CT blockade in the treatment of pain in radiculitis


  • Where to place a blockade on the spine?
  • How often can a spinal block be performed?
  • Joint blockades and their types
  • Expert opinion
  • Who carries out the treatment?
  • Why do they contact us?
  • Reviews from our patients
  • Sign up for treatment
  • Cost of treatment at the Stoparthrosis clinic
  • Prices for drug blockades

In a medical clinic you can do a spinal block, a block for pain in muscles and joints. A blockade is the injection of a drug into a painful area in order to quickly relieve pain and block inflammation. As a result of the blockade, the transmission of pain impulses along the nerve is disrupted, so the person feels better.

Injection into the area of ​​the pinched root

Spinal block

Drug blockade of the spine has a number of advantages, as doctors say - “the effect at the tip of the needle”:

  • rapid pain relief;
  • relief of inflammation;
  • reducing tissue swelling.

Sometimes even one blockade can relieve back pain and return the patient to normal life. The procedure does not require hospitalization, is performed on an outpatient basis and takes no more than 20 minutes. Immediately after the blockade, the patient can move around; long-term medical supervision is not required.

Injections of chondroprotectors and hyaluronic acid into joints have been used for more than 30 years and today they are considered one of the effective treatment methods, and are rightfully called “liquid prostheses” for joints.

Medical indications

Having figured out what it is, many patients, with any manifestation of pain, require paravertebral blockade. But the patient’s wishes do not play a primary role here, since the final decision is made by the attending physician. He necessarily takes into account the current well-being of the patient, medical history, as well as recent test results. The main indications for such a powerful intervention were the following pathologies: A prescription for the purchase of pharmacological agents for the blockade will also be issued to those who suffer from intervertebral hernias or have encountered a pinched peripheral nerve. Spinal injuries are considered separately, since it is not always possible to use a similar technique when they are detected. Depending on the situation, decisions are made by a specialist when the patient has been diagnosed with chronic pain syndrome of almost any localization. The same applies to the severe discomfort that arose due to swelling followed by extensive inflammation. The primary source in this case should be a nerve root that has ceased to function as it should. The method of administering drugs directly to the point of injury is ideal if it is necessary to get rid of compression of the nerve trunk, which is typical for muscle spasm.

How often can a spinal block be performed?

A course of treatment using drug blockades includes 3-5 injections, with an interval of 2 to 7 days, depending on the disease and pain intensity. Drug blockade is performed in any part of the spine according to the following indications:

  • Pain in the cervical region;
  • Pain in the thoracic region;
  • Pain in the lumbar region;
  • Pain in the coccyx and sacrum;
  • Osteochondrosis in the acute stage;
  • Intervertebral disc herniation;
  • Protrusion of the intervertebral disc;
  • Spinal sciatica.

Orthopedic doctor Andrey Sergeevich Litvinenko comments:

On the website you can also read reviews from our patients about spinal blockade, make an appointment and get answers to other questions. If necessary, our doctors can perform a blockade at home.

General technology

Regardless of whether the lumbar part or some other part needs pain relief, the technique for performing the blockade is identical.
Some differences affect only the search for a specific active point. Only a qualified specialist who can guarantee the safety of his ward can free the thoracic region from discomfort. This allows the qualification of a neurosurgeon or neurologist who will administer the injection directly in his office. An ambulance doctor can also do this in emergency situations.

The technique is carried out only with sterile instruments, and the complex of drugs is selected individually. Sometimes specialists even use an ozone-oxygen mixture. Traditional paravertebral manipulation is a segmental intervention, which means a targeted effect. But since the areas have nerve fibers that intersect, this somewhat expands the range of activity of the painkiller. This is how you achieve a clear therapeutic effect in a short period of time. Regardless of the location of the affected area, the preparatory stage is mandatory for everyone. First, you need to treat the area with antiseptic liquids, and only then apply local anesthesia. To do this, the medical staff uses a thin needle, placing several injections on both sides of the problematic spinal segment. The same thing happens if you have to provide pain relief during labor. As soon as the local anesthesia begins to take effect, you can begin the main stage. Now you will have to take a thicker needle, the puncture of which a person will no longer feel. Through it, a pre-prepared medicinal mixture is slowly injected into the lesion with a syringe. Within a couple of seconds, the composition begins to envelop the nerve ending, which guarantees pain relief. After a while, the victim himself will see that the swelling will begin to subside and the inflammatory process will fade away. The body's automatic reaction to medications that cause the blood vessels to dilate allows you to get rid of edema. By improving blood flow, it is possible to level out the swelling near the nerve root. If you follow the instructions strictly, entrusting your own health to a real professional, then the procedure will indeed be highly effective and safe.

Joint blockades and their types

Drug blockade is used to treat joint diseases:

shoulder jointelbow jointankle joint
hip jointknee-jointwrist joint

Medicines used as part of blockades:


Such medications help eliminate swelling, relieve inflammation and pain. Glucocorticosteroids do not have restorative properties, so they are recommended to be combined with other drugs and treatment methods.


Novocaine, lidocaine, trimicaine, etc. are used for blockades. They eliminate pain. The drugs are not addictive and do not have harmful effects on the body.


