Divorce! Joint cream Arthropant: deception and real reviews

Representatives of the company that produces Arthropant cream for joints assure that the production of the drug has become a real discovery in rheumatology. The manufacturer positions the medicine as a natural product that effectively combats various joint diseases and pathologies of cartilage tissue. Therefore, doctors Bubnovsky and Malakhov recommend purchasing it. According to the manufacturer, the drug Arthropant begins to act after 10 days of use. For treatment you will need to complete the full course, which lasts about 2 months.

Despite the fact that the manufacturer talks about the medicine as a solution to any problems with joints, on medical forums some users speak negatively about the drug. Let's figure out why negative comments appear on the Russian forum, and who is telling the truth.

What is Arthropant

Arthropant ointment goes on sale in limited quantities. Not many packages are produced per year, only 1500. The drug has no analogues in the Russian pharmaceutical space. The effect of the medicine is ensured by the main component - Altai deer antlers. Antlers are young deer antlers covered with delicate skin and having a tubular structure.

The manufacturer of Arthropant cream draws attention to the unique formula, thanks to which the production of the product began. The annotation contains information that the recipe was borrowed from the northern Selkup people, who prepared a healing composition for joint pain.

Arthropant cream has the following effects on humans:

  • relieves joints from pain and swelling;
  • actively restores joint tissue;
  • returns functionality to the limbs.

Malakhov and Bubnovsky recommend Arthropant gel for arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. Unlike other medications used in rheumatology, the drug from deer antlers eliminates the cause of joint disease, and does not just relieve symptoms.

A person should think about diagnosis and treatment in the following cases:

  • the presence of any joint pathologies;
  • the presence of structural changes in joint tissues that occur with age;
  • previous surgical interventions on joints;
  • there are joint or spinal injuries;
  • a person spends most of his time in a static state. This group includes people who spend a lot of time sitting. There is a high risk of getting joint disease if you sit and stand for several hours at a time;
  • increased load on joints. For example, the knees of a person with a lot of weight experience high daily loads, which causes damage to the joint tissues;
  • playing professional sports.

Age-related changes affect any person. The use of the drug Arthropant for prophylactic purposes will help prevent the development of joint pathologies.

Positive and negative customer reviews

The real reviews of those who have already overcome the disease with the help of joint cream will tell you better than the manufacturer’s praises about Arthropant.

Maria Ch., Moscow: “I saw the cream in pharmacies in Moscow. I didn’t pay attention to him until a friend with arthrosis invited me to do Nordic walking with her. And this woman couldn’t get out of bed because of the pain. That’s when I decided to find out about the cream from my therapist. He definitely advised to buy, but emphasized that it is better to do this on the official website. I asked my grandson, he had read some other independent studies and agreed. That the ointment is good and worth the money. I treated chondrosis with it. The pain was such that sometimes I couldn’t even breathe. I’ve been using it for two weeks now, but I’ve already forgotten about the pain syndrome. I threw away all the painkillers. The doctor confirmed my good result. Don’t hesitate to order, you won’t regret it!”

Kristina A., Podolsk: “I bought this cream on the advice of a friend. I have an office job, and I developed osteochondrosis while still at university. I smeared it before bed. It didn’t help... I knew that it wouldn’t start working right away. But it didn’t help me even after a month. Draw your own conclusions about the “miraculous” properties of almost a thousand rubles.”

Ilya D., Saratov: “I accidentally came across the drug on a sports forum. I used to play basketball professionally, now I'm an amateur. And recently I pulled a ligament. The pain is so bad that I can’t work or drive. I decided to purchase artropant, the reviews were good. Already on the second day of use, the pain during movement decreased, and the swelling of the joint began to subside. I decided that this cream will now always be in the family medicine cabinet.”

Andrey K., Ryazan: “I work on a heavy truck. Long-distance drivers will understand me, they are on the road for days. My back and legs are numb. I recently heard from friends about Artropant. Constantly on the go, I didn’t wait for the mail, but bought it at the pharmacy. So I almost ended up in the hospital. As soon as I applied it, it started to burn. The skin peels off as if it were heavily tanned. I barely scraped this cream off. I don't recommend it to anyone. Divorce, and a dangerous one at that.”

