Injections into the elbow joint

Pain impairs quality of life, deprives you of sleep and reduces performance. You can quickly alleviate the condition with the help of blockades. Therapeutic drug blockade is an injection of painkillers that eliminates muscle pain and spasm in a short time. Locally affecting the pathological area, it relieves inflammation and improves microcirculation.

Specialists at the clinic of neurology and orthopedics have extensive experience in performing this procedure and are fluent in various techniques of therapeutic blockades, which allows them to achieve almost instant pain relief.

Injections into the elbow joint and medications used

As part of complex therapy, the following drugs are administered intra-articularly:

  • Hormonal agents have powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and are necessary for urgent relief of pain and inflammation. For example, injections for elbow bursitis help stop the accumulation of inflammatory fluid.
  • Chondroprotectors - nourish and improve metabolism in the cartilage of the elbow joint.
  • Hyaluronic acid is a synovial fluid prosthesis that helps lubricate articular cartilage and reduces friction.

Diprospan is often administered for therapeutic purposes. An injection into the elbow joint of this medicine, a glucocorticosteroid, is famous for its long-lasting and rapid action. Side effects are minimal. This medication is also used for therapeutic blockades in the treatment of the spine in case of severe pain. The pain goes away almost immediately. For Diprospan injection into the elbow joint, the price at the Stoparthrosis clinic is indicated on the website. All injections have different costs.

Injections for pain: what does an elbow joint block give?

The concept of “therapeutic blockade” when used

In medicine, the therapeutic technique of injecting pain and analgesic drugs is called a blockade. The doctor injects the medicine directly into the damaged joint, muscle or bone tissue, depending on the location of the damage.

After administering the solution, the aching elbow stops bothering me. This method of treatment is more effective than ointments and tablets, because... the maximum amount of necessary substances enters the inflammation zone .

The blockade will allow you to do without surgical intervention.

Why does the inflammatory process develop:

  • joint bruising
    , which can occur during injuries.
  • Dislocations, fractures, bone deformations, stretching or rupture of muscle fibers and tendons are the reasons why the elbow is damaged.
  • The elbow can deteriorate due to excessive stress on it during professional sports.
  • Complications that occur due to arthritis, with the destruction of cartilage and bone tissue.

The therapist finds out what caused the injury. A general blood test, x-ray, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging help identify pathology. Only after the examination is the procedure prescribed. Such a careful approach is necessary to select a medicine suitable for the disease. Anesthesia is administered to reduce the pain threshold.

Purpose of cutting:

  • restore joint mobility;
  • treat the damaged area with medications;
  • prevent complications.

Drug blockade in action: how it affects the body

The elbow provides flexion/extension/rotation of the arm. This is a movable joint connecting the shoulder and forearm. When under load, due to physical stress, the connective tissues are stretched, microscopic tears occur in the tendons of the forearm, and therefore microcracks occur. Because of this, the elbow joint becomes inflamed, which leads to its pathology.

To eliminate the disease, an injection blockade is performed. The medicine is injected locally into the damaged area of ​​the elbow through a syringe. It instantly affects the body, because... the anesthetic solution passes to the nerve fibers and settles on their surface. Pain conductors are “closed” (blocked), so painful sensations do not enter the brain. The drug method works if traditional methods of treatment are unsuccessful.

An injection with anesthetics or anti-inflammatory drugs is administered:

  • into the soft tissue around the moving bone joints;
  • into the intra-articular or intraosseous area.

The discomfort goes away after a few seconds. If the elbow is deformed or the integrity of the tendon is damaged, the blockade is one-time use. For arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, several injections are prescribed.

Classification of blockade procedures:

  • Painkillers are used for piercing painful sensations, and local anesthetics are used. The pain decreases within a few minutes.
  • Suppressing the inflammatory process ,
    the injections include synthetic analogues of hormones.
  • Stimulating cellular nutrition. The goal is to activate metabolism and restore damaged cartilage.

The blockade will eliminate stiffness and discomfort. The advantage is that the session can be done multiple times, because... There are no negative manifestations with injections. Intra-articular injections do not cause infection. The positive therapeutic effect appears instantly.

How is the procedure performed?

The blockade is done in medical institutions. You should prepare for it. Before going to the doctor, take a shower. If a girl has long hair, she pins it up. There is no talking during the procedure.

The affected area is treated with an antiseptic. The articular sinus is pierced with a syringe filled with a solution, and the medicine is slowly injected directly into the joint, at the painful point of the elbow. After injection, the drug covers (envelops) the cartilage tissue with a protective film, so there is no joint friction and overload is eliminated.

After the procedure is completed, you cannot move your hand; the elbow should be at rest for three hours. You should not strain your limb or lift heavy objects. My general condition has improved, but I need to limit the load on my sore elbow.

What is good for joints

Blockade, as a therapeutic manipulation, cannot be considered a panacea for all ills; it is not the main method of treatment and will not eliminate the main cause of the pathology. Measures to prevent the disease include gymnastics and swimming.

