Let's find out if you can eat sauerkraut if you have gout?

Gout is a systemic tophi pathology that develops as a result of inflammation in human organs and vital systems. The pathology is localized in areas of deposition of monosodium urate crystals in people with hyperuricemia caused by the negative impact of external and (or) genetic factors. An integrated approach is used to treat the disease, an important part of which is making the necessary adjustments to the usual diet. Preference is given to vegetables and fruits, which prevent the loss of mineral compounds of uric acid . When asked by patients whether it is possible to eat sauerkraut if they have gout, doctors answer positively only if the man or woman does not have a history of serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Features of nutrition for gout

Just a few decades ago, the statement that gout affects mainly men 45-50 years old was considered classic. When diagnosing 20 patients, pathology was detected in 19 patients. In the only woman, the disease developed during the postmenopausal period after 60 years. According to statistics from a research center in the USA, the number of patients with gout has increased 7 times. The disease is rapidly spreading among both men and women, but only in developed countries due to increasing life expectancy and an increase in its standard. The modern rhythm of life has accelerated, provoking severe psycho-emotional stress, which is often eliminated by drinking alcohol.

Many people who left their mark on history suffered from gout: Charles Darwin, R. Bacon, Galileo, Newton, Quantum, Franklin and many others. Researchers claim that the reason for the mysterious nature of gouty genius is the ability of uric acid to stimulate brain function. In a healthy person, this organic compound is contained in the tissues of about a gram, and in gout - 20-30 times more.

American rheumatologists have established a connection between cases of gout being diagnosed among the working population and adherence to so-called fast food - fast food (mainly beer and hamburgers). The disease has also often begun to affect women who take diuretics to lose weight. All this becomes prerequisites for the occurrence of the main cause of gout - an increase in the level of uric acid in the systemic bloodstream. At the initial stage, hyperuricemia occurs, characterized by the gradual accumulation of urates, and then their deposition in tissues. When the pathology becomes chronic, a person begins to suffer from acute painful attacks provoked by inflammation.

Due to the fact that an irrational lifestyle becomes a common cause of gout, the following methods are simultaneously used in therapy:

  • increased physical activity, decreased excess body weight;
  • restriction of foods high in fat and easily broken down and adsorbed carbohydrates, introduction of fasting days;
  • a course of taking pharmacological drugs to increase the level of uricemia.

Nutritionists recommend that people with gout eat foods that are steamed, baked, or simmered in a small amount of water. The only exception is sauerkraut without added salt . It would seem that there is a contradiction - an acidic product in the diet will provoke the loss and accumulation of urates in the body. But it is not the addition of vinegar that gives cabbage its sour taste, but the work of beneficial bacteria. In the process of their life activity, lactic acid microorganisms break down and process vegetable crops in a special way. The result of fermentation is sauerkraut, which contains a huge amount of nutrients and biologically active substances.

Table of foods for diet for gout

Meals consist of 3 meals and 2 snacks. Fasting during acute gout is undesirable, since symptoms may worsen due to increased protein breakdown.

The table of allowed products will allow you to create the right menu with health benefits.
Table of useful products

Bakery productsBlack breadExclude white bread and baked goods.
MeatChickenUse no more than 2 times a week. Red meat - exclude.
FishLow-fat fish, fish oilOnly boiled. After cooking, the broth is drained and the fish is consumed boiled. No more than 2 times a week.
Eggs and dairy productsMilk, kefir, butter, yogurt, sour cream, cheesePreference is given to low-fat dairy products. Hard cheese is added to food no more than 2 times a week; butter is acceptable.
GroatsLegumes, lentils, chickpeas, buckwheat, oatsPorridges are boiled in water with a little salt. Preference for whole grains.
VegetablesCorn, dill, carrots, zucchini, eggplant, beets, pumpkin, tomatoIn any form.
FruitsCranberry, currant, watermelon, banana, red currant, sea buckthorn, lingonberry, dates, pomegranates, pears, lemon, black currantFruits can be consumed in very limited quantities; sweet fruits should be excluded. Cherries - in any form and in large quantities. Preference is given to berries.
SweetsIce cream, candies and pastillesHighly undesirable.
FatsVegetable oil, butter, flaxseed oilAcceptable.
Spices and seasoningsAll typesRecommended for cooking.