Svetlana Mikhailovna B., Nizhny Novgorod: “Age does not spare anyone. So, after 60 years, it sometimes became difficult for me to stand. I also wanted to help with my grandchildren and sing in the choir at the local House of Culture. I underwent treatment both in the hospital and at home, using ointments and pills, I tried to cheer myself up. Nothing helped until my daughter brought me Arthropant. Someone she knew bought it for her parents and was pleased with the result. I felt the effect already at the end of the first week. I could walk for an hour and a half in the park without support. Previously, if medications helped me, it was only to relieve the pain, but here miracles are simple - the cream heals!”

Victor F., Kaluga: “I’ve heard about cream on the antlers of deer for a long time. I decided to buy it. Due to my line of work, I carry heavy loads, so it comes in handy for me. On their website, their delivery times range from a week to two. I decided not to wait, but bought it at the pharmacy. Nothing. Well, no effect. And the smell of the cream is pungent. Maybe I got it on a fake, I don’t know. I’ll try to order again on the website.”

Valentina M., Ryazan: “Problems with the joints began after the fracture. I contacted many surgeons, but everyone answered that, given my age, there was nothing they could do to help me. Only painkillers were recommended. Recently, at a regular appointment with a rheumatologist, a pensioner recommended an ointment for joints made from the antlers of young deer. She said that it really helps. At the appointment, I asked the doctor about the medicine, and he approved it. The price is steep, but in total I spent several times more on painkillers. At first my daughter helped with the massage, now I rub myself. The effect is noticeable. I go shopping myself and take walks with my grandchildren.”

Alena Ch., Korolev: “During my second pregnancy, my joints began to hurt. The pain syndrome was especially severe in the knee area. Apparently, the exhaustion of the body and the fact that she carried her first child in her arms until the fifth month had an effect. I suffered before giving birth. Then the midwife, who saw me go up to the second floor with tears in my eyes, recommended me a joint cream. I studied the ingredients and ordered without doubt. I felt relief already on the third day.”

Composition and active components

The action of Artropant occurs due to the composition of the cream. The active ingredient is antlers. The natural component contains substances necessary for joints such as chondroitin and glucosamine. The body produces both substances on its own, but if they are deficient, structural changes in the joints begin. The substances have the following effect:

ChondroitinActivates the production of hyaluronic acid, which strengthens cartilage tissue, ligaments and tendons. The substance has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects.
GlucosamineFills the connective tissue of joints with nutrients, preventing structural changes. Thanks to the substance, the treatment becomes more effective and the results last longer.

The dual effect of chondroitin and glucosamine gives the following effect:

  • joints become mobile again;
  • cartilage tissue heals and is restored;
  • inflammation goes away.

In addition to the main component, the joint cream Arthropant contains 17 plant extracts, a complex of vitamins and natural oils. Additional components help improve overall well-being and strengthen immune defense.

The natural composition allows the product to be used by patients of any age and gender, because it has no contraindications for use.

Artropant - divorce

Despite the fact that the manufacturer talks about the joint cream as a product with a broad spectrum of action, negative reviews about the medicine periodically appear on the Internet. Analysts have the following explanation for negative comments on the thematic forum:

  • if the gel does not help, this means incorrect use of the drug: non-compliance with the recommended dosage or premature termination of the treatment course at the first improvement;
  • instead of buying a real gel, the user purchased a fake;
  • speak negatively about the drug, and competitors call the product a scam.

On the Internet you can find a sufficient number of real reviews about Arthropant cream:

  • Anatoly Shevelev, 45 years old:

“Two years ago my knee suddenly hurt, I couldn’t stand on my leg. I went to the clinic and they sent me for an x-ray. Diagnosed with arthritis. The prescribed tablets and capsules did not help, and doctors advised me to undergo surgery. I won’t say that I was scared, but I really didn’t want to go under the knife. It’s good that a friend advised me to use Arthropant ointment for joints, and also remembered Dikul’s example. Dikul also faced a diagnosis that prevented him from walking, but was able to overcome the disease. The healing cream gave results. The pain went away already in the second week”;

  • Marina Kucherenko, 31 years old:

“I ended up in the hospital with terrible pain in my shoulder and a diagnosis of chondrosis. I can’t tell you what they prescribed for me: I took tablets and capsules, vitamins, lay on a hood, went through a bunch of IVs. After discharge, my arm still hurt. I bought painkillers so as not to suffer at work. At the next appointment, the neurologist advised me to purchase Arthropant. I rubbed the sore spot 3 times a day, and the shoulder went away”;

  • Valentina Melnikova, 63 years old:

“I was suffering with leg joints until a friend advised me how to order Arthropant. Before using the gel, I consulted my doctor. One course was not enough for me. But after 3 treatment courses I returned to my normal life, pain and swelling disappeared. I can say that this is truly an excellent ointment, and inexpensive. I see real results from the treatment."

