Artrodex ointment - Reviews of Artrodex, scam or not, the truth from real people

Problems associated with the functioning of the musculoskeletal system do not allow you to perform normal activities and change the quality of life. According to the manufacturer, Arthrodex for joints will not only relieve symptoms, but will also help the body eliminate the factor that influenced the development of the pathological process.


Enough has been said about the treatment of joints. There is a lot of discussion on the Internet about grandma’s medicines and recipes. There are enough reviews on the forum from real people who learned about Arthrodex. Reviews about the medicinal cream are more positive than negative. But in negative reviews they write that the cream did not work, so this is nothing more than another scam for patients.

Let's figure out the truth and lies about the gel on the Otzovik forum and other online platforms. To do this, we will study the properties of the drug Arthrodex and ask doctors about the effect of the drug.

What is Arthrodex

The manufacturer Artrodex positions the effectiveness of the product as follows:

  • medicinal cream inhibits destructive processes in joints caused by inflammation;
  • the drug Arthrodex prevents the development of complete or partial paralysis of the problematic limb;
  • the cream stops the inflammatory process;
  • one therapeutic course of using the cream will cope with pain and swelling in the knee or in the joint of the upper limb;
  • During the treatment process, cartilage tissue will be completely restored;
  • after a full course of therapy with a medicinal cream, the functionality of the joint damaged by inflammation will be restored;
  • Thanks to the course of treatment, the development of oncological processes and disability is excluded.

Artrodex joint cream gives a comprehensive result:

  • relieving symptoms of the disease;
  • relief of inflammation;
  • inhibition of tissue destruction processes in the inflamed joint;
  • prevention of complications;
  • return of joint functionality;
  • increasing endurance with increased loads on the joint area.

The manufacturer Arthrodex named the following indications for the use of the drug:

  • any forms of arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • coxarthrosis at any stage of development;
  • hernias in the vertebral discs;
  • joint pain of any origin;
  • pain in the shoulder area;
  • accumulation of fluid in the synovial bursa of the joint.

Artrodex ointment has no contraindications. The cream is indicated for prevention for older people who have knee pain and are predisposed to joint diseases. The cream is suitable for prophylactic use.

What is Artrodex?

Artrodex is an organic drug for various joint diseases, based on extracts of medicinal herbs, essential oils and Altai deer antlers. The product is available in the form of a cream and is intended for home use (self-medication). Before purchasing and using the product, it is not necessary to consult a doctor (if the disease is at the initial stage of development).

This drug appeared on the Russian pharmaceutical market relatively recently. The manufacturer assures that Arthrodex has all the necessary quality certificates and sales permits. The product is sold not only in Russia, but also in several other CIS countries.

The manufacturer highlights the following properties of Artrodex:

  • destruction of infections and pathogenic bacteria;
  • optimization of blood flow in the area of ​​the damaged joint;
  • restoration (regeneration) of damaged tissues of cartilage and joints;
  • nutrition of the joint with beneficial vitamins, micro- and macroelements;
  • optimizing the body's production of fluid that lubricates joints during movement.

According to the manufacturer, the gel will begin to act from the first day of use. Already on the second day the treatment will show tangible results - pain, severe stiffness in movements and discomfort in the musculoskeletal system will disappear.

A representative of the pharmaceutical company readily comments on the situation with negative reviews and assures that there are much more positive reviews about the product. Good reviews about Arthrodex gel are left because of the affordable price, ease of use of the product and its natural composition.

Organic gel is incapable of causing side effects or overdose, so it can be safely purchased by almost all people, regardless of age and general health.

A representative of the Arthrodex brand reports that the composition of the product has been developed by domestic pharmacists for quite a long time. Scientists have never been able to create a medicinal formula in which all the components act harmoniously, enhancing each other’s effects (according to the synergistic principle). And only a few years later, pharmacists created what they thought was the ideal combination of organic components.

Composition and active components

Arthrodex is made only from natural substances. The main composition of Artrodex cream is a complex of chondroitin and glucosamine. The active complex of the natural composition of the cream gives the following effects during the course of therapy:

  • promotes complete regeneration of articular tissues;
  • relieves symptoms of inflammation;
  • prevents tissue destruction, prevents the development of relapse;
  • activates the natural production of hyaluronic acid, necessary to strengthen connective tissue.

Arthrodex also contains additional substances:

  • rosemary leaf extract. The active substance accelerates the healing process of damaged cartilage, activating their natural regeneration;
  • mint extract concentrate. The active component allows you to get an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect from the cream;
  • mountain arnica. The plant extract relieves inflammation by activating the body's natural immune forces;
  • Siberian fir concentrate. The active substance promotes the synthesis of natural hyaluronic acid;
  • camphor and menthol. The action of the active complex is aimed at relieving swelling and eliminating accumulated salts in diseased joints.

Thanks to its natural ingredients, the cream has no contraindications and does not cause side effects. Using Artrodex cream is the best way to treat inflammation without additional procedures or surgery.

Arthrodex ointment - what it is, properties, how it works and how it differs from other products

It is difficult to find a suitable remedy that can cope with this problem. Sick people try to use all kinds of pharmaceutical products - gels, tablets and ointments, but when they do not give the expected result, they involuntarily give up. The creators of the drug Arthrodex promise to help cope with this situation.

The main feature of Arthrodex is its composition, which makes this product safer and more accessible according to indications for all categories of people. The completely natural composition was selected using a large number of laboratory tests, revealing the effectiveness of each component separately and in addition to each other. But it is as highly effective as drugs containing chemicals.

Its recipe was adopted from the peoples of northwestern Siberia, where the main component was deer antlers, shed by this animal only once a year. It is possible to get them only in the taiga.