Delicious dishes can be replaced with similar ones to diversify your diet. Apple cider vinegar in small quantities will replace regular table vinegar, and pumpkin and sesame seeds will be a good addition to salads. Coffee may lower uric acid levels, unlike green tea.

Nuts and honey are used to prepare healthy treats. Recipes for homemade whole grain unsweetened cookies will help those with a sweet tooth cope with a strict diet.

The first signs of gout are a reason to change your diet. With this disease, you should not eat fatty meats, broth-based soups, smoked and salted foods, canned food, preservatives, sweets and flour products. Alcoholic drinks and grapes are contraindicated. The list of prohibited treats is supplemented by chocolate. The patient should exclude processed foods and marinades.

Medicinal properties of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is included in a special diet for gout patients. When choosing any food product for this disease, it is taken into account that the formation of uric acid conglomerates occurs when the acid-base balance pH shifts below 5-5.5. Eating only alkaline foods every day helps prevent the environment of any physiological fluid from becoming acidic.

Egon Orowan explained the prevalence of gout among geniuses by the similarity of the chemical structure of uric acid with caffeine and tannin. These well-known brain stimulants have a huge impact on mental and physical performance. He suggested that the impetus for the new period of evolution was the absence in primates of the specific enzyme uricase, which breaks down uric acid, in the body.

In the bloodstream, uric acid is present in the form of mineral salts formed during biochemical reactions. Typically, urate crystals contain a high concentration of sodium ions, but uric salts of other trace elements are also found. Sauerkraut contains many different organic acids:

  • inhibiting the synthesis of uric acid by renal structures;
  • preventing crystallization processes.

Let us note the significance of metabolic disorders in gout. For example, laboratory tests often reveal high concentrations of oxalates in the urine of patients. The presence of these salts, formed from calcium ions and oxalic acid, indicates a disorder of metabolic processes and requires further diagnosis to determine the cause of the pathological condition. In the absence of endocrine or other diseases, the inclusion of sauerkraut in the daily menu also helps to normalize the breakdown and absorption of oxalic acid and prevent its deposition in tissues. Regular consumption of this vegetable crop by gout patients, in addition to reducing body weight, can lead to a decrease in serum uric acid levels and the frequency of arthritis attacks.

Read the article about the role of hirudotherapy in the treatment of gout.

Diet “Table No. 15”


  • diseases without prescription of therapeutic diets;
  • transitional diet after treatment.

Cooking rules

Culinary preparation of dishes is recommended to be usual and varied. The calorie content of the diet is about 3000 kcal.

Recommended diet

Bread products:

rye and wheat bread from 1st and 2nd grade flour, cookies.
Cereals and pasta:
all cereals, pasta and legumes.
Milk and dairy products:
cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, kefir, cheese.
various soups.
Meat and meat dishes:
lean meats.
Fish and fish dishes:
various types of fish in any culinary preparation.
a variety of vegetables in different culinary preparations.
Raw vegetables and salads made from them, vinaigrettes, boiled and stewed vegetables. Eggs and egg dishes:
eggs in any form.
Berries and fruits:
necessarily raw fruits and berries, sweet and sour varieties and types: pears, grapes, apples, raspberries, currants.
Various types of snacks.
jelly, jelly, molasses, nougat, marmalade, pastries, meringues, meringues.
tea, coffee, cocoa, fruit and berry juices, tomato juice, kvass.

Foods and dishes that need to be excluded

Bread products:

products made from butter and puff pastry.
Milk and dairy products:
salty and fatty cheese, heavy cream.
mushroom broths and legume soups.
Meat and meat dishes:
fatty meats - pork, lamb, beef, goose, duck.
Fish and fish dishes:
fatty fish, salted and smoked fish.
radish, radish, mushrooms.
Eggs and egg dishes:
limit egg yolks in the diet.
canned food in moderation, hot sauces.
cream products, chocolate and chocolate products, ice cream.
strong tea, coffee, cocoa, alcoholic drinks.

Sample diet menu No. 15 for a week


  • Breakfast: pearl barley porridge with pumpkin, tea with milk.
  • Lunch: soup with lentils and rabbit meat, rye toast, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of fermented baked milk.
  • Dinner: stewed Brussels sprouts, steam cutlet, linden decoction.


