Gels and ointments for radiculitis: list of the most effective drugs

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Lumbar radiculitis is an inflammatory process that occurs when the roots of the spinal nerves are pinched. Radiculitis or radiculopathy is manifested by pain localized at the exit site of damaged roots and nerve fibers extending from them. Lumbosacral radiculitis occurs more often than other localizations due to the high load on the lumbar region. Radiculopathies have an acute course or a chronic course with periods of exacerbation.

Etiological factors

The development of lumbar radiculitis is based on dystrophic-degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs and other segments of the spine.
A common cause of the disease is considered to be osteochondrosis, which contributes to the formation of a hernia and pinching of nerve fibers. Among the etiological factors:

  • physical inactivity;
  • metabolic disorders (excess weight, diabetes);
  • injuries;
  • poor posture;
  • congenital anomalies of the spinal column;
  • low-quality nutrition, lack of vitamins.

Prevention of joint pain

To forget about painful joints and complications of this condition, it is enough to follow simple recommendations:

  • avoid injury to the spine and surrounding areas;
  • promptly eliminate exacerbations of existing pathologies of the spinal column;
  • suppress infectious foci in a timely manner;
  • eat right, maintaining a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • avoid overwork, stress and hypothermia;
  • do not lift heavy things; this can only be done using the correct lifting technique;
  • maintain optimal athletic shape.

Attention! Preventive measures should also be followed by patients who have already been diagnosed with radiculitis. This will reduce the likelihood of relapse or deterioration of the spinal column several times.

Moderate sport is an excellent prevention of radiculitis at any age

Radiculitis is a serious condition characterized by acute pain. Ointments against the disorder can only have a temporary effect, since it is important to identify the root cause of the disorder. To prevent relapses of the disease in the future, it is enough to seek advice from a neurologist. The specialist will select complex therapy, which also includes the ointments mentioned above, as well as other drugs against radiculitis. Additionally, the symptoms and causes of radiculitis, as well as methods for eliminating it, can be found in the video.

Clinical picture of radiculitis

Symptoms of lumbosacral radiculitis manifest themselves in the form of three main syndromes:

  • Lumbodynia: painful sensations of a dull nature occur, aggravated by movements (bending, turning), prolonged sitting, or standing.
  • Lumbago: intense, sudden onset pain. It manifests itself sharply, more often when lifting and carrying heavy objects or physical activity.
  • Lumboischialgia: pain in the lower extremities occurs, sensitivity disorder occurs (tingling, numbness, burning), autonomic disorders.

The diagnosis is made based on the patient’s complaints, examination and examination of the affected area. In the acute course of the disease, specific signs of radiculitis are assessed:

  • Dejerine's symptom (pain becomes more intense when sneezing and coughing);
  • Bonnet's sign (complete disappearance of the gluteal fold);
  • Bekhterev's symptom (when rising from a lying position, the patient experiences involuntary flexion of the affected leg);
  • Lasegue's symptom (when lying on your back, when you try to raise your straight leg in the lower back, a sharp pain occurs);
  • Neri's symptom (intense pain when tilting the head down towards the chest).

Different types of ointments

External preparations for radiculitis are available in different bases and consistencies: gels, creams, ointments, emulsions. The effectiveness of external medications is inferior to injections, rectal suppositories, and tablets, as they have a lower concentration of nutrients. The therapeutic components penetrate the soft tissues, only a small part reaches the discs and joints. Their advantage is the absence of side effects, since they do not penetrate the bloodstream. Local medications serve as an additional means of primary treatment. Functions performed by them:

  • Reduced pain.
  • Activation of complex treatment.
  • Reducing the duration of the main therapy, and therefore the number of side effects.

According to their pharmaceutical purpose, ointments for radiculitis are divided into 3 categories.

Table 1. Categories of ointments

Warming drugsCapsicum, Gymnastogal, Finalgon, Rescuer Forte, Gymnastogal
Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugsDiclofenac, Ibuprofen, Voltaren, Dolgit, Deep-relief
Local irritant drugsViprosal, Vipratox, Alvipsal - with snake venom, Apizartron, Mellivenon, Virapin - with bee venom

The main contraindications to the use of drugs for radiculitis are pregnancy and lactation. The active components of creams can cross the placenta through the bloodstream. You should not use anti-radiculitis ointments for gastrointestinal diseases or skin damage. The presence of an allergy to the components of the ointments also requires discontinuation of the drug.

