Pyatkospor ointment: reviews from doctors, instructions and analogues

With a heel spur, any person usually experiences severe pain in the foot area when moving. A skin growth can even “ruin” the patient’s gait, and some people with this disease switch to crutches and canes.

In most such cases, medical specialists recommend eliminating unpleasant symptoms with Pyatkospur. The drug is aimed at eliminating inflammation and neutralizing negative symptoms. The leaflet for the drug contains complete information on dosage and medical contraindications.


The structure of the medication includes a number of useful components that effectively relieve the inflammatory process during fasciitis. According to the instructions, the composition of Pyatkospor ointment includes:

  1. Deionized water.
  2. Apple vinegar.
  3. Glyceryl stearate.
  4. Ceteareth-20.
  5. Cetearyl alcohol.
  6. Cetyl palmitate.
  7. Propolis extract.
  8. Ceteareth-12.
  9. Emu oil.
  10. Cyclomethicone.
  11. Polyacrylamide.
  12. Isoparaffin.
  13. Urea.
  14. Methylparaben.
  15. Disodium.
  16. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.
  17. Mixture of tocopherols.
  18. Flavocon.
  19. Chloromethylisothiazolinone.
  20. Methylisothiazolinone.

According to reviews, Pyatkospor ointment is best applied with massaging movements along the entire length of the foot, and not just on the affected area.

With the help of its components, the drug creates a combined effect:

  1. Analgesic.
  2. Removes swelling.
  3. Improves blood circulation.
  4. Softens the foot.
  5. Relieves tired legs.

The pharmacological effect of the drug on the body has a significant effect in the treatment and prevention of foot lesions.

At the first symptoms of a growth, you should seek help from a medical specialist. Having learned the cause of the disease, the doctor sends the patient either to a surgeon, or to a cosmetologist, or to a dermatologist. Next, the specialist, having studied the entire medical history, prescribes appropriate treatment.

As a rule, therapy is carried out by several doctors at once, since it is better to use a complex of different medications for fasciitis.

How to use ointment to treat heel spurs?

Ointment for fasciitis is usually prescribed by a doctor, but knowing the features of each remedy, you can independently choose and buy a cream for spurs, which is especially important at the initial stage of the disease.

Pharmacy ointments have many advantages:

  • ready for use;
  • contain safe substances;
  • passed clinical trials.

Most external remedies for spurs sold in pharmacies and stores are affordable and have minimal disadvantages. Based on their composition, all ointments are divided into: hormonal (steroidal) and non-steroidal.

According to the effect: anti-inflammatory, warming, painkillers, absorbent. As a rule, good ointments combine several effects.

Before using ointment for heel spurs, the names of all products will be listed below, you must read the following recommendations:

  1. Non-steroidal agents can be applied 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course is 1-2 months. Steroid drugs can be used no more than 2 times a day, and the treatment course should not last more than 2 weeks.
  2. To increase the effectiveness of any external remedy for fasciitis, before applying it, you need to steam your feet in a foot bath or make a compress. Medical bile helps a lot with heel spurs in the form of a compress.
  3. After applying the medicinal cream, you must wait 1-5 minutes until the product is completely absorbed. And only then can you put on socks or heated slippers and go about your business.
  4. Creams based on herbs and natural ingredients can be used continuously. This is not only beneficial, but is also effective in preventing recurrence of fasciitis.
  5. To get the best result, it is advisable to change ointments: in the acute stage of the disease, use one external remedy, during the recovery period - another, for prevention - a third.
  6. Treatment with ointments must be combined with taking pills, physiotherapy and heel unloading using insoles, shock-absorbing heel pads and Strutz arch supports.

After applying ointments, it is recommended to wear a Strasbourg sock before going to bed at night. The product fixes the fascia in a longitudinally stretched position, which promotes their regeneration.

Regular use of the Strasbourg sock at night speeds up the healing process and helps get rid of morning pain caused by the pressure of the thorn.

Release form

The bone growth at the junction of the plantar fascia and the calcaneal tubercle, which appears as a result of the progression of calcification, has acute and chronic stages. Depending on this, the doctor already recommends Pyatkospor ointment of a certain series:

  1. Restoring gait with heel spurs.
  2. Accelerated destruction of the spur.
  3. From a “nail” in the heel.
  4. From the bony protrusion on the heel.
  5. Preservation of gait without pain.
  6. Relieving inflammation in the heel.

The drug has instructions, which, according to patient reviews, describe in detail how to use the ointment.

