Thai pain relief cream based on cobra venom Cobratoxan COBRATOXAN 20 gr.

Cobratoxan ointment is a well-known remedy based on snake venom, made in Vietnam. This is a unique combination of ancient traditions of Eastern medicine with innovative pharmaceutical production technologies.

The opportunity to buy Cobratoxan in Russian online pharmacies appeared not so long ago, but in a short time it has gained recognition among the population. Reviews of Cobratoxan confirm the high quality and effectiveness of Vietnamese ointments and balms. The price fully corresponds to its medicinal properties, because the use of Cobratoxan provides the desired result in a fairly short time.

Composition of the drug

According to the instructions, Cobratoxan ointment consists of several components, the combination of which complements and enhances the healing effect of each of them.

  • Cobra venom (0.0005 g). The main component of the product with the most valuable properties. The venom of this snake is considered one of the most expensive in the pharmaceutical industry, because the cobra secretes it in minute quantities. The price of Cobratoxan ointment is determined by the content of this particular component. Microdoses of cobra venom can eliminate inflammation, relieve pain, and improve blood microcirculation.
  • Salicylic acid methyl ester (2.8 g). Methyl salicylate is one of the dosage forms of salicylic acid, which has properties similar to aspirin: analgesic and anti-inflammatory. It is obtained mainly artificially and is found in willow bark. Methyl salicylate is characterized by a sharp, specific odor and high toxicity (in its pure form).
  • Menthol (0.588 g). A travel essential oil of mint that has a strong, fresh aroma. Menthol is known for its sedative, analgesic, and mild antiseptic effect, which is why it is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is also capable of constricting peripheral blood vessels, causing a slight sensation of coolness (“menthol freshness”) at the site of application.
  • Emulsion substances (20 g). They play a supporting role, facilitating the application and absorption of the drug.

The ointment has a transparent white color and a characteristic odor (due to the content of essential oils). The medicine is released in a tube with a dosage of 20 grams.

COBRATOXAN ointment (Cobratoxan) known pain-relieving ointment based on cobra venom, 20 g

According to the instructions, COBRATOXAN ointment consists of several components, the combination of which complements and enhances the healing effect of each of them.

  • Cobra venom (0.0005 g) is the main component of the product with the most valuable properties. The venom of this snake is considered one of the most expensive in the pharmaceutical industry, because the cobra secretes it in minute quantities. The price of Cobratoxan ointment is determined by the content of this particular component. Microdoses of cobra venom can eliminate inflammation, relieve pain, and improve blood microcirculation.
  • Salicylic acid methyl ester (2.8 g) or methyl salicylate is one of the dosage forms of salicylic acid that has properties similar to aspirin: analgesic and anti-inflammatory. It is obtained mainly artificially and is found in willow bark. Methyl salicylate is characterized by a sharp, specific odor and high toxicity (in its pure form).
  • Menthol (0.588 g) has a strong, fresh aroma. Menthol is known for its sedative, analgesic, and mild antiseptic effect, which is why it is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is also capable of constricting peripheral blood vessels, causing a slight sensation of coolness (“menthol freshness”) at the site of application.
  • Emulsion substances (15 g) play a supporting role and facilitate the application and absorption of the drug.

The ointment has a transparent white color and a characteristic odor (due to the content of essential oils). The medicine is released in a tube with a dosage of 20 grams.

The Vietnamese drug has a number of therapeutic effects, having experienced which, buyers do not skimp on positive reviews about Cobratoxan. By reflexively acting on superficial skin receptors, it relieves pain. Penetrating deep into the tissues, the active substances reduce the activity of the inflammatory process. Cobra toxins, by expanding capillaries, improve the supply of nutrients and oxygen, normalize metabolism (this helps to increase local resistance and more rapid recovery of affected cells).

The therapeutic result is based only on local effects; the percentage of absorption of Cobratoxan ointment does not exceed 10%. Absorbed substances are released into bile and excreted from the body through the intestines.

The opportunity to buy COBRATOXAN in an online store appeared not so long ago, but in a short time it has gained recognition among the population. Reviews of Cobratoxan confirm the high quality and effectiveness of Vietnamese ointments and balms. The use of Cobratoxan provides the desired result in a fairly short time.

Buy cobratoxan ointment (cobratoxan), find out reviews, instructions for use in Russian in the Online Store of Products from Thailand OrganicThai.