The composition of Artrodex cream includes a large number of components, some of them are:

  • Altai deer antlers are deer antlers and contain chondroitin and glucosamine. The first element helps speed up the regeneration process and eliminate pain, the second is responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect and saturating the body with nutrients;
  • marsh cinquefoil, camphor, ginseng, rosemary, bay leaf, Veselka flowers and other other medicinal plants, extracts from which can reduce the process of inflammation, thereby slowing down the destruction of joints and cartilage;
  • adding rare plant extracts helps the immune system;
  • pain relief occurs due to the milky juice of plants in the composition of the drug;
  • from oils - fir, cedar, pine needles, pumpkin, tea tree and cloves - the elasticity of tissues returns to normal thanks to them.

The action of Artrodex cream helps fight inflammation and fluid stagnation in tissues, which helps restore joint mobility. A complex of plant components accelerates the penetration of Arthrodex cream into the deep layers of the dermis, due to which regeneration occurs many times faster. Cleansing of toxins and waste, toning and dilation of blood vessels helps blood circulation, which helps reduce pain. The complex is full of vitamins and minerals strengthens the immune system and prevents degenerative processes.

A positive feature of the drug for joints Artrodex is its hypoallergenicity, due to which it has no contraindications for use and no side effects occur. It is still necessary to carefully study the instructions for Arthrodex, since it is important to exclude individual intolerance to certain components.

Method of use: twice a day, the ointment should be applied to a clean and dry skin surface with massage movements. Rub into and around the pain area. There is no need to wash off the drug. It is recommended to use it for a month, then take a break and repeat the course if necessary.

As a result of treatment, the manufacturer of Arthrodex promises the return of mobility, the disappearance of pain, lightness and comfort after the first days of use.

Artrodex - scam or not

The manufacturer analyzed a large number of real reviews on Artrodex. The manufacturing company paid special attention to the negative reviews that began to periodically appear on forums.

Based on the results of the analysis, the manufacturer named the following reasons for the appearance of real negative customer reviews about Arthrodex:

  • buying a fake. There are many sales of counterfeit medicines in online stores. The buyer goes to the store’s website and does not see the difference between the original and the fake: the scammers post a photo of the original cream. But after ordering and purchasing a counterfeit cream, the buyer notices that he did not feel better and writes that the Arthrodex cream is a scam. It is easy to avoid fraud when purchasing if you purchase the cream through the website of the official supplier. You should be more careful when purchasing medications so as not to harm your health;
  • improper use of cream. Most of the reviews that discuss divorce or not Arthrodex appear after an independent treatment regimen. Knowing how to apply the cream correctly, according to the description, you should not change the timing and method of treatment yourself;
  • comments in which the effect of Artrodex cream is called a scam are ordered and posted by competing companies that produce medications with a similar effect.

Dr. Myasnikov spoke positively about the action of Arthrodex. Independent folk healer Malakhov, who has been promoting treatment with folk recipes for many years, also agrees with Myasnikov.

You can learn about the effect of the cream from the program of the famous presenter Solovyov. In one of the programs, Solovyov talked about fraudulent sales of medicines via the Internet, and drew attention to the sales of medicines through official websites.

Dikul left positive reviews about the drug Artrodex. In one interview, a famous artist and head of a rehabilitation center for the treatment of musculoskeletal problems said that this cream copes well with its stated task.

The official supplier's website contains real reviews of Artrodex cream. The results of special clinical tests on the safety and effectiveness of the cream are also posted here.

Why are joint diseases so common and how to deal with it?

Components of the musculoskeletal system often require treatment because they account for a large amount of work throughout a person's life. They wear out over time, bringing with them a lot of pain and inconvenience that make it difficult to live comfortably.

Pathologies have long gone beyond the point where they arose only due to age. About 50% of the population encounters various forms of diseases in this area, which are most often complicated by resorting to traditional medicine.

Causes of joint diseases:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • overweight;
  • age-related changes;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • excess of certain foods in the diet (meat, wine, chocolate);
  • diabetes mellitus and so on.

The slightest damage causes irritation of the nerve endings. The accumulation of salts, toxins and other inflammatory elements are the reason for this. Knees are extremely vulnerable - they especially hurt grandparents, although part of the population complains about them after 30 years. A number of diseases that cause this include arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis, tendonitis and others.

It is worth paying attention to whether the pain is acute or chronic, whether it affects one joint or several, and whether there are sudden increases in temperature, redness and swelling.

You can help your joints by drinking enough water a day, monitoring your diet and the ratio of beneficial elements in it, adding more sports and making sure that the shoes and clothes you wear do not cause discomfort. The joint can be protected with a bandage, compress or ice. This will make it possible to delay this problem or alleviate it at the initial stages. Any changes can please you and prompt you to leave the situation as it is.

But in other cases, this approach will not be enough, and then you should seek help from a specialist or use the right treatment. If the nature of the pain is due to excessive physical activity or age-related changes, then the musculoskeletal system requires support, care and care in the form of medicinal ointments, like Artrodex.

Discomfort can manifest itself in many ways. Many people know it after a long time of rest, like at night, when during this period the fluid stagnates, the blood supply becomes more difficult and the first movements become a living hell. On the contrary, the unpleasant sensation may become stronger in the evening, but in the morning it may be minimal or completely absent.

Do not forget that there is pain associated with diseases of the internal organs, in which the joints only reflect the cause and such pain becomes symptomatic - in this case, it is important to consult a specialist and immediately treat the root cause.

In other situations, it is worth paying attention to products created to support the human body. Artrodex joint cream is designed specifically to combat this disease, so you should consider the specifics of its use.

Clinical researches

Before launching sales of Arthrodex cream for joints, the manufacturer tested the medication. Large-scale clinical tests on the safety and effectiveness of the cream were carried out in 2021. 17,000 people were invited to participate in the trial. The subjects had various joint problems.