  • Breakfast: semolina with milk, pieces of fresh apricot, tea.
  • Lunch: vegetarian borscht, buckwheat porridge with boiled mushrooms, bread.
  • Afternoon snack: oven-baked pear.
  • Dinner: stuffed fish, lettuce, cucumber, compote.


  • Breakfast: pancakes with honey, weak black tea.
  • Lunch: pea soup, bread crumbs, pilaf with chicken or rabbit meat.
  • Afternoon snack: compote with dried bread.
  • Dinner: chicken in sour cream, homemade squash caviar, rose hip tea.


  • Breakfast: omelette with tomatoes, bran toast, coffee with milk.
  • Lunch: broth with noodles and veal, millet porridge with chopped dried apricots.
  • Afternoon snack: apple juice, not roasted nuts.
  • Dinner: stuffed peppers, seasoned with sour cream, chamomile tea.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with raisins, tea.
  • Lunch: beetroot soup, rice porridge with vegetables, oatmeal bread.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt with fresh berries.
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes with chicken fillet meatballs, fresh vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast: pearl barley porridge with apple, bread with cheese, tea.
  • Lunch: soup with veal meatballs and vegetables, stewed cabbage.
  • Afternoon snack: compote, light biscuits.
  • Dinner: rice porridge, fish with vegetables, fresh pear and apples.


  • Breakfast: soft-boiled eggs, fresh vegetable salad with herbs, toast, tea.
  • Lunch: cream of mushroom soup, steamed cutlets with buckwheat porridge, bread.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Dinner: veal stewed with green beans, jelly.


The medical diet “Table No. 15” is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, based on the medical history and studies performed.


The high content of fiber and organic acids in sauerkraut can be harmful to a patient with gout if there are concomitant diseases. Consumption of this product even by a person in normal health can cause the development of rotting and fermentation processes. As a result of excess gas formation, a feeling of fullness, bloating, pain in the epigastric region, sour belching and heartburn occurs. And the presence of salt in sauerkraut can worsen the well-being of a gout patient. The reason for this condition is the ability of sodium chloride to retain fluid in the body, and with it uric acid.

Nutritionists recommend not purchasing sauerkraut at food markets and stores, but preparing it yourself, minimizing the amount of salt. Undoubtedly, this will worsen the taste of the product, but will significantly increase its therapeutic effectiveness.

A patient with gout will have to refuse sauerkraut if there is a history of the following acute and chronic pathologies:

  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • erosive and hyperacid gastritis;
  • predisposition to the formation of gallstones, kidney stones, liver stones, urinary stones;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • pancreatitis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

Insufficient production of digestive enzymes by the pancreas will provoke a prolonged presence of sauerkraut in the gastrointestinal tract, a disorder in its breakdown and absorption of nutrients. Sugar and even honey are often added to improve the taste of the product. A significant increase in the hyperglycemic index should be taken into account in the presence of diabetes mellitus, which often provokes the deposition of crystals of uric acid salts.

Composition and therapeutic effect of vegetables

Sauerkraut is included in the diet for gout due to its low calorie content, since the pathology occurs against the background of impaired metabolic processes that provoke fat deposition. Its chemical composition is dominated by micro- and macroelements and water-soluble vitamins. Their presence in sauerkraut alone explains its tonic and restorative effect, which helps cope with exacerbations of pathology. When fermented, a vegetable crop retains all nutrients and biologically active substances: its composition is replenished with new useful compounds formed during various chemical reactions.

In the Middle Ages, gout developed among rich and noble people. It was called the “disease of the aristocrats,” since the pathology was caused by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, overeating, and excess weight—the main signs of a person belonging to the rich class.

Sauerkraut is a record holder for the content of enzymes, polysaccharides, fiber, phytoncides, and bioflavonoids. Although these bioactive substances have an indirect therapeutic effect on gout, it should not be underestimated. For example, bioflavonoids have the ability to:

  • normalize blood circulation;
  • improve microcirculation in affected joint tissues.