Before using the medicine on the foot, you must first take a warm foot bath. Then apply a small amount of the product to clean skin, rubbing until absorbed. After this, you should put on socks. The procedure must be carried out before bedtime.

Reviews of Pyatkospor ointment are usually positive due to its unique ability to instantly eliminate painful signs. Each series of products has specific instructions for use that must be followed.

To apply the medicine at an early stage of the disease, it is necessary to use a regular ointment for the feet. It should be used twice a day after a warm foot bath. A positive effect can already be noted after one month.

If there are cracks or erosion on the surface of the heels, then it is not advisable to use anti-inflammatory drugs.

To prevent the occurrence of a pathological process, medical experts recommend a special ointment for prevention. This medication eliminates leg fatigue, as well as swelling, and consolidates the pharmacological effect well. To do this, it is enough to carry out therapeutic procedures twice a week.

The action of the drug is aimed at relieving the main symptoms of the disease and successfully eliminating bone growth. It should usually be applied before bed.

Heel spur - symptoms and treatment

Conservative treatment

Treatment of heel spurs begins with conservative methods.
The main goal of treatment is pain control. As a rule, good results can be achieved through an integrated approach. The main directions in the conservative treatment of heel spurs are foot unloading, drug therapy, physiotherapy, physical therapy and additional methods (taping, massage, night orthoses). The method of unloading the foot is to use orthopedic insoles. Custom-made arch-padded insoles have been shown to be more effective in treatment than prefabricated ones [6]. Soft materials are used for manufacturing; insoles also have a recess in the heel area [1]. Insoles prevent overstretching of the plantar fascia, therefore, they are a pathogenetic method of treatment, unlike heel pads, which do not reduce the tension of the fascia. Wearing orthopedic insoles for heel spurs is recommended both in the acute period and after it subsides to constantly support the foot in the correct position [10].

Women with heel spurs should avoid wearing high-heeled shoes (above 3-5 cm). The optimal heel height is 2-3 cm, the sole thickness is at least 5 mm. Properly selected shoes themselves can reduce pain and provide a lasting positive effect.

Drug therapy. Currently, drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the form of ointments, creams, and tablet forms are used to treat heel spurs. It is worth noting that the use of NSAIDs is a symptomatic treatment method that does not provide a lasting analgesic effect and does not affect the course of the disease. Often, to relieve pain, patients independently take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, this is dangerous because some NSAIDs have side effects (ulcers and bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, blood coagulation system).

The most common treatments for heel spurs are injections of corticosteroids , such as Diprospan and triamcinolone. Infiltration of the site of attachment of the plantar fascia to the heel bone with a solution of an anesthetic and corticosteroid provides a rapid analgesic effect by reducing inflammation. However, this method carries a risk of complications. The most dangerous complication is rupture of the plantar fascia; atrophy of adipose tissue in the injection area is also possible [11]. Given the risks associated with the use of corticosteroids, we can conclude that these drugs are not recommended for use as first-line therapy. Subperiosteal injection of hormonal drugs can also cause complications, for example, necrosis of the calcaneus [1].

Physiotherapy. This method includes thermal procedures (ozokerite), laser therapy, electrophoresis with hyaluronidase, ultrasound with hydrocortisone and shock wave therapy. Recently, shock wave therapy has gained wide popularity. This is a non-invasive treatment method that allows you to quickly reduce or completely eliminate pain. Shock waves are acoustic waves with an extremely high energy peak. The most pronounced therapeutic effect occurs at the tissue interface: fascia - muscle, bone - tendon. Under the influence of a shock wave, blood circulation increases, the permeability of cell membranes changes and cellular ion exchange is restored. Thus, the shock wave therapy method provides anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects, and also stimulates regenerative processes, which makes it possible to reduce pain [2]. As a rule, 3 to 5 procedures are required with an interval of 3 days. Patients notice a decrease in pain after the first procedure. We can conclude that shock wave therapy is recommended in the complex treatment of heel spurs.

Therapeutic exercise and massage are aimed at correcting the biomechanics of the body, which directly affects the course of the disease. Physical therapy is used to improve the mobility of the ankle joint, reduce the tension of the plantar fascia and strengthen the muscles responsible for the correct positioning of the foot during movement. Massage as an adjuvant improves metabolic processes in tissues and relieves pain associated with reflex muscle spasms [16].