During clinical testing, subjects treated their joints with Artrodex for several three months. In the first month, volunteers applied the cream 2 times a day. This was followed by a break for a month, after which the course of therapy was repeated.

At the end of the test, experts received the following results about the effect of Arthrodex cream on joints:

  • after using the cream during the first days, the subjects noted the absence of pain and swelling;
  • 85% of the subjects were able to completely restore the functionality of the inflamed joints in one course of therapy;
  • 70% of volunteers were able to return to their usual duties within a week from the start of the test;
  • 85% of subjects were asked to record a general improvement in well-being during the course of therapy.

Most participants in clinical testing left positive reviews about Arthrodex and inquired about the price of the product.

Based on the results of clinical testing, Artrodex passed the certification procedure. The cream has received approval from the Ministry of Health.

Reviews from doctors

The drug Arthrodex is receiving good responses from doctors. There is not a single negative review addressed to him by a doctor online. Doctors consider the main advantage of the product to be its harmless composition.

Elena Solovyova, orthopedist with ten years of experience:

“Arthrodex is an absolutely harmless remedy that is optimal for self-medication. I recommend it to all patients who do not want to spend a lot of money on joints. Artrodex has never received bad reviews from patients taking the drug on my recommendation.”

Anatoly Sazhnev, neurologist:

“I often provide free advice to people about musculoskeletal treatment online on my blog. For users with problem joints, I most often recommend a course of Arthrodex or Arthropant. Arthrodex receives more positive reviews from real customers who share the results of their treatment with me. I learned about the drug from an interview with Myasnikov, a well-known physician in Russia. Myasnikov advised using natural medicines to treat joints. The doctor emphasized that synthetic medications harm human health more than they help.”

Reviews from doctors

In reviews of Artrodex cream for joints, doctors have a positive opinion about the effect of the medication:

  • Irina Sementsova, orthopedist, surgeon, Moscow:

“My opinion is that you should not use outdated methods of treatment. Medicine and pharmacology are constantly moving forward. New forms of treatment for joint pathologies are also being developed. Arthrodex is an innovative product. I explain to patients what Arthrodex ointment is and how a course of treatment changes the life of a sick person. I used the ointment myself when I started having problems with my knee. I decided this: before advising patients, you should try the new remedy yourself. And the gel proved to be not just good. The pain disappeared almost after the first use, and the functionality of the knee was restored already in the third week of treatment. I wanted to prove to myself that the cream works and I can confidently recommend the product to patients. And everything worked out";

  • Gennady Novikov, surgeon, traumatologist, orthopedist, St. Petersburg:

“I recommend restoring sore joints with Arthrodex. You shouldn’t experiment with your health by using grandma’s recipes or taking dubious pills. Treat yourself correctly: complete the full course of therapy and forget about joint problems forever. The cream will give a complex effect: it will remove all the symptoms of inflammation, and will begin to work to restore damaged tissues and functionality.”

In reviews of Artrodex, experts draw attention to the daily use of the product during the therapeutic course.

Reviews from experts about Artrodex

The undoubted authority in the analysis of medicinal drugs is the opinion of specialists in the field of medicine. The novelty interested many people, so a number of studies were carried out in various laboratories. 90% of patients who tried the effects of Artrodex cream gave positive feedback.

Of the reviews from doctors about the joint cream Artrodex, the most important is the doctor Myasnikov, who is also a TV presenter of medical programs, whose opinion you can trust. In an interview, Myasnikov noted that a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and sports can help cope with a certain percentage of joint diseases or delay it. But this does not exclude age-related changes, genetic predisposition and other things.

The natural composition of the cream has a good effect on regeneration and pain relief, despite the fact that there are no contraindications. This opinion was supported by Soloviev, Malakhov and Dikul. Soloviev was told that the peculiarity of the drug is its effect on the root cause, and not the symptoms, which distinguishes it from competitors on the market.

Positive reviews have been given about the price of Arthrodex, which is affordable for every average buyer. Many doctors recommend that patients try the drug, which is what the woman did, who was one of the first to learn about it. Her review:

“My condition left much to be desired. I just wanted to wake up without pain in my knees, because even getting to work was unbearable. I used pharmacy ointments before, they only worked for a certain time. Then the doctor advised me to Arthrodex (it can also be found under the name Arthropantha), not knowing anything about it before, I decided to try it, because there was nothing else left. After the first three days, I felt relief, although the pain did not go away at all, but it became more comfortable to move. After 20 days of use, it gave me real results and finally, after many years of torment, life became somewhat easier. What was surprising was that after that I increasingly came across people’s words that Arthrodex cream was a scam - maybe I was lucky, I don’t know... It’s definitely different from what I tried before.”

Instructions for use

According to the instructions, Arthrodex is used as follows:

  • Before using the cream, you should remove clothing from the problem area;
  • squeeze a small amount of cream from the tube onto your hand and distribute between your palms;
  • Before applying to the problem area, you need to warm the cream with your palms;
  • The cream is applied carefully, without pressure, with light rubbing movements.

It is recommended to use Arthrodex cream for a month. If necessary, the course of therapy is repeated after a break of a month.


The manufacturer claims that Arthrodex has no pharmacy analogues. The cream is different from any product that can be purchased at the pharmacy and has the following advantages:

  • the cream works comprehensively;
  • active substances act locally on inflamed areas;
  • under the influence of the cream there is almost instant pain relief and improvement of well-being;
  • the cream completely restores damaged tissue and joint functionality;
  • the cream can be used for prevention.

An important advantage of the cream is its budget cost.

No analogue of Artrodex works in this way. The properties of the gel can only be compared with the action of Arthropant.

Analogues of Arthrodex

Many forum users who leave negative reviews about Artrodex cream advise using its analogues (tablets, injections, etc.). Doctors warn: a medicine that has helped someone is not always universal in use and suitable for absolutely every person, like, for example, Arthropant (this medicine has no contraindications for use). Before purchasing a medication as recommended in reviews, you should carefully read its pharmacological properties.

