Principles of treatment of hand bruises after a fall or blow

Treatment of a bruise of the hand caused by a fall or blow is based on the results of instrumental studies. This type of injury is characterized by multiple subcutaneous hemorrhages, visualized as hematomas. Often, with bruises, tissue ruptures, damage to muscles, joints and tendons, accompanied by severe pain, are diagnosed. In the therapeutic regimens of patients, traumatologists include pharmacological drugs for internal and external use that exhibit anti-inflammatory, analgesic and decongestant activity. To enhance the clinical effectiveness of drugs, physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out, and sometimes it becomes necessary to empty significant hemorrhages and traumatic synovitis using puncture or arthrotomy.

What happens when you get hurt

Many people mistakenly consider a bruise to be a harmless injury. In fact, it can be dangerous, especially if it affects internal organs.

A bruise is damage to soft tissues without significant destruction of their structure. In this case, the vessels burst, from which fluid is released into the interstitial space, where it accumulates.

Based on the degree of tissue damage, there are:

  1. Minor damage that goes away on its own.
  2. Bruised muscle tissue with hematoma and swelling, very painful.
  3. High probability of tendon damage.
  4. Contusion of internal organs with severe swelling and severe pain.

If you suspect a bruise, you need to make sure that there is no fracture, so you need to contact a traumatologist.


Treatment of a bruise of the hand caused by a blow or a fall is carried out to minimize possible complications. They are often provoked by extensive hematomas that arise due to damage to small blood vessels and the release of biological fluids into the subcutaneous tissue. To prevent the development of events in such a negative scenario, immediately after diagnosing a bruise, traumatologists prescribe ointments and gels with angioprotective effects to patients. A course of external agents prevents an increase in the distensibility of blood vessels, the occurrence of venous stagnation, and helps improve lymphatic drainage and microcirculation by increasing capillary resistance. Rapid resorption of hematomas is also ensured by the following clinical effects of angioprotective ointments:

  • decrease in capillary permeability;
  • decreased adhesion of leukocytes to vascular walls;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration due to the supply of sufficient amounts of molecular oxygen;
  • relief of inflammatory processes by enhancing the vasoconstrictor effect of adrenaline;
  • blocking the production of free radicals.

The gel Troxerutin and its imported analogue Troxevasin have proven themselves well in the treatment of hematomas. External preparations have a high degree of bioavailability, but no absorption into the bloodstream occurs. After applying the gel-like product, it is quickly absorbed and evenly distributed in the subcutaneous tissue. Contraindications to the use of Troxerutin are intolerance to the active or auxiliary ingredient and the presence of microtraumas on the skin .

In the treatment of bruises, ointments with angioprotective activity must alternate with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and (or) external preparations with a warming effect. The time interval between their application is 1-3 hours.

Another effective remedy for eliminating hematomas is Hepatrombin - a combined agent with anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, and regenerating activity. Such a multifaceted therapeutic effect is provided by the combined composition of the drug for external use:

  • heparin has a pronounced anti-edematous effect, normalizes blood circulation in damaged soft tissues, and prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • allantoin ensures tissue proliferation, accelerates metabolic processes, and relieves inflammation;
  • dexpanthenol improves transdermal absorption of heparin, accelerates tissue healing by restoring optimal metabolism.

The composition of the Gepatrombin gel, in addition to the listed ingredients, also includes essential oils of lemon and coniferous trees . They contain a huge amount of biologically active substances - bioflavonoids, phytoncides, saponins. The addition of these herbal components enhances the therapeutic effect of the product by providing an antibacterial and antiseptic effect.

Symptoms of bruise

It is not always possible to independently distinguish a bruise from a closed fracture. It is believed that with mild injury, the pain becomes less pronounced 2-3 hours after the injury. But in reality, it often happens that a fracture hardly bothers you, but a bruise causes a lot of unpleasant sensations even in the second and subsequent days.

Main symptoms of bruise:

  • strong pain;
  • internal or subcutaneous hemorrhage;
  • edema;
  • decreased mobility of the damaged area.

Bruising and swelling may appear immediately after injury or several hours later. Their severity depends on the depth of the lesion. The pain intensifies with pressure, and swelling sometimes increases for several days. Since the signs of a bruise and a fracture are similar, it is better to conduct an X-ray examination to ensure the integrity of the bones.

Treatment Options

The easiest way to help with a bruise is cold.

It is better to apply a wet cloth rather than ice to reduce the risk of a negative skin reaction to the effect. If you only have frozen items on hand, you should wrap them in a cloth or towel. Exposure to cold will not only reduce swelling, but also reduce the severity of pain. It is advisable to apply compresses every 2 hours, the duration of exposure is 5–10 minutes. It is not recommended to leave it for a long time, as negative reactions from the skin and blood vessels are possible.