Taping. A large number of taping methods for heel spurs have been proposed. The advantages of this method are that the analgesic effect is quickly achieved and there are no side effects. As a disadvantage, it can be noted that taping must be performed by a specialist. This method is used as an alternative to orthopedic insoles [17]. However, the effectiveness of this method has not been proven, and the positive results are explained by the placebo effect.

Night orthoses. Used to fix the foot in dorsiflexion while sleeping. This allows you to maintain the plantar fascia in an elongated state, which ensures its fusion without shortening. As a result, during the first steps in the morning, it is possible to avoid repeated microtears of the fascia. However, it should be noted that this method has not been fully studied [8].


In most cases, conservative treatment gives an effect in the first weeks, less often within a month from the start of treatment. Some authors believe that the failure of conservative treatment for more than 12 months is an indication for surgical treatment. The main surgical treatment for heel spurs is proximal plantar fasciotomy .

Before the operation, a detailed medical history is taken and the presence of chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension is determined. The age of the patient must be taken into account in connection with the risks of using anesthesia.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. An incision of about 5 mm is made on the inner side of the heel and endoscopic instruments are inserted through it. An exit hole is formed on the outer side of the heel. Under video surveillance, part of the plantar fascia is incised to eliminate increased tension in this area. The rehabilitation period lasts on average up to two weeks, stitches are removed after 7-10 days. After surgical treatment, patients are recommended to wear individual orthopedic insoles for life.

When is the drug prescribed?

Medical ointment is prescribed for the treatment of a disease, the main symptom of which is heel pain, which manifests itself during exercise. According to the instructions for use, Pyatkospor ointment is prescribed for the following ailments:

  1. Flat feet.
  2. Cracks on the foot.
  3. Tension of the ligaments.
  4. Numbness.

The drug can restore ease of walking and health to your legs.

Doctors in their reviews of Pyatkospor ointment additionally recommend performing a number of exercises that will help effectively eliminate the disease.


Despite the fact that the ointment itself is safe, it is still necessary to use it with extreme caution, like other drugs, having thoroughly studied the instructions for use. Do not apply Pyatkospor medicine if you have the following conditions and ailments:

  1. Lymphadenitis.
  2. Bleeding wounds.
  3. During the “interesting situation” of a woman.
  4. Lactation.

If various skin diseases are present, you should refrain from therapy with this remedy.

Substitute drugs

Analogs of Pyatkospor ointment are medications that have similar pharmacological effects, for example:

  1. "Venen gel Doctor Theiss."
  2. "Golden Star".
  3. "Golden Dragon".
  4. "Malavit."
  5. "Vitaon Lux".
  6. "Sabelnik".
  7. "Zazhivin."
  8. "Doctor Biocon."

Successful treatment directly depends on following all recommendations for the use of the medication and its constant use.

According to reviews, the effectiveness of Pyatkospor ointment and analogues has been confirmed by doctors and patients. They are designed specifically to eliminate certain discomfort and get rid of the “nail” on the foot.

There are other drugs that have similar pharmacological effects. Before purchasing any drug, it is better to first consult with a medical specialist and not risk your health.

What ointment should I use to treat heel spurs during the recovery period?

After 1-2 weeks of active treatment of heel spurs, the bone growth is significantly reduced, and pain appears, as a rule, only in the morning. It is not advisable to use potent ointments during this period, so doctors recommend paying attention to homeopathic external remedies containing a minimum of pharmaceutical components.

Such preparations occupy an intermediate place between medicinal pharmaceutical ointments and foot care creams. They can be used for 1-2 months until the symptoms of fasciitis completely disappear. What ointments help with heel spurs during the recovery period?

The following products show the best results:


Heel spur cream with anti-inflammatory effect. The use of Dolobene during the recovery period promotes tissue regeneration. You need to apply the cream 1-2 times a day. The disadvantage of this product is the presence of alcohol in the composition, which can negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Eye of the Tiger

The product relieves inflammation well, restores damaged tissue and normalizes the water-fat balance of the epidermis. The cream contains extracts of juniper and lemon, which have a deodorizing and antibacterial effect. The only disadvantage of this cream is the rather high price and high consumption - one tube lasts for 7-10 days.

Golden mustache

Cream based on herbal ingredients. It has a weak absorbent effect, but perfectly disinfects and warms the feet. Suitable for long-term use, but in some cases causes allergic reactions.

Turpentine ointments

They warm well and reduce bone spurs. Ointments containing turpentine have a strong local irritant effect, so they have many contraindications. You can use turpentine ointments 1-2 times a week until the thorn is completely eliminated. It is necessary to apply the product with gloves, observing safety precautions.

