When to start getting beauty injections?

Beauty injections for skin treatment

According to the law of the Russian Federation, injection procedures can be done from 18 years of age. Upon reaching adulthood, you can do mesotherapy and plasma therapy for therapeutic purposes (at this age we are not talking about fighting the signs of aging).

Plasma therapy (PRP therapy) - the essence of the method is to introduce a person’s own blood plasma into the problem area. The plasma is pre-enriched with platelets using the ReGenLab apparatus. The injections trigger a powerful impulse for the regeneration of the epidermis. In young patients, this technique is used to treat acne. In older adults, for comprehensive rejuvenation: reducing the depth of wrinkles, improving the oval of the face, eliminating sagging skin.

Dermatovenerologist and cosmetologist Daria Bolgova performs plasma therapy.

On the contrary, mesotherapy is recommended after the inflammatory elements have passed. To get rid of stagnant acne spots, improve the condition and even out the skin after treatment. Injections involve the introduction of hyaluronic acid of low density and concentration. As a result: the relief improves, the elasticity of the skin increases, inflammation disappears, and the pores narrow. Mesotherapy is an excellent prevention of age-related changes.

“Beauty injections” not only rejuvenate, but also heal the skin.

Why are drugs injected into the muscles if they can be directly into a vein?

Some medications irritate the vein wall, which can lead to complications. Some people's veins are so thin and tortuous that it is very difficult to give an intravenous injection. And in general, if there is an opportunity to “inject into a muscle,” doctors often refrain from “piercing the veins.” After all, frequent injections can “spoil” them, and in the future, if intravenous administration of the drug is really necessary, injections will become more difficult.

Usually the injection is given in the gluteal muscle. You need to know where to inject - otherwise you can hit a nerve. You can inject yourself into the front of the thigh - but this is not very convenient.

The deltoid muscle, which is located in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle, is most often used to administer vaccines.

Why do some people give injections almost without pain, after which there is nothing left on the skin, while for others it turns out to be very painful and will definitely leave a bruise? It is difficult to answer this question. It’s just that some people have a “light hand”, others have a “heavy hand”. Nurses at the ProfMedLab clinic make intravenous and intramuscular injections very carefully. Come and see for yourself!

Fighting the first signs of aging

After 25 years, you can begin the fight against aging prevention - mesotherapy and biorevitalization will help with this. With their help, you can maintain skin turgor and maintain a fresh complexion.

Biorevitalization or, as this procedure is often called, hyaluronic acid injections, is one of the most popular injection procedures among the fair sex. The syringe contains pure medium-density hyaluronic acid with the addition of peptides, amino acids and vitamins. This “cocktail” intensively nourishes from the inside and saturates the skin with moisture. Due to this, the skin becomes moisturized, elastic, facial wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin texture is evened out.

Biorevitalization of the area around the eyes. Performed by Bolgova Daria Sergeevna.

From 25 to 35 years of age, mesotherapy and biorevitalization can be done prophylactically once every 2 years. After 35 years - once a year.

With the help of injections, you can restore beauty not only to the face, but also to the neck, décolleté, and hands.

Face&Body cosmetology uses original certified injection drugs from leading brands: Yvore, Juvederm, Ial-System, Viscoderm, Meso, Profhilo, Restylane, Teosyal, Hyalual. There are medications to solve various skin problems. As well as specialized products for use on various areas of the face and body. The brand and type are selected by a cosmetologist after examining the skin condition of a particular patient.

How many times should you be vaccinated?

Table of contents

  • How long does the vaccine last?
  • Who needs revaccination?
  • Is immunization required for those who have been ill and were already vaccinated before infection?
  • Preparation before revaccination
  • Possible side effects after revaccination
  • Advantages of contacting MEDSI

The re-introduction of vaccinations against coronavirus is an issue that is relevant today throughout the world. The current situation proves that over time, antibodies are removed from the human body, and it can no longer fully resist the dangerous disease. How many times should you be vaccinated against Covid? Let's figure it out.

How long does the vaccine last?

It all depends on what drug was administered.

, who is the developer of EpiVacCorona, for example, claims that immunity after vaccination lasts for a year. At the same time, the Center’s specialists plan to monitor this fact by conducting research at certain intervals.

So how many times should you be vaccinated with EpiVacCorona? Once a year!

The head of the Gamaleya Center said that their drug was created on the same platform as the vaccine against the Ebola virus. It has already been proven that protection after it lasts for two years, and possibly more.

How many times should I be vaccinated with Sputnik V? Once every 2 years!

But the answer to the question regarding the validity period of the drug “Covivak” still remains open. Specialists at the Chumakov Center have not yet provided information on the number of required repeat vaccinations.

How many times should I be vaccinated with Kovacak? There is no exact answer!

Important! All of these vaccinations require two doses. The only exception is the drug “Sputnik Light”. It is administered once.

What does the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation say? Its representatives claim that revaccination is necessary once every 6 months. At the same time, both those who have already had it and those who have had the disease should get vaccinated. After the epidemiological situation in the world improves, revaccination will become possible once every 12 months.

Who needs revaccination?

It turns out that everyone! Those who want to protect themselves, their loved ones and relatives from infection should be vaccinated against coronavirus again. The head of the Moscow Department of Health confirms this opinion. He reports that re-vaccination should be carried out for all categories of citizens 6 months after the first immunization.

Is immunization required for those who have been ill and were already vaccinated before infection?

