Backstroke swimming: technique and tips for beginners


The rabbit originates from ancient times. It took the first people a little time to realize that floating on your back is easier than in any other position. Despite the fact that Europe learned about this style in the mid-19th century at competitions in London, the British did not take the back crawl seriously, calling the swimming method “barbaric” due to the large amount of splash and noise. But this opinion did not last long.

Towards the end of the 19th century, Englishman John Arthur Trenger began to practice this technique. By 1904, the crawl was improved and included in the Olympic Games program for men, and in 1924 for women.

In 1936, the American A. Kiefer set a record by swimming a distance of 100 meters at an unimaginable speed - in 1 minute. 05.9 seconds. The swimmer's technique had many shortcomings and looked like this:

  • the head and body were fixed in a high position, as if a swimmer was sitting;
  • the legs plunged deeply into the water and made movements similar to pedaling;
  • hand movements were carried out over the water through the sides.

But even then the basic elements of technology were laid down:

  • six-beat leg movements;
  • high tempo of manual work;
  • powerful strokes.

Krol captured not only the European space, but also received its development in the Soviet Union. In 1935, record results were recorded for Soviet athletes Klavdia Aleshina 6.07.2 and Nikolai Borisov 5.24.3 at a distance of 400 m, which exceeded the global indicators.

The technique received its true development in 1964 and 1968. at the Olympic Games, when Karen Muir demonstrated fundamentally new features of the backstroke:

  • the swimmer’s body was located almost horizontally, which made the athlete more streamlined;
  • all muscles of the body were involved in the swimming process;
  • the swimmer’s arms moved above his head continuously, like a “mill”;
  • the legs performed inactive and small movements so that the feet did not fall below the pelvic line.

Even then, the crawl technique was recognized as the fastest form of backstroke swimming.

Among the domestic spinners, the following athletes can be noted: L. Barbier with a result of 2.16.6 at a distance of 200 meters in 1962, Y. Gromaka, who became the European champion in 1966 with a result of 2.12.9 for the same distance and T. Lekveishvili - European champion , which set the result at 1:07.8 for a distance of 100 meters in 1970.

Classes and standards for 50-200 meters

Below are the standards adopted in Russia for men and women (relevance as of 2021).


Pool 50 meters


Pool 25 meters
Pool 50 meters

Types of backstroke

There are two types of backstroke swimming: crawl and breaststroke. They have fundamental differences in technology.

When swimming crawl, the movements of the arms and legs are carried out alternately and represent the following cycle: two successive swings and strokes with the arms, 3 kicks with each leg, inhalation and exhalation, as well as movement of the body from side to side.

The breaststroke looks different: the swimmer throws his arms behind his head at the same time, and his legs perform pushing movements rather than kicking ones. At the moment of the push, the hips go down, and the sliding of the body continues until the stroke is carried out with the hands. Unlike crawl, breaststroke is not considered a sports discipline and is used only as a cool-down after training, or in the event of rescuing a drowning person.

Useful tips

To get started with backstroke swimming easily, follow these tips:

  1. Find your balance point by gently arching your back until you feel the desired position.
  2. The first time in the pool, just swim for fun. This is relevant for those who have not exercised for a long time, since you will not be able to immediately start swimming exclusively on your back.
  3. Try swimming without using your arms, like in the backstroke butterfly. This way you can learn to stay on the surface of the water without relying solely on arm strokes.
  4. Watch the video where professionals explain the basics. The theoretical basis is no less important than the practical one; it allows you to study the basic concepts in a specific style.
  5. Don't swim as fast as possible, focus solely on performing the technique correctly.

Backstroke swimming is a great way to keep yourself in good physical shape without expending an incredible amount of energy. By exercising several times a week, you will quickly feel your body becoming more resilient and stronger.

Why is it good to float on your back?