Pyatkashpor Regular

The cream contains natural hypoallergenic components: Emu oil, propolis, caffeine. Natural urea and apple cider vinegar promote the resorption of heel growths. The destruction of the spur occurs gradually.

Pyatkashpor Ordinary also eliminates excessive dry skin, reduces inflammation and helps cope with tired legs. Constant use of the cream in combination with physiotherapy and heel unloading helps get rid of fasciitis without causing side effects.

When choosing how to treat a heel spur, Pyatkaspor ointments, which are worth paying attention to, have the following advantages:

  • time-proven effectiveness - bone growth is removed in 1-2 months;
  • improve metabolic processes in tissues;
  • eliminate calluses, cracks, prevent the development of infection;
  • have a natural composition, do not contain fragrances or aggressive pharmaceuticals;
  • recommended by orthopedic doctors;
  • are economically spent;
  • Can be used as a daily night foot cream.

After getting rid of the growth, it is recommended to use a prophylactic cream against heel spurs to prevent its reappearance. Such creams include nutrients based on petroleum jelly, alanine, and glycerin.

The best cream for preventing the recurrence of spurs is Pyatkaspor Prophylactic, which perfectly consolidates the therapeutic effect and eliminates the risk of the recurrence of a thorn on the heel.

Reviews of Pyatkospor ointment

Based on the description of the drug by patients, one can come to the conclusion that the medicine is inexpensive, and it also effectively fights heel spurs and other problems that appear on the skin of the feet. The drug contains a complex of natural components, thanks to which it eliminates heel spurs and cares for the epidermis of the feet.

Regular stress on the legs, as well as adverse environmental influences, injuries to the lower extremities and surgical interventions, depression, and hereditary factors can provoke pain in the legs.

Growths on the feet, called heel spurs, cause a person significant physical or psychological discomfort. A specialized drug can restore stamina and lightness in the legs.

Reviews of Pyatkospor ointment indicate that such therapy produces excellent results. You just need to tune in to the treatment and strive not to interrupt the procedure.

Effective ointment for heel spurs in the acute stage

When fasciitis worsens, the heel becomes inflamed and the thorn causes severe pain. The ointment against heel spurs used during this period should have an analgesic effect and at the same time soften the bone growth.


The composition includes dimexide, nipagin and painkillers. This product has an anti-inflammatory effect and effectively eliminates swelling and pain. The course of treatment is 1 month, during which Indomethacin is applied three times a day.

The advantages of this remedy include low price and absence of side effects. Among the disadvantages, patients note the lack of a resolving effect - the drug does not reduce the bone spine.


A very strong ointment with a quick pain-relieving effect. Doctors recommend using Diclofenac only in extreme cases when other means do not help relieve pain.

Duration of use - no more than 7 days. No more than 5-8 grams can be applied at a time. drug.

Hydrocortisone or Prednisone

Hormonal agents used to reduce inflammation and growth. These topical medications are used as an alternative to blocking the inflamed fascia.

Ointments have many contraindications and side effects. It is not recommended to use them for more than 5-7 days in a row. The best analgesic effect is achieved in combination with phonophoresis.

Vishnevsky ointment

A well-known, inexpensive and accessible remedy. The drug relieves inflammation well, which leads to a reduction in pain. The disadvantages of the ointment are: minimal analgesic effect, sharp specific odor, lack of effect on the spur.

This remedy is especially suitable for abscesses near the spine.

Pyatkashpor Reinforced

This is by far the best ointment for heel spurs. It has an excellent absorbable effect due to the presence of natural medical bile in its composition. Unlike many other medicinal ointments, Strengthened Pyatkashpor can be used for a long time until the spur is completely eliminated.

The cream actively moisturizes, is quickly absorbed, reducing inflammation, swelling and pain. This ointment is part of the Pyatkashpor line of creams, which were created specifically to combat fasciitis and its manifestation - bone growth.

Also, during an exacerbation of the disease, it is very important to properly unload the foot, reducing pressure and shock loads on the inflamed fascia.

By carefully studying the comparison of the top 10 best insoles for spurs, you can choose the best option and use insoles during the treatment process, as well as as a preventive measure for plantar fasciitis.

For those who prefer to wear shock-absorbing products under their heels, we have prepared a review of the 5 best heel pads for spurs, which will help you make the right choice taking into account the anatomical features of the foot.

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