Exercise will strengthen the elasticity of the muscles around your joints and protect them from damage. Physical exercise improves blood circulation, so cartilage tissue receives more active nutrition. The muscles are always toned and reduce the load on the joints. Spend a few minutes a day doing healthy exercises, and you will not be bothered by pain in the future.

Remember! During intense activity, the body loses moisture, primarily in the joints. The joint fluid becomes thicker, and lubrication of the joints deteriorates. Clean water will restore mobility to joints.

If it is not possible to quickly seek help from a medical facility, and the pain in the elbow becomes unbearable, folk remedies that are prepared at home will come in handy.

Massage your elbow, rubbing honey into it (you can add apple cider vinegar to it, the ingredients are taken in equal proportions). The procedure lasts 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and wrap the sore spot with a warm thing.

Treatment with injection blockades will be effective if carried out in a comprehensive manner.
Additionally, physiotherapeutic and medicinal procedures are carried out. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

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We perform any type of medical and medicinal blockades

Local. The injection is given into or around the lesion. Into the periarticular tissues (periarticular) or into the nerve canals (perineural).

Carpal tunnel block (or other tunnel neuropathy). The injection is indicated for the following symptoms and pathologies of the wrist joint: numbness of the fingers, pain that can radiate to the forearm, swelling of the hand. Diseases: arthritis, styloiditis, de Quervain's disease. The procedure is carried out using lidocaine and diprospan.

Roth's disease or meralgia paresthetica is one of the most common types of carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a pinched nerve that can cause pain, paresthesia (unpleasant tingling) and loss of sensation in the area of ​​the outer thigh.

Block of the piriformis muscle. Piriformis syndrome is a pain syndrome resulting from spasm of the piriformis muscle with pinching of the sciatic nerve. It manifests itself as pain along the back of the leg and in the buttock. At the Neurology and Orthopedics Clinic, great attention is paid to patient comfort and safety. Therefore, in our clinic the blockade is carried out under the control of electrical stimulation.

Tibial nerve block. Tarsal tunnel syndrome occurs as a result of compression of the tibial nerve. It manifests itself as pain, which can be localized in the area of ​​the sole, foot, fingers and anywhere along the course of the tibial nerve.

Blockade for Morton's neuroma. Therapeutic blockade with diprospan and anesthetic in the space between the heads of the 3-4 metatarsal bones. Morton's neuroma is a pathological thickening of the plantar nerve of the foot that causes pain between the third and fourth toes. Symptoms of Morton's neuroma include pain, numbness (usually between the toes), and sometimes a burning sensation.

Blockade for neuropathy of the radial and ulnar nerves (hand tunnel syndromes). The main symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome are pain, numbness or tingling. Pain and paresthesia are felt in the lateral part of the shoulder and radiate to the little finger and half of the fourth finger. Symptoms of radial nerve neuropathy. Inability or weakness to extend the hand, weakened abduction of the thumb and forearm, sometimes the formation of a drooping or “falling” hand, tingling, burning sensation, decreased or loss of sensitivity on the back of the hand, 4-5 fingers, the back of the forearm and shoulder.

Blockade for epicondylitis. Epicondylitis is an inflammation of the tendons and soft tissues in the elbow joint. Based on the location of inflammation, there are 2 main types of epicondylitis:

  • lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) – inflammation spreads along the outer part of the elbow joint. Pain with lateral epicondylitis intensifies when the arm is extended;
  • Medial epicondylitis (golfer's elbow) - occurs as a result of overstrain of the muscles responsible for flexion and internal rotation of the arm. Inflammation spreads along the inside of the elbow joint. Pain with medial epicondylitis increases with flexion of the arm.

Occipital nerve blocks have been successfully used in the treatment of chronic types of headaches that begin and spread along the occipital region. The blockade can also be used in cases where the effectiveness of other conservative therapy is not observed.

Blockade of facet joints. When cartilage tissue is affected by arthrosis, a diagnosis is made - facet syndrome. The main signs of the disease are discomfort in the back, nagging or sharp pain, often radiating to the limbs. Facet blockade helps a lot. This is a minimally invasive method of conservative therapy, which consists of introducing medications into the joint cavity to eliminate pain. The blockade is also carried out to treat pain associated with osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, and ankylosing spondylitis.

Periarticular block or intra-articular block.

Used for small and large joints. The drugs are injected into the joint capsule or the joint is chipped around at certain points.

A block of the sacroiliac joint is the injection of drugs into the joint capsule.

Heel spur block. The injection is made into the very center of the heel spike. The most commonly used drugs are Diprospan or Kenalog. They not only relieve inflammation, but also enhance metabolism, thereby causing the resorption of bone growth.

Blockage of the anterior scalene muscle - the muscle is located at the base of the neck in front and the pain can radiate to the arm, the neck may hurt and movements in the cervical region are limited. After the blockade the pain goes away.

BTE blockade with neuromidin for the treatment of tinnitus (noise in the ears and head).

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