In the hustle and bustle of everyday work, we spend most of the day in an upright position, sitting or standing - it doesn’t matter that much. All this puts serious stress on the spine, which causes displacement of the spinal discs, their rapid wear and deterioration of blood circulation. The following benefits are noted when swimming:

  1. Relaxation of the spine. Being in the water, you seem to float in weightlessness. The entire load from the spine falls off and is distributed evenly throughout the body. The pressure exerted on the intervertebral discs also disappears, due to which the back relaxes and “rests”.
  2. Increased joint mobility. Due to the lack of stress, all joints in the water can work with high amplitude without fear of injury.
  3. Strengthening the muscle corset. During running, the leg muscles are trained, and during strength training, specifically the area on which the exercise is performed. Swimming on your back allows you to work almost all the muscles of the body, including the deep internal ones. Thanks to this load, your posture is corrected, since, while moving on your back, the entire pectoral muscles are stretched and the vertebrae are straightened.
  4. Increased lung excursion. Excursion is the distance by which the lower border of the lungs moves when inhaling. In older people or people suffering from diseases of the respiratory system, this figure can reach only 1-2 cm. By swimming and building the correct breathing technique, you train the lungs and increase their excursion.
  5. Relaxation after training. After any serious exercise, the body needs a cool-down, which allows you to relax the muscles and normalize the pulse. This style is the least energy-consuming, relaxes all muscle groups and restores breathing.

Thus, back crawl can be recommended to almost every person who has no contraindications to this type of swimming.

Indications for the use of swimming for the spine

The vast majority of spinal diseases can be treated with swimming. Most often, water aerobics and simply being in the water or swimming are complementary therapies, but this method has a very powerful effect.

Swimming is useful for those diseases of the spine that cause compression of the vertebrae and nerves. Swimming is often prescribed for:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • kyphosis, scoliosis and other curvatures;
  • intervertebral hernias and vertebral displacements.

In addition, the muscle corset improves, the muscles distribute the load and even small groups are worked out, which ultimately stabilize the position of the bones.

In fact, they are practically absent. Even if you do not have swimming skills, it is quite possible to acquire the necessary skills to perform effective therapy in the pool.

In addition, it is worth noting the restrictions when you should not swim:

  • curvature of the spine of 3-4 degrees, here you should swim only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • osteochondrosis at a significant stage or during exacerbation, you must first obtain a treatment program and consult;
  • heart and lung diseases, you must first learn about the permissible loads and training options.

Of course, there are also general restrictions that do not concern the spine, but relate to factors that do not contribute to swimming. We are talking about various skin diseases, colds, and central nervous system diseases. At the same time, in general, swimming is more often useful than harmful and can be useful to many.

Pool exercises are recommended for categories of people for the prevention or treatment of certain diseases, but initially it is worth visiting a doctor for consultation:

  1. Prevention of spinal diseases;
  2. Recovery after surgery;
  3. Osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritis;
  4. Vascular pathology;
  5. Scoliosis;
  6. Output of intervertebral discs;
  7. Advanced age.

Then you can achieve this effect:

  • Improving blood circulation and metabolism;
  • Training muscles and joints, returning tone;
  • Increased immunity;
  • Treatment of symptoms and causes of osteochondrosis, joint pathologies;
  • Relieving pain, discomfort and tightness in the back.

There are also a number of contraindications that apply to patients with certain problems and diseases:

  1. Pathologies of the heart and respiratory system;
  2. Convulsive syndrome and epilepsy;
  3. Skin infections and diseases;
  4. Reduced immunity and colds;
  5. Exacerbation of osteochondrosis or inflammation of the nerves;
  6. Pinched nerves.

The presence of these problems must be reported to the doctor in advance, before visiting the pool.

The benefits of swimming will only be if you initially consult a doctor, follow the rules for staying in the pool and use other types of therapy in combination to prevent osteochondrosis.

There is only one contraindication - an allergy to the products used to disinfect water. That is why it is recommended to find out in advance which substances are used for disinfection. We also note that visiting the pool is not recommended for people with cancer and HIV, as well as those who have suffered from diseases of the digestive system or acute respiratory infections in the last month.

Swimming for back pain

If you suffer from regular back pain, you need to think about the right workouts that will correct the disease. They will not only strengthen the muscles, but will also help prevent diseases of the back and cervical region, since when swimming crawl, the head is supported by the anterior muscles of the neck. This allows the vertebrae of the entire spinal trunk to relax and stretch.

Before you start exercising, consult a doctor to find out the true causes of the pain.

Listen to your body. If during training the pain intensifies or suddenly appears, stop training. To avoid getting into a similar situation, start the procedures gradually, learn swimming techniques, and do not swim long distances. Initially, your workouts can take about 30 minutes - this will be enough.

Correct footwork

Main articles:

  • Footwork technique when swimming crawl
  • What is the difference between two-, four- and six-beat crawl?

general description

The legs do not set the same pace for the process as the arms, and one of the functions of moving them is to balance the body.