A brief overview of Arthrodex gel analogues, which are most often recommended in reviews on various forums:

  • Mobile gel is used to improve the functioning of joints and cartilage, but is not able to independently cope with a serious disease of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Reanimator is a gel with a combined composition (both synthetic and natural components are present). Designed to combat joint and muscle diseases, mainly of a traumatic nature. Has a small spectrum of action.
  • Chondroitin ointment is a medicine that, like Mobile gel, cannot act as an independent medicine for serious pathologies of joints and cartilage. The ointment is effective only as part of complex therapy.

How to buy at a pharmacy

Artrodex cannot be purchased at a pharmacy. The cream can only be ordered through the website of the official supplier. The manufacturer does not sell the cream in pharmacies due to high markups and sales of counterfeit products through pharmacy chains.

Each original package is equipped with a special code, which can be verified by requesting through the official website.

Pharmacies, prices, reviews

Like all similar products for the Internet, Arthrodex is not and will never be sold in pharmacies. So many lies in advertising, fraudulent sales methods, lack of real addresses and contacts of sellers - are only possible on the Internet. Additionally, this product is simply not a medical product.

Despite all its “uniqueness,” Arthrodex is sold at the standard price for everything: 990 rubles or for 1* ruble. Surprisingly, many buyers actually expect to receive goods for a ruble. Of course, you won’t get anything for either a ruble or 990. They won’t sell you anything until you agree to pay several thousand, and bargaining starts from 10-15 thousand. This is why this type of trading is so profitable. Therefore, pharmacies are not at all suitable for such traders.

Well, you can find out the real price of Artrodex by typing “Artrodex wholesale” into the search engine. Give it a try. 50-70 rubles.

In terms of reviews, Arthrodex is not inferior to, and perhaps even superior to, many drug scams on the Internet. Naturally, all reviews on selling sites are custom-made.

Where to buy profitable

The manufacturer gave the following reasons explaining why it is worth buying Arthrodex through an official supplier:

  • on the website you can find out what Artrodex is and where to buy it;
  • parcels are delivered to any city and to any address in the Russian Federation;
  • You can place an order through the official website around the clock;
  • The seller does not request advance payment. The parcel is paid for at the time of receipt at the post office;
  • The price of the parcel includes only the cream. Delivery is paid by the seller;
  • The site contains real reviews of people who managed to cope with joint inflammation with the help of cream. Any buyer can leave a review.

What you need to place an order for joint cream:

  • fill out the standard form on the official website, indicating your name and phone number;
  • further, you need to wait no longer than 15 minutes. The manager will call you back to the number specified in the application and clarify the details of the order.

As soon as the buyer confirms the order, the seller will begin to prepare a package with a medicinal cream within 15 minutes.