They begin to receive organic compounds, minerals and molecular oxygen necessary for cell regeneration. Don’t forget about lactic acid, which promotes the development of fermentation processes in vegetables. It has a positive effect on the state of the intestinal biocenosis, causing the growth and active reproduction of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria. Digestion and peristalsis improves, metabolic processes accelerate, general and local immunity is strengthened. Since gout causes problems in the functioning of the kidneys, the patient’s body gradually becomes sluggish. Eating sauerkraut helps remove all accumulated waste, toxins, and products of the inflammatory process, including uric acid salts.

The amount of biologically active substances contained in vegetables is given in the table:

Name of bioactive compoundConcentration in 100 g of sauerkraut, mg
Thiamine, vitamin B10,025
Pyridoxine, vitamin B60,02
Cyanocobalamin, vitamin B120,015
Tocopherol, vitamin E0,1
Bioflavonoids, vitamins P0,6
Ascorbic acid, vitamin C32,0

Sauerkraut contains substances in high concentrations that help restore optimal metabolism and absorption of uric acid.

Healthy recipes

White cabbage is useful in any form for gout. Whether you eat it pickled, stewed or boiled depends only on your general well-being. Fresh cabbage can be eaten in any quantity. The only exceptions are people with gastritis and stomach ulcers. Since fresh cabbage is a fairly heavy food, if you have gastrointestinal diseases, you should consult a doctor.

Stewed cabbage for gout can be eaten in any quantity. It is allowed to be combined with carrots, but vegetable oil must be used to a minimum during cooking.

Sauerkraut for gout reduces swelling due to its diuretic effect

Sauerkraut for gout can be consumed at least every day. If you ferment it yourself, you can have no doubt whether it was prepared correctly, so this product is allowed for gout. It can also be eaten by people with gastritis.

Useful properties of sauerkraut for gout: reduction of swelling, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects.

Interestingly, sauerkraut contains a large amount of vitamin C, so it has a positive effect on the entire body. This product also has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and antioxidant properties. It is useful to consume sauerkraut for gout in autumn and winter to reduce the risk of exacerbation of the disease.

Healing juice

Cabbage juice is useful for improving metabolism and removing uric acid salts. It's very easy to prepare: you just need to put a few large leaves in a juicer. It is recommended to drink 100-150 ml daily. It stimulates urination, improves immunity, and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Cabbage with cranberries

Having figured out whether it is possible to eat fresh cabbage for gout, you should learn how to prepare healthy dishes. Cabbage goes well with cranberries, which are also good for metabolism and immunity. The consumption of these two products has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

To prepare the salad, finely chop the cabbage and add cranberries to it. For 1 kg of cabbage you need to take 100 g of berries. Both ingredients are mixed, placed in a jar, into which 3 tablespoons of lemon juice are added. The salad should stand in the refrigerator for three days so that the cabbage gives juice, and then it can be consumed in any quantity.

For gout, white cabbage can be eaten with a sour apple. The salad is prepared according to the same recipe as with cranberries.

Sea kale

Sea kale salad is allowed to be consumed no more than 2 times a week

Seaweed can be eaten in salads, but not very often. It contains a large amount of iodine, which can lead to the development of problems with the thyroid gland. For gout, the optimal frequency of use of the product is 150 grams twice a week. Finely chop the seaweed, add grated carrots and season the salad with lemon juice.

Having figured out how sea kale is useful for gout and whether or not it can be consumed, you should know the safe way to use it. These are compresses. You just need to apply the cabbage to the sore joint, secure it with a bandage and leave it for two hours. This remedy reduces pain and improves joint mobility.

Compresses with white cabbage

When gout worsens, the joints become swollen, pain occurs, and mobility is impaired. To quickly reduce swelling, you can apply a compress of white cabbage to gouty joints. To do this, you need to take a large leaf, mash it with your fingers so that the juice comes out, and then apply it to the joint for 4 hours. You can also lubricate one part of the leaf with honey and apply this side to the sore limb. Such compresses are safe and can be used without restrictions.

When treating gout, it is important not to overuse home remedies. Any healthy product can be harmful to health if consumed in large quantities. It is recommended to consult a doctor before starting home treatment.

