous nicotine, so the physical craving for smoking practically does not bother the person. The cough and feeling of congestion in the throat do not go away.

8 days

The olfactory and taste buds come to life, so food acquires a normal taste and smell, appetite increases and, as a result, body weight may increase.

The blood vessels of the brain are still unstable, and therefore a person may be bothered by pressure surges and dizziness. Aggression and depression are reduced, but getting rid of the psychological craving for cigarettes is still far away.

9 days

The gastric mucosa has been almost completely restored, and the secretion of basic enzymes begins. Restorative processes continue in the intestines and bronchopulmonary system. A person experiences pain in the lower abdomen and changes in stool. At this time, colds, stomatitis, and herpes may begin.

10 days

The process of restoring the immune system begins. The cough continues due to the regeneration process of the pulmonary system. When coughing, lumps of mucus with an unpleasant odor may be coughed up - this is coughing up mucus from the bronchi or gradually clearing the tonsils of the plugs that have accumulated in them. The smoker’s internal state leaves much to be desired - he is depressed, his internal motivation may be shaken. These days, more than ever, the support of family is needed.

11 days

The tone of arterioles—small vessels carrying arterial blood—gradually returns to normal. The brain is actively supplied with oxygen, as a result of which dizziness continues, trembling of the fingers and headache may appear. Appetite increases. The craving for smoking increases, bringing with it irritability, aggressiveness or tearfulness.

12 days

Improving blood circulation and vascular tone leads to increased cell nutrition. The complexion is normalized, and intestinal activity is almost restored. The blood cells responsible for immunity have been renewed twice and are ready to fully protect the body from viruses and bacteria.

13 days

Enhanced renewal of skin cells continues. The physical condition is still unstable - a person may suffer from headaches, malaise, and pressure changes continue. This is due to the fact that the nervous system has not gone through a full recovery cycle.

14 days

Regeneration of the bronchial mucosa ends. The restoration process of red blood cells is in full swing; the supply of platelets, which were not affected by nicotine poison, has already been almost completely renewed. The painful cough gradually subsides, the complexion becomes more even, and the dullness goes away. At this time, many smokers decide to taste the cigarette again, which throws them back to the initial stage of regeneration.

1 month

During the first month after quitting smoking, you may have problems sleeping. A person may wake up several times during the night with a strong desire to smoke, and often break out in cold sweat. All these are normal and natural consequences of quitting doping in the form of nicotine. For the most part, it depends on your smoking history.

If a person has previously used cigarettes for only a few months, then such sensations will occur literally several times. If you smoke for ten years, then restless sleep will occur for several weeks, or even a whole month.

For 2 - 3 months

Dramatic changes in the body after quitting smoking occur from the second month. The brain gradually gets used to working without “nicotine doping,” and at the same time, toxins are actively eliminated through the skin, breathing, and along with gastrointestinal products.

At this moment, skin cells have already gone through 3-4 cycles of regeneration and renewal, so a blush appears on the face, pale spots disappear, and the number of pimples, acne, blackheads, and inflamed sebaceous glands significantly decreases.

Even the hair at this moment becomes much more visually attractive. Fragility and split ends disappear. Such changes will be especially pleasant for girls. Quitting smoking affects them more noticeably.

After 2-3 months of quitting smoking, the lungs continue to recover, but the process has not yet reached the so-called acini. These are the very cells that are a kind of building material. Their regeneration can take 4-12 months, depending on the length of time the smoker has been smoking.

In the third month, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract changes dramatically. Metabolism finally returns to normal, weight gain and sharp loss stop, appetite becomes healthy. After all this, the body begins to more actively absorb proteins. Even if a former smoker does not exercise, his muscle mass increases and fat folds in the abdomen, chest, and thighs disappear. Heart tone and blood pressure also return to normal, which is especially noticeable by hypertensive patients.

But even after the third month, withdrawal symptoms persist. An occasional smoker feels a craving for tobacco. And this is an extremely dangerous period, since just one cigarette will trigger reverse restructuring processes in the body. Under no circumstances should you try tobacco in an attempt to prove that the former smoker is no longer dependent on it in any way and can afford to smoke 1-2 cigarettes without any consequences. This is one of the most common mistakes, psychologists say. All this indicates that brain restructuring during this period is still not complete and continues.

6 months. Six months without cigarettes

The blood environment is completely normalized. Now the blood carries oxygen in the body without any inclusion of tobacco toxins. In internal organs, cells are actively recovering from nicotine stress; the laboratory composition of lymph is no different from what is characteristic of an absolutely healthy and non-smoking person. The cough practically stops, sleep becomes the same as before.

Starting from the 5th month, the liver completes the regeneration process, which was forced to process all the toxins entering the body with tobacco smoke. By the way, for the same reason, those who have given up a bad habit are not recommended to take even minimal doses of alcohol for a certain period. This will only slow down the process of liver cell recovery.