Go to the official website

Artrodex (Arthrodex) - a scam on sore knees

Vladimir Yakorkhin Correct. Why don't they write the real price? 1 ruble - a hook with bait, and then fishing will begin... People, do not forget about folk remedies, there are many of them. Well done guys for opening people's eyes to these freaks. Valentina Kadeikina such reviews I am shocked and now I am waiting for this cream for my husband and I am terrified of what to do when the cream arrives, the money is not small 5 thousand and we are also pensioners. Andron Sergeev Do not buy it, or, as a last resort, pay the shipping costs. Next time be careful. Nina Filonenko I also ordered today, but for an incomplete course for 1990 rubles. And here I’m only reading 990. I don’t really understand what to do? It also smells like a scam. Andron Sergeev Nina, Well, from the review, apart from the price, you don’t really understand anything at all? Alexander Lavrushin I bought novostep for a ruble. Ordered. It turns out there are 5 tubes per course. paid 3062 rubles plus for transferring money. I was told that UVOV with a discount only needs to present documents upon receipt at the post office. It turned out that documents are not needed and there is no discount. When opening the parcel, there is no certificate, no code to verify the authenticity of the drug. That means it's fake. A day later a call. Yes, I bought the medicine, but there is no certificate or code to verify the authenticity. They answered that it was those who sent it who were to blame. They forgot to put the code and did not include the certificate. They promised to send it. I wonder how they will stick the code on the boxes that I already have at home? Looks like this is a scam. Where to go. And how to use this drug now. Will I be left without legs after treatment? Kirill Chernyshsky called them. They called back. They say that “Artrodex” is a force, it is available at the Ministry of Health, and “Flex Pro” is a fake. And 1 ruble each! PACK when ordering a course. I say, why isn’t the COURSE price on the website? This looks like a scam! Girl: “okay, I’ll tell the site’s authors.” Here are the cockroaches! Marina Tum, hmm, nothing sacred among people Valentina Kurguzova is a scam, God doesn’t punish such people, they also refer to doctors Valentina Trenina Ordered 5 packs. What is 1 ruble? The order should arrive, how can I buy it now after such comments? The amount is not small for a pensioner. Lyudmila Lobacheva At first I believed it and pressed the button to place an order. And they called me back, began to comb my hair very quickly about the magical qualities of this crap, then about certificates and licenses, and then they named a price that did not correspond to the one on the website and began aggressive sales, working with objections. I left a click at 3 am and they called immediately, extremely alarming. Maxim Utrobin Of course Artrodex is a SCAM! Enter any 15 digits on a website where you can supposedly check an individual code for counterfeiting and they will answer you: This code is correct. Thank you for choosing our products! Anna Aksenova People!!! SCAM!!!! Elena Kuchina Scam of course!!! These are the freaks...they profit from sick people. Galina Nikolaeva This is a complete scam! How do you order medicine for 1 ruble per package, but pay 4-5 thousand? One-on-one advertising, supposedly from Malakhov, SUSTAFAS, only 99 rubles. A course requires 4 packs. It turns out that only every second one costs 99, and so on 1700 rubles. You need to pay 3598 rubles. There is no explanation about the promotion on the official website. Go to the pharmacy and buy what the doctor prescribed for you and you will be healthy or be treated with folk remedies. Larisa Povysheva Ordered on the official website. Some crap has arrived. All the packaging is torn, the tubes are put in haphazardly and without a code, there are no instructions for use or certificates. What's this? What should I call it? The phones are not answered and the hotline is unavailable. Inna I ordered it, fell for the free cream, but it’s the last day. Shocked by my stupidity. I don’t buy the parcel, they call every day, from several phones, they sent several SMS, threatening to sue me. I picked up the phone a couple of times and the man introduced himself as a security officer from an online store. I apologized and said that, unfortunately, I couldn’t pick it up, and your product would be returned after the expiration date. To which he told me that I am now obligated to pick up the shipment, since it does not have a return address and they have a recording of the conversation where I give my consent and thereby violate the articles of the constitution ... and in that spirit. And they will sue me. To which I told them to serve it. But nevertheless the calls do not stop. I don’t know what to expect from them next. Alena Inna, hello! Tell me, how did your story with arthrodex end? I'm in the same situation now. I don’t want to pick it up from the post office, they call and threaten me. Adam Beroev They won’t do anything, don’t pick up the phone, they’ll call from another number - just hang up. They'll get bored quickly. Verified. Three letter scum. Adam Beroev Nothing will happen, everyone will stupidly fall behind and everyone Helen I, too, fell for it at first, although the site confused me... somehow it’s hard to believe that on Channel 1 Malakhov will talk about disabled people and a miracle remedy. I followed the link, hoping to get it for free, and of course they began to persuade me to buy several packages, which of course, as promised, would be free))) I said “goodbye!” Dan People don't get caught up in beautiful advertising and low prices. This is all pure scam. Don’t be lazy, type in the search engine the names, addresses and other information from the site and make sure that there is such a doctor or director and this is a real person, and not an avatar from a dating site. On the Artrodex website there are three personalities: a certain Aliev, Kirilova and Ermakov. Enter their names into a search engine and lo and behold, this trio is already selling super potency spray M-16, only Mr. Ermakov has noticeably lost weight and for some reason gone bald (he probably didn’t use Artrodex cream for its intended purpose) Aliyev, on the contrary, has become younger and fatter. PS If something hurts, go to it is cheaper and safer for the doctor. Lyudmila Shlekht I came across an advertisement for ARTHRODEX, the manufacturer's website = they have their own laboratory!!! In advertising MALAKHOV A. and EVERYTHING is free. If you miss everything, then they sent 3 tubes by mail for 2000 rubles. As a result, they arrived in 4 days. I looked at the number on the post office website and THIS IS A MIRACLE!!! AND THE OWNERS NOW = ONLINE STORE PODOLSK = THIS IS FROM THEM FOR ME TUBES!!! And now they call me several times every day., = But those from whom I ordered. Now it's just the security service. I was interested in communicating with them for 3 days = for experience = I sorted everything out for them = in the end, that their product did not come to me, but came from an online store, and I did not promise them anything!!! AND LET THEY SEND ME AN EMAIL ADDRESS for communication = but they PROBABLY don’t have one. And they scared me with COURT AND BLACKLIST, but it’s hard for them to talk to me. I promised them that I wouldn’t pick up the phone anymore. = AND I WISH YOU GOOD LUCK AND DON’T BE DECEPTED!!! Vladimir Dibrovsky I wanted to buy Arthrodex cream, I contacted these suppliers. One number calls, and then from another and the girl on the line blows, I ask what this cream is for several