Used as joint fluid substitutes, especially in the treatment of arthrosis. Chondroprotectors help normalize metabolism and stop destructive processes in cartilage tissue.

Homeopathic medicines.

As part of complex therapy, Tzel-T and Traumeel-S are used to improve metabolism.


B vitamins are most often prescribed.

An orthopedic doctor talks about a blockade in a joint

Knee block

Anchor: #

Contraindications for use

To save yourself from sudden or uncontrollable muscle contraction, a blockade helps out in the best possible way. But it cannot be used if the victim has an individual intolerance to the active ingredients of the prescribed drugs.

In order to avoid possible anaphylactic shock, it is enough to conduct an allergy test, after successful completion of which full-fledged manipulation is allowed. The remaining contraindications cover almost standard absolute and relative prohibitions like:

  • infectious diseases that are at an acute stage of development;
  • renal failure;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • liver failure;
  • severe dysfunction of the central nervous system.

It is prohibited to use this procedure if the victim has low blood pressure or there is a note on epilepsy in the medical card. It will also not be possible to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman with glucocorticoids and liquid painkillers due to the negative effect on the fetus. Of particular note are clinical cases when, during the initial examination, it turned out that the patient had damage to the integrity of the skin. When the development of an infectious process of any nature is confirmed, you will have to wait until complete recovery, so as not to develop complications along the way.

Prices for drug blockades

ServicesPriceSign up
Ankle block3000 rubSign up
Knee block3000 rubSign up
Elbow block3000 rubSign up
Wrist block3000 rubSign up
Interphalangeal joint block2000 rubSign up
Shoulder joint block3000 rubSign up
Heel spur block3000 rubles
5000 rubles
Sign up
Ultrasound-guided hip block4000 rubles
5000 rubles
Sign up

Result of blockade with injections in the nose

Injections of hormonal drugs into the nasal mucosa for a long time free up nasal breathing and remove congestion by eliminating swelling of the mucous membranes.

Blockades have the following advantages:

    high safety for patients of any age; rapid onset and lasting effect after therapy; excellent tolerability; low risk of complications of side effects.

Injections of drugs relieve irritation of the nasal mucosa and normalize the secretion of goblet cells. They also relieve itching and dryness in the nose. The process of tissue healing and recovery after surgery is accelerated.

Why do they contact us?

Side effects and complications

After the medication takes effect, people may begin to experience some unpleasant symptoms.
They are interested in whether there may be a “whining” in the injection area after. Only a doctor can accurately answer the question of whether any observed manifestation upon completion of the manipulation is a pathological condition. Here it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of a particular patient. Some of the most common side effects, the occurrence of which should be immediately reported to the medical staff on duty, are:

  • problems with bladder function;
  • neurological reactions, which is a kind of response of the nervous system;
  • destabilization of breathing, which is usually explained by the entry of therapeutic fluid into the subarachnoid space;
  • collapses;
  • pronounced pain at the injection site.

Ignoring the rules for preliminary preparation or insufficient sterility of working instruments can also add to problems. In the worst case scenario, the patient may experience infection of the spinal cord membranes. The surrounding tissues can suffer from the lack of a sufficient amount of antiseptic in the problem area. Despite the effectiveness of the procedure, it can lead to complications. The most typical of them are damaged soft tissues, including nerve fibers, blood vessels, and muscles.

The occurrence of such complications indicates the inexperience or incompetence of the physician who inserted the needle into the body carelessly.

Sometimes patients complain of minor bleeding at the site of the needle insertion mark. But specific complications are extremely rare phenomena, but still occur.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at the Yusupov Hospital

Performing a blockade for cervical osteochondrosis brings only temporary results. To obtain a lasting effect in the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to complete the full course of therapy. At the Yusupov Hospital, the patient is provided with all the necessary medical services for high-quality treatment of osteochondrosis. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital are leading specialists in the treatment of pathologies of the skeletal system, in particular cervical osteochondrosis. Doctors of Sciences, doctors of the highest category, who have extensive clinical experience in the treatment of osteochondrosis and constantly improve the level of their qualifications, work here. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital are also engaged in research activities and are developing new effective methods for eliminating the disease.

At the Yusupov Hospital you can undergo treatment for osteochondrosis of any stage and various locations. The hospital's emergency department operates around the clock, so if acute pain develops that requires a blockade, you can seek help at any time of the day or night. Also, the Yusupov Hospital provides, so there is no need to use personal transport in a critical situation.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is carried out comprehensively. The patient is prescribed drug therapy and physical therapy. Each element of therapy is controlled by a corresponding specialist (neurologist, physiotherapist, exercise therapy instructor, etc.). The patient can be treated in a hospital or outpatient clinic. This will depend on his condition and desire. An individual approach is applied to each patient, which allows us to obtain the best results in the treatment of osteochondrosis.

After completing the course of treatment for cervical osteochondrosis at the Yusupov Hospital, stable remission is observed. The patient’s unpleasant symptoms go away, the functioning of the spine normalizes, and health improves. A full course of treatment for cervical osteochondrosis at the Yusupov Hospital allows you to get rid of this problem for a long time and even forever.

To make an appointment with specialists and clarify the work of the departments, you can call the Yusupov Hospital.

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