Indications for use of COBRATOXAN ointment

An ointment based on cobra venom has quite extensive indications for use:

  • pathology of joints of traumatic, inflammatory, or degenerative origin (arthritis, arthrosis, synovitis, bursitis, dislocations);
  • damage (ruptures) of the menisci;
  • osteochondrosis in the acute and chronic stages (sciatica of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine);
  • neuro-reflex syndromes (sciatica, cervicobrachialgia);
  • inflammatory processes in muscles (myositis);
  • damage to nerve endings (neuritis, neuralgia);
  • damage to the musculoskeletal system due to intense sports loads (strains);
  • pathological muscle spasms: torticollis (damage to the sternocleidomastoid muscle), cramps (painful cramps of the lower leg muscles).

Regardless of the nature of the pathological process, the medicine provides a worthy therapeutic result. This is confirmed by positive reviews about cobratoxan on the websites of online stores that have already tested the healing properties of its composition.

COBRATOXAN - Instructions for Use:

Cobratoxan ointment is used externally on clean and dry skin. A small amount of the drug (approximately the size of a match head in diameter) is applied to the surface of the dermis over the sore spot and rubbed in with light massaging movements until completely absorbed.

The drug is used in the place where functional disorders and/or pain are observed, once within 24 hours. In this case, apply an amount of ointment equal to 2-3 g to the surface of the skin and thoroughly rub it into it. If the pain is characterized by high intensity, then the frequency of daily use of the ointment can be increased up to two times, until the pain completely stops. If the duration of treatment with Cobratoxan tends to go beyond the 10-day limit, then before continuing the treatment course, you should consult a specialist (ideally, your doctor) on this matter.


  1. • The optimal course of treatment is no more than 10 days.
  2. • Use the medicine twice a day after an equal amount of time.
  3. • Two to three grams of ointment should be applied per application.
  4. • One tube is enough for 3-4 days.

Because cobratoxan contains microdoses of cobra venom (a potent toxin in its pure form), it can be locally irritating. Avoid contact of the product with mucous membranes and damaged skin surfaces. After applying the ointment, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap, or rubber gloves should be used. The use of Cobratoxan internally is unacceptable.

In order to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, while avoiding possible side effects from Cobratoxan ointment, the instructions for use must be strictly followed.


The ointment should not be used if: - you have hypersensitivity to any of its components; — in the place where you need to apply Cobratoxan, you have damaged skin or there are manifestations of skin diseases; — you have active pulmonary tuberculosis; - you have general exhaustion or a feverish state; - you have been diagnosed with insufficient blood circulation to the brain; - you are prone to vasospasms; — you are expecting a baby and/or are breastfeeding; - you have serious functional disorders of the liver and kidneys.

Special instructions:

An overdose of cobratoxan may cause side effects: burning sensation, redness of the skin, or rashes in the form of vesicles and pustules. In this situation, the remaining product should be removed with a cotton swab soaked in Vaseline (it can be replaced with any greasy cream) and seek professional medical advice.

Pharmacological actions

The Vietnamese drug has a number of therapeutic effects, having experienced which, buyers do not skimp on positive reviews about Cobratoxan. By reflexively acting on superficial skin receptors, it relieves pain. Penetrating deep into the tissues, the active substances reduce the activity of the inflammatory process. Cobra toxins, by expanding capillaries, improve the supply of nutrients and oxygen, normalize metabolism (this helps to increase local resistance and more rapid recovery of affected cells).

The therapeutic result is based only on local effects; the percentage of absorption of Cobratoxan ointment does not exceed 10%. Absorbed substances are released into bile and excreted from the body through the intestines.


If you believe the reviews, Cobratoxan is truly a miracle drug that helps sick people get rid of complex diseases. That is why many patients prefer the product to its analogues. But this does not mean at all that there are no worthy analogues of Cobratoxan that would be as effective as this drug.

Among the most well-known analogues of Cobratoxan, one should highlight a drug based on the venom of the Indian cobra - Nayatox.

Nayatox is a more expensive analogue of Cobratoxan

There is much more snake venom in this product than in Cobratoxan, but the price of Nayatoxan is slightly higher than the price of Cobratoxan ointment.