pieces 990 rubles per package, and she says that one package .But the packaging comes with several tubes…. I said that the price for one tube is expensive, so she began to tell me that the cream was excellent and about remission, I switched off. I don’t like it when salespeople interpret what they cannot know... Vladi Mir Dibrovsky Alexey Ivanov People! !!DO NOT BE FOOLED!!!IT'S A SCAM!!! Vladimir Aksenov Yes, I agree that there are a lot of fakes now and if they are not in pharmacies, then it is a scam. They write that we don’t want there to be intermediaries, but try to leave your comment, it won’t work. Tatyana Zhdanova I decided to order, but then the seller called me back and spent half an hour selling the complex for 8 thousand. In short, it’s a scam, they would have written the real cost and not fooled people. Galina Batueva Thank you for the clarification. And I’m crazy, I ordered two packages for 2 rubles and three for 3 thousand. Thanks again for the warning. Elena Fedorova Ordered this very medicine, was led by the fact that for 1 ruble, representatives of this company talked about taking 3 tubes, agreed. The medicine was sent quickly, I guess. I haven’t gone to the post office yet, but judging by the SMS, they’ve already sent it. But there is no money yet. They bombard you with SMS messages and threaten to sue you so that you can take the package. They threatened to put me on the list of unreliable buyers, they scared me. Pelageya Matveeva Arthrodox is a lie, bullshit and provocation. They will never sell it to you for 1 ruble, as the advertisement says. The main thing is that you place an order, they will call you back in a second, because... That’s all they need: to persuade you to give your money for a dummy. If the drug were so good, it would be distributed for 1 ruble, and people, having tried it and convinced of its effectiveness, would then order courses, even if not for a ruble, but the fact of the matter is that this is a deception. The sellers know that they are selling a dummy, they need to make money from the first call, because they will definitely not call again. Mila Thank you very much everyone. My mother has stage 4 coxarthrosis, she suffers terribly, I almost burst out with happiness that I found a panacea in this cream. I wanted to order tubes for three months. Thankfully I came across this site. Thank you very much, I’ll bookmark your site to check for scams. Shared a note in OK. Be healthy. Lyudmila. Vera Ivanovna I saw the advertisement, I wanted to order it for my husband, and the pain in my joints almost never stopped! Perez stank right away!! They talked for a long time, but with a stop, if I interrupted and asked my questions, they probably found the answers to my questions in their notes!! I feel like everything is being read, when I said thank you, I’ll think about it and call you back, I started chatting and asking questions, what is the reason, the price, the effect of the treatment. I hung up, it’s disgusting when the bulk of the common people consider us to be “ LOKHOV"!!!! And I decided to look for some reviews, found you, I read everything and immediately felt better in my soul. THANK YOU!!! Zoya I almost fell for this scam. It’s good that I’ve been digging around Yandex for a long time, in search of the truth. But I still pressed the order button. They called back immediately as soon as I released the key... That's what alerted me. From the beginning, the girl began to talk smartly about the remedy and ask about illnesses, then she hesitated, once, twice, and passed out... And this gave me more time to think, or rather, to search for the truth.. And I found this site... The bell rang after 3 minutes . , but it was too late... I immediately blocked the number.. Thank YOU very much for not giving scammers a chance to fool us. Vladimir Borisovich Yes, ladies and gentlemen, sirs and madams! The Internet is, of course, a wonderful thing, but the modern “Ostaps of Bendery” have not disappeared and will not disappear. who know more than 400 ways to legally take money from the gullible population. I myself once “got caught” with an advertisement for a Japanese super-antenna for 99 rubles with firmware from 20 to 150 channels. As a result, I paid 2,500 and postage and received an antenna, which even the vaunted Ernst Channel One cannot accept. Currently, I myself am “divorcing” these scammers, allegedly buying into their miraculous goods, and preparing a serious publication in the oldest charitable publication in Russia, “Russian Invalid”. By the way, publication in the media, according to the existing law, is a reason for serious verification of scammers by law enforcement agencies... Tatyana I would really like to punish one young lady (who works on the phone and takes orders) who sent me an order without my knowledge. I didn't give my consent. And now the SMS vpsh order has been sent. I'm shocked. But I won't take it. Let her pay for it herself. Valentun I read a conversation between famous persons Journalist Solovyov and doctor Myasnikov about the joint cream Atrodex. Photos of the conversation are presented. Lots of positive reviews. They also offer one package for free. Is this also a scam? Adam Beroev I am simply amazed by people like you. IS THE ARTICLE ABOVE WRITTEN FOR WHOM??????????? In the article above EVERYTHING is written about this Arthrodex. You immediately ask the next STUPID question... WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE?! Stanislav Sergeev Everyone needs to start sending them the wrong phone numbers. Let them fall down and quickly remove the site. vlad ALL SITES ARE CLOGGED WITH SIMILAR FRAUD! WHERE ARE THE COMPETENT SERVICES, WHY DOESN’T ANYONE DEAL WITH THESE SCAMS? STRANGE PICTURE! CONCLUSION - EVERYONE IS IN SHARE! A... PROTECTION OF CONSUMER RIGHTS, ROSPOTREBNADZOR... - COMPLAINT, the money will not be returned, but the site should be closed. Or they will tell you where to go. Alexandra Artrodex (Artrodex), network marketing, Mavrodi acted more honestly by creating his pyramid. They enjoy the trust of people who have painful joints and strive to relieve their pain, forgetting that their turn will come to buy medicine for pain, they will lay out everything, but in return they will receive a “dummy”. I wish them to receive such “happiness” as late as possible, at the end of their lives. Viktor Pavlovich Your opinion about the VITAFON device. Many opinions from users+. From doctors - it’s different. Placebo, or a real positive effect? Magirus My opinion is a useless trinket. Like all these weight loss belts, etc... Yur Hello, I was fooled, but the package arrived, then bam I found you, then bam I saw the light and didn’t buy it back. I’ll think of something at the pharmacy, I’ll get it Zyryanov Alexander Awesome scam. Got caught like a real sucker. And there was a sad experience with Pantagoras. But no, he pecked like a sparrow. I was looking through news sites at night before going to bed and called. 