Important: you can avoid buying a fake if you buy the ointment on the official website.

What's the catch? How do they deceive?

The scheme of deception with cash on delivery parcels is quite simple. Scammers take a popular or in-demand product on the market and create a marketing website for it, where everything is described in such a way that it’s hard to resist placing an order.

Artropant is advertised on social networks: Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, as well as in the Yandex partner network: Avito, Yandex mail, mail.ru mail, on news portals, blogs, etc.

What you should pay attention to?

Please note that the scam website does not have a phone number for the online store. You can only order using the feedback form, indicating your name and phone number. In this case, the scammers themselves call the customer using substitute numbers, which they then cannot reach.

Scammers offer to buy goods at an unrealistically low price. On different sites, scammers indicate different amounts - these are usually magic numbers, such as 99, 199, 1190, 1290, 1990, 2450, 2990 or 3990 rubles. Some products offer free ordering!

The whole point of the deception lies in the delivery of the goods. Please note that delivery is carried out only by cash on delivery by Russian Post (without an inventory of the contents). Such parcels cannot be opened until 100% payment has been made at the post office. Russian Post does not have the right to refund your money for such a parcel under any circumstances. It's like you're buying a pig in a poke. We wrote about this earlier in the article “Pitfalls of Russian Post”.

Parcels paid for cash on delivery are non-refundable!

Clinical researches

To confirm the effectiveness of the gel, medical studies were conducted. The main clinical study was the trial that the drug underwent in 2014. The trial involved 5 thousand people with joint diseases at various stages. Volunteers applied the cream for 40 days. Rub the composition on the affected areas twice a day.

Results of the clinical experiment:

  • all study participants noted an improvement in their well-being;
  • 90% showed no symptoms of arthritis.

Thanks to the results of a research institute, it has been scientifically proven that Arthropant cream is an effective and safe product.

Reviews from doctors

In addition to real reviews from people who were helped by the use of the gel, there are many comments posted on the Internet by specialists from the Russian Research Institute of Rheumatology.

A brief overview of doctors' reviews of Arthropant:

  • O. V. Belozerov, surgeon of the highest category, more than 20 years of experience:

“I recommend the ointment to patients with joint pathologies of varying severity. The drug can be used for arthritis, arthrosis, and osteochondrosis. The cream works locally, providing a targeted effect. The natural composition helps relieve inflammation, restore cartilage tissue and joint functionality”;

  • Anna Samoilenko, rheumatologist:

“I advise patients to use a universal and harmless cream that combines well with medications from other groups. The cream has proven itself excellent as part of the complex treatment of joint pathologies. My patients have been using Arthropant cream for many years, and I can confidently say that the product really helps.”

Using the drug Arthropant according to the dosage prescribed in the annotation gives real results, relieving pain and inflammation.

Real reviews about Arthropant cream

Have you ever come across real reviews of products costing 990 rubles? We are rare. Negative reviews about Artropant and similar “dummies” are quickly deleted by scammers or not published at all. Copywriting exchanges employ whole hordes of paid hacks who, for a couple of hundred rubles, will post a detailed report on the use of this or that product on any review site, without even seeing it. Real reviews can be found on our website and other revealing resources that are not interested in sales.

Selling sites always have “expert opinions.” We have already brought to your attention more than once that these are not doctors or candidates of science, but “cardboard” characters. A photo from a stock photo plus someone else’s initials and you get a landing page professor. The arthropant advises us to take the same doctor, who, for greater confidence, has put glasses on his nose and a phonendoscope on his neck. Let's see.

Mikhail Valerievich Korotkikh, arthrologist, doctor of the highest category, Ph.D. Who it? In fact, Mikhail Valerievich Korotkikh is a pediatric orthopedist. And in life he looks completely different. There is also Maxim Valerievich Krushinin - this is a direct copy of our “doctor”, but for some reason he works in the field of eye microsurgery. And the guy from the picture advertises all sorts of rubbish for 990 rubles and only appeared on selling sites.

Based on the listed facts, we came to the conclusion: Arthropant cream-ointment is a deception, a scam and another marketing speculation!