The movement of the legs when swimming crawl occurs alternately and continuously: when one goes up, the other goes down.

The ideal starting position for crawling: a straight line with the lower part of the body slightly lowered into the water (keeping the whole body afloat requires a lot of energy, 20 centimeters is the average depth for comfortable swimming).

In order to work your legs correctly when swimming crawl, it is important to understand that the movements are carried out with almost straight legs: at the beginning of the cycle, the knee of the working leg bends slightly, and then sharply straightens, as if kicking, after which it returns to its original position. This video shows the footwork slowly:

This video shows the footwork slowly:

Basic moments:

  • The movement comes from the hip, and not by bending the knees (we make whip-like movements from the hip).
  • The legs do not bend much, the bend angle is in the range of 140-160 degrees.
  • The feet are extended away from you.
  • The feet move close to each other - to the point that the big toes can touch.

You can also watch a good analysis of footwork techniques in this video:

Number of hits: two, four or six

For 2 arm strokes, swimmers usually make 2, 4, or 6 kicks - this is called a two-, four- and six-beat crawl, respectively. As a rule, the six-stroke version is most often used - this way you can swim faster with the crawl, it is suitable for increasing speed, while the two-stroke version is used for long distances to save strength.

What muscles work when swimming on your back?

The most important thing in swimming is strength and endurance. Since the body in the pool is deprived of support, stabilization is achieved through the active work of all muscles of the body. The crawl uses a maximum of the back muscles, namely:

  • lats (tension when rowing);
  • triceps;
  • deltoid;
  • two-headed.

Also, in order to keep the body in an upright position, the muscles of the back of the thigh and buttocks are used.

The shoulder girdle actively works, namely:

  • teres major;
  • rotator cuff;
  • serratus anterior muscle.

We can conclude that this style of swimming uses the leg muscles the least, but does not completely deprive them of the load.

What benefits does training bring to your back?

  • Water helps relax the spinal column by adopting a horizontal position. Reduced body weight will relieve the back and relieve muscle tension, increase blood circulation in the spine, reducing the risk of pinched nerve endings;
  • Movements in the pool activate the intensity of breathing. Due to the increase in lung volume, oxygen exchange increases, enriching tissues and all cells with oxygen. The pool will benefit not only the back; a massage with water will reduce blood pressure, normalize the heart rhythm, and increase the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • The water environment has a relaxing effect on the nervous system, balances the psyche, and relieves the effects of stressful situations and fatigue. The need to concentrate and monitor the movements of your back distracts you from the problems of everyday life.

If you swim correctly, the pool will help train all muscles, not just your back. When balancing in water, a person has to actively work the muscles that support the spine.

All areas of the musculoskeletal system are exposed to the motor process without much effort.

Backstroke technique for beginners

To learn how to swim on your back quickly, easily, and most importantly, correctly, you should adhere to the following rules:

1. It’s better to start training on land in order to master all the basics of the technique. 2. Initially, pay more attention to the position of the head and body: the head is always static, but the body, on the contrary, is always in motion. 3. When moving on to training in the pool, use additional equipment. For example, a board, lying on which you can learn to maintain balance correctly. 4. While lying on the water, try to learn how to maintain balance without using your hands. First, practice the technique of interaction between your legs and feel for yourself the impact they have when swimming. 5. Ears should always be under water. It may be unpleasant at first, but you need to get used to it.

Movement technique

The back crawl technique consists of the following elements:

  • the body is in a horizontal position and elongated. In the process of swinging your arms, your shoulders make slight turns;
  • the head is always motionless, the gaze is directed upward;
  • legs are straight, slightly bent at the knee and make scissor-type movements;
  • arms are straightened, moving above the water in a “semicircle” trajectory.

For a better understanding, let's study each point separately.

Body position

To make it easier to maintain a straight and high body position, your gaze is always directed upward. Also keep your stomach pulled in - this allows you to create the desired arch in your back. While moving, the body makes turns, due to which the speed of movement increases.

Please note that the swimmer must glide through the water. To do this, the legs should not be bent at the hip joint.

How to hold your head

After you have assumed a horizontal body position, you should check your head and neck.

Relax your muscles, achieve a horizontal position of your head so that your ears are submerged under the water and the water line runs in the middle of your cheek. Lift your chin up. You can experiment with this by raising it higher or lower. 3-5 centimeters will be enough.