20 seconds later - a call. They professionally persuaded me to buy it. I agreed to a course of 4 packs. In the amount of 4310 rubles. The parcel arrived quickly enough. I received it in the mail without looking, because... I was very late. And if I had looked carefully at the post office, I would have immediately understood this scam and would not have bought it back. At home I opened the box only on the second day; it remained in the car. Imagine my shock - in the box there are these 4 packages and a certificate for them as “Cosmetic cream for skin care”. And, of course, you can’t reach anyone by phone. No email. So I had to buy 6 packs of proven Fermatron plus 3 procedures for both knees. And this pleasure cost 36 thousand rubles. These people are just bastards. Never believe any advertising on the Internet for medicines. All these enticements are for fools. Or first read the reviews on these scam offers. Good health and sanity to you all. And respect medical professionals. Look for them by reviews, you will come across them. Don't be fools!!! Anastasia Yes indeed... I was always surprised by people who believe in miracle drugs advertised on the site, but here at the age of 30 they were diagnosed with cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis. The pain led to dullness of my mind... I got caught, called, ordered (Just now). I'm very glad I found this site. Eternally grateful! Vladimir Sinelniko I ordered, let them at least cash out on the links, I also had to prepare both the address and the address in the city of Okha, I also liked the voice of the answering machine about being obliged to buy their goods... PPC naive Anya 1982 And that’s why they don’t block SUCH sites? ! They are really fooling people! On the first channel they said that this was the development of a research institute in Moscow, now in the description they write that the manufacturer is India!!! Then PRICE! FOR FREE!!! Where is it free?! CHEATERS!!! Elena Savelyeva We previously purchased ARTIDECH based on the same advertisement. Manufacturer: Sashera-Med LLC, Russia, Altai Territory, Biysk. The composition of the ointment contains everything: the entire list of natural Altai medicinal components that are used in folk medicine, starting with the extract of deer antlers. royal jelly, dead bees, and all medicinal herbs of Altai. I think that you cannot cure a diseased joint; ointment can only dull the pain for a short time. I tried everything I could to treat the knee joint, and I had to replace it according to the quota. What is the composition of Arthrodex? Rosa Karachurina Thank you for the frank article I began to have doubts after several days in a row the last day of the promotion was announced here, and doubts crept in Andrey Rogalev Thank you! I also fell into the web of scammers, but I came across your site and everything became clear! Sanya Shevchenko Thank you!!! Alexander Mozerov junk Viktor Shelkovnikov Mother of God! When will our valiant police take charge of all this brethren? Nurlan Sultanov At the same time, when Anatoly Dubov takes over the police, I wonder why the authorities responsible for order in the country and not allowing the people of all Russia to be fooled are silent? Yuri Dorozhkin Tired of the bastards! Natalya Isachenko How did your story end? If you don’t they lag behind after the package goes back? Andron Sergeev Of course, what will they do? Well, at most, they will bring in your phone number. in your emergency. It's better for you. Natalya Isachenko Thank you for your answer! They also use the same scheme to sniff nanotex drops against parasites! 1 in 1 divorce! Article supposedly by Myasnikov! People beware! Thanks for the site! And God will punish these scammers! They will lose more!!!! Andron Sergeev replied to Natalya Natalya, thank you! Share links on social networks, invite all your friends to our group. Together we are strength Ivan Petrov replied to Andron Andron, Hello! Thank you for notifying us in time, uncovering the fraud, we also succumbed to their advertising and ordered, but we won’t buy it Andron Sergeev replied to Ivan Ivan, cheers! Share information about our site among your friends and acquaintances as much as possible. Together - we are force! Lyubov Yashagina I ordered on the site for free, but they sent it for 6290 rubles Natalya Iovova buy Espol cheap and it helps Galina Limareva artrodex may dull it, but in no case does it cure, well, advertising cannot cure. The truth is that this is pure SCAM and the reviews are the same. Vladimir Varlamov Good night! They wrote beautifully, read and decided to take it for free, why not, in general, I used to be ordered to order a call after a few minutes, and beautiful words with a medical bias were rushed, then everything was asked what hurts and how, after that, another beautiful saga In my ears and after the word 8000 thousand full course, I realized that this is the next dedicated, and I refused to get free, the girl in the pipe began to persuade me and again piss me into my ears, and we are so blue, we are all happy with the clients, we are happy. Well, in general, I was no longer going to take anything, and for about 5 minutes she talked, she no, I no, I already began to mock her, telling her somehow the divorce worked after which I hung up the phone, just like that I almost swayed Natalia Pronicheva Good afternoon! I also ordered this product today, and then I read that it was a deception. Of course, I can’t get into the number from which they called me. What's the best way to proceed? How will the goods come to the post office, I need to write a refusal, and what details to pay for the transfer of goods? And what is the amount? Where will it be spelled out? Anton Nikitin came to me this product, but he lies in the post office for about 11 days, I changed his mind to pick it up (after what I read), they send me from almost a message, they must pay a fine and they will be filed against me. What should I do, go to the bank and pay for the transfer? If I do not, they really can sue me, or is it all a divorce? Andron Sergeyev no one will sue you to the court due to 200-300 rubles. But in fact - you must pay for the shipment, you yourself ordered. You decide. Tatyana Luksha answered Andron Andron, .. Approach .. on .. owe .. and ... tell .. the factory ... the word - I ... the same ... the sending ... the sending ... gave it ... they .. they form ... the Out ... Out ... And ... all .. the situation .. this .. I ... the problems of Alina Kulbak, I also refused the parcel, in the post office said that I have every right to do this, did not even demand money for the reverse sending. Similar messages about the court also come to the phone, making dysfunctional buyers to the database and other love Gordienko well .... I read about this medicine ... I want to believe, but, I can’t believe it! For some reason .... There are so many divorces, lies .... It’s free, then for the ruble .... I will make e! FOR WHAT? Do you do this ???? The people unclean on his hands .... The person wants to believe and believes almost everything .... Any pain, this is the pain ... It needs to be rubbed, and the patient suffers, with the hope of improvement .... Frusting God! Pavel Glazyrin, and today, after an offer of the course for 7 thousand, when they found out that there was no such money, the same course was reduced to 2990 rubles. As a result, I refused and went to watch reviews about this drug. And they really did not want me to watch the information on the Internet, they said to ask us, we will answer. Tanya Zhevvyvinskaya good for everyone. It's a shame that they profit from the sick. Even the screensavers of sites of different drugs are not changed for eye removal. The surnames of specialists are the same, and the photos are different. But people are ready to give money if only it was easier. Very disappointing. How do people go to such a deception hiding behind the words "is it just my job"? Andron Sergeyev subscribe to our blog, you will not learn that yet. Lyubov Popova answered Andron Andron, I came across it and ordered it for free, and they called that they had already sent for 2500r, they didn’t even give the floor to say a refusal. How to refuse when receiving by mail? Or just do not receive? Andron Sergeyev answered Lyubov Love, just not to receive, since you do not need it Alena Gureeva guys, tell