Don't waste your money and don't feed scammers. We do not recommend it for purchase and kindly ask you to leave your reviews on our website! Remember that every comment you make is one person saved from scammers! We are for honest shopping!

Instructions for use

Each package of Arthropant cream is equipped with instructions that describe how and how much to apply to the affected areas. To get the effect, you must follow the following rules of use, according to the instructions:

  • You need to use the product 3 times a day;
  • take a small amount of the medicinal composition into the palm of your hand and apply it to the problem area with light rubbing movements;
  • You get the effect if the course of treatment takes place without interruptions and for as long as indicated in the annotation. It usually takes 1.5 to 2 months for complete recovery.

It is necessary to complete the full course without a break, otherwise you will not be able to get the expected result from the ointment.

How much does a full course of use cost?

It is better to start a course of treatment after the patient knows the exact course of the disease. Some people will need 2-3 weeks of continuous use of the medication. Others, on the contrary, will not be able to get rid of pain even after 2 full courses. It is necessary to take into account the general state of health, advanced stage of the disease, age and other factors.

Recovery is often affected by hormonal levels, proper lifestyle, and even excess weight. Typically, effective treatment requires at least 4 weeks, that is, a full course.

The cost is only a few thousand rubles, so almost everyone can afford it. It is worth remembering that hospital treatment and surgery will be very expensive. Therefore, it is better to buy Arthropant in advance and begin a rehabilitation course or prevention.

Analogues of Arthropant

More than half of the population of each country suffers from joint diseases. In Russia, as in other countries, many people prefer non-traditional methods of treating joints and bone tissue, or advise using medications of synthetic origin.

There are the following synthetic medications that have an effect similar to Arthropant:

  • Aquadetrim. The analogue is available in the form of a solution and consists of chemical compounds. The drug is included in complex therapy in the treatment of bone tissue and to restore joint functions.
  • Aklasta. The injectable drug is prescribed for osteoporosis and is indicated in case of a femur fracture. The product requires medical prescription.
  • Alflutop. The medication can cause allergies and has a large number of contraindications.

Unlike analogues, the gel is suitable for self-treatment for any joint pathologies. The drug is easy to use and does not cause side effects.

Where to buy in a pharmacy

You won't be able to buy Arthropant in a pharmacy. The manufacturer does not work with any pharmacy chain due to high trade markups. Ordering medicine is possible only online through the official website. This is cheaper and more reliable than the incomprehensible price of Artropant in pharmacies from dubious sellers.

To verify the authenticity of the purchased product, you need to find the unique code on the packaging. Only the original product purchased from an official representative has packaging with a code. If there is a cream on a pharmacy display that is much cheaper than on the website, it is a fake.

Where is it profitable to buy and how much does it cost?

The manufacturer recommends where you can buy Arthropant. Order the drug exclusively on the official website, where you will receive a guaranteed product.

Ordering and delivery of goods occurs as follows:

  • go to the official page and leave a request, indicating your name, phone number and address;
  • wait 15 minutes during which the operator will call back to confirm the purchase;
  • after confirmation of the application, the goods are sent to the customer;
  • if you buy the cream in Moscow, then delivery of Arthropant takes approximately one to two weeks;
  • The goods are paid upon receipt at the post office.

The product is sent to all regions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries. Advantages of purchasing on the official website:

  • guarantee against counterfeiting;
  • delivery throughout Russia and the CIS;
  • free consultation on placing an order and using the cream;
  • receiving a discount on a product.

All you need to do to order is go to the seller’s official website.

Buy on the official website with a discount

What to do if you have already placed an order, but realized that it is a scam

Often such a purchase (order) is made spontaneously, and only then does the client find out that the product does not suit him or the seller is not trustworthy. The parcel with cash on delivery will remain in the mail for about a month. The most interesting thing is that scammers will send you SMS messages and even call you, remind you about the parcel and even intimidate you with fines and courts! Understand, these are all fake threats. There is no wrongdoing on your part! It's all a bluff!!!

Remember: You can not only refuse to purchase Artropant at any time before its delivery (delivery by courier or receipt at the post office), but also within seven days after receiving the goods. Moreover, if you have not received written information about the procedure and terms for returning the goods, you have the right to refuse it within 3 months from the date of receipt. Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, Article 26.1 paragraph 4. This law applies to all goods sold remotely. Online merchants are mostly scammers and are therefore prepared for your actions in advance.

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