You should not turn your head from side to side - this can cause you to lose your balance and correct body position.

Hand movement

In backstroke swimming, the arms act as the main engine, so proper movement technique is the key to speed. The cycle performed by hand consists of 4 phases:

  1. Influx. The palm is tightly closed, the hand is immersed, starting with the little finger, and turns in the water perpendicular to the body.
  2. The main element is the elbow turns back and down, the arm straightens at the hip.
  3. Exit from the water. The hand is quickly raised with the little finger up. At this moment, the body turns, following the shoulder.
  4. The carry is carried out with a completely straight hand at an angle of 180 degrees above the water.

It is necessary to work out the cycle until it is fully automatic.

Leg movement

Let's study in detail the technique of leg movement. She must comply with the following rules:

  1. The legs move alternately, the strongest blow occurs when the leg moves from bottom to top. At this moment she fully unbends.
  2. When moving the limb from top to bottom, it is almost completely relaxed and straight.
  3. The leg bends when it is below the body.

From the outside it may seem that your legs help push water out. But in fact, by performing this cycle, they help push the body out of the water, after which it glides along the surface thanks to powerful arm movements.

How to breathe correctly

If you are only at the initial stage of learning, you don’t have to think about the correct breathing technique and breathe in the way that is comfortable for you, since the most important thing in learning is to memorize the correct movements. And breathing itself when swimming on your back is much easier than, for example, when learning the front crawl style.

For one cycle of movements there is one inhalation phase and one exhalation phase. At the moment when you bring one hand over the water, you should inhale, and when you bring the next hand, exhale. That's all.


Swimming with this style is not only easy (compared to other styles), but is very healthy.

Without any harmful stress on your joints, you get a good workout for a wide range of muscles , get a heart-healthy cardio workout , and, in addition, burn calories and get rid of excess weight .

The most effective (and, perhaps, not so boring) combination of this style with swimming the classic crawl or breaststroke - alternately changing them, moving from back to chest and back during training .

All of the above, of course, is only true if you swim with the correct technique. You can read its detailed description in our article at this link, and here are exercises for training and for classes in general.

Analysis of water launch techniques

When practicing the swimming style we are studying, the start is made from the water. At the beginning, the swimmer holds on to special handrails, and after a signal begins to move. The start is divided into several stages:

  • the starting position is as follows: the swimmer rests his feet against the wall of the pool, placing his feet parallel at a distance of 15-20 cm. The knees and pelvis are bent at the joints. The fingers are at the very edge of the water;
  • at the “Start” signal, the athlete makes a small swing with his body up and releases the handrails. The legs at this moment push off from the wall. Hands swing in the direction of movement;
  • during the flight, the body straightens and bends in an arc, the arms are extended forward and are the first to enter the water, starting with the hands. When the swimmer's shoulders and head are in the water, the arms are straightened horizontally.

The body continues to slide for 2-3 meters from the wall of the pool, after which swimming movements begin.

Entering the water

As noted above, the angle of entry (the so-called angle of attack) is about 30-45 degrees.

The most important thing here is to strive to ensure that the entire body passes through the same point of contact with the water. Relatively speaking, imagine that there is an open hatch on the asphalt, and you need to jump completely into it without touching the asphalt itself with your body and feet.

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Relatively speaking, imagine that there is an open hatch on the asphalt, and you need to jump completely into it without touching the asphalt itself with your body and feet.

A typical mistake here is when your feet fall and they touch the water in a different place. The consequences in water, of course, are not as painful as in the example with asphalt, but it slows you down and reduces your speed.

In order for the entire body to pass through one entry point, the following is required:

  • The torso should be as tense as possible, the stomach should be pulled in, the abdominal and back muscles should be tense and keep a straight line of the body.
  • The legs and arms are straightened and also tense, forming one straight line.
  • The palms should be arrow-shaped.
  • The feet should be joined together and pulled back.
  • The head should be hidden between (under) the arms and not disturb the overall dynamics.

The position of the hands and head in the final stage of the jump and after the dive is as follows:

The depth of immersion varies between swimmers and generally ranges from 80 to 170 centimeters. During training, you need to choose the dive option that will give you the best time over the distance.

Backstroke turns

You can make a turn when swimming on your back in an open or closed way. The open rotation technique looks like this.

When swimming to the wall of the pool, you can touch it with both your right and left hands. Moreover, if you want to turn to the right, the touch is made with your left hand, and when turning to the left, with your right.