me! Here is the situation - Mom says order artrodex to me, here he is on the site of the Research Institute and everything else. Well, mom asks, but urgently - ordered. I once had to bother, and then let's see what she ordered for myself. She explained to mom that you don’t need him, I better buy you and for 200r. But this is the case, they call, threaten. I don't want to pick up the parcel, because I don't need this crap. Who has come across, how long will they threaten? I think we need to go to the post office and make a return, because the maximum that I owe them this money for sending. Who did what, tell me? Evgeny Malyshev do nothing, well, you can on hee .. Send them a farm. Barin owner, I want-I take the package and pay money, I don’t want to-I don’t take it. Send everyone to the garden! Nina Demidova thank you kind people, my eyes opened my eyes, and I also almost took a discount on a discount, we hurt the pains for any means to alleviate the pain, these crooks use this and even tear off their pensioners. The cat is already not easy to live, more If thanks Yuri Viktorovich, but I was led ... After what I read, I will not buy the package anymore .. The consultant said if you don’t want to, you won’t buy Tatyana Valiakhmetova what to do if you have already bought it? Please tell me! Andron Sergeyev is nothing, but what will you do? The goods have been purchased, you can no longer get through there - you will be blocked. Alas. Lyubov Gordienko Andron, and that's for sure! I got on a magnetic brush for washing windows, I thought it was good, and I won’t ask anyone, I can handle it myself, because it washes on both sides ... I have sore joints, and cleaning is difficult .... But, I was oka with a soap bubble, and not I could get through to where I ordered it ... So my unusable 1.700 rub.+200r are lying. Sent ... insulting .... Vasily Chupriyanov there are a lot of fakes, check the sites for lice, keep health and money to yourself and loved ones Denis Demidash where all our regulatory authorities, which we keep. I will get the time from the same scams. And you (people) do it yourself, what do you buy everywhere In stores on sites in schools, etc. ... And why should I do this when I need to earn bread and not in court, etc. There is nothing to walk, and even feed all the regulatory authorities. Julia Sklyarova 8-495-662-50-40 TF of the Research Institute of Nasonova, to which these scammers refer, supposedly the cream of their development. I called there about arthodex and illusan (my mother ordered, thank God, I have not paid yet). In short, they didn’t even listen to the research institute, they immediately said that it was a scam and has nothing to do with these “drugs” !!! Svetlana Zaglazova thanks for the clarification. The joints hurt, almost led. Kuznetsova Irina is expensive for all the time of day! I also read about the magical tool, I think wow! I ordered whether it was 5500 for 6 tubes, I also went on the Internet for different sites, on the second 3pcs. 2300, and very doubt I sorted out only the original, the remaining lie, such as. Doubt crept even more. Everywhere shares, 5 minutes are left, and today a call. I am a collector, if you don’t get it off, the conversation is recorded, we’ll send it to the court, we will block the phone and cards, you will pay in court. I say, and if I do not want to buy, we have the right to return the goods in the country. You can’t, you could take the order. I say, I’m going to the consumer rights department and to a lawyer, and you will prepare a return form and send it to me according to SMS. I look at a bunch of Moscow calls, SMS to listen, which is not. It seems to have begun in quotation marks. In general, I’ll probably take a legal advisory, how to lag behind them ... .. I just went to the mail and refuse the packages. What they sent back, there was enough to look for reviews, thank you for a warning about fraudsters. In all this is wonderful and quite understandable. But, the question is in the air: when will all these crooks begin to punish? When will the law and the state are seriously interested in them? Podoynitsyna Raisa also pecked at this trick. ordered. Then I seemed to read the reviews and immediately wrote an SMS to the number that they called and refused to me, and what you think the next day call and they say we sent you a package. Let's cheat on the data again. I said. That I have already refused yesterday. They did not hear me well right away. They said to call back. Pre -calling. They advised to check everything in the mail. Open the parcel. Check the codes. Check the documentation invested in the parcel. And then only pay ... .. I don’t want anything now. Let this package come and lies there., And then they send it back ... .. It’s somehow not good at heart. But that I have to throw twenty thousand tenge to make sure that this is a deception ???? Katerina GEO Thank you for the article. I almost got into a divorce. It was embarrassed that a shark is depicted on the package, and they write on their website that in the Panta of the Altai Maral so she began to look for information on the Internet. Igor Kirchik thank you for a very good educational, for exposing scammers. In Russia, recently they have divorced “above the roof”. The main thing is in all areas of human activity! Impudently and stubbornly act. Probably, they compete with gypsies, but gypsies have personal qualities, and these Internet have. Although now all the Internet is already mastering. All the best with respect Igor Alsu Hello! Please tell me, I ordered this cream to the address, oh to the house .. What to do in my case? Just say that I will not buy? Will the courier leave? Svetlana Pavlova Hello to kind people. Thanks for there are reviews. Now I immediately open your truth before buying and ordering. They will tell all the charms and then ask for a lot of money from one order for a course. I just say I think I’ll call or throw off in half the conversation. Alsu Akhmedgalieva Hello! I faded and ordered without even reading the reviews! Ordered home by courier? What should I do? Tell me Andron Sergeyev do not want, do not buy it. The business is your Venus Safina thank you very much! My order for 5559 rubles lies in our post office. God! No wonder I decided to look for reviews before buying. Thank you. Who seeks will always find. Andron Sergeyev please prepare for SMS with threats by all heavenly punishments. Elena Savelyeva acquired earlier arties for the same advertising. Manufacturer of Sasher -Med LLC Russia, Altai Territory, Biysk. The composition of the ointment is not in it: the entire list of natural Altai medicinal components that are used in folk medicine, starting from the extract of the marala's pantles. Matochkino Milk, bee scam, and all the healing herbs of Altai. I think that you can’t cure the sore joint, you can only take pain with ointment for a short time. What I just did not treat the knee joint, I had to replace it with a quota. What is the composition of the artrodex? Andron Sergeyev only scammers know what is mixed there. Rosa Karachurina thanks for the frank article began to doubt after the last day the action here was announced for several days in a row and the doubts of Andrei Rogilev crept in! I also got into the chain of crooks, but I came across your site and everything became clear! Viktor Shelkovnikov Pona Mother! When will our valiant police take this brethren? Nurlan Sultanov at the same time, when Anatoly Dubov is also interested in the police, why are the organs responsible for order in the country and not allowing the people of all Russia are silent?

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