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Ascorbic acid

Sauerkraut is used for gout because it contains a large amount of vitamin C. The organic compound accelerates the removal of uric acid and urates from tissues and systemic blood flow, and prevents the formation and enlargement of crystals. Almost all redox processes in the human body occur with the participation of ascorbic acid, which can be their direct reagent or serve as a catalyst. Eating sauerkraut prevents the interaction of sodium protons with uric acid and accelerates its excretion by the urinary system. The following properties of ascorbic acid can improve the condition of a gout patient:

  • regulation of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • normalization of blood clotting, permeability of the walls of large and small blood vessels, inhibition of hyaluronidase;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • reducing the body's need for water- and fat-soluble vitamins;
  • maintaining the colloidal state of the intercellular substance;
  • acceleration of proteoglycan synthesis, which is disrupted in gout;
  • activation of proteolytic enzymes;
  • enhancing the detoxification effect of hepatocytes.

Regular consumption of sauerkraut helps reduce the severity of pain during exacerbations of pathology. This is explained by the ability of ascorbic acid to prevent the production of inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins and bradykinins). This property of the vegetable crop makes it possible to reduce daily and single dosages of pharmacological drugs that exhibit serious side effects - neurological disorders and dyspeptic disorders.

Recent research has confirmed that there is a genetic predisposition to developing gout. The body produces an increased amount of uric acid, which the urinary organs cannot cope with the evacuation of.

B vitamins

Balanced complexes of B vitamins (Kombilipen, Pentovit) are included in the therapeutic regimens of all patients diagnosed with joint diseases, including gout. These biologically active substances are present in high concentrations in sauerkraut, especially in the juice released during fermentation, so nutritionists recommend draining it. Daily consumption of 100 g of a healthy product helps to activate microcirculatory processes, reduce the intensity of joint pain, improve innervation and blood supply to damaged tissues. For the treatment of gout, the presence of the following B vitamins in sauerkraut is especially important:

  • thiamine _ Takes part in carbohydrate metabolism, increases the functional activity of nerve tissue, improves impulse conductivity. Prevents the accumulation of urates in the urinary organs by normalizing metabolic processes;
  • pyridoxine . Helps normalize the functioning of the peripheral and central nervous systems. Takes an active part in the metabolic processes of the body, stimulates the production of the most important neurotransmitters;
  • cyanocobalamin . Accelerates the metabolism of uric acid, improves the functioning of the liver and nervous system, stimulates blood clotting and metabolic processes, and takes part in the synthesis of amino acids.

Nutritionists recommend that patients with gout include sauerkraut in their diet to prevent arthritis attacks. Thanks to the restoration of optimal nervous regulation, the inflammatory process in cartilage and bone tissue is stopped. Restoring their blood supply improves the delivery of nutrients and biologically active substances and promotes rapid healing. B vitamins prevent the spread of destructive and degenerative changes to healthy areas of joint tissue.

Vitamins K, P, E

Uric acid in the body of a gout patient is formed during the destruction of cells. In a healthy person, the organic compound is excreted with each bladder emptying and is partially used for the construction of new DNA and RNA. With gout, these processes are distorted and cause tissue destruction. Sauerkraut contains tocopherol (vitamin E), which exhibits pronounced antioxidant activity. It prevents damage to cell membranes as a result of oxidative reactions.

The protective effect of tocopherol is due to its ability to be embedded in membranes in such a way that contact of molecular oxygen with unsaturated triglycerides is impossible. Hydrophobic complexes are formed that protect cells from oxidative destruction.

Vitamin E is also characterized by antihypoxant properties, manifested in the stabilization of mitochondrial membranes. With gout, the affected tissues experience oxygen deficiency, so tocopherol significantly reduces its consumption by cells. The therapeutic effectiveness of sauerkraut is enhanced by the content of vitamins of group P. These are flavonoids that reduce permeability and increase the strength of capillary walls. The condition of small blood vessels worsens with gout as a result of the development of an acute or chronic inflammatory process. Bioflavonoids have the following beneficial effects:

  • actively participate in redox reactions in combination with vitamin C;
  • inhibit hyaluronidase, which causes damage to joint tissues;
  • increase the content of hyaluronic acid in the elements of the musculoskeletal system, which has chondroprotective properties;
  • increase the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • eliminate deficiency of nutrients and biologically active substances;
  • protect vitamin C from oxidation;
  • prevent cell destruction by free radicals.