Yes! There will definitely not be an extra vaccination. In this case, the choice can be made in favor of the drug “Sputnik Light”, which is a single-component drug (implies the administration of one dose).

What if there are antibodies?

At the moment, previous infection (within the last 6 months) and the presence of antibodies are not contraindications to immunization. That is, anyone can go and get vaccinated if they wish. He will not receive a refusal from the doctor. At the same time, the vaccination itself will not have a negative effect on the body.

If 6 or more months have already passed since the disease, then you should get vaccinated to protect yourself and your loved ones. This is due to the fact that at this time the risk of contracting coronavirus again increases significantly. Vaccination, in turn, can provide protection to the body, as it trains memory T cells and promotes the production of virus-neutralizing antibodies.

Is it necessary to measure antibody levels before revaccination?

Not necessary! The patient can decide to undergo the test independently. This is due to the fact that the level of antibodies in those who have recovered or have already been vaccinated does not determine the degree of protection of the body.

Preparation before revaccination

If a person feels healthy and does not experience symptoms of disease, then a simple examination by a therapist is sufficient. The doctor will determine pulse, blood pressure, saturation and other important indicators. This will ensure that the patient currently has no contraindications to vaccination.

If a person suffers from chronic diseases, comprehensive diagnostics and examinations by specialists may be required. This will eliminate the presence of contraindications and risks to the patient’s health.

To exclude the asymptomatic early stage of infection (including in those already vaccinated), doctors advise taking a PCR test 48–72 hours before vaccination (it can be performed after administering both the first and second doses of Sputnik V). Vaccination will be contraindicated if a positive result is obtained. Immunization will be possible immediately after recovery.

Possible side effects after revaccination

Each patient may have individual reactions. However, side effects after vaccination are absolutely safe. The patient just needs to be prepared for this.

The main side effects include:

  • increase in body temperature
  • pain at the injection site
  • slight skin redness and swelling
  • headache
  • weakness and feeling tired

Despite the fact that the side effects after vaccination with Sputnik and other drugs are mild, it is necessary to monitor your well-being over time. If after a few days it does not improve, but on the contrary, the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor. It is possible that at the time of vaccination you were already infected with coronavirus infection, and the pathology is currently actively developing.

Advantages of contacting MEDSI

  • Diagnostic capabilities.
    Before getting vaccinated, you can perform the necessary examinations, undergo examinations by doctors and consult with them.
  • Medical examination.
    He will tell you how many times you need to be vaccinated against coronavirus and when to go to the clinic again
  • Experienced specialists.
    Vaccination is carried out by paramedical personnel (nurses) with the necessary knowledge and skills
  • Immunization preparation programs
  • Comfortable conditions for the procedure.
    Vaccination is carried out without queues and long waits on a convenient day. To undergo the procedure, each patient can choose the nearest clinic

To clarify the conditions for getting vaccinated or making an appointment for it, just call +7 (495) 7-800-500. Our specialist will answer all questions. Recording is also possible through the SmartMed application.

We erase wrinkles with injections

When wrinkles appear (after 32-33 years), injections based on collagen stimulators (Radiesse, AestheFill fillers) will help. This procedure is called vector lifting. This is an effective method of combating age-related changes that have already appeared. Fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite stimulate the production of your own collagen and allow you to maintain an excellent facial frame.

Injections are administered along specified directions (vectors) in order to restore the natural tension of fibers that have lost their elasticity. With their help, you can restore a clear oval face, skin tone, eliminate nasolabial folds, drooping corners of the mouth, and sagging cheekbones.

Such injections can be done once every 2 years at the age of 30 to 40 years. After 40 years, we recommend once a year.

Vector lifting with Radiesse filler to restore a clear oval face, eliminate ptosis and nasolabial folds.

Contour plastic surgery – correction and replenishment of volume in various areas of the face using hyaluronic acid injections. For example, the popular procedure for lip augmentation and correction of lip asymmetry can, at the patient’s request, be performed after 18 years of age.

Lip augmentation with Yvoire Classic filler.

In order to correct age-related changes on the face - after 30 years, and for some after 40. After the third decade, the skin begins to lose turgor, collagen production slows down, ptosis, jowls, and wrinkles appear. With the help of contour plastic surgery, you can lift your cheekbones, correct nasolabial and nasolacrimal grooves, and smooth out wrinkles. Contour plastic surgery is an excellent alternative to surgical anti-aging methods.

Today, injection cosmetology is a worthy alternative to surgical rejuvenation methods.

Correction of facial wrinkles with Botox (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) becomes relevant after 30-35 years. When wrinkles appear, Botox can easily smooth them out and prevent the appearance of serious wrinkles. Botulinum toxin relaxes facial muscles, which effectively smoothes out longitudinal and transverse wrinkles, tightens the skin around the mouth and eyebrows, and removes crow's feet.

So when to start?

The age at which you can start doing certain procedures described in this article is approximate. Each of us is unique. Some people may need injections at a fairly young age. For some, the first procedures will be relevant only after 40-45 years. It depends on lifestyle, health status and other individual characteristics. A qualified cosmetologist, after examining the condition of the skin and identifying problems, will advise what procedures will help preserve youth and when it is enough to do facial massages, treatments, peelings, and when it is already possible to correct deficiencies with the help of injections.

The article was prepared by dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist at the Face&Body club Daria Sergeevna Bolgova.

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