Ointments with a warming effect

The application of ointments with a warming effect gives the patient a feeling of warmth, spreading to the affected area and the end of the sensory nerve. From it the signal goes to the spinal cord, the root is released. Pinched muscles begin to relax, blood flow in the affected area is activated, and inflammation is relieved.

The main tasks performed by this type of cream:

  • Local anesthesia.
  • Activation of microcirculation in tissues.
  • Strengthening the outflow of lymph from the area of ​​spasm.
  • Improving nutrition in soft tissues.

Ointments with a warming effect

Ointments are applied only to the skin without damage. The components of warming ointments do not enter the bloodstream. Salicylic acid salts are excreted through the kidneys and bile. The poisons in the composition act deeper and are excreted in the urine. To get maximum benefit from the drug, you must follow the application recommendations:

  1. First you need to do a test on an area of ​​skin in the forearm area.
  2. Application is limited to three applications per day.
  3. For a faster effect, it is recommended to use a gel.
  4. The skin in the treated area must first be massaged. If she is hypersensitive, you can apply a warming cream on top of the oil.
  5. When applying the drug to the back, you can use special applicators, which allows you to prevent the ointment from getting into the mucous membranes and eyes.

Read the detailed article: injections for radiculitis.

Warming ointment finalgon. Price in pharmacies from 250 rubles.

Properties of the main ointments of this group:

  • Fenalgon is a widely used ointment containing two active ingredients: nicoboxil and nonivamide. They have not only a warming, but also an analgesic effect. If you apply the drug for more than 2 weeks, the body becomes accustomed to the components.
  • Capsicam is an ointment whose components include nicotinic acid salt, camphor, turpentine, and dimethyl sulfoxide. To apply, protect your hands with gloves or wash them well after use.
  • Rescuer Forte. The content of fir oil, capsaicin, vitamins, and beeswax helps restore blood circulation and relieve pain.
  • Gymnastogal is an ointment containing nicotinic acid, which is known for its ability to improve blood circulation. After using it, your hands should also be washed with hot water.

Treatment with bee death is effective for various diseases. Read more here.

Anti-inflammatory ointments with analgesic effect

This is a fairly broad category of external remedies for radiculitis. They contain substances that slow down the action of the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which is responsible for the inflammatory process. The enzyme enhances inflammation by converting arachidonic acid into prostaglandins. The active components of creams penetrate all layers of the skin and block cyclooxygenase. In addition to relieving inflammation, the drugs have an analgesic effect, relieve swelling and inflammation, cool the inflamed area, and reduce the permeability of capillaries and blood vessels. The composition may contain derivatives of propionic, benzolacetic, and salicylic acids.

Indicated for radiculitis, osteochondrosis, joint and muscle pain. The course of use should be prescribed by a doctor according to diagnostic data. Ointments may have a side effect in the form of local swelling due to possible sensitivity to the components of the composition. If you have kidney disease, ulcers, gastritis, then the drug is used with caution.

Read the article that tells you how to treat lower back radiculitis at home.

Surgeon Viktor Nikolaevich Kosovan will talk about the use of the drug ketonal:

Drugs in this group:

  1. Diclofenac, the active ingredient in Voltaren, is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance with a powerful analgesic effect. It should not be applied to damaged skin, especially dermatitis. Contraindications: age under 6 years, exacerbation of ulcers.
  2. Ketonal. The composition contains ketoprofen, which is capable of penetrating through the subcutaneous tissue into ligaments, muscles, and synovial fluid, where it reaches the required therapeutic concentration.
  3. Fastum-gel contains ketoprofen. It should not be applied to damaged skin.

Locally irritating ointments

Ointments act similarly to warming ones, but the ingredients contain bee or snake venom. The effect produced is accompanied by a feeling of tingling and warmth in the treated area. This indicates increased blood flow. Snake venom is rich in peptides, minerals, proteins, and amino acids. It is non-toxic as it is processed.