Indications for use of ointment

An ointment based on cobra venom has quite extensive indications for use. According to the manufacturer's instructions, you can buy Cobratoxan to treat the following diseases:

  • pathology of joints of traumatic, inflammatory, or degenerative origin (arthritis, arthrosis, synovitis, bursitis, dislocations);
  • damage (ruptures) of the menisci;
  • osteochondrosis in the acute and chronic stages (sciatica of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine);
  • neuro-reflex syndromes (sciatica, cervicobrachialgia);
  • inflammatory processes in muscles (myositis);
  • damage to nerve endings (neuritis, neuralgia);
  • damage to the musculoskeletal system due to intense sports loads (strains);
  • pathological muscle spasms: torticollis (damage to the sternocleidomastoid muscle), cramps (painful cramps of the lower leg muscles).

Regardless of the nature of the pathological process, the medicine provides a worthy therapeutic result. This is confirmed by positive reviews about Cobratoxan on the websites of Vietnamese online stores, which have already tested the healing properties of its composition.


  1. • The optimal course of treatment is no more than 10 days.
  2. • Use the medicine twice a day after an equal amount of time.
  3. • Two to three grams of ointment should be applied per application.
  4. • One tube is enough for 3-4 days.

Since Cobratoxan contains microdoses of cobra venom (in its pure form it is a potent toxin), it can have a locally irritating effect. Avoid contact of the product with mucous membranes and damaged skin surfaces. After applying the ointment, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap, or rubber gloves should be used. The use of Cobratoxan internally is unacceptable.

In order to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, while avoiding possible side effects from Cobratoxan ointment, the instructions for use must be strictly followed.

Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug

The instructions for use of the drug "Cobratoxan" (ointment) recommend using it to relieve pain during exacerbation of radiculitis, in case of injury and damage to joints, in case of sprained muscles or ligaments, during the treatment of back pain, dislocations and bruises of varying complexity, arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, arthrosynovitis, torticollis, problems with menisci.
Guided by the recommendations of the instructions, many doctors do not miss the opportunity to improve the patient’s condition, advising him to use this effective remedy.

You should also remember to follow the instructions on contraindications for the drug. She warns that ointment with cobra venom is not suitable for treating people who have such diagnoses as open tuberculosis, exhaustion of the body, kidney failure, cardiovascular diseases, fever, and poor blood circulation in the brain.


In some cases, the use of Cobratoxan is not recommended:

  1. * Damage to the skin surface at the site of application (abrasions, scratches, burns, ulcers).
  2. * Inflammatory purulent skin diseases (furuncle, abscess).
  3. * Allergy (individual intolerance) to ointment components.
  4. * During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  5. * In children under 5 years of age.
  6. * Active tuberculosis process.
  7. * Marked exhaustion of the body.
  8. * Fever.

Prices and distribution

Balm-ointment "Cobratoxan" is one of the most inexpensive and effective ointments containing substances obtained from cobra venom. It is sold freely, without a doctor’s prescription, both in regular pharmacies selling medicines, and through online stores of a similar form of activity.

The price of cobratoxan in Vietnam is about $1 (20,000 VND) per tube.

Despite the small volume of the tube, it lasts quite a long time, and with a couple of tubes you can complete the entire course of treatment, which is more favorable relative to the price of similar drugs.

special instructions

An overdose of Cobratoxan may cause side effects: burning sensation, redness of the skin, or rashes in the form of vesicles and pustules. In this situation, the remaining product should be removed with a cotton swab soaked in Vaseline (it can be replaced with any greasy cream) and seek professional medical advice.

A unique drug from Vietnam can be purchased in our online store with delivery throughout the country. The price of Cobratoxan does not exceed the average cost of its Russian analogues.

In order to buy Cobratoxan with cobra venom, a doctor's prescription is not required.

In what cases is the drug contraindicated?

Vietnamese ointment Cobratoxan has virtually no side effects, therefore it can be used in relation to patients of different ages

groups. There are very few contraindications to the use of this drug.

The use of the drug should be discontinued if a person is diagnosed with the following pathological conditions:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • severe forms of hepatitis and hepatosis;
  • general exhaustion of the body, cachexia.

The instructions for Cobratoxan cream warn that the product should not be applied to damaged areas of the skin that have ulcerations, wounds, irritation, etc. Cobratoxan should be used with caution by people prone to developing allergic reactions.

Carefully! Cobratoxane may cause allergies

The drug is prohibited for children under 6 years of age, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding a baby.

In any case, before using the drug, you must first read the instructions for Cobratoxan (Vietnam). If you have any questions, it is better to consult a specialist.

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