Two types of ointments help speed up recovery: based on leech extract - SinyakOff, and with substances that correct microcirculation - Troxerutin. It is enough to apply them to the problem area 2 times a day for a noticeable effect. They improve blood circulation, which causes swelling to resolve faster.

A bruise may make it difficult for a person to move the injured part of the body. It is recommended to apply a bandage made of an elastic bandage in order to disturb the injured area less. The fixation should be tight, but not compress tissues and organs.

Read also: Leg pain: causes and treatment

External preparations with a warming effect

Traumatologists do not recommend using ointments with capsaicin, bee or snake venom, camphor, and gum turpentine in the first two days of treatment for a hand bruise due to the likelihood of the inflammatory process spreading to healthy tissues of the hand. It is advisable to use external agents with a warming effect after relieving pain and swelling. Their action is based on the persistent dilation of small vessels, which are located in the subcutaneous tissue and are most often damaged during a bruise. An increase in the diameter of capillaries leads to blood flow to the affected tissues, providing them with nutritious biological active substances.

The following warming agents are most often used in the treatment of hand bruises:

  • Finalgon . The active ingredients of the ointment, nonivamide and nicoboxil, dilate blood vessels, activate metabolism, and stimulate blood circulation. The ointment is not used in the treatment of children under 12 years of age; when applied to large areas of the skin, it provokes the development of an allergic reaction. A special applicator is attached to the package to minimize contact of the burning product with the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • Capsicam . The active ingredients of the ointment are gum turpentine, camphor dimethyl sulfoxide, nonivamide. After applying the product to the bruised area, after 20 minutes the intensity of pain decreases and a feeling of warmth appears. Capsicum is not prescribed during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, or in childhood. The average duration of the therapeutic course is 7 days;
  • Nicoflex . The ointment contains hot red pepper extract, ethylene glycol salicylate and ethyl nicotinate. Nicoflex is characterized by absorbable, locally irritating and analgesic activity. In places where the external agent is applied, the temperature rises, accelerating microcirculation. Nicoflex is not used in the treatment of bruises in children, pregnant and lactating women.

External products containing red pepper extract, bee and snake venoms are not suitable for all patients. In people with sensitive skin, and on the hands it is especially thin with a small layer of fat, after applying the ointment, an unbearable burning sensation and even pain may occur. The top layer of the epidermis quickly turns red and swells. Therefore, before use, you need to squeeze a small amount of product out of the tube and lightly rub it into your wrist. If there is no discomfort, you can begin treatment after 20 minutes. If preliminary testing has not been carried out, and the burning sensation is unbearable, then you should moisten a napkin in any vegetable oil and wipe the skin.

In case of individual intolerance to ointments, you can warm the bruised hand using linen bags filled with flax seeds or coarse sea salt. To quickly resolve bruises, you can use a heating pad filled with water (temperature about 40-45°C).

If a person decides not to go to a hospital, then he must take into account the peculiarities of the development of the consequences of a bruise to this part of the body. When deep-lying tissues are injured, even based on the results of an X-ray examination, it can be difficult to determine the degree and nature of degenerative changes. After bruising your fingers, symptoms do not appear immediately, but gradually. Therefore, it is impossible for a person to independently assess the extent of the injury, and a delayed visit to the doctor will cause the development of complications, many of which are difficult to treat.

How to help from within

Help with serious bruises is needed not only externally, but also from the inside. It is not necessary to take medications so as not to put a strain on the liver. There are natural ways to support the body:

  • rose hips, currants and citrus fruits are sources of vitamin C to strengthen blood vessels;
  • cabbage, spinach - rich in vitamin K, which is necessary for normal blood clotting;

As a pharmacy vitamin, you can take Ascorutin. This is an inexpensive but effective way to strengthen blood vessels

Dear patients! Remember that only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, determine the causes and nature of the disease, and prescribe effective treatment. You can make an appointment with our specialists or call a doctor at home by calling 8-(4822)-33-00-33

Be healthy and happy!

Diagnostic methods

The examination is carried out by a traumatologist. The specialist palpates the soft tissues and joints. He additionally sends the patient for an x-ray to see the condition of the bones.

The doctor will tell you how much it hurts to bruise your arm when you fall and how to recover without consequences. It is important to follow all recommendations for a speedy recovery.

In most cases, a bruise does not pose a threat to human life. Diagnosis is required to rule out serious injury. We are talking about fractures, sprains, tendon ruptures. In case of bruise of the radius bone of the arm or soft tissues, it is recommended to undergo:

  • x-ray,
  • Ultrasound,
  • computed tomography (CT),
  • MRI.

The ultrasound results will show the condition of the soft tissues, the presence of ruptures and hematomas. A computed tomography scan will determine whether there is damage to the bone structure.

MRI helps to identify pathological changes in soft tissues after a bruise. Additionally, the patient needs to take a blood test so that the doctor evaluates the hemoglobin level and acute phase indicators.

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