Bee venom contains histamine, which has a dilating effect on blood vessels. The poison has a disinfecting effect thanks to melittin. Activation of interstitial and intercellular fluid is enhanced by the component hyaluronidase, which also strengthens the walls of blood vessels. These drugs are not prescribed during pregnancy. Large hematomas, bruises, tuberculosis, neuralgic and infectious diseases also serve as contraindications. Do not lubricate damaged skin.

Read the detailed article: ointments for back and lower back pain.

Ointment with bee venom "Apizartron" is a combined product of natural origin. Price in pharmacies from 135 rubles.

The main effect of locally irritating ointments:

  • Uniform heating of the skin.
  • Improving the trophic functions of soft tissues.
  • Makes joints more mobile.
  • They have a softening effect on scars.
  • Saturate tissues with oxygen.
  • Speed ​​up metabolism.
  • Removes toxins.
  • Help with radiculitis, osteochondrosis, myalgia, arthralgia.

Ointments containing bee venom:

  • Apizartron. The component composition is represented by bee venom, salicylic acid, mustard oil. It has a muscle relaxant effect, relieves pain, and increases the elasticity of ligaments. Apply 2 or 3 grams at one time, after two minutes the ointment is rubbed in.
  • Mellivenon. A small amount is applied to the affected area and actively rubbed over the surface.
  • Virapin. It is enough to apply 2 to 5 grams to the treatment area and rub for about 5–10 minutes.

The drug Viprosal B is a drug from the group of locally irritating substances, which is prescribed to patients for various pains in muscles and joints. Price in pharmacies from 218 rubles.

Ointments based on snake venom:

  1. Viprosal is an ointment containing viper poison.
  2. Alvipsal. Active ingredients: viper venom, salicylic acid, camphor. Anesthetizes and dilates blood vessels, normalizes tissue nutrition.
  3. Vipratox. Among the main components is salicylic acid, a complex of various snake venoms.

Treatment of radiculopathy

Treatment of lumbar radiculitis is carried out using conservative methods that are aimed at relieving pain, inflammation and eliminating pressure on the roots.
To eliminate intense pain that cannot be treated with NSAIDs, a paravertebral blockade is performed. The injection is performed into the paravertebral tissues, a solution of novocaine or a glucocorticosteroid is injected.

In combination with drug treatment, physiotherapy is used, the effect of which is aimed at eliminating inflammation, pain, and improving tissue trophism. Ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis, UHF, exercise therapy, and massage are prescribed. To reduce pressure on the nerve roots, manual therapy and spinal traction are prescribed.

Emergency help for radiculitis

In case of exacerbation of radiculopathy, accompanied by intense pain in the lower back with radiation to the leg, it is necessary to ensure complete immobilization of the affected area of ​​the spine.
For this, improvised means are used - a towel, diaper or sheet, which can be used to secure the lower back (wrap it), and special orthopedic products are also used. The pain subsides when you take a forced position: lying on your back on a hard surface, you need to place a cushion or several pillows under your feet so that your legs are higher than your head.

It is necessary to take one of the analgesics - ketanov, nise, dolac, ketarolac. To enhance the analgesic effect, antispasmodics are taken together with painkillers.

Anti-inflammatory with analgesic effect


It has an anti-inflammatory effect, removes excess water from the affected area, increases tissue nutrition and reduces local temperature, which stops further inflammation. Bystrumgel is applied no more than twice a day at the same time. For better effect, the drug can be placed under a dry bandage. The duration of therapy is individual after consultation with a neurologist.

Bystrumgel has an anti-inflammatory effect

Diclak gel

A drug based on the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory component diclofenac. At the same time, it eliminates swelling, increasing tissue resistance. It is recommended to apply Diclak gel in the morning and evening, rubbing it well into the skin. The duration of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Diclak gel eliminates swelling and increases tissue resistance

Nise gel

It is used in the treatment of many back problems that provoke pain of any nature. The drug contains ibuprofen, which is similar in effect to diclofenac. Apply the ointment only to clean and dry skin, squeezing out no more than 1-3 g of ointment at a time, taking into account the width of the sore spot. Application can be repeated up to four times according to the individually agreed duration of the course.

Nise gel is used for pain of any nature

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