When you touch the wall with your hand, you need to bend your knees, pulling your chests in and moving so that your knees are above the water. The head and shoulders quickly turn to the side. With your free hand you need to make a stroke towards the body.

After you have turned 180 degrees, the hand that was used to push off is removed from the wall and moves under the water while inhaling. The legs at this moment rest against the wall.

How to learn yourself or self-study

It is more problematic for an adult to learn to swim on his own than for a child. Because there is a fear of water and a feeling of fear of drowning. There is also a psychological aspect that the person is already an adult, but has never learned to swim. Therefore, first you need to overcome your fear of water. You need to make sure that the water can support the body. To do this, you can conduct the following experiment: go into a river or sea a little deeper than your waist, take a full lungful of air and dive headlong. Underwater, group yourself by clasping your legs with your arms. At this time, you will feel that the body is floating to the surface. After the air runs out, get back on your feet.

It is better to learn swimming in a pool where the water is calm. You definitely need a coach or a person who knows how to swim well and will supervise and help. In order for the process of learning to swim on your back to go correctly, the first thing you need to do is learn how to hold yourself on the water. This should be done this way:

  • go into the pool waist-deep in water;
  • pick up a swimboard or noodle;
  • holding the accessory with your hands, sit down in the water, touching it with your earlobes;
  • after that, slowly tilt your head back to the back of your head;
  • align your body with the surface of the water, your legs can remain touching the bottom;
  • lie on the water with your body, neck and head completely relaxed;
  • when balance is found, release the water accessory and lie without it;
  • take the starting position.

The main thing in this exercise is to learn to completely relax. As soon as your body lies calmly on the water, you can begin training your backstroke technique.

Swimming exercises

How to learn to swim on your back correctly? To do this, you should perform a series of exercises, separately for the arms and legs.


It is better to start the first exercise on land. To do this, move to a sitting position and lean on your elbows. The legs straighten and carry out alternating movements while in a vertical plane. It is advisable to ask an assistant to observe from the side that the exercise is performed correctly. Next, the actions are repeated while lying on your back.

The next step is to learn the technique at the edge of the pool or in a shallow area. Find support for yourself (this could be the hand of an assistant, which you will hold on to with one hand, and the other will be extended along your body), and repeat the same movements in the water. At this point, try to start training your breathing technique.

Gradually speed up your movements. While lying in the water, make sure that your knees are always under water and your feet are extended. Make the exercises more difficult by first placing one hand and then the other behind your head in a bent position. The next step: the hand is also placed behind the head, but is already straightened. If you manage to swim in this position, great, you can move on to arm exercises.

Hand work

The workout begins in a standing position. The arms are extended upward and alternately carried out rowing movements and swings. In this case, it is necessary to follow the technique: the hand begins to go behind the head with the little finger down, and to come out with the little finger up. Next, we pay attention to the hand; at the beginning of the downward movement, the palm must be slightly bent, and at the end, flexion at the wrist joint must be performed.

When the hand is placed behind the head (simulating movement under water), the movement occurs with the elbow forward, and the hand and forearm are passed with a “smearing” stroke, at an angle to the direction of movement. You can carry out training both simultaneously with both hands, and alternately - first on one hand, then on the other.

It is recommended to repeat the same exercises in water, first with supporting devices, and then without them.

Basic moments

Although this style is the easiest to learn, the correct crawl technique also plays an important role here. In this case, speed should not be the main goal, but rather a consequence of correctly performed movements

To get the most benefit from backstroke, you need to try to achieve the correct body position on the water - as streamlined and straight as possible. Do not put in a lot of effort or make frequent and sudden movements.

While on the water, you should pay attention to two points: correct body position and breathing.

body position when swimming on your back

Body position when swimming on your back

If a swimmer is just learning to move on his back, then he should pay attention to the following recommendations:

Before entering the water, it is worth practicing on land, imitating the movements of your hands when swimming. This warm-up will allow you to quickly get used to the water, since the movements will already be familiar. The main focus of backstroke swimming is to learn the ability to float and balance without using your arms or legs. During training, you should pay special attention to the position of the upper body and head - the torso should be mobile, and the head, on the contrary, should be in the same position above the water; direct your gaze towards your feet. Many trainers advise beginners to start training with additional devices and accessories (if the beginner is not confident in himself and does not hold well on the surface of the water)

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These can be foam cubes, planks or special inflatable sleeves. It is important that the chest is slightly raised above the surface of the water, while the head is partially submerged in the water (approximately at the level of the ears). A good exercise would be to swim using only your legs, while keeping your head above the water. The body should be in the most horizontal position, and the pelvic area as close as possible to the surface of the water - in order to make swinging movements with the legs without unnecessary effort. When swimming on the back crawl, the body must turn towards the hand with which the stroke is made. The pace of movement becomes more dynamic, which means the distance swam increases.. It is important to remember the features of swimming on the back, namely the position of the head, torso and limbs

Let's take a closer look at this swimming technique.