By the way, for 5-6 months, experts recommend including increased physical activity. This will facilitate the rapid removal of toxic mucus and tar from the lungs. The opinion that tars will never be removed from the respiratory system is erroneous. They come out and are rejected, like any foreign body. True, this will take more than one year. But by the 6th month, approximately 80% of it will already be released along with the cough. Sometimes the color of this mucus will take on a bloody tint - this is normal.

In this way, damaged alveoli, which constantly retain CO2 atoms, are destroyed. By the 6th month, the desire to smoke or try tobacco again almost completely disappears and can only make itself felt after drinking alcohol.

10 months

Why is there an emphasis on 10 months after quitting smoking? Because then the majority of previously heavy smokers begin a full-fledged brain restructuring. For this reason:

  • they often dream that they smoke;
  • there is a spontaneous desire to smoke;
  • sleep is partially disturbed;
  • A particularly strong desire to take a long drink arises in the morning.

Psychologists call this condition nicotine convulsions. The main thing is not to give in to desire. This entire period is explained by a sharp activation of those parts of the brain that are responsible for obtaining satisfaction. They also give the command to return to a habit that is supposedly beneficial for the body.

A kind of self-deception. If you endure all this, your body will no longer remember nicotine addiction. A former smoker will feel the same as a person who has never smoked (meaning emotionally).

At 10-11 months, the vocal cords are restored, they become much easier to control, causing the voice to take on a slightly higher tone.

The hoarseness inherent in smokers completely disappears; a large amount of mucus no longer forms in the throat, which protected the epithelium from toxins.

During the same period, the yellowness on the teeth, which is why smokers’ breath constantly smells bad, completely disappears. True, only those who do not abuse coffee drinks will be able to notice this. Tartar, of course, will not completely disappear, but it will become noticeably smaller. During this period, it is recommended to visit the dentist’s office and eliminate all dental problems that developed during the years of active smoking.

1 year

Quitting smoking after 12 months can be fully considered a success. According to the survey, only 25% of former smokers feel a certain craving for tobacco, but the risk of relapse is extremely low - only 0.2-0.5%. The process of regeneration of lung tissue is almost completed in the body, keratinized skin becomes absolutely healthy (we are talking about hair and nails).

Male reproductive function is completely restored, potency increases, and the feeling of orgasm increases. This occurs due to the restoration of normal receptors in the prostate, as well as the nerve endings that are located on the penis itself.

At the same time, the development of “tobacco” diseases is radically reduced. For example, the probability of lip cancer is only 4% higher than in a healthy person (previously - 4 times). The same applies to diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs. It can be argued that the body has finally completed the regeneration of all damaged tissues. However, a cough can still make itself felt, as can shortness of breath. They remain at the same reflex level.

Another former addict feels disgust for every smoker. That is, the body, like the brain, generally ceases to perceive nicotine and tobacco smoke as a product for satisfaction. No matter how many times a person is among smokers during this period, there will be no strong desire to pick up a cigarette.

2 years

In the second year without tobacco addiction, cough, shortness of breath, and sudden surges in blood pressure during physical activity completely disappear (in those who previously suffered from a similar disorder). The main thing is that the process of feeding the brain is completely restored, due to which the risk of stroke becomes no higher than that of a person who has never taken up cigarettes in his life. The rare desire to smoke remains only among the most avid smokers, who have not given up their habit for 25-40 years.

The body becomes so weaned from nicotine that even one single cigarette will be perceived as the first in life. That is, all this will be accompanied by a severe cough, dizziness and even a bout of nausea. This also applies to mental health. By the way, in the second year the female body is also completely cleansed of toxins, and if you have plans for pregnancy, you can safely implement them.

The fact that the girl previously abused tobacco will in no way affect the child. This also applies to men in a certain way. That is, the sperm becomes the same as that of a non-smoker.

In addition, the body normally perceives any physical activity. They also help speed up metabolism, however, unlike the period when nicotine was used, accelerated digestion of food is accompanied by normal protein processing. Smokers often experience gastrointestinal upset, since food simply cannot be digested normally.

Many people don’t even realize that such a seemingly harmless habit causes so much damage to the body. A complete recovery will take 2 years at best. However, general improvement occurs immediately, literally from the first day without nicotine.

What to do for joint pain?

Often ordinary people who are faced with the problem described above are interested in what to do if the pain does not go away. How to deal with symptoms. Naturally, as mentioned above, it is initially necessary to determine the cause of the unpleasant sensations.

It is almost impossible to do this on your own. There is no point in self-diagnosis and treatment. There are two groups of people. Some people, at the first sensation of pain in the joints, already imagine the worst, and prepare to hear a terrible diagnosis from the doctor. The second group tries not to notice the pain at all. It is very difficult to get such people into the hospital.

But still, this cannot be done without the help of a specialist, in particular a neurologist or surgeon. If the doctor has not identified any health problems, we need to try to calm down and relieve tension. The best way is to lead an active lifestyle, daily physical labor.

You will be so tired that you simply won’t be able to think about your problems too often. Thus, sleep is normalized. If there are still problems with this, then you can take a variety of sedatives, which again will be prescribed to you by a specialist.

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