Sauerkraut contains a lot of vitamin K, which is highly soluble in water and fat bases. The main pharmacological effect of the bioactive compound is to improve blood clotting. With gout, the functional activity of the urinary system decreases, which causes swelling and impaired blood viscosity, and this already provokes the development of other diseases. Another undoubted advantage of vitamin K is its ability to prevent the destruction of bone tissue, which often occurs with gout.

Types of cabbage

Seaweed for gout is no less useful than pickled white cabbage. It contains a huge amount of microelements - iodine, zinc, selenium, iron, magnesium, copper and phosphorus. Algae also contains a lot of glutamic acid, which increases the functional activity of the central nervous system, which is important for people with chronic, difficult-to-treat pathologies. Thanks to the alginate polysaccharide, regular consumption of seaweed helps strengthen the body's defenses and mobilize the body to fight the disease. But fucus and kelp are especially rich in the following biologically active substances:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • fat-soluble vitamins.

They prevent the deposition of uric acid crystals in joints, remove urates from the body, strengthen blood vessels, and stop inflammatory processes.

To eliminate the processes of increased crystallization of urates, doctors recommend drinking at least 2.5 liters of clean water daily in the absence of contraindications. For gout, drinking plenty of fluids helps normalize kidney function and remove mineral salts of uric acid from the body.

Cauliflower is prohibited when diagnosing even the initial stages of gout, since its chemical composition contains purine compounds - the main source of uric acid. However, this vegetable crop is extremely useful, so modern nutritionists urge not to completely exclude it from the diet, but to observe moderation when consuming it. For example, baked cauliflower without added salt can be included in the weekly menu 1-2 times in small quantities. In addition to basic microelements and vitamins, it contains unique biologically active substances in a balanced composition:

  • caffeic, cinnamic, ferulic acids;
  • kaempferol;
  • beta carotene.

Organic compounds stop inflammatory processes, reduce the severity of pain, and prevent the formation of edema. However, under the influence of cauliflower rutin, the crystallization of uric acid salts may increase, a dangerous consequence of which is the deposition of urate in the joints. The high concentration of potassium in vegetables should be taken into account. This microelement has diuretic activity, which is used in the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies. But the use of diuretics often provokes the development of gout, so you should consult your doctor about the advisability and safety of consuming cauliflower.

The inclusion of sauerkraut in the diet does not replace a long course of taking pharmacological drugs. Only the use of Colchicine, Allopurinol, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can prevent the manifestation of painful relapses and inhibit destructive and degenerative changes in joint tissues. Eating sauerkraut will help prolong the effect of drugs and speed up recovery.

Is it possible to eat cabbage?

White cabbage can be present in the diet of gout without restrictions

The main direction of nutrition for gout is to reduce the consumption of purines. They are found in varying quantities in almost all foods, so it is important to design your diet in such a way as to minimize the consumption of these substances.

Cabbage for gout should be present in the diet. You can eat it almost without restrictions, but only if we are talking about a white product. The amount of purines in it is so small that it cannot harm health. The following types of cabbage are also useful for gout:

  • pickled;
  • marine;
  • cabbage juice;
  • broccoli.

However, different types of this vegetable contain different amounts of purines, so they all require careful introduction into the menu.

What do doctors recommend?

Doctors recommend eating white cabbage without restrictions for gout. This is due to the large amount of vitamins and minerals and a minimum of purines. It contains:

  • vitamins C and D;
  • B vitamins;
  • a lot of fiber;
  • lysozyme

In addition to the listed substances, the composition also contains useful microelements, a small amount of sugar, and valuable enzymes that improve digestive processes.

Fresh cabbage for gout improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates the removal of fluid from the body. Due to its diuretic effect, the question of whether you can eat white cabbage with gout makes no sense. In addition, it contains virtually no calories and does not contribute to weight gain, so you can consume it without restrictions.

Whether you can eat cauliflower and broccoli if you have gout depends on your overall health. There are more purines in broccoli, but doctors do not prohibit this product, but only advise limiting consumption to 500 g per week. Cauliflower is prohibited for gout. It contains a lot of purines, its consumption worsens your health.

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