It is important to remember the features of backstroke swimming, namely the position of the head, torso and limbs. Let's take a closer look at this swimming technique.

Body and head position

The swimmer's torso must be in a horizontal position relative to the water surface. Since in this position the head is above the water, the swimmer is able to breathe without difficulty. At the same time, the neck muscles and spine should be relaxed, this will avoid rapid fatigue.

At the moment of the stroke, the head should be above the surface of the water so that only the ears are covered. In this position, the swimmer will be able to inhale and exhale freely without unnecessary stops.

Leg position

When swimming on your back, the main load falls on the lower limbs, namely the hip joints. To start the movement, the swimmer just needs to make standard movements with his legs up and down - similar to “scissors”.

It is worth noting that the most comfortable distance between the legs is approximately 15–30 cm, and it is recommended to immerse them in water to a depth of no more than 20 cm. During swimming, the legs actively work in the knee joints.

leg movements during backstroke

Leg movements during backstroke

Hand movements

With the help of his hands, the swimmer provides himself with the main thrust and sets the direction of movement in several stages:

  • immersion in water - the movement of the hand occurs from the shoulder behind the head, the little finger goes into the water first. The depth of immersion is no more than 30 cm, while the arm should be maximally extended in line with the shoulder joint;
  • the supporting part of the stroke - here there is a feeling of water pressure and readiness for the main row, the hand falls down following the elbow joint, at the same time the opposite arm begins to move;
  • the main part of the stroke is the resistance of the arm muscles to the resistance of the water surface and the creation of inertia for forward movement;
  • bending the arms at the elbow joint while passing them under the body and reaching shoulder level, with the elbow facing the bottom of the pool and the fingers pointing upward;
  • extending the arm above the water - begins when it is at hip level, it is at this time that the elbow turns in the opposite direction and a strong push is made.

hand position when swimming on the back
Hand position when swimming on the back

Common Mistakes

Let's look at common mistakes that prevent you from learning to swim on your back.

  1. Incorrect body position, which causes the pelvis to sink too low. Most often this happens due to excessive flexion at the hip joint, which causes the pelvis to sink deeper. In order for the body to take on a streamlined shape, we stretch out horizontally and “lie down” on the water.
  2. The body loses balance and drowns if the work of the arms stops. To prevent this from happening, practice the technique of leg movement: feet straight, toes pointing inward, ankle mobile.
  3. When working with your hands, water gets on your face - this problem occurs if the hand does not move in a straight line and enters the water incorrectly. Remember: hand immersion begins with the little finger.
  4. The swimmer's movement is too slow. Most often the reason is a lack of core work. Add more spins when swimming.

Technical errors and how to increase crawl swimming speed

Even a gifted beginner needs a knowledgeable person who can look at him from the outside and point out mistakes. The most common are the following:

  • turning the head without turning the body when inhaling;
  • straight legs or tense knees;
  • strictly vertical movement of the legs;
  • short exhalation;
  • head raised high above the water;
  • the coordination of hand movements and breathing is impaired;
  • strong vibrations of the body when moving the arms.

There is only one way to eradicate the above errors - additional exercises for coordination of movements, basic breathing skills and others.

And now some tips not related to swimming technique:

In water, the body should be as free and relaxed as possible. The swimmer should pay significant attention to his movements in the water. Amateurs (people without any special pretensions in the world of sports) need to practice as often as possible at the first stage. The first results will not take long to appear. Crawl is a swimming style accessible to everyone

With enough attention and perseverance, any beginner can master the crawl and reap the benefits of the fastest swimming style. After all, learning to swim fast with crawl is easy.

Crawl is a swimming style that is accessible to everyone. With enough attention and perseverance, any beginner can master the crawl and reap the benefits of the fastest swimming style. After all, learning to